I Am Bad At Coding...

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good morning my gorgeous friends on the Internet in this episode as you can see we changed locations again we got the candle in the back we got everything here nicely set up for funsies and what i want to talk about today is this misconception because people tell me that I'm good at writing code and how can they become so good as me which i think is kind of funny and we see this thing happen with a lot of other youtubers titude that do these programming cannon tutorials and they seem to nail everything straight out of the bat so I kind of want to prove that misconception wrong because none of them everybody that you know net ninja traversing media everybody this is traveling in a way when you're learning or they do a tutorial of getting actually everything right they do a lot of research beforehand it's not straight just like you see it in the video so what I thought I am gonna do today is do a few coding challenges straight out of bat and see how well I perform and hopefully I can show you that I'm not that good but if you want to get good at coding make sure to check out Skillshare comm which is pondering this episode so thank you very much to Skillshare Skillshare is a online learning platform with over 25,000 courses out there oh my god there's so much you can find there if you are if you're interested in coding design or maybe you want to make videos like this there you're gonna find a lot of video editing courses out there as well so hey if you wanna join a creative field skill share is very very awesome the nice thing is that it's very affordable the annual subscription is less than $10 a month and once you subscribe you actually have access to all the courses so you're not gonna feel bad for like paying for one course and then oh I don't like this so I wasted my money no you signed up once and you have access to everything which i think is the best feature of the website and if you join the link in the description down below you click it you get two months for free which is very awesome you have nothing to lose so make sure you check that out and let's get into the episode okay everybody so let's see how well I do without Google because that's the real question here okay so I found a little a little something here how to beat five common JavaScript interview challenges so let's try to get through these very quickly okay now they have the answers here's who are gonna have to trust me that I didn't look at this and we're gonna go to each one of them so the first one is called palindrome which basically means what's a palindrome I don't know palindrome is a word ha thank you and basically it says okay so if you spell it backwards it's the same so we have record car here wreck a car it's it's race car okay race car and it just fell a race car backwards it's still a race car Anna and that table is a bullet okay so it's not the same okay so basically what we're doing is building this function that it's gonna say hey this race car is palindrome yes it is boy true and if it's not then it's false okay make sense now okay I'm sorry it doesn't make sense in my head either okay so how do we build that okay well let's think a bit what I need is basically a function okay so it shows here we have palindrome and it takes in one string okay and then we reverse it and if that is true then it's good if it's not then it's time to go cry in the shower okay let's go Tong's palindrome is equal to we're gonna do a function here that's gonna take his ring okay so what do I need here I need the original string right this one that gets fed in so I'm gonna just drop it into original a variable here strength okay and then I need the reverse one how do i reverse is there a method for this is there a method for this madness Const reversed is equal to string dot Ripert's is that gonna work I didn't get any autocomplete on palindrome hey boy and second explode and not SSH I wanna run note app touching yes Oh drink that revenge is not a function no okay so this does not work how they reverse this I won the Google so bad right now I want to go on Stack Overflow and find all the people just arguing there but find my answer hopefully there is not a reverse on string what is it done memory come on I think it's on a break how did I make this in the rain okay let's try something here contest is equal to blah blah blah okay test thought I only see what methods I have on this to lowercase okay I don't need these these are not helpful dude okay there's more Hey big a big string no fixed font color what normalised repeats lifts Matt what what are these things okay can we like split the top and then reverse it and join the back in the weird way does that make any sense let's try that can i console.log what does this give me test out split all right let's split this up what does it say all right it says put the string into sub string using blah blah blah and returns them as an array okay so we split it up and then we can use the array reverse what do I get I get nothing know why you do this split do I need to add like empty strings for some weird JavaScript thing we're string the reverses on the function why do I have okay let me code this out here like that okay let's not run that and let's get rid of this for now let me just figure it out outside you it works everybody okay okay this works it split this up let's say hey boy let's see okay we get it I'm not sure why we add the empty strings here but it's fine let's find JavaScript on its own magic let it do its thing okay so we split this up and then what wait can I reverse this reverse does it work ooh it would look at that we can reverse because now it's in the rain and then we can join it or something join it back together like that run okay what's with the space and the comments what does join say adds all elements of an array separated by specific separator string a string used to separate one element of an array from the next and the resulting string if method the array elements are separated with a comma that kind of makes sense so I just need to add empty space here as well I assumed JavaScript this is all you need empty space yeah there we go we did it okay so basically here what I want to do is we have I can just say string right triple equals right because I'm doing if just do an if statement maybe string triple equals with string dot splits reverse holy-moly like that dog joint it's turning like jQuery here join like that right so if basically this is equal to this then I'm gonna just console.log it is else console.log false like that okay let's see let's take a look okay let me get rid of this we don't need this okay palindrome so basically let's