Hyrox Beginner? Must Watch Tips

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if you're new to hro I have put together my best tips that I have used with hundreds of hybrid hro athletes over the past few years welcome I'm Steve Collins an online health and performance coach and over the past few years I've been helping beginners all the way up to the elite 15 become better hybrid higho athletes so if you're thinking about doing your first hro or you've done one and you're here to get better or you just want to find out what this new hybrid competition is all about then let's dive into it and hopefully I can get you started on your hybrid hro Journey now I just want to let you guys know that I have practiced strength and conditioning personal training coaching people for over 15 16 years and like I said earlier I've worked with hundreds of hybrid hyox athletes and thousands of clients in between and what makes me different as a coach is that I combine the science using an evidence-based approach with 15 years of Real World Experience coaching people so it's safe to say I've seen a lot and I've seen it all and I've helped beginners work on their running improve their strength and their endurance and all at the same time improving their nutrition so that they can improve their body composition and balancing it all out at the same time not only that but I have also worked with Elite level Athletes World Softball Champions internationally rank track and field athletes marathon runners triathletes and many many other sports so safe to say I know what I'm talking about I've also helped transform thousands of people just like yourself beginners who are lost they're not sure where to start to feeling and performing at their best the combination of a science based approach with coaching experience and my own unique philosophy is what the art of coaching is it's not just just giving you guys information but showing you how to implement so stay tuned get stuck into the video and I hope you get some value from it okay so tip number one for you beginners so I did my first hybrid type of race about 15 16 years ago and it was a tough mother I remember thinking that the stations is what I needed to work on but to my surprise it was actually the runin especially that mud mile if you've done it you know what I'm talking about but the runin is what made it hard and hyrox is no different of course you need to learn how to work on the stations well it's a big part of hro we'll talk about that a little bit later but as for running it makes up 50 to 60% of the whole race so you need to place a big emphasis in your training in your preparation on running you need to get good at it and you need to get comfortable at it building up some running capacity building and learning how to run at speeds and building running economy especially if you're new to running or you don't run much because you need to do two main things number one you need to get familiar with running at slow moderate and fast paces and compromised paces and number two making sure that you don't get injured so a slow exposure to building up running volume so that you can build robustness and resilience in those joints those ligaments and those soft tissues so that you don't break down and get injured so this is probably the most important tip however stick around to the end because I've got some fantastic other tips for you to take away so tip number one get better at running so how do we do that let's break it down in your prep and your planning as a beginner you need to include three types of runs number one is the easy normal run the main purpose of this easy normal run is to develop the aerobic system both cardiovascular and muscular system so if you are new to running this is perfect for you the easy normal run helps increase mitochondria content capillarization blood shunting and the rate of lactate removal from the blood and the muscle tissues now these type of runs can also be used for recovery and maintenance of that Aerobic System so they have to be done at a easy compensational Pace that's Zone 2 Zone 3 if you're using a five zone model but just remember they have to be comfortable they have to be easy it's that com ational pace and what we call lowend aerobic Zone imagine your own Fitness level wherever it may be you have the base to it we'll call that the floor and you have the top of it let's call that the ceiling so you have the floor in the ceiling to your Fitness level so when we're doing that easy normal type of run we're working on that lowend range of that Fitness level and it's really important that beginners train at this low-end level because it's very easy to recover from so you ain't going to dump a whole load of fatigue in the body week to week remember guys it's called an easy normal run for a reason we have to keep the heart rate nice and low and build up over time whilst building confidence with your running the second type of run that you guys have to be doing are the long runs these are basically the easy normal runs but now you begin to add the intensity and you work for longer so the long runs will provide all of the physiological adaptations that your easy normal runs will to however you're going to tap into that energy of fats even more because your run is going to be going for longer and you're going to increase your muscle ability to store glycogen now if this this long run is long enough you will fatigue all of those slow twitch muscle fibers which means your body will then have to tap into those sort of stubborn slow switch fibers that it's not recruiting and fast switch muscle fibers so it's a great way to develop even more resistance to fatigue I recommend to keep the pace of these long runs very similar to those of your easy normal runs