I am building my own high school in The Sims 4!

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welcome back to another sims 4 video today we're going to be building our very own high school thank you so much to the ea creator network for making this early access video possible so i've been playing quite a bit of the sims for high school years and i've had quite a bit of experience actually playing in the high school lot which is this lot here if you're unaware it's a 64 by 64 lot we have all the space up the front hanging if i go down and show the grid you can see yeah this whole section inside this pathway is the lot this is a high school it's pretty cool it's it's honestly pretty dang cool the thing that i want to do well number one is build my own high school because that's pretty cool um but number two things i've learned from actually playing in this one it's just too big which i know seems a little silly to say like it's not that big and if we made it look any smaller it would probably look too small but what we're gonna have to do is design the interior or at least the playable space in the interior to be much smaller because the problem is when you're playing high school during the day you know you have one hour of class and you have like an hour or two of uh break um and the sims they take a long time to walk places especially if they're not feeling good like if they're tired or need a shower or need to go to the toilet uh everything takes a long time to walk between and walk around and especially my sim for some reason likes to go to the cafeteria and then they walk to sit in a principal's office and then they walk back and it's just it takes too long so what we're going to do in thinking about redesigning this is first of all what do we actually need you know the you know the hard and fast needs are just here so we know exactly what we need but realistically in game play we have to have two classrooms classroom one and classroom two uh i will probably end up putting these closer together i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna build like more classrooms that you can see but we won't necessarily like use that for gameplay uh we also need the cafeteria which this is just far too big i'm sorry it's just it's cavernous uh it's too big so we'll have a cafeteria we also need an area for the principal um and that's i mean obviously bathroom stuff and that's kind of like the requirements like and of course like lockers and stuff but those just go in the hallways so i think we can make something that looks cool that's playably in a smaller space but i think we'll make it still bigger like and just have like decorative parts of the school i think is a way to do it so first up goodbye copperdale high oh that's interesting looking at the terrain that's underneath goodbye terrain all right so what i did is i definitely want to go for an art deco inspired school like what we had there so i did some research i found one called wilson school that's located in montana in the us and it looks awesome big curves big like parapet on the roof you know i think it's gonna look great so i'm gonna use that as my inspiration i don't think i can show the images because they're probably copyright protected so i'll build the school and you'll see what it looks like oh the other thing that happens as well is there's festivals back here um and when you travel to like go to the festival your sim will spawn here and i think all the way around so there's nothing i can really do about that but there's just something to note okay first up i want to have the school on a little bit of a hill um so what i'm going to do i want to have a couple sets of stairs so what i'm going to do we're going to go one two three four and one two three four all right so i'm gonna use so basically that should be eight steps let's just double check yep eight steps perfect then i'm gonna use that as my guide so i'm gonna just click up here with the terrain tool and then we'll get that exact height so that's the height i essentially want the school to be at and then obviously i'm going to blend it so it's like a really smooth hill that's the idea cool that's pretty much what i want it to be like it's there but you know it's nice just big smooth hill so what that's going to allow us to do is plan the school out so we're going to have big curves all right i also need to find the center of the lot that's another thing i have to do all right so this is my center i think i want to push it further back than that i don't think i want the front of the school right there maybe even all the way back there kind of like say the original school that was here was pretty far pretty far set back so i kind of want to do a similar thing so we're going to use the space back here probably almost a similar layout you know u shape sort of layout as well i'm thinking maybe not i don't know we'll see how we go this is all kind of just we're going to experiment all right well we're going to use a nice big door like this just trying to design the entrance first to see how this works obviously it's not going to look like the school i'm basing on exactly especially in scale scale wise it's going to be scaled down like i said now i'm wondering if because i want to do big curves is that going to be too big probably for the scale i'm going for i think that is actually too big so i think i'm going to go for the smaller one or the medium-sized one i should say move it into there yeah yeah i think that's better awesome that's what i'm talking about all right let's let's do like the pathways it's like i want to get everything sort of laid out before we start getting stuck into details all right so then i'm going to get some stairs out the front of the school which it's not going to let me do so what i'm gonna have