say car okay this is not good this should give me back false that's as false good and if we say a rocket car then this should give me back true it is yeah okay there we go so it works so basically I could have not figured this out if I didn't have my dot slash my Hendy this is actually very helpful you know what she just saved something like that and then you want to just search up methods and then you say test dot and then you can kind of see what you can do here okay very cool again the problem is here is not like remembering these things it's about the way you kind of approach the problem right you can try to think of how you can solve it and it's really not about remembering things okay and and if you cannot solve it and you just google it okay so I might have passed this problem but the interview might look at me in a weird way let's do another one let's see the result here how did where's the solution okay so what he did here is just returned string dot okay this you don't need an if statement okay this is better okay fizzbuzz I know this one I haven't done it in a while but if you don't know what fizzbuzz this is basically like loop over a hundred so one two hundred and the number is that x three set his fist if that the 5mo if it x five you say buzz and if it multiplies by three and five you say Christmas I know this is the stupidest thing ever and who came up who came up with the name fits and buzz I know fizz is a legal legend champion I don't know about buzz though maybe it's coming in the next patch so let's okay so what I need I need like the looping thing right Luke 200 loop to a haunted house I loop i I've done so many for each loops that I kinda haven't done for loops anymore for bar not far who uses bar anymore let I okay and then I is smaller than like a hundred right and then I basically increment it while it's smaller than 100 so console.log I okay so let's see beyond nothing huh perfect Thank You JavaScript I mean I need to set a value to this obviously okay can I get okay we get 99 I need to set this to equals as well okay we have a hundred perfect so okay we need fizzbuzz when it divides by 3 or multiplies what do we need multiplies okay three and five so that's probably the first one I'm gonna do because it goes from up to down right you want to see the first if statement basically holds both of them fizz Amba's and then you go to fizz then buzz okay so if I is how do you do like the how do I know if this divides my tree there's that symbol what is that symbol called I don't know how the symbol looks I forgot okay no okay we have we have plugs we have our minuses we have our divides and then we have our multiplies and what else do we have this one no this is no no no is it this one hmm this one by three like that what does this return me console.log is oh no so many fizzes is not working what does this return me console.log let's do C and one tree honestly it gives me back one let if I do three three zero okay so basically I want this to be equal to zero because if I is three then okay so let's do this zero and I'm on the and symbol I is by five then we do zero again so this is gonna be fizzbuzz right let's take a look does that work okay I don't get the other ones because I need to console.log those out as well so basically Council and just console.log out I here right the rest of them yeah okay does this work so 15 yeah that multiplies by three and five jority okay so it's working fine so now it's kind of very simple you just do five and three else if you just do an else--if statement why I buy five so this again make sure to add the triple equals zero this is gonna be console.log buzz I believe and then we just do this else if I two three then we do his okay that should do the trick does it do the trick so we have okay three that's phase five is buzz as six wait wait a minute okay so five should be buzz which it is and face is okay okay it works that's fine I still get three here which I shouldn't I should probably throw this in the else statement here okay let's run this again okay there we go so I don't get the tree anymore because I was console logging everything out again anyway this way it kind of filter is everything out okay so something like this that that should do the trick and let's take a look what they did here [Music] yeah so just looping over and then doing fizzbuzz yeah okay see that's that's pretty cool okay let's do one more anagram for words isn't it okay I know whether an anagram is basically we need to hold both values here so finder we need to have finder here as well but it's mixed up okay hello bye is not an anagram and so basically containing all the strings from this to the second one I have no idea how to do this okay let's try Const I'll just create the function anagram set this equal to so I need to here X 1 and X 2 right so what I need to do I kind of I think I'm gonna do the splitting up again so basically split both texts up and maybe compare the array see of each of them contain the thing or something like I don't know let's try let's do text 1 let's loop over this for each character Ryan I can console.log out the character okay and this is giving me an error here because I need to run an arrow function what did I do here oh my goodness okay let's fix this up fix it up real quick okay what don't you like what don't you like what did I do wrong okay this goes in here the arrow escaped I'm confusion you know what let's do it again thanks wonder for each character we're gonna run there we go okay now it doesn't give me an error constant luck sometimes it's okay to start again okay and the grim and let's just say banana Graham and shenana Graham alright so these are not good but I just want to see what I get here run hey no for H is not a function why is it okay cuz it's not in the right right so I'm gonna copy this and just do a rape text array is equal to text one dot split like that and then we do this and then we change this to text array okay does that work okay it works so we're looping over it now and now I need to split this up as well I think so let's do text array - I know very original is gonna be text - dot split - we're splitting this as well so we have both two arrays basically okay now what do I do can I do like a text text array to contains or something like that is is there such thing does it contain the character from the first one console.log does that work see my memory is not good if I cannot apply this is why you need to search on Google to see what you can do with it okay it's not a function of course why would it be I swear to god there is something similar to this I mean I can use let's not give up yet we are strong we can do this we can pass together can we filter texture