Hyperrealistic Gender Reveal CAKE! #squishmallow

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remember when I did a squishy Makeover where I turned a squishy into a hyper realistic cake I'm going to do something similar today only this time I'm doing a squish mellow makeover tons of you have asked me to make a hyperrealistic cake of a squish mallow so I'm making it happen for all of you but that's not all this cake is a super important special fancy cake because it's also a gender reveal cake mine because I'm pregnant as somebody who makes cakes like almost every day how could I not do a gender reveal cake my name is Natalie sides Surf and I make cakes that don't look like cakes and today I'm going to make a gender reveal cake of a squish [Music] mellow I'm very excited about this I wanted to choose from like a bunch of different squishmallows so I decided to go to squish bille where the squish mows are 2 in tall and because they're smaller I have a ton of different op options I also got a couple squish Mellows from the mystery Squad because I couldn't help myself I love a good mystery let's start with the Varsity squad where we've got six different squish Mallows to choose from and they are all so cute all right all right let's check out the vacation Squad this is a squad of 10 look at them all they're all ready to join me on a vacation where are we going to go looks like probably the beach they seem to be beach themed I am making one cake today so I got to pick which one I'm going to make this is going to be really really hard so many cute colors and characters I want to make them all that would take a really long time so I just have to pick one which one do you think I should pick wait I forgot about the mystery Squad oh I wonder who I'm going to get I got salassi the Platypus who apparently plays fiddle for a bluegrass band she's got that cute little nose that cute little tail she has great cake potential and the second mystery Squad squish mallow is noro I don't know what noro is but he's very cute I like noro he's got these little wings all right let's go noro join the club let's get everybody together now this is an extremely cute glass photo but now I've got to start narrowing it down I got to pick just one to make into a cake Ricky I love the stripes but you're the first to go I'm also going to say goodbye to Army and opilia the octopus all right and now even more need to go it's nothing personal they're all really cute this is really hard I can do this I can narrow this down I just got to keep going stay strong salassi noro it's been really fun getting to know you guys but both of you are out gosh I'm [Music] sorry I'm noticing that some of the squish mows that I have left are kind of similar so I'm putting them into pairs between the leopard and the German Shepherd the cat versus the dog I'm going leopard between the manatee and the hippo who look like they could be cousins I'm going with the hippo between the blue dragon and the blue seahorse I'm going Dragon between the guava and the lemonade I got to go lemonade and the last pair is the blue whale and the hammerhead shark I'm definitely going with the hammerhead shark B Hammerhead might be my favorite of all of them but now I have to figure out which of these final five will make for the best cake I'm going to make a cake of do you wear clothes or know someone who does well get yourself some more by heading over to shop. sideserf cakes.com that's where you can get some sideserf cake Studio clothes we also have coffee mugs stickers beach towels all kinds of stuff I'll put a link below so you don't get lost on your way to the store and now back to the cake I'm going to make a cake [Music] of the Dragon I mean look at look at him he's going to make for a great cake he's got Wings ears horns he's got it [Music] all you guys have been asking me to make a squish mellow cake for ever and I have been avoiding it and it's not because I don't want to do it it's because of this one little thing I'm worried about you see squish mows um they're fuzzy whenever I make a plush I make it either too fuzzy or not fuzzy enough I want it to be perfect well as perfect as I can get it I found this fuzzy green towel that is similar to the fuzziness of my squish mows so I'm going to make a mold of its texture using molding putty this blue stuff I just gently press it onto the towel flatten it out and then 20 minutes later once it's firmed up we can have a look let's check it out I it looks pretty good to me it's a little hard to tell we're going to know for sure if it worked out once we use it but first let's work on our dragon wings did I tell you this dragon's name yet his name is Dane Dane the dragon and Dane has these thin little wings with these thin little horns and Spikes all down his back and I'm going to make all of these Dragon Parts using edible paper so I'm painting the edible paper blue with food color and now I can just cut out all the different shapes I think this edible paper is going to work great but we are missing something his wings horns and spikes are all glittery and I happen to have some edible glitter so I'm just tapping a little glitter on each of the pieces I love when I get to use glitter I say