to do is we'll use the flooring as a trick again so i'm gonna go one two three four lower that section down this is where the stairs will go to so we'll use this as our main footpath i want this to be fairly long maybe even all the way to here and then we're gonna go down to ground level which is here and then we'll we'll smooth out the hill so it's not as as obviously cut in like that we'll make it blend in actually i think i want this to be wider okay that's what i'm working with so far so i've got this sort of little concrete wall here kind of similar-ish to the actual one i'm basing it off of that's why that's there and that one's not yeah just smooth out the sides a little bit so look looks you know like the stairs are more following the hill looking good all right so i've got to be careful not to make this place too big so i think maybe this wide is all i'm gonna go i might even bring this central section in one last so it's like it's really not big and then it's gonna it will keep going out so i'm gonna bring it out but i think this section will extend back actually you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab this one rotate it like this so it just sort of steps back a little bit which i quite like i'm gonna add a couple of details on the sides here yeah that's cool all right i'm liking the look of the shape now the one thing i got to be careful of is when i'm building the playable space where you're actually going to experience the high school day it needs to be close together because that's my one big problem um and at the moment i don't think that's possible i think it needs to extend it needs to be deeper i think i made it too shallow because i think what i'll do is i'll maybe have most of the playable space on like one half of the school and then we'll have like decorative areas over here you can maybe go to but we won't really make that the focus so let's make this school thicker you know what i could do is if we ah be really cool to have like classroom that's in this curved wall section but i don't know if there's gonna be enough room all right let me let me do it like i'm gonna plan like a layout obviously i'm gonna build another another level but we're not going to use that for gameplay because even going across multiple levels that adds way too much time to moving around um and also just when you're playing it's kind of easier just to be all on one level at least i find that personally so we're going to try to keep everything on this one level um but we'll do like decorative building up up top so we'll get to that okay so this is what i'm working with right now i just put all the requirements in because i have to do that to be able to save so if you see random stuff that's why um so mostly focusing on this side of the school i haven't really done stuff over there so if this is our classroom i think this works you know we've got the nine uh desks in there much like the original um i'm not sure what the windows are gonna go yet so i might need to reconfigure the layout of the room with the whiteboard but i think that works i don't think it feels too cramped i was a little worried about the entrance feeling too small but i think by doing the classic second set of doors that for some reason all like american tv shows and movies have in high schools i mean i get maybe that's the thing i don't know but yeah so we go front door second set of doors because i i don't know just creates a nice little buffer area and then into the main hallway and then i actually have a couple doors that are going to lead out to the back where we'll have you know an outdoor area and then round here we've got the main locker stretched straight down here which i think looks really good you get that view that we all know and love of a bunch of lockers straight down the hallway uh and then that'll be the same on the side the only thing i'm worried about is i don't know if that's too much like because because they're tall objects they kind of get in your way like i don't know if that's gonna be annoying but i think it's almost worth it for that view the other thing is you can just play if you just play the game from this angle then you don't see it but then you don't see the curved wall because when you have cutaway walls on like i do now where you know where the walls disappear when you're looking through that doesn't work on the curved wall so it kind of just stays up so you can't really it's kind of annoying to play that way then going this if you play from this direction which is kind of what i would like to do these lockers kind of get in the way so i'm wondering maybe we just if we just peel it back like a little bit maybe maybe even to there that i think that helps and then you still get that look yeah you know what that's better and then we'll just put like i don't know a bench or something there we'll figure it out yeah i think you know what surprisingly i think that helped a lot just moving it back a little bit because then you can play from this angle they don't get in your way like these ones aren't there that's quite nice okay that's good this room i'm not 100 sure what it would be could just be a decorative room we might make it something else i'm not sure but over here let's get some lights we're working on this area now just going to use these uh ceiling lights because they're kind of easy so in the original high school there was you know the principal's office which we do have to have a principal's area and i felt like this could be like the reception in a way you know like so i i won't do like a fully fledged thing i'd say like a couple a couple of bench seating things here like almost like a little lobby waiting to go into the uh the principal's office and then this was going to be the staff lounge or the faculty lounge right there and then