except in those last 10 minutes pick up your pace and go a little bit faster this is going to do two things for you first of all you'll finish a run faster which ain't too bad but more importantly number two two because you have picked up pace you're going to activate and recruit those fastwitch muscle fibers and teach your body how to utilize those under fatigue and you will also teach the body how to utilize glycogen stored in the muscles so these long runs should be done once a week or once every two so similar adaptations to the normal easy run but in addition to this because the long run is a longer run you're going to help strengthen those ligaments those tendons those connective tissues joints and muscles which will help you get stronger and more resistant to injuries however this will only happen if you build it up and slowly progress over time if you increase them too quickly the demand the adaptations are going to be way too high you'll break down you'll get injured it will just promote injuries rather than prevent them and that's because you'll be giving your body too much of a stimulus that it can adapt to one of the best things that I love about the long runs is the mental gains you make from it running for long periods beyond your normal comfort zone can help break down mental barriers and help you build some mental resilience giving you a sense of accomplishment the third type of run is lactate threshold work this is where we start using speed and learn how to develop it after you've built that base using those easy normal long runs you need to start working on intensity a little bit more and lactate threshold work is going to be the basis for your HX competition so that you can compete and do well it's one of the keys for running fast doing these typ of runs will increase what's called your lactate threshold and it will also increase your aerobic capacity so you'll be able to run harder for longer without fatiguing and without producing large amounts of lactic acid again if we think about that Fitness level we're now working in this upper range we're now pushing that high aerobic Zone and we're pushing that ceiling up in terms of practical application this could be anywhere between a 15 to 40 minute threshold run it could be fart legs or it could be threshold repeats your lactate threshold coincides with the rate where your breathing gets a little bit harder so that's called the ventiler threshold when you cannot speak that means you're in the right Zone it's a fast pace but also a smooth Pace training at your lactate threshold is incredible however it's really important that you don't train over that point too much because frequency running at your lactate threshold or just above your lactate threshold is way more taxing than running just below your lactate threshold so it's worth pointing out that as much as running at your lactate threshold is fantastic for you you can easily overdo it so as a beginner I would recommend just doing one lactate threshold session per week here's a simple way to progress your lactate threshold runs over 3 weeks week one run at lactate threshold for 20 minutes week two run at 20 minutes take a 2-minute break and then do another 5 minutes so your total lactate threshold work is now 25 minutes and on your third week you're going to do 30 minutes of total work you're going to run for 20 minutes at threshold take a 2-minute break and then 10 minutes so to round up your threshold runs the physiological adaptations that you get from running at threshold are as follows number one you're going to increase your lactate threshold number two you're going to increase your body's ability to clear that lactate from your muscles and your blood and number three you're going to increase the amount of capillaries and mitochondria in those slow twitch muscle fibers and fast twitch a muscle fibers okay so tip number two if you're going into H Ro you got to make sure you are strong enough pushing that sled pulling that sled it's pretty hard going it's heavy heavy weight so we're going to make sure those legs are nice and strong so that you can push off each leg and the upper body nice and strong so you can pull that sled efficiently as possible same with the lunges same with the carries and the W balls you got to have some decent level of strength so that you don't suck at those stations so the stronger you are the easier every single station is going to be so yes running cardiovascular endurance very very important but the worst thing you can do as a beginner is just give all your time to that cardio and running and neglect your strength training so one of the most important things continue to get strong in the gym in your preparation make sure you do these three things number one keep improving your three to six R max strength on those big movement patterns squats deadlifts presses and pulls number two keep improving your 8 to 12 rep max strength on those Sports specific skills dumbbell thrusters good mornings Walkin lunges and lap pullovers and lastly make sure you practice injury prevention strengthen those vmos strengthen your cars your Achilles your rotator cuffs your scapa and your lower back strength training will not only help all of your stations but it will also help your running economy helping you run faster and harder and longer without breaking down make sure you check out my last video on 18 exercises that you can use to get strong in hrock I'll leave that up there somewhere so don't forget to add strength training to your plan so tip number three is to consume enough calories hybrid training hro training there's a lot of training that you have to do and there's big big demands training frequency training volume training intensity strength and conditioning running weights there's