I asked DIGITAL NOMADS how much they SPEND in Thailand 🇹🇭

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how much do you spend per month here roughly around $1,000 I think per month and uh the rent how much about 350 or 400 oh yeah so considerable chunk and the rest is just like food and whatever good times no food H gym membership motorcycle uh rent co-working I me yeah just drinks and and stuff like that okay so what's your cost of living here in Bangkok I'd say on low ends $1,500 $1,500 on the high ends maybe 2,500 and how much is the rent 20,000 bot which is around $580 it's for a one bedroom it's about 60 square m which is which is bigger than the average uh one bedroom here I think the first biggest expense is actually food second one is probably going out socializing like that's probably the biggest expense so again like what was your cost of living in New York minimum like 6,000 7,000 and that's like for uh you know like a very average like not going out not going in nice places decent food not even like nice food stuff just normal very normal but here in Thailand I feel like you would only need maybe about $2,000 to live a very like upper kind of Lifestyle that's kind of like the arbitration hack for me it's like why do I have to work so hard to try to make so much money when I could just simply move overseas make a decent amount of money and access like a very luxurious kind of Lifestyle a month in the US I'd probably spend you know $6,000 just on living for like the car insurance uh rent um that doesn't even include food you know what I mean and over here I spend like maybe I don't know maybe a thousand a month just on living like less than that actually and I like nice like hotels and stuff um and kind of luxurious living yeah yeah yeah that's what I like and I think I paid like $600 for a month at my place right now and it's got a gym it's got a pool gorgeous Mountain View and you know great location I walk everywhere pretty much you lived in a small town right how much was the rent there it was 2,500 bot so I think it was around $70 but I didn't have to pay for it oh my school paid for it that but I paid for utilities so my for some reason my like AC is outrageously expensive like how much did you pay like for electricity per month if I want to turn it on every single night I have to pay 2,000 so the same price as my rent but I used to just keep it on for like an hour a day and that was it then water is 100 flat no matter what but yeah rent $70 which is insane restaurants the meals are around 30 to 40 bot which is 1 US how much do you spend for a living in chanai good question uh I like to be extreme Frugal although I'm financially very stable I would say um I spend about $2 to $300 on rent and I bought my motorcycle here so I don't have I don't have to pay for that and for food I still cook in Thailand I know that sounds a little bit stupid but if you go to the gym and you start you know caring about your diet you're going to spend a lot of money on food right let's say you eat out per meal if you work out you have to order two to three dishes that's already like what $77 $10 so for me it doesn't really make sense so I cook here chicken breast oh just like meat in general is very cheap here how much you spend on groceries like a month generally $1 to $200 that includes like uh protein powder like all those supplements so per month you spend less than $1,000 probably definitely less than less than I would say even less than $700 wow and that's even 700 I'm being generous how much you spend per month in chanai depends on the month about, ,500 and how much from it goes to rent the rent is about 550 oh wow most of your expenses are like food the food yeah yeah food going out how much do you spend per month in Bangkok does that include rent or just yeah how much is the rent in bankot for you in my apartment it's $18 ,000 bath and then you pay for light bills and all of that which could be about 1,000 bath or 1,200 bath a month then for other things I really haven't kept track of I know it's a bad thing but I haven't really kept track of how much I spend apart from rent maybe 5,000 bat or 8,000 bat a month or 20 or 50 yeah depending on how on how I feel making Hong Kong money to live here is it's Heaven well let's just say I spend about a third here daily compared to Hong Kong for Taiwanese it's very similar a little cheaper but not that much because Taiwan is also very cheap so how much you pay here for rent I pay 15,000 for a twf floor house with two rooms two bathrooms one kitchen well it came with beds and white goods already so all we needed to do was to get a new sofa and TV so it was pretty nice 15 you said 15 yeah yeah 15 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this like a very good deal right it's a pretty good deal because in Hong Kong you would pay 10 times yeah you would definitely pay 10 times at least 10 times for uh maybe just an apartment not even a house yeah a small apartment in Hong Kong how much do you spend here in chanai O I made a video about this actually the cost of living in changai I think I spend roughly around $700 a month US dollars a month so was the breakdown of the 700 I don't remember the details you guys can check out my YouTube channel for that but I feel like for 700 bucks paid for like accommodation um you can get a really good accommodation here within like 300 300 bucks sorry and then we rent a bike so that that's included food and I work at a cafe a lot so and also for girls I think it's important to like get your nails lashes done that's in the budget as well so so those are included how much does it cost what for nails it's really cheap here in Thailand in changai it costs probably only around 30 bucks to 50 bucks Max per month yeah so really cheap what's your living expenses uh in Bangkok I spent about uh 5,000 B for one week for food and trip around Bangkok and around Thailand 20,000 B per month sometimes more sometimes more okay so what's the biggest expenses like food yeah food is the biggest expenses I think because I don't spend money for taxi uh I have my friend who drive for me and I don't know just food so how much you spend per month living here Ren is like 1,100 food I don't really track it to be honest but I'm assuming it's like 400 I think $500 overall like if you add activities typically I've been spending 2K a month even when I lived in the US I was extremely Frugal so it was 2K when I started digital nomading it never increased but the quality of life you know increased a lot even if you're spending the same amount it's cheaper here so do you like mostly eat out here or cook at home or yeah I go to gym so like I have this one place that where I can order chicken breast rice and you know those kind of meals um sometimes cook at home buy from macro but it's a mix how much do you P for end in chanai uh 8.5k that's excluding uh utilities right yes yeah yeah and it's like for what for a room for apartment yeah so just it's a room it's like a I say like a spacious Studio how do you find the prices here like compared to UK really really cheap in the UK I mean like for flat share um in London if you're not living like on the outskirts I mean like you'd be looking about around ,000 so USD that's like I don't know 1.2 1.3 USD so I mean like yeah the price is here like not not even comparable to London so that's definitely one of the reasons why I chose changai I'm not sure what it's like in other areas of Thailand I assume Bangkok is more expensive and the islands um so yeah changai is definitely good for that I'm really afraid like after watching this videos like people will just move here like everyone you know yeah probably I should not post it so
Channel: Roman Kondratiev
Views: 2,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interview, digital nomad, digital nomads, cost of living thailand, thailand cost of living 2024, thailand living expenses, thailand 2024, thailand, how much spend in thailand, thailand cheap, chiang mai, bangkok, living expenses chiang mai, bangkok living expenses, living expenses asia, digital nomad life, digital nomad living expenses, thailand digital nomad, digital nomad in thailand, interview digital nomads, i asked digital nomads, roman kondratiev, kondratiev interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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