over this side is the cafeteria i'm going to make it bigger because i actually don't think you know i said it was too big the original but i think this one might be too small uh we'll see we'll see it actually might be fine you know it might be fine looking at it again but that's the plan so let's go ahead and detail some stuff up a little bit oh and there's a whole bunch of other stuff i haven't done like um i really like the gym and the computer lab and all that kind of stuff so maybe one of those things will go in here those aren't actually required for the high school but they're super useful i feel like every school or at least that i went to had always this like weird bluey gray carpet so i think i want to do that i'm going to change these desks to be like the most scuffed oh yeah this scuffed like yeah yeah yeah yeah that's better does this have any different oh it's like a bluey one the black one maybe just a little bit different you know all right let's get the windows in too because i need to figure out how that's all gonna work okay i think that's how i'll do it so we have the two in the middle there one on the front like that i think that'll work and when we detail the outside it'll it'll look good i promise i promise it'll look great but from the inside because now it's important is how we lay this out i don't really want the uh whiteboard to block any of the interesting you know architecture going on here and when you're in class the teacher yeah stands at the whiteboard to teach the class so i also need to make sure it's not in this like i can't put it like here well like i mean it can do that but it's a bit silly so i'm just trying to move objects off to make sure i can actually place this where i'm placing it oh yeah it seems fine oh these could be really cool not that one specifically but like these along the wall how do i dang it i want it to like attach to the wall but not the other piece oh okay this might not work because these all snap to each other i can't really get it to snap to the like i want it to just curve around the wall let me do some books there or something i don't know let's go with that for now i don't want to get too heavily detailed just yet so over here i'm going to use this beautiful uh carpeting i think probably in all these classrooms i'll use that blue carpeting um for the principles area i mean i guess it should just be the stain right like nothing fancy just the kind of same sort of flooring let's get the windows on the outside too what if these windows will work at all with all this i mean that's a similar style so it could actually work i'm going to make this one wider i know i've got a big thing about not making this place too big but my window doesn't fit and it's annoying me yeah because now that like fits perfectly in that space like that uh do i use those windows or do we maybe not should we try to use these ones i mean i like them i just because i i would i would use these in here but they don't curve around the wheel the wall nicely like the other ones and if these stack they're actually quite a bit higher so then i have to move these up oh apparently i can't and now i can which actually that's not a bad thing because then it's sort of higher up above the uh the whiteboard which actually yeah that's not bad i don't mind that but from the front what do we reckon should it maybe we should have the double stack is that too much window now that's a lot of window um maybe okay what if we just reduce the number of windows i would also slide this further along but you can't when when it transitions from the curve to a straight wall you can't overlap both at the same time annoyingly so it has to sit there you know i'm going back to that and i'm gonna have these stacked let's try it can always change i mean i do really like the look of these windows like that i think it looks sweet that's a pretty good principal's office all right so actually for the principal's office as well i definitely think we got to do like the classic internal window that every high school also seems to have i'm going to use these larger ones inside because i think that makes sense actually you know what what if we make it a half wall it just means when you put the walls down you still see it do we like that no we don't like that that's tossed that idea is tossed actually the interior maybe should more match what we have here yeah like that that's all right that works yeah i'm happy with that i'm not sure what i'm doing with the walls i think the there's too much stone work on these i mean we could use these in the hallways but i think in here we just need something drab it's a high school you know and it's like just like a white wall like that yeah just this and i know it's like the most boring wallpaper but i mean this is a high school you know it's not supposed to be fun and exciting right all right so the door's there so i'm gonna have the desk face this way that's good principal can have a beautiful desk like that that matches the doorway actually quite nicely yeah that's lovely this is love i mean it's a pretty good office to be fair all right what um oh we got some just blinds like this yeah yeah this is good oh yeah nice and drab you know what i'll actually un-ironically love this space all right principal should we do like how about this no i think maybe we could do like one of these it's like a slightly nicer chair or maybe just that or that no let's get them we're gonna get them that now i think the original one in the high school had a computer for the principal so i'm going to give them a they'll have a computer and then there's a couple chairs i guess for naughty students to visit i think i'll use this chair mix it up from the classroom chairs i don't want to use the same stuff everywhere so i move that back slightly so a