I Accidentally Became A Meme: Conceited Reaction

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this is your man conceded and was crazy as I became a meme by accident and this is that story he and this story starts to be back in December 2009 the average a 2009 back then I was a battling heavy so I was just writing rhymes everything my sword shot any time I had back that in going to the mall to shop back then I was going to UM I was enough to develop some water broke the storyline Hrothgar and the rugby line so that was basically my whole day today was writing battle ball isn't gonna get some rugby year but was driving me back then career I was actually what what I was doing was really just battle record that was really all I wanted to do I didn't want to be a studio rapper or musician whatever it was just to battle be the biggest battle oh and one of the biggest bachelors the batter world is a missive it's weird cause it's a very big but very small world I mean his big ahead and still use of use online but all the people are scattered all over the place and some battle rap was taking off getting a little more mainstream you know as I would go to Times Square or go somewhere here you know I mean we would get noticed that was a big difference no I was in Miami today I was on some fish and I noticed I walked to the ball and st. Louis and got notice how I mean I was a big deal so it was definitely happening at the time yeah I mean I was a big battle rapper so you know it was me and Hollerith on this was the bar there the battle to sing goes to a person set it up there's some dudes I hit that that won the battles this went smack some had their first event in st. st. Louis my first time going smacks first time boy it was a dude named Jesse James never pay out of his own pocket so we can bang that's the way it's gonna have to go I was like I need this amount of money flight hotel of course like I cool we got all that somebody I'm gonna open cover so my job was to make sure you never want to be seen and heard from ever again so that was my mentality was going into the battle other than that my first time in the in the in the moon and just see was she was suddenly shot it chinese-food their piece and it is today I mean I was just ready and really comfy because I'm like I knew it's nothing he could do to the murder capital but don't get too relaxed Norfolk as well food wrappers this way so he was gonna get me a nice wrapping and then he'll stay but I don't need that strap to drag across the second he touched that runway they find his body pulling the front net pizza book article so when he stumbled face all right you about to kill yourself and then when he got back on track I like I hope you got it she got it together nowadays the fans are a little more lenient back then it was more like you smoke especially never got my damn life it just as if nothing new it was like I'm another just another person to put in the backyard and agree that's it that's all my bad was even from but I better than the jungle and grind time I was I was always making faces and it was usually just my facial expressions for when I would say her line I mean that I think we would get from head I'll lean back let the crowd go crazy soon I would just always do facial with the officials first it was never for some bigger purpose it was just my character I wouldn't do it purposely to try to gain something cuz it's gonna look forced and McCarney because if I really put my focus into that I probably started doing doing making a face that I don't normally do it isn't like though let's just keep doing so fast-forward to like six seven years later you know I mean now television oh my god I'm still I was still bad a bit mean thumb thumb that had dad the batter was like a 10 million views now television during the whole while a mouthing reoccurring cast cast number things good and then start seeing the me come up sporadic or I don't remember the first time seeing it but it didn't started gradually going and then one day I don't know what happened it just X below everybody is using ESPN they got one where they put the face on Jesus and it was like I'm single because God is waiting for me to find to find that special someone and it was God it just was crazy like there was no limit to where it would put it he just goes to show that is so dope that something organic changes happening real life event and informed making me Monica that members years even years later and you revived it after all these is why what but I mean I'm a dad I remember like it was yesterday you do walk up to me you know hey take a picture till I kill you to uh you know get a mean guy right you this time and I was like yeah yeah yeah yeah turn my yellow yeah man though so you took the picture at my man's in my man's like yeah that's what you don't run from you like yeah yeah sees me all yeah all the time unless you know him from like battle rat while and I was like nah I'm out of watch battles that around my belly watch TV oh my god this year that actually just was coming to be strictly for the mean only knew absolutely nothing else but I just thought about like damn is actually dope that you know that people can send my beam and attacks in this and bad so you know that you know it didn't really I didn't really take it in as far like you know this is gonna be the new form of communication even on the iPhone but you can just send a check either typing conceded that that pops up so I mean it's just I think that's is I got nominated for an award for though I'm shorty awards and there was a news Ferb I think best meme or something so I'm at the table by the table you know with other shorty award nominees we're all talking like yo oh yeah what are you here for now my game man for mean they're like mean they're like holy wait it's this you everything girls like so you know now that I was going to do my perspective has changed completely it was a little different for me because I already had you know some kind of notoriety ready but you know I was always thinking about the girl who was I think the girl with the hand like this the dude the dude on the phone with the own glasses I always wondered like damn I wonder what their life is like right right right now the people prompted him oh can I get a picture and they're like why now if I was able to do it again the actual act I would do everything exactly the same but this time after I would just capitalize on it Weibo I would try to blow it up to something way way way bigger to try to hopefully get a digital cartoon series maybe or something you know just anything and way faster I train late well day to day for me now is basically basically still the same as before a lot of places it's a lot or a lot a lot of pictures but I'm still I'm still to say on the video getting going shopping for shoes and clothes daily and just you know still I'm still writing raps still writing jokes you know just everything so I'm just still basically but just basically the same just elevates a little more so my advice for anybody who gets caught up in this whole mean thing and bam becomes one embrace it embrace it go along with it so joke with it and capitalize off it y'all can follow me my handle with a conceited NYC and that's all around that's my Twitter my facebook on YouTube my Instagram everything thumbr see y'all around on the Internet hey peace I really mean it [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,315,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, know your meme, meme, this is that story, viral, meme origin, conceited, rapper, battle rap, rap, buzzfeed video, story, dank memes, memes compilation, funny memes, PL5vtqDuUM1DnJt4GJFMIIt9mGbWZ8MWTv, storytime, funny, how i became a meme, buzzfeed this is that story
Id: o_uEYQ52NYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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