I Landed The Worlds Highest Bottle Flip

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this is me and this is my attempt at trying to land the highest bottle flip ever but why the plastic water bottle there's pretty much one use for this thing to drink water that was until 2016. [Music] I've just never been able to land one myself and I hate being bad at things but that's what I had an idea what if I could land the most impressive bottle flip ever landed from space but how am I gonna do that it's not like I can just enlist the help of some Engineers space and weather experts to spend weeks and weeks just developing a prototype in order to successfully land a bottle from space and what that company exists does it so what are you going to tell me next it's called sent into space or something you guys will probably do it come on it turns out these guys are the real deal need help with the likes of Logan Paul Jack sucks at life Pollyanna what do they think the chances were of me pulling off such a feat about 1 in 1.6 million we think if you just took it and randomly flipped it yeah once your schedule's looking you're about 10 times more likely to be struck by lightning I've never been struck by lightning so this was clearly going to be pretty impossible but luckily the center space team had a plan I think what we need to do is over engineer this bottle we need to kind of do whatever we can to give it the best chance and bring that one in 1.6 million all the way down to as certain as we possibly can be that that's going to stick the landing well technically still being a bottle whilst technically still being a bottle so we were going to have to redesign the water bottle like if we make a super super heavy bottle and just drop it so that it'll thunk into the ground we could get this down to like a dead certainty at what point does that become a missile technically a lot of the way towards a missile yeah so the question is not like how do we make it a dead certainty it's how close to a certainty can we get before we've made something that is a war crime not exactly what I was expecting but it's probably a good thing that there's a law making sure people don't drop missile-shaped things from the sky anyway seeing that Center space had a plan to avoid a war crime type scenario once the balloon bursts in the initial moment we're going to be tumbling about 150 maybe even 200 miles an hour and then it gets close to the ground the parachute will slow it and then we can detach the bottle yeah as we know that it's traveling over and we've got a line of sight over the safe control area okay I know what you're thinking Zach you can't use a parachute it's cheating well let me introduce you to a little science lesson we're going to be detaching the water bottle from its parachute at around 400 feet which is the height tall enough for the bottom reach terminal velocity now terminal velocity is the maximum falling speed that something can reach based on its weight and the air resistance so if we drop the bottle from space without a parachute it would only go as fast as it could from dropping it from 400 feet anyway so this way we can keep it a lot safer for everyone involved make sure we catch it on camera when it comes down to hit the field and we don't go to prison for creating a missile The Next Step was to figure out how on Earth we were going to land this thing upright this set down here is various attempts at making something that will self-write a bottle the idea is if we have a nice rounded shape yeah and we bring the center of gravity as low as possible yeah and you can create something that basically tries to stand back on its end like that okay nice it just doesn't stand up does it I wasn't feeling particularly confident after seeing this floppy attempt at a self-writing bottom but thankfully they had more designs so I got tests in them right normal trash terrible bottle [Music] it's a good throw as well that and now their bottle three two one foreign further testing required I really want this to work and then I'll feel comfortable [Music] yeah that confidence level was falling quickly if the design can withstand the drop from about 10 feet I think it was safe to say it would probably struggle to survive a fall from I don't know [Music] the only thing that could restore my faith is if the team presented some fully automated spinning system that would withstand the cold temperatures for space and drop the bottle the perfect time okay they did that beautiful beautiful fair play so the way this will work is pretty genius I'll release the bottle from the ground begin in the flip the bottle will then travel up to space using a weather balloon for Lift continually flipping as it goes once it reaches space the balloon bursts and it comes back down to Earth's spinning we will then manually release the bottle above a safe area for the ball to reach terminal velocity again and hopefully when it hits the ground it will land upright [Music] yeah how could it go wrong even with all the fancy technology to help give us the best chances the odds were firmly stacked against us so we left it there they kept on refining their designs to bring the chance of Landing up and I headed home to practice my flipping technique ahead of the big day until finally a whole month later it was time this was the day I was about to make history in the most pointless way possible the weather was perfect and we were taken off from an Airfield in North England we are foreigners out from the Airfield apparently there's no wind the lack of wind was perfect it meant the bottle would land close enough for us to reach the landing Zone in time and after a quick greeting with the center space team it was time to see the spacecraft responsible for taking my bottle to the stratosphere [Music] this thing looked the real deal but there