little bit more room you know i don't know if i'd like this desk because i didn't realize it was pink on the top that's definitely pink yeah so i might change that you know i think they should use half like do we have filing cabinets cabinet is that another pack i think that might be another expansion pack or something the trophy cabinet would definitely be in here i reckon this would be the place to have it like display and in the school office i just do a couple chairs like this a little waiting area you know nothing uh nothing too fancy but uh you know gets the job done oh nice drab colors now what about this trophy case yeah alrighty now i feel yeah so principal's office there's these lockers which are obviously not like locker lockers they're like fake ones well i like the um cork board actually like a little uh book there's a bookshelf but like almost like just like a magazine rack or something to read while you're waiting you know just pop that there oh actually this little cart i think is actually a really good just decorative piece to have in the classroom now the doors there so maybe we could have like a oh actually you know what let me grab this we got a bit of space at the back of the room i feel like just having these because they tile really nicely together like if you put them next to each other you can see it just like fits perfectly it's just a good thing to have there and then maybe you know yeah we'll have like a little card up the front here and it would be like a little you know it's been pushed in and just sort of popped that you know yeah that's like that's looking like a good classroom all right so i'm using like the uh this is one piece here like a big diploma set then i'm using a mixture of like the regular these are like the ones you get for like passing high school in game i'm gonna use a mix of these with different colored frames just to just to beef it out a little bit so the principle looks like even better you know yeah okay so we've got all that stuff there a couple of chairs i put this little table there as well uh you know i think that's a good little principal's office oh like the high school like floor crest thing which we could actually put here a little big so i might scale it down for our uses just put it there and then we should there should be a color yeah yeah that one matches beautiful i don't even know if i want that there but i'm putting it there for now i love this wallpaper i love how like how nothing it is i think it's perfect okay so we do actually need bathrooms um and close by which as you may note is not really in my plan so maybe i might turn this space into bathrooms because it's in between all the stuff we're gonna be doing or maybe this this might actually be a bit better although it's a bit far away like if you need to go bathroom before class having it there it's gonna be better than over there so you know what i'm gonna use this as the bathroom space instead of a classroom i mean it would make more sense i think practically as a classroom um so you're gonna come in that door and it's pretty big so we could or hang on let's maybe move the door down move it there so it's in that space instead so we're gonna have two distinct bathrooms though they're both gonna be um you know whoever can use it they're not going to be gendered or anything it's all just unisex uh bathrooms and stuff because it just makes it a lot easier like i found in the in the high school in the game it's actually it's actually i find it really annoying because some of the bathrooms in the high school are unisex and then others aren't and i don't know which is which so i actually found it really annoying so these are both going to be unisex so it doesn't matter which one you go in it's all good uh yeah that's the right color i guess there's no reason this needs to have that door i could just what about this door that's not bad that's all right actually that looks all right i don't know if i want those i think those lights are maybe too big you might use these little yeah i guess these windows are maybe a little bit of an issue uh well i guess it's alright it is right at the front of the school they're a little big but i definitely want the windows there is a thing like i definitely because from the outside anyway we do double layer blinds i mean it works it is that looks so stupid though doesn't it okay maybe one of these is a bathroom this is something else actually what what about this let's cut off that so that becomes part of this room okay and then maybe this is the faculty lounge and then the bathroom's here yeah yeah okay that works better and then we can use this as maybe like a computer lab or something like that which was going to go here but we could put it over here okay yes got it these kind of place weirdly maybe they fit better on the other wall hang on oh this one works how come this oh maybe the lockers or something or blocking it from sitting there it works better this way yeah that fits better in the space we can do two there and then sinks here yeah okay that works make him nice and drab because i mean it's a it's a bathroom it doesn't it doesn't need to be fancy i think i'll do counter based uh sinks well get to work would be really good for this because it'll be good um like all the hand soap stuff is really good the hand towels i think we should use the new uh tiled wallpaper because it looks awesome you want to just do this boring one do i i don't know like am i making this too boring i mean it's a high school it's not supposed to be like woo you know so maybe no i'm okay with that let's do that all right so we've got a bathroom there that's great that's like right in the middle it's easy to get to we still have a bunch of lockers here so we still have that aesthetic going on which i'm happy with all right