HyperSpin Setup Guide Part 1 + Download Links #hyperspin #hyperlaunch #rocketlauncher

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so in today's setup guide I'm going to be showing you how to get up and running with hypers spin so as we know hyp spin is a very complex system and I've done my best to ensure that I've mapped this out as simple as possible for a new starter to hyper spin so in this setup guide we're going to be looking at where to get these files run which I'm going to leave links in my description I'm going to be showing you how to set up your controller as hypers spin only works with keyboards I'm also going to be briefly showing you hyper which is kind of like a modernday version of a program called rocket launcher so there's plenty in this setup guys and like I said this is going to be actually part of a series so today we are just literally setting up the essentials so if you fancy a modernday setup guide to hypers spin check this one out I'm going to do my best to get you [Music] sorted [Music] okay before I start today's hypers spin initial setup just make sure to hit notifications subscribe and like if you like today's video helps my channel out a great deal plus it gets you update retro emulation content as I upload it which is pretty much every day so we're looking at hypers spin today now as many of you are aware this is a highly complex front end system to configure we're going to need a lot of files for a lot of downloads but hopefully I'm going to get you there and this is going to be a series and we're focusing today just on the initial setup stages of hypers Spin and a separate program which works besides hypers spin named hyper launch but as I go through this video I'm going to hopefully explain this in layman's terms so what we're going to do then first is just head over to the hypers spin website and Link's going to be in my description for everything that I'm showing you today first of all what we're going to need to do is downloads the latest hypers spin which as we can see here is hyperspin 1.5.1 and this says full package also note that it does say below if download is failing please disable antivirus and I'm going to do my best in a minute just to make sure that your antivirus is disabled so if we go inside of hypers spin 1.5.1 you can download it just here it just says download this file when that's going to download now what you to do with hyp spin website is actually register sign up and it's absolutely free otherwise you're not going to be able to download this package so once you signed up you can then download this okay so once you downloaded this package hyperspin 1.5.1 we're going to come back out of here and if we scroll down on this page we're going to find hyperspin 1.5.1 upgrade files now the the reason you need to download this also is that at some point during Windows 10 release a lot happens with Hyper Spin and the files that came with it and it meant that hyp spin could no longer boot so for this reason you definitely need to download this upgrade file to so like I said grab these two downloads sign up and register so you need hyperspin full package 1.5.1 and you also need to download hypers spin 1.5.1 upgrade files so I've already downloaded these ready for this setup guide and I've got these two in a hypers spin folder okay so like I was saying just a second ago we do need to disable antivirus otherwise your hypers spin files aren't going to download so to do this in my case I'm running Windows Defender I'm going to just go to my search bar and type in Defender and we're going to find window security if we click on there you you should see virus and threat protection and if we go down to manage settings from here just ensure real time protection is turned off like I've got here so yeah it looks a little bit Shady but the truth of the matter is is that these files through hypers spin or using dot bats that type of thing there's nothing wrong with them as we know this is coming from a legitimate hypers spin website and there's nothing to worry about so this is what you're going to download a hyp spin 1.5.1 zip and a hyp spin 1.5.1 upgrade zip so what I'm going to do first then before we go into hyper launch is that I'm actually going to set this up in my C drive if you're using external hard drive for this then you can do exactly the same as what I'm doing but like I'm saying I'm doing this on my C drive so I'm in my C drive and what I'm going to do is create a new folder so right click on empty space go to new folder and just title this hypers Spin and once you've created that folder on your C drive or your external drive just open up that folder and what we need to do now is just go into the hypers spin 1.5.1 zip and copy everything inside of that zip folder and just drag it into that hypers spin folder that you just created okay so once everything's been copied over into that folder what we're going to do next is just delete that zip we no longer need this one and if we scroll down we're going to find hypers spin XE you can try to open this but like I was saying during the release of particular Windows 10 updates it rendered hypers spin pretty much unusable so this is where the next file that we downloaded comes in we got hyper spin 1.5.1 upgrades if we drag these contents into that same hypers spin folder and replace the files in destination and should you get a little window come up saying fer in use we can clearly see that sum's being used by hyp Spin and that's because I launched it just now but we didn't get anything so