a lot of work to be done a good plan program a good coach will help you balance this all out however you can only do as much as you can recover from what can often happen when people underc consume their calories for the amount of output that they have is a slow burning of the candle at both ends increased risk of injury stress fractures tendon issues soft tissue injuries you can also slowly suppress the immune system and pick up more illness more often it's one of the reason why when endurance athletes are in their prep they take between 1,000 to 2,000 Mig of vitamin C because it helps support the immune system because of all the work and training that they do so yeah maybe you can supplement on some vitamin C in your hyox prep but more importantly make sure you consume enough calories here are four rules that you should be following when it comes to your nutrition rule number one do not eat in a calorie deficit that is a recipe for disaster rule number two consume between 30 to 35% of your calories from protein protein forms the Baseline for your recovery you're going to be able to maintain or build muscle tissue it's going to help support bones ligaments tendons and soft tissues rule number three consume at least 40 to 50% of your calories from carbohydrates your primary fuel source in hybrid style training is going to be carbohydrates them to perform better and to recover better even if you do want to lose some body fat at the same time carbs are not the enemy and Rule Number Four do not do intimate and fasting like I said earlier there's going to be a lot of stress taking place on the body make sure you provide the body with enough energy and feed it I am 100% confident that if you follow an intermittent fasting approach you're going to break down and your training and your your your progress is not going to be sustainable at all okay so final tip one that's going to help you settle your nerves and enjoy your running hrock experience have a race plan and practice a strategy you want to go into your race your hro race well prepared with an understanding of what paces you can do maintain and work at what sort of reps you can put up on each station before taking a break and having some breath back you do not want to go into your race without a plan cuz I can assure you you're going to go in too hard too fast too early and you're probably going to blow up your legs with lactic acid and you're just not going to be able to recover and it's going to be a horrible experience for you so have a race plan and this is what training is all about learn about your strengths and your weaknesses learn which technique is going to work best for you will you be doing six reps on the sled push or will you be doing 12 before taking a break will you do a set of 30 W balls or will you just stick to 10 and 15 reps each time this is where you have to plan and practice practice practice now on my channel I have a ton of videos showing you how to do each exercise go there have a little watch learn which technique works best for you so then begin putting together your plan so that you can improve each specific skill needed then in your final week or two before your competition start practicing Pace work Rhythm work practice what pace you're going to be running your 1ks at practice what pace you're going to be doing the rower and the ski again one of the hardest stations that you're going to be doing at the highrock is the burpy broad jump and here's a simple strategy I like my clients to use when they're about 4 to 7 weeks out once you know which Burpee broad jump technique is best for you do 80 minutes and count how many reps you can do now you're going to take that number and divide it by four and every set you do four sets of that number you're going to take 2 minute breaks now every week you do the same again except you decrease your rest period by 15 seconds which means in 4 weeks you've gone from 2minute braks in between your Burpee sets down to 1 minute of rest in between your Burpee sets and what this is doing is increasing what's called density of your workout you're essentially doing the same amount of work in a shorter period of time you're going to be improving your cardio you're going to improve your muscular indurance you're going to improve your anerobic capacity power speed and mental toughness and then when when you're a week or two out start practicing how many reps it takes in your Burpee bra jumps before that lactic acid kicks in and gets to a point where you can't recover from it and flush it out that's how many reps you need to do between each race period that you take in your race once you have put your race plan strategy together I highly advise write it down and review it every few days get used to what you're going to be doing if you do this I guarantee you'll go into your race way more relaxed with an understanding of what needs to be done you're training yourself physically in your training and you're preparing yourself mentally by taking notes and that's it all done thanks for watching now if you're new here I've got plenty of videos going up every month giving you tips and all the information you need to be a good hybrid hro athlete and loads of other videos that I've done in the past so get stuck in dive in and enjoy make sure you subscribe cuz I've got more videos coming up in the future and if you want to learn about my system and work with me there's an application form in the description below fill it out I'll be in touch we'll book a call and see if we're a good fit thanks again and see you on the next one
Channel: Steven Collins
Views: 215
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Id: PDKT6n1slR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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