so the faculty lounge gonna be here open the door oh yeah actually this is the perfect spot for a little coffee station some nice blinds we do want blinds in here you know of course perfect some books there we'll get like a table in the middle because i think that's kind of what they had i'm just basing this off you know what was in uh the other one i'm gonna do a smaller table and do like a table here where they could come in like eat lunch i really like the color of those chairs and then i think maybe yeah like a little couch as well or something just uh relax on a bit beautiful i just really like that all right so the cafeteria obviously around the back as well is very rough at the moment so we're gonna we're gonna sort that out i think i'm gonna try and use that size of the cafeteria now at the back i'm gonna just let's get this flooring going so in the original one they just had like a big plaza out the back which i actually quite like i think that's nice not really much to do there's like vending machines and stuff which is good yeah i kind of like the idea of just having a big section out here that would just have stairs going down um and we'll try and make it look cool somehow i'm just gonna do that for now i know it looks crazy this whole thing is just a big sketch at the moment okay uh so the door's in the middle let me go here and i'm gonna have stairs oh hang on oh okay hang on put that there so we can have it nice and flat there we go so the stairs will be here that allows you obviously to walk straight through come out the back probably have some more stairs around the place too but for now let's leave it like that because that gives us the place to build off of if we had could we do cur we should have cut we should have more curves uh i think for sure maybe at the back on the end of these would be kind of cool at least in the interior but also make the cafeteria really cool i want to make it much bigger oh does it make the flooring weird i don't know we can we can work with that okay yeah i don't think this makes it too much bigger so i'm going to use this i do have a weird spot there though i'm not sure how to fix maybe we'll just do let me let me build out the platform first and the wall yeah rounded walls are very cool but they're a little hard to work with see like what what is this you know um you know what let's delete that and let me just get back to let's move this out to how it sort of should be and i think we just have the platform maybe on the in a bit and maybe it could stick out here a bit maybe just like that instead because i mean that that solves all those problems with the weird stuff yeah yeah i'm okay with that and then what i would like to do as well is yes platforms here i'm gonna use these as planters we're gonna put a bunch of like landscaping in these yeah this will be cool oh how big are those there's a really cool like new awning but it's huge oh it's so close to fitting oh i guess i could move objects it would totally fit there um and likewise over here i mean we don't have to use it that'd be kind of cool so i think i might i'm ignoring that for now i'm going to do like the sort of tiered stairs again here at the back because i think that works it looks pretty i think it looks pretty good doing it that way um and then if we just smooth out this as much as possible this will just all be grass i mean we might do some trees around but we're not going to do too much but i think that's looking pretty good all right we need doors for the cafeteria for sure i think i want to do a double door i do like doing the two sets of doors next to each other i don't know it feels like more important you know now this doesn't really fit so what i'm going to do let's do the windows window here and here do we want them to i guess they should line up with these i guess really these windows should be that high the only reason they're up that high is because the lockers are there i've sort of made them a little higher there's not enough room at the end here to fit windows so i'm gonna have to position them maybe there it's better and then bring these around closer can we fit another set oh we can oh okay then that would look so cool from the inside these doors kind of look a little goofy do they move objects these windows maybe it does overlap the doors a fair bit yeah that looks silly doesn't it all right what about the front door like this door okay that might work maybe just a bit more because i have to make these a bit more white rather than cream which actually just kind of works because that has like a white trim on it so we have like the black also the black jaw i think definitely matches the rest of it way better okay well why don't we do that then over here anyway and on the inside i'm gonna get some columns here because i feel like the door kind of looks a bit short on the inside all righty cafeteria let's go so we're gonna have i guess through two doors there and i think i'll have the cafeteria like buffet there i really like tommy should be behind this i'm a little hesitant to put anything that's actually functional behind this like like a stove and stuff i would like to put there but i can just imagine sims autonomously coming to use it so i'm not going to put anything functional back here but i just want something that i feel like there should be something even a sink i don't want to put there because they're going to use it so i'm just going to i'm just going to leave it as counters yeah i'll just leave it like that for now okay and then so table wise the original one only had like three uh tables which i think makes sense because there's never that many people in the school at once uh because you can only have like a maximum of 20 sims on a lot so let's go let's try like we could maybe do four tables just to fill it out