what we need to do is control all and delete task manager and if you take a look under your background processes you're going to find hypers spin just here so it's definitely running without doubt it's just that we're not getting a picture for it so for now what we're going to do is just right click on that and end task and if we going to try again as you can see the application is closed down and the rest of those contents is now transferred over so again once you transferred that upgrade into that hypers spin folder we can now delete this upgrade zip and we can try again to open up hyper spin so just like any other XE double left click but it's quite likely you're still not going to get this to open so this is where the last file comes in and we need this sxs dodl file just here and I'm going to leave the link in my description for this one too this is on the community of hyper Spin and you can you can download This D file just here so just left click on it and that's going to download now what we need to do with this one is literally just drag thatd file inside of that hypers spin folder now if we launch up hypers spin again it's obviously still running just like a minute ago so just control all and delete once again just to end that process task manager and like I said it's going to be under background processor so if you scroll down just here we're going to find that is actually op but we can't see it so right click on it end task and that's it now we've got everything in that hypers spin folder including thatd so what we're going to do is launch hypers Spin and here we [Music] are H spin okay so once hyp spins opened up we're going to see that this boots directly into a Windows modes we've also got a list of here such as M Super Nintendo Fredo [Music] none so for now I'm going to press escape on my keyboard and just exit this so press enter on yes and before I go on I'm going to just very briefly show you how to actually put this into a full screen mode so back in your hypers spin folder you're going to find a folder here called settings if you go into settings we're going to find a lot of dot in is represent in lots of different systems the one we're actually going to look for is setting any if you just open this up with notepad and what we're going to do is just change under resolution we're going to see full screen and it says full screen equals false what we're going to do is just delete false and just type in true and just go the file and save this and if we go out of the settings folder so we're back into the main route of hypers spin let's just open up hypers spin again H [Music] spin so as you can see we I've got full screen mode so let me just make you aware that if you're not sure hypers spin itself is the actual front of it the glossy part so we need an additional program to set up emulators in multiple emulators to work alongside hypers Spin and this is going to be called hyper launch so I've already downloaded these but I'm going to show you in a second what to download and where to download these but we need a hyper launch and a hyper launch HQ which you can see what I've already got here so what we're going to do is grab both of these now the easiest way I found of get a nice is just typing into Google or whichever search engine you're going to be using hyper launch download and leave the link in my description for both of these first result is hyper launch so we need to download hyper launch Windows 10 and these are safe sites so just download this one hyper launch and the version as we can see is 3.0. 09 and separately we need to also download hyper Notch HQ so again it's the same website and this is absolutely fine it's not riddled with viruses or of that so just download hyper launch HQ okay then so we've got our hyper launch files so we should have hyper launch in the archive file and we've also got a zip folder of hyper launch HQ so what we're going to do is go back into the hyper spin folder right click on it create a new fold folder so new folder and just call this one hyper launch HQ and we're going to open up hyper launch HQ folder and go back to what we just downloaded and we're going to open up that hyper launch HQ zip folder and just drag all of those contents inside of that hyper launch HQ folder that we just created okay so the next thing we're going to need to do is go back into the route of hypers Spin and we're going to open up the hyper launch archive this time and what we're going to do is just drag everything again into the hypers spin folder and replace the files in destination what this is going to do is just update things so replace files [Music] okay don't so we're done now with those hyper launch downloads everything's in our hypers spin folder so what we're going to do next then is go into hyperlaunch HQ folder and launch hyperlaunch hq. XE and this is going to come up couldn't find hyper launch executable so we're going to press okay on this and what we're going to do is just head up to hypers spin just make sure that's highlighted and press okay the next problem is it's going to say eror find your systems database please select your front end executable so press okay this should then direct you directly into your hypers spin folder if you just scroll this down what we're going to do is just highlight hypers spin. XE and press open and that's going to then laun hyper launch HQ and here we have it so we should now have a fully working hypers spin front end which launches and I've showed you the fixes for this and we've also sorted out hyper