was one important question on my mind are we gonna have water in the bowl no water in the waterfall guys come on right if I didn't have water in this bottle would it really be a bottle flip one of the important things for the mission was that the bottle still acted as a bottle so for me this is crucial essentially safety is Paramount forward so the thing that I can't do is make sure there's any risk that that's good for that yeah but yeah it's not necessary because the water's not safe right but it's to make sure that the bowl doesn't fall out yeah yeah effectively what they are worried about was the water escaping through the holes and getting on the electronics but that was a risk I was willing to take so I put a single pipette drop of water in there sure yeah yes so but the terms agreed it was time to fill the bottles sparkling yeah something something engineering pressure I don't know no he'll come up with a better excuse that goes against everything I stand for the sparkling water freeze all right water's in the bottle and with the final essential ingredient the craft was ready so the balloon is super delicate even the oils on human skin so you can break down the latex causes an early termination with a seemingly unlimited list of things that could go wrong with this Mission it was clear the odds were against us but it was too late to back out now months of engineering prowess had gone into building the world's best bottle flipping machine and what started as a dream to revive a dead meme in 2016 was now an all-out attempt to make history you just crack on me don't worry so as the team did most of the technical work and I ate my banana the words of Marilyn Monroe rang in my ears well-behaved women rarely make history and if I was gonna make history then I needed to flip a bottle like it had never been flipped before all this talk about bottles that got me thirsty for the refreshing Taste of air up the sponsoring today's video though my robot dog video I left a subtle Easter egg about this video [Music] so I thought for this one I'm done with being subtle and I'm leaving you a very obvious lovely clue right in front of your face about the next video seriously I'll send the first person to guess my next video correctly my new one million subscriber coin anyway more about air up Eric's my favorite water bottle why because they're ups are little Wizards yeah the wizard head up I'm a what because it makes regular old water taste like flavored water Alakazam more like alaka damn that tastes good drinking our apples it helps me to stay healthy because I'm not tempted to drink other sugary drinks and I easily get my two liters of water down every single day like a good water drinking man hydration really is no joke so do what I do a smart good looking hydrated man and head to my link in the description and grab yourself an air up and a range of flavors so here goes my little record attempt the next part is going to be the tricky part I have to release this bottle and actually flip it out together oh well oh it's a beautiful thing look at that part one of the world record bottle flip have been executed perfectly and my bottle was hurtling up to space all right that look really cool well done mate thank you thank you I can't believe how fast it was going the bloom was carrying it so quickly that it was already at Cloud level it's really a thing of beauty seeing it go up the perfect execution of the flip and it was what do you want we've got to go yeah forgot about that I needed to bridge The Landing site before the bottle did because if I didn't catch the landing on camera there was no proof so it was a Race Against Time Us in the car and the bottle on its way to space ah okay it wasn't much of a race turns out because of the lack of wind the bottle was predicted to land only a couple of kilometers away from where we launched because of the way we've gained the flight path should be doubling back on itself in that round so we don't have to travel quite as far so as the bottle crosses past the height of Everest we had time to kill and that's just crossing over about ten thousand meters so that's cruising altitude of plane already already the bottle was floating into the stratosphere traveling up at over 60 miles an hour and the reason I know this is because all the fancy sensors on board the crafts were sending live updates straight to this guy's phone so all I had to do was eat my lunch while the bloom was hard at work dragging my bottle closer and closer to space until finally after many mouthfuls of the finest Cuisine Greggs has to offer the bottle would reached Max altitude of 35 000 meters meaning we're officially flipping a bottle in space [Applause] look at that all the hard work from the team meant that I've been able to take a stupid meme from 2016 all the way to actual space however the Balkan enjoyed his view for long because what goes up must come down this was our key to leave the ball was now plummeted Down to Earth At nearly 300 miles an hour and if we weren't at the Landing Zone in time then we wouldn't be able to safely release it get out of the way wet and joinery now the bottle was over halfway down and predicted to land directly in the middle of a farmer's field [Music] and now for the hard part will it land we're definitely on this field here [Music] I can see it the crater oh my God unreal gentlemen from space so can you flip a bottle for space and land it yes can I flip a bottle on Earth no something's never changed
Channel: Zac Alsop
Views: 476,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zac and Jay, the Zac and Jay show, Zac Alsop, Zack and jay, bottle flip from space, I flipped a bottle from space, bottle flip challenge, crazy bottle flip
Id: TWDBcs-F-00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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