a bit more but i think this scale already is better than the other one because the other one is just so big it's just too big let's place these in a way that feels like it's more full hopefully like we could do like a bench like a not a bench but like a oh yeah a bench like a seat over there or something just so there's something else like just this which i should probably be more windows actually now i think about it oh these are stacked too low there we go uh so the kitchen's there although not the kitchen but the uh so if i'm trying to do like somewhat even spacing it should be like that and then it's too close so i don't know i think we have to do some creative placement maybe that's okay because that's like um that's like the hallway section a big column there or something i'm gonna have all these windows it's a lot of windows i know and i guess this area probably shouldn't have it but then what would this be out here i don't know something i put some columns there problem solved whoa that's so cool like the gold trim a little bit bougie though it's still even even this is pretty nice like i think it should maybe even just be this as well like this drab wallpaper that we've got everywhere else maybe i feel like the hallways should be maybe a little bit more special maybe this actually that's not too bad we could do that one in here then the hallway could have the taller one maybe like where the stone goes up higher either this sort of whiter one that we have or more cream i guess the wider one sort of goes with the school a bit more so maybe that the hallways i'm gonna have like two chairs set up here like a couple of students like what eating here and they pulled up some chairs to hang and chat um yeah i think something like this is good it's very bland but i know that's the point i'm trying to do here but maybe we could spice it up a little bit actually gonna use these back here i think yeah actually using the i should i'm using these gray ones inside i might actually use the white ones um i know all the windows are black but i kind of like those for the interior doors yeah i think that looks a little bit nicer am i like oh i was like what about this and then it just didn't place wait what can i intersect obstructions what obstructions okay move objects let's go there we go uh it's not i mean i could put it around here but it's gonna be pretty messy trying to fit around the curves i think oh we need the school sign heck yeah let's go like down here somewhere and figure it out later this thing i feel like we need something here oh you know what maybe this would be good in the floor of the cafeteria that have you know following the curves ish but there and then that the one we used out here i know we used the more goldy one although that one might be better for this space but that one's got a bit too much color i think yeah what about that is that too busy or is that add a bit of i think it definitely adds to the room i think that's a good idea let's do that oh what about some beans actually that's probably a good idea there's no bins i don't think you really need it on the school lot but i feel like a cafeteria would have some bins sure a couple here yeah there you go i'm gonna actually change these to the black trim so it matches all this stuff yeah that's good a couple of bins plenty of cafeteria space that's cool and look at that light that comes in through there beautiful oh you know what would be cool i know we're gonna do two two levels but could we have because also doing a second level of this curve it might even be too much but what if we did this now that's gonna be cool right whoa look at that light coming in there again we have to move these obviously they're in the way um okay you know i think we're onto something here we'll put like a fence or something around this too by the way it won't just be like that but we'll get to that okay i think that's enough light it's so bright there yeah okay okay that's the next level right there i'm liking this i'm liking this we do like a trim on it just says not so yeah that's better it looks quite sturdy having like big bulky trim on it that's cool she maybe should be black yeah and then yeah we'll finish off the details around everything um as we get through it we've got huge blank walls in these classrooms which is uh a little tough but we can get like a giant periodic table i guess it's too big i can't like put it low when it's scaled up okay i'm gonna get three of these there you know just it doesn't have to i don't think it has to be like over clutter but it just needs you know something i think going on here i'm also aware that these ones are actually lower down than the other side but it's to line up with that yeah that's better and then maybe the back of the room could have like a a notice board kind of thing like that's quite common in classrooms maybe these two different ones how about that mix it up it's also really dark back there you know i'm gonna actually use smaller lights in here because i don't and i'm using that light everywhere i think it may be a little much yeah there we go that's drab i like it cool all right well i guess i'm gonna do the same thing here okay so we've got a pretty much similar setup in this room you know there's not too much difference they're just two classrooms that you go to and fulfill your daily job of going to class uh yeah so that's that they uh i did actually change the wallpaper in here so it's a little bit more yellow than the rest of them i'm actually wondering if i should maybe change them oh you know what i guess it's actually just because of the lighting i do want the classrooms more yellow but because this light is quite white but you can see like this is the same wallpaper but the lighting is very different so we'll change that in gameplay this