launch HQ and Hyper launch HQ is where we can start add in emulators and generally set things up for hypers spin to run our games Okay so let's take a look at hyperlaunch HQ so just remember that hyper launch HQ is kind of like the skeleton behind of hypers spin so under general settings we'll find that paths it's all directly linked up to the hypers spin folder that we created including telling hyper launch where to launch hypers spin this we can see just here front end executable path hypers spin. XE and we can test this that is actually linked up with the hyperspin folder just by clicking on this little TV icon just here which says launches your defines front ends and it's that simple if we go over to the emulators tab we'll find a whole list here of different emulators that aren't installed but as we can see hyper launch has picked up all these different systems that's going to to run just fine with hypers spin but you'll also notice on the side that the emulator paths aren't set up as of yet this is why they got little red circular exclamation marks and if we go over to the modules tab at the top we'll see lots of different ahk files and the ones in green are the ones that we've actually got set up in hyper launch right now so let me just remind you that modules are kind of little files which Powers our games bit like retroarch uses cores well hyper launch kind of uses modules okay next up as it stands hypers spin won't be controlled by any controller you throw at it it's pretty annoying that it's standard it's only going to work from a keyboard so I've got a little fixed startup script just here for you to use and just remember you do need to register with hypers spin but I'm going to leave the link to this page so you can connect straight to this so you don't have to search all day for it but just remember remember to sign up and register so this is I'm led to believe going to work with most controller so all we're going to do here is just download this file and that's going to download a zip folder which I've already got on my desktop if we open this up what I'm going to do next is go back into my hypers spin folder on my C drive and within here I'm going to create a new folder called utility so just right click on empty space new folder and type in something like utility is and what I'm going to do with this startup script I've just downloaded for controls is just drag inside of that utilities folder this XY and if we go inside of there if I just double left click on this XY it's going to generate a dot in and this is pretty much text document so if we open up this dot in so right click on it open with Notepad here we go so we got a text document just here and the first thing we need to do is link this up to where our hypers spin folder is located so just a very simple case of just highlighting hyper spin at the top just there and right click it copy address and what I'm going to do is just backspace both of these and just contrl and V so that's now pasted in hypers spin folder next thing I'm going to want to do is under controls joysticks enabled equals false I'm going to backspace false and just type in true and that's that for now so just go to file then and save next thing we're going to do is just go down to hyper hq. XE and from here once this is open I'm going to go to start up exit start up program so I need to tell hyper HQ to start this script when we boot up hypers spin so it reads from our controller rather than keyboard so I'm going to go over to the little folder and point this into my utilities folder and just highlight or double left click hyperspin startup script. XE so double left click that and finally we're going to need to go to controls at the top of hyper HQ and just select the joystick Tab and from here we can then map out our controller so I'm using a serus X or serus S controller for this so just go to each one of these just here and just set it so up on my d-pad down on my d-pad and so on and just make sure that joystick one is enabled by default this will be disabled just make sure it's checked and that's about it so just remember hyper HQ it automatically saves everything we do so if we back out with this and if I open up hypers spin again it should now work with my controller rather than just the keyboard and that's it for part one of my hypers spin setup guide Series so the next part of this is going to be coming up fairly soon just make sure to hit notifications so you don't miss part two where we're going to be looking at setting up emulators and other bits and pieces so like I said to start the video If you like this what you've seen today hit notification subscribe and like also couple a range of different Standalone emulators as well as a range of different front ends and also be sure to check me out on social media I'm on Facebook Instagram Twitter and Tik Tok but until next time stay [Music] retro
Channel: Just Jamie
Views: 13,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to configure controllers in hyperspin, How to setup controllers in hyperspin, How to setup hyperspin, Hyperlaunch tutorial, Hyperspin easy setup, Hyperspin for beginners, Hyperspin setup, Hyperspin setup tutorial, hyperspin, hyperspin complete, hyperspin set up, hyperspin setup, hyperspin system, hyperspin tutorial, how to setup hyperspin 2024, hyperlaunch tutorial 2024, hyperspin 2024, hyperspin setup 2024, hyperspin setup tutorial 2024, just Jamie
Id: 0bRhQtvNnV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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