I am now afraid to go to the toilet at night - Phasmophobia

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oh my god your flag is just blank wait what that's canada a game developer drawing shade now i feel like a french guy when they do the the french flag meme you know a white flag guys guys be careful right over here guys be careful there's a wet floor over here oh no what the [ __ ] is happening guys yeah i did say earlier yeah i hear it right here i think it's from my pants i'm sorry guys i am all right with with four people it's it's like a fraction of the scariness oh i see it oh my god oh my god i see hands [Music] i'm dead i'm dead and then it died i was like okay we're dealing with a rape i just watched it murder his ass [Music] this is took a picture of my dead body you're kidding me oh i'm just going to watch them die now he's right here oh there he is coming for me oh oh it got me it killed you it killed you it killed you no oh damn i made a bunch of money by dying that's great and you guys took pictures of my dead body like i was a [ __ ] beach dolphin or something i shouldn't do you watch anime do you watch anime do you want to be my friend no ghost is going to admit it's right here like okay no it's too high hold on let me put it over oh it's a short ghost it might be a [ __ ] ghost oh okay got it [Music] oh my god what's right there i'm dying uh oh no minky mickey just killed me money no no [Music] [ __ ] eagle because he had the teddy bear straight towards me give us a sign what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] he said next guys guys he spoke christopher thompson shut the [ __ ] don't what does that even mean say bloody mary george zimmer oh that's the key no i'm good ghost and then put one like here in this doorway oh and then you pick up another book and put it like oh right here we scared the ghost oh god oh oh oh oh oh oh just keep chucking it keep choking it keep choking it keep choking it keep triggering it i don't know i'm gonna die i'm dead i'm dead your method doesn't work uh margaret thomas people who are alone what do you mean this is not a bts concert let your frame rate be high and your temperature is below amen there yeah that's why we should probably get attention oh i see it i see that i see it i see it take a picture come over here come over here no don't come over here over here show yourself [Music] he was right in front of me let's go leave him alone you got me number one i have to take it uh guys you have a minor issue oh yeah maybe more than minor issue whoever is left could you just run out we're kind of running out of people here oh damn i made 165 dollars i made 32 and lost 150 dollars worth of equipment well actually some of those wins some of us lose what a wonderful it's not haunted let's go have you ever played this map of a demon in it where are you going it's not haunted it's fine it's it's fine it's good guys where are you going i'm gonna eat my sandwich come on let's leave i wouldn't need that toilet [Laughter] please are you here okay so the issue is it'll probably only respond to someone who's alone so do you want to sit in here by yourself no no nope you're good you're a brave volunteer minky i got the last picture saying to your parents goodbye have fun come back please no leaving leaving yeah it's living room dude that's not creepy at all that's completely fine are you angry i think that's a yes yes on the angry objectives we need bro thank you for that uh what's the timer on the hunt uh you have like two minutes you're good i cleaned what was that which is b oh it's a car oh wow this is what technology is for club i will clap hard but i'll break my controllers so this is the best i can do it doesn't answer to the ouija board oh [ __ ] off or not again i see it i don't know what to do with it oh my god is that it oh my god what the [ __ ] is that is it naked oh oh jesus christ oh my god who the just died oh my god is he minky again miki always dies first i don't know why he just got murdered i'm doing it move the crucifix that's on the ground here into the doctor oh my god oh my god did he leave did he leave it's upstairs let's go upstairs shut it's good it's attracted to your noise be quiet dude so i can just talk and it'll just come straight to you now now because i'm hiding inside this door i'm outside just kill me i just want to die i just want to die excuse me please put your medals in here what the hell this is security hazards very good to help people come on push me what the [ __ ] dude [Laughter] uh who is that who's that falling that's valiant that's valiant [ __ ] scream okay let's go i don't have the emf with me it's here i brought it with me oh my god oh my that's you guys jesus christ [ __ ] i forgot they could do that i forgot they could do that oh my god oh okay cool just give me a second get out of the way i'm trying to see the [ __ ] screen oh come on over the fence my expectations were low but holy [ __ ] someone take my uh thingy so i can grab the soap there we go i've got the soap oh no i dropped the soap no way i didn't drop the soap all right let's go i'll give like police pursuit chase radio nice it's going straight ahead into the uh the canteen oh yeah that's where we are speed zero five miles an hour traffic is light safe to continue well we can't leave without going past the room anyway our only loss was falling anyway so it's fine wow i'm still here you know in spirit from his pouch here oh oh yeah it's right there it didn't work i'm dead what is it too right there oh it's following nano don't worry it's not following i'm doing nano i'm dead chasing it right to the front door i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh they're sticking my head off put his head up he was so panicked [Music] uh [Music] oh
Channel: Nano
Views: 327,846
Rating: 4.977881 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Compilation
Id: m2bM7pA7JRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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