entrance area i haven't really done anything with yet but i think maybe using these could be good uh because i have like banners what color are we gonna be we're kind of like the greeny and gold so uh yeah this one maybe and actually let's get some columns i'm not gonna over do okay round like i got there pull there i'm actually not sure why i'm gonna get rid of these because i don't really like those benches anyway but i'll put something there but i don't know what okay those can't go there still interestingly all right move objects now they can we're gonna go there i'm gonna do it on the corner of where this thing is i think that's enough otherwise it might overdo it yeah just some sort of team banners along the wall there i'm happy with that and i think i might just use this same sort of bench we're using around the rest of the school like we've got in the cafeteria and in the uh principal's office i'm going to do the same sort of thing it's over there so you know just yeah just couple seats nothing special just there all right couple classrooms that's good uh a bunch of my lockers disappeared i'm actually not sure why or when that happened so let's put those back that's better yeah we need my locker hallway okay so yeah i've just done a little section of this hallway just down there nothing too special but it's just going that way i might get some more columns just in here as decoration just to give it a little bit of detail like just that i don't think i need any more than that because otherwise i think they just show up in gameplay like when you're in live mode right why don't they fade away i always forget but i don't want to do too many columns either way all right let's before we move on to this section and even this section here let's finish the exterior look because that's also kind of important [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so foreign [Music] foreign [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so here is where i'm at with everything so far obviously still lots to go but i was just doing all the windows and originally i like the black but the problem is i think because the actual window frame is like really thick it's like it's a lot like if they were much thinner um i think it would work quite well so i thought i started playing around with this is just the default uh brown color i did have a look at white i thought white was maybe a little bit too clean and crisp uh this is supposed to be an older school albeit still a pretty beautiful school at least on the outside the inside's a bit drab but you know what i mean uh so i think i might go with the brown i think that actually works a lot better uh it's not as harsh and also the little windowsill matches uh the stone color instead i've also purposely left the section here in the columns white because i kind of like the contrast there so yeah i think i'll go ahead and uh go brown okay yeah i i definitely think those brown windows or i guess they're kind of like brownish gray um i think that works a lot better so i guess i'm gonna go around again finish doing uh the rest of the windows everywhere all right so i think we've got sort of all the windows placed around i did a few little extra details as well like around the back here put a bunch more columns and stuff going on there just make it a bit more interesting um but i mean there's so much to do on this i i i knew that this was going to be a big build but this is really big i mean i guess we've got the basics down which is good i'm pretty sure at this point this would be functional to play with um well it should be because we've got literally everything we need but there's a lot more i want to do i think first of all in these rooms i'm just going to black it out with like black flooring because um we're not going to use these rooms they're just you know just empty space i mean i guess if you wanted to build up here i guess you could but i was going to use like black wallpaper you know so it just kind of looks like a space you don't use just it's the void and i'm also aware that these windows overlap the wall um but that's just because that's just how this atrium fits in that space and it doesn't really matter from the outside actually it kind of does because you can kind of now that that's black okay hang on i guess i could just make it smaller it doesn't have to be this big all right there we go at least from uh outside now yeah you don't see the weird split in the wall cool that looks good all right i'm going to do a few little details on the outside now like i'm going to do i think the original school had something like this too i was just going to do some planters around the sides i think i'll use like this to create little sections here like this yeah yeah like this because i want to plant along these um i'm not sure what i'm going to do on this on the side i don't think it will but maybe at the front here we're going to go beautiful green grass and like these maybe is this oh how far from the i think we have to be a little bit like if we're right up against the wall it will go inside the building but i think yeah so that far away which is fine if i just make it a little bit bigger okay it's maybe a little green compared to the surrounding area maybe just dirt and we can put like flowers in it because i think that just looks better they too big maybe these ones are better because we want the school to look big but not i mean it is pretty big but you know it's obviously smaller than what a real high school would be but yeah yeah there we go that's good yeah look at that that's that's nice that's good um and then on the sides maybe what we can do can we just do it down here look at whatever height it happens to be at can i put fences down here oh i can okay cool yeah so we're just gonna do it lower down