a to lot filter function that excites accepts up to three arguments how does filter work I forgot okay see sometimes all right so we have a letter here right the character whatever let's name this differently console.log letter I don't know what I'm doing anymore oh my what's this she nanogram should nanogram you and then we have genomic RAM again and then just an anagram okay so I'm repeating shenana gram multiple times because it's in this for each loop so that's not a good idea I'm stuck I don't want to spend two hours on this so my again my instinct would be to just search it up because my method is probably not gonna be as good as the things I'm gonna find all night okay let's I give up on this one let's take a look and that's not waste time okay solution so what he does is string that replaced to lower oh my goodness this is so complicated all right string 1 string 2 and then it turns into an object and it gets object keys the Languedoc is the object that lengths the returns pulse for let then we loop over return false and return true everybody that's so easy there we go nobody don't let's not take let's move on let's move on to the next one find the vowel ok the vowels are a yo-yo okay that's all you want you can see the vowels as follows write a function that takes a string as arguments it returns the number of vowels contains into a string hello okay so it has two Y it has zero okay so basically what we want is loop over an array I'm guessing a string or whether yeah it's a string okay so we kind of done this already so this should be okay I feel like I'm using these coding challenges use the same things Const vowel it's gonna take a string okay and in here what I wanted to say wait I don't need these you can just say string like that so string Const let's say string dot split right we're gonna split it up again so get that array I'm gonna drop it in this text for now okay and then I want to make sure here I can use a loop but there should be like a method that tells you if it contains one specific thing I swear to god there's there should be such a thing text as you random books okay and let's say we have had a Potter actually this is a string so let's just do Harry Potter okay so we take randoms these dots flit we split it first this gives me P cons buck array like that let me just cancel out this out look at a okay so we have the things right there okay book array why is it not giving me the methods I want to see what methods I have I want to see what methods I have on the race why are you not giving it to me okay the ugly method here would be to just loop over it and check for each basically if it has ABC blah blah blah right but I feel like that's such an ugly solution I feel like there's a way nicer way I'm doing this like well okay maybe we can okay I'm a filter here right but I'm from the filter Awards I forgot so basically I can compare this character so okay okay here here's what's up here's what's up everybody we have the text here and then we can say text off for each right we're looping over this and we have the character here right every single character and here basically I can say what did I say I don't need to call for each I can just call filter here filter and how does it work I don't know I need to Google I give up but I'm guessing you need to filter basically each character and just make sure if you have the vowel then you would maybe add it to new array and then you check the length of that array and then you get the number back so two three or return the length of the new array that we're gonna feed the filter one in okay and like I'm not sure if that makes any sense but yeah I would have to search for filter to figure this out and I cannot so let's take a look there's an includes oh I'm done my career is over includes it wasn't contains it was includes okay alright so he split it up here yeah and just say vowels includes the character and then count plus plus and it just returns it damn it okay we have failed we have failed but we move on move on to the fibonacci Fibonacci the article can be completed without discussion of the Fibonacci challenge a classic poetry art by Fibonacci himself during the cooling interview Fibonacci sequence is the ordering of numbers where each number I wanted I scored again I want to see this in like a live situation all right Edd's you're gonna have to implement us it carousel alright we want to improve the design of this web page and then at the end of the day we do Fibonacci it never happens I never encountered these issues ok Bonacci sequence is ordering the numbers for each number is the sum of the presidenting - for example first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are 0 1 1 2 3 blablabla understanding the challenge the Fibonacci challenge goes something like this write a function that returns the end and we have different Bonacci sequence where n is the number you pass in as an argument to the function and I don't understand the challenge the Fibonacci challenge involves iterating over the numbers of times indicated by the functions argument and returning the entry in the Fibonacci series that you find in the position this way stating the challenge immediately points the iterative approach to solve this problem alternatively you could try out recursion solution which would certainly impress the interviewer I'm sorry I'm stupid I don't understand this this is so stupid I would never do this all right let's let's look at the solution I don't understand the challenge Fibonacci you take the number you put the result 0 1 let 1 - boom boom boom you're done boy there we go that's the Bonacci challenge everybody thank you so much for watching and stop for tonight by the way have you seen like the black hole let me show you real quick before I go ok ready don't get the monetize for that look at that just the black hole what does it mean do you know what it means I don't even play for night anymore but there's this black hole it's been like this for like one day is it Fibonacci behind this and until next time make sure you get one of these vanilla candles they really light up the room and make it smell amazing if you don't have one you can come over and we can smell it together that's weird [Music]
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 71,614
Rating: 4.9246573 out of 5
Keywords: bad programmer, programmer, bad at programming, quit programming, how to program, coding, write code, web development, software development, dev ed, software development life cycle, coding challenge, coding interview, coding interview questions, coding for beginners
Id: XGe0kLfoRtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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