I Almost Fired The New Guy!

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hello [Music] [Music] hello [Music] good morning everybody uh we're starting the day out just with a quick little fill up for both tractors on the farm here I'll use the fuel trailer and I got this tractor filled up with diesel and diesel exhaust fluid and um I greased the front axles and all the steering components of that tractor this morning and Grant is just blowing out the radiator so it's ready to go for all day long oh the 8r 340 is hooked up to this orthman root slicer that has this little chopping component on front which is really cool I have never run either of these machines so I'm looking forward to doing that today and the big tire tractor is hooked up to the desk and I think Grant will be running this today and just so you know he did that not me per usual it is super windy outside so we'll see if this microphone helps any a little comparison on this one do you see how the blades touch or are very close to touching like that okay well look at this that is not going to work not going to give us an even job so what I'm going to do is I'm going to be moving this one that way so I'm going to loosen both of these and then loosen this screw this inwards that's going to push this one closer and I'll adjust it to when they're both touching and then tighten tighten tighten we should be good to go [Music] thank you root slicing is a pretty Speedy operation going at 12.3 miles an hour right now Auto steer is engaged meaning that I do not touch the steering wheel if I touch the steering steering wheel it disengages and then drives all over the place and I would be in control but we have rtk GPS and that is leading me dead straight on my rows here's what it looks like behind me or kicking up some amount of dirt but those little Choppers are just eating those corn stalks then the little discs just throw them out the back it's really cool and it leaves a really nice finished product so a little fun fact for you guys root sizing was the first tractor job that I ever did all by myself it's I didn't say it's a pretty hard job to mess up but I suppose you could mess up any drop if you try hard enough um you're just driving in a straight line and we're prepping the field for planting um this tractor like I said has the e23 transmission not the ivt so it's definitely taking some getting used to but I have it I just press this button so you can run it kind of like an ivt so I'm not touching this any I just have it in forward and then I'm using the throttle to control how fast or slow that I go um I'm getting more used to it I'm definitely getting more used to it now this is nice the field comes out perfectly even last row is one right by the ditch this 80 took me no time at all holy cow that was fast thought I would get out of the cab and show you guys what our job is actually doing here one second yo all right so I've given you guys kind of an up close of the bar here's those little chopping spinning things here are the other chopping spinning things these are like the actual stock pullers here um and this is the after I'll show you some before but essentially the stock is reduced to just some organic matter that sits kind of in between the rows this is where we'll actually plant right here and it's just a really nice smooth surface like here is where the blade actually went you can see that so our seed bed is just going to go right right in there I'll show you what it would have looked like before here is the before so I mean I guess technically you could plant on that but the planter would be bouncing all over the place so it really just chopped those stalks up and ripped those root balls that's what a root ball looks like I mean that is like concrete like in there just reduced it to nothing it's really really cool time to fold up and move to the next field the power of hydraulic cylinders is so cool I was just thinking like there's no earthly way I could ever lift that bar but with just the holding of my finger on a button they Bend at my will I don't know it's just really really cool we have arrived at our second location this is a field that's by Interstate 80 so if you're ever driving on I-80 uh be sure to wave I mean it's not super likely that we'll be out here but you never know you might see me so I'm just going to unfold put my wings in float meaning that when I say the wings I mean it's this part the part that folds in and out um that way if I go through any draws it can kind of adjust as necessary and then we will be doing this entire field twice like going over it once and then going over again so we'll see we'll see how much of it I can get done today after running the tractor for a couple hours as far as the transmission goes I would say it's just there you go it's kind of jerky it's like the tractor can't quite figure out which gear to be in and so sometimes it kind of bogs down and then it tries to self-correct and I don't know like it's not horrible it's just not my favorite so I just kind of got going here but I just got off the phone with Grant um and we have a hired kid that comes around and helps us with different things and that he was running the big tire tractor for Grant today hooked up to the disc and he got stuck apparently so I don't know a lot of the details because Grant had really bad cell phone reception but grit said fold up come home we need the tractor and the big rope so let's see what we're getting into I'm now I'm nervous honestly all right folks this is what we're working with here I realize it might not look that bad but this is some really heavy stuff I mean look at that and the ground doesn't feel that soft on your feet but there is definitely a lot of moisture in here which I guess is a good thing soil is holding moisture but this is if you can see kind of like a draw on the field and this is essentially where all the water drains right here so this is probably going to be wet for a long time check that out you think the Rope will pull it out I don't know we'll see foreign [Music] so I'll be honest here I've never actually really experienced a stuck tractor so I really don't know how this is going to go Grant is just going to pull the Rope tight and I have my diff lock on four-wheel drive on we're going to try to pull it out with a disc still hooked up but we might have to unhook the disc I don't know we'll see all right you guys ready oh I think we're gonna get it guys look at that just slowly working our way out those are some holes right there slowly but surely oh I'm so glad this is working I was really nervous [Applause] yeah so uh hard kid his name is Gage and no need to blame him there's literally text evidence of Grant telling him to disk that specific spot he had been going around it so no offense Grant but technically the tractor getting stuck is his fault um but Gage is a kid that's been working as for us for the past couple months um just helping us with some odds and ends and you will be seeing a lot more of him um it's fun to have another guy around here helping run the tractor and stuff so thanks Gage sorry Grant but Bailey thanks to yank them ropes because I don't know when they sent that thing out I said that I probably would never use it because we'd never gotten a tractor stuck it works and way safer than a chain so yank them ropes to the rescue and now I can head back out to the field and finish what sizing that is certainly one of the interesting Parts about farming is that you never know what is going to happen next every single day is a new adventure I truly every day I wake up and I have like some semblance of a plan you know I have some goals some things I'd like to accomplish but I just know that every single day is going to be different um and it's really fun to take you guys along because you guys are finding out what's happening at the same time that I am we're really in this together [Music] thank you [Music] so I didn't quite get the whole field done Excursion to rescue the tractor I had to drive quite a long ways but we did get it out so that's what really matters and I got most of this field done so I will have to come back but you never know what's going today is just such an adventure see you guys coming along and we'll see bye thank you
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 940,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck
Id: LH1t6Edy17c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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