depending on wherever the terrain is that makes sense okay that's good so we've got like sort of all the front and sides yeah that okay i'm really liking this now this is totally working and then around the back this is what i wanted to do around this section was have like planters um i guess probably can't do trees that big because we need a little bit more space for that but we can probably do something here i think we can definitely do like tree planters like here but if we had a couple like this wondering what uh flooring should be out here obviously we've used these big tiles for the rest of the place but i don't know oh yeah you know what let's just do that the other two that's all right and then here so in these ones that's where we'll put the trees yeah actually maybe we can fit trees like this okay that's too many trees like like in that space i think what if we just do different trees there we read these ones but we size them down a bit that's too much isn't it i think we could we could have a tree i think it just has to be the one that makes sense or because it's really not working for me what about just big shrubs and then like flowers in between yeah yeah okay that works sweet again that works better i was a little concerned because none of that was working and i really wanted it to but i think having the shrubs there will be good and it just makes this outside space a little bit more interesting all right yeah just like a little formal sort of garden area um oh i need to just do that same platform trim that's looking good i would do like benches and lights and stuff around there by the way i did try and put um a fence around here i was able to get a fence but when i did that there was no skylight anymore so it was kind of a trade-off so instead we've got no fence uh but the skylight which i think looks really cool all right this is really coming together i i think this is cool but at this point i think i've already spent three to four hours on this which is honest look it's not that much it isn't but considering we only have a very short window of time to make as much you know content as we can on this version of the game i think i'm going to leave this here and if you want to see me complete it and i also do want to complete it then let me know in the comments down below and then once the game is actually out i'll keep working on it because i'll have a lot more time just because i've got to record a whole bunch of other videos as well um but yeah i i mean i think this is looking really cool i think there's a lot of potential here the one thing i do really want to do um i don't if i want to do it i might have to do it in a basement which is kind of pointless i thought like an actual like auditorium would be cool like i know we've got like the auditorium lot which is just an empty gymnasium but like having a section with like a stage and platform seating all the way in a big room would be really cool granted i've really not left space for that so that would probably have to be a basement thing i mean i could potentially do it upstairs but i only i don't actually have that much room up here either like there's not the height so i don't know maybe i just build a custom auditorium with different layouts i'm not sure with that but i think this has a lot of potential i'm really excited for this build um actually one final thing i want to do before i sign off these uh platform uh no platform foundations look horrendous i think we need to do something else maybe like this is there like a cream color oh yeah like maybe like this one it still has like the white trim which look is not ideal but i think that looks better now i'm not sure if that's oh it is actually supposed to be wood i was kind of hoping that would be like a concrete thing can we pretend it's like a concrete thing let's just pretend let's pretend it makes more sense to be because it being wood i don't know that makes sense uh for this build that's one thing i wish i would that had to add more like when they add new wallpapers and stuff is that more add more foundations or like come up with a better system for foundations because it kind of sucks that they're so limited and when you add new wallpapers like for stuff like this it just doesn't match um all right well i guess i'm gonna leave this build here for now um i definitely want to do more i think it has a huge amount of potential like i think we got a lot of potential with this we could even put i should stop saying potentials because we could even potentially move this forward to create more room out the back and then maybe do the separate auditorium i was thinking we could do it in the front but then i don't want to block the view of the front of the school because i think that looks sick that looks so cool sorry my head's blocking it yeah i don't know i'm super super stoked about this um this is this is so much fun this is so much fun i want to keep doing it but i just do not have the time right now which is such a shame but i mean look most of the stuff is done to make it functional um obviously come back do some more detailing and all that kind of stuff um so hopefully not too long after the game is actually uh released i should be able to come back finish it off upload it to the gallery and you'll be able to enjoy it as well but thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video i'll see you next time and have an awesome day
Channel: James Turner
Views: 390,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesimsupply, flabaliki, the sim supply, james turner, the sims 4, the sims, the sims 4 high school, the sims 4 high school years, high school years, the sims high school, build, building, school
Id: S6d-amrqBAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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