I’m Ready to Up My Bet on My Favorite Slot Machine!

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hey guys Stacy here I am I give you one good guess I'm at ARA it's our last morning here and um this machine has been full all yesterday and they just emptied it overnight so we are um I'm going to give it a try here I have $15.18 in here that's $50 to spend the one beside us that I have also been playing this trip apparently hit 25,000 times to yesterday so some lucky lucky person was very very [Music] happy Come On Top [Music] Dollar a man twice under now hit me on the [Music] line [Music] I tell you I want one of these machines in my house set typical to how it would be in a casino so that I can just play it and accept all four all four offers over and over and over again so I'll always know what that last offer is come on top dollar halfway through my [Music] money [Music] shoot I don't even think that I have had a oh I have had a cherry I was going to say I don't think I've had a line hit but I do think I had a cherry Hi how are you good come on [Music] now there we go how about 25,000 * 2 * 2 first offer $625 they did say that the 25,000 * 2 offer was on their very first offer $875 third come on now jackpot $75 time 2 $750 no big decisions to make here final offer $375 boy you're a winner that's more like that that's when he should go oh yeah like oh yeah I gotcha here we [Music] go it owes us a Pity spin after that one [Music] come on now slide it on [Music] down all right I got a question for yall what is your favorite Las Vegas movie as embarrassed as I am to say it I actually have two the original hangover I always stop to watch that when I see that on TV and I love Las Vegas I think that is just so funny too so those are my two favorite what is your favorite Las Vegas I had a big $375 offer come on give me some [Music] ammo has anybody played it ah all right guys well I start with 1,200 I'm going to cash out here with 30 at that after that one horrible offer I should probably put 500 in and try it again what do you think Greg I think it ow me one so hold on I'll be right back all right guys I'm going to do it 500 more in here 10 spins let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] now [Music] ah all right we're going to chalk this up to a poor decision by Stacy top dollar double top dollar at the Arya thanks for watching y'all hey guys Stacey here we are down at The Palazo going to give um old school pinball a shot um we haven't played at the plazo gosh in years and years uh we tried the Venetian not too long ago but let's this is so this is a machine I've never tried before and somebody left the pinbo on the screen didn't into their backup so I'm going to try to steal their backup bonus not back to [Music] back come on [Music] pimo [Music] had to do one right there we go oh my gosh I should have done two all right we get four spins guys let's make this a big one here we go 25 s 10 my Arch Genesis 40 hey hey okay we're going to ask for 100 this time 100 here we go take that 90 credits sweet $2,250 all right guys I'll get this paid out I'll be back all right sweet so I have $1,150 in here so I'm only in for 350 right now here we go so that dude should have done his backup spins we know it doesn't matter though all random oh back all right this is $50 on guys here we go come on oh oh 100 CRS yeah droing that 40 Maybe we know this 60 80 60 you got 60 you should have called something else no I inant 60 said 60 listen all right $3,000 guys super look at that right there and get this paid out and be back this may be one of my uh new go-to pinballs all right that was fun took me $150 to get another bonus so let's do a few more on this if I really had guts I'd try it at 100 [Music] right there we go [Music] 250 [Music] pimball one more [Music] [Music] we record that for [Music] me [Music] oh I'm not the one to pick you pick said you would have been better than I oh come on pinball 350 left in [Music] here how about the last two spins of already you [Music] know all right y'all so I started with 1,500 in here and about 5,000 out so pretty sweet session on this old school pinball at the plazo in Las Vegas if you guys haven't hit that subscribe button please hit it now sure appreciate it have a good one hey guys Stacey here I'm going to try this happy and prosperous because the Major's pretty high I normally don't chase Majors but 9385 th000 I wish 9,385 it's worth giving it a shot here so um have it on dollars you want 50 maybe [Music] two come on [Applause] [Music] on oh sorry let me adjust this how did I do that not quite sure that glare is pretty bad though huh all right let's start fresh here [Music] come on do it what's a perfect length of of visit to Vegas for you guys this time we were one day shorter we came on Friday leave on Sunday so I basically had 48 hours to gamble and um yeah I'm ready to go home most times though we come on Thursday like late on Thursday after work but I've talked to a couple people this weekend who are staying here like for a week I'm like oh my gosh I don't think I could do it well first I would go broke first I would go broke second that's just a long time to be in Las Vegas there we go 160 there's a little ammo come on nice we got the miner all right I had to change my denomination to get that but that's okay that 1250 that's 50 is super sweet let's go fill it [Music] up I want to see that major drop in [Music] there we'll take that [Applause] huh nice all right sweet first jackpot all weekend on a dragon link I'll be back all right guys let's uh keep going I don't have that much left in here but man I wish that was that green one that dropped major 9300 [Music] all right lucky CH spin [Music] winner and I'm a loser actually not on this one started with I went to sleep on 800 and um jackpot was on 1600 I believe so 800 on this one so I'm going to move on and try something else this is happy and prosperous at the Arya thanks for watching guys hey guys Stacey here I at Arya I'm going to try some triple strike so there are the the uh payouts and I'm going to start on $10 denomination it'll be $30 a spend so I might back that off if I'm not hitting anything but let's just start off see what [Music] happens [Music] oh that would have been [Music] nice huh there we go $450 any idea who that might [Music] be [Music] doesn't say which casino or anything it says [Music] Gloria come on that 180 [Music] bucks man it always seems like when we're here one of the um Wheel of Fortune's hit and this time it was the dollar Wheel of Fortune hit at the California [Music] yesterday come on sevens all right back to end [Music] even come on there we go 450 again some [Music] ammo have you tried any ultimate fire link oh you [Music] have come on sevens line me up some [Music] triples TR [Music] what some triple Reds how about just single Reds single Reds would be [Music] $6,000 all right even again [Music] come on Blue sevens or all [Music] those oh I can't tell I think it's green I think it's green triple but it kind of looks blue but I think that's green but still either of those would have been awesome get your heart stopping for just a [Music] sec come on and I want to see those blue sevs fall [Music] please actually on these machines really 27 times anything if you can get that lined up man those could be some big jackpots all right we're going to go down to 300 and then do some at five to see if we can just get ammo up here [Music] $60 [Music] all right I am on the countdown here something land on the line for me please [Music] all right we're going to the last few at $10 here we [Music] go it teased me and teased me and teas me and then it stuck its hand down my throat and ripped my heart out [Music] okay y'all this was Triple Triple Diamond Strike at the ARA I sure appreciate you guys watching and have a good [Applause] one
Channel: Stacey's High Limit Slots
Views: 16,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: S$H3L&S, slot machine, how to play slot machines, how to win on slots, slot machine win, slots, slot machine handpay, slot machines, how to win playing high limit slot machines, high limit slots, how to win on slot machines, slot machine jackpot, brian christopher slots, slot machine wins, vegas slot machines, slot machine videos, how to beat slots, how to win at slots, secrets to slot machines, machines, slot machine bonus, slot machine videos on youtube, pinball slots, vegas
Id: J-ctSoloY70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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