that every time but it's true and now it's time to bust out some [Music] cake did you forget that this is a gender reveal cake I didn't probably because my giant belly is a constant reminder that I'm pregnant at this point it's impossible for me to forget I'm far enough along now that I waddle everywhere I can barely reach my feet to tie my shoes just trying to sit up is difficult but all very much worth it I'm very excited to be a mom and now we have come to the point where I'm going to color the buttercream so for this this cake I'm going to color the buttercream blue for boy and pink for girl now because I'm the one making the cake I already know what the gender is but none of you do and a lot of family don't so this is a gender reveal cake for all of you now I don't want to give it away yet so let's switch to black and white I'm adding a little bit of food color to this buttercream which is turning it blue or pink only I know and now all I got to do is fill my squish mellow cake with the colored buttercream then when I go to cut into it we will find out is it a boy is it a girl I don't know I mean I do know but you don't now that the cake is filled with buttercream let's move on I'm making Dane's blue skin out of modeling chocolate and this is when we're going to find out if that mold that I made from the towel earlier looks good so here is the mold and I am pressing it into the modeling chocolate I sure hope this looks fuzzy hm looks pretty fuzzy to me yeah I think that looks good squish meows have a subtle fuzz I like the size this modeling chocolate with a fuzzy texture is looking pretty good so let's use it to cover the cake I'm covering the cake in a thin layer of chocolate and then it's time to cover it in the modeling chocolate you know what I think I'm going to do I think I'm going to line up all the squish Mellows including my cake and then we can see them all as a big group let's get this crew back together right I'm definitely going to do that in just a little bit I got to finish the cake first because I'm going to put the cake squish mellow right next to the real ones I'm going to have to make sure that I get it as close to the real thing as I possibly can cuz you guys are going to be able to compare you're going to compare the cake with the real ones and I don't want it to be too obvious which one's the cake I want him to blend in with his friends you know what I just realized is really cool about having all these squish Mellows I'm going be able to give them to the baby how fun is that a little baby with a bunch of squishmallows that's this going to be so cute Dane the dragon's belly is white so I'm just taking a blade and I'm cutting out the section that I want to be white and also his nose his nose is white too so now I'm just filling those areas in with white modeling chocolate adding the little details on this squish mellow is really fun I'm really trying my best to get the proportions right I want those little beady black eyes to be the right size his nose to be the right width it's really important to make it look realistic and now I think I've made everything wait no I think I'm forgetting something oh his ears I got to make his ears so to make his cute little ears I'm just rolling out some blue modeling chocolate and some white modeling chocolate then I place the white modeling chocolate over top the blue and I use a blade to cut out two triangles and I want to make sure that the two triangles are the same [Music] size now I'm going to show you a really easy way to make those cute little ears these ears aren't just dragon ears they could be cat ears or dog ears or piggy ears they look like pig ears you just take the two bottom corners of the triangle and you pinch them together that's it it's really really simple and it looks cute and you wouldn't have to use modeling chocolate if you didn't want to you could use clay or Play-Doh let's all make some cute animal ears today so now that I've got the cute little ears on my cake it's time to add the final details let's start with the edible paper horns these look so cute I'm so glad I used edible paper and glitter it is almost time to get the squish Ville crew back together and I am so excited I can't wait to see the cake with the real squish Mallows I wonder if you're going to be able to spot it right away let me know if you think Dane the dragon Blends in are you ready I'm ready and there you have it a hyper realistic cake of a squish mow how do you think Dane the dragon looks with his friends I think he looks pretty good and now now it is finally time to cut this gender reveal cake here's your last chance do you think I'm going to have a boy or a girl all right let's do it it's pink I'm having a girl I can't wait I can't wait I wonder if she's going to like cake if you like this video like this video And subscribe to my channel I post a brand new cake every week and I'll see you next week we for another [Music] cake
Channel: Sideserf Cake Studio
Views: 2,702,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cake, cakes, cakes that look like real things, cakes that look like everyday objects, cakes that look real, cakes compilation, cakes video, cake decorating, cake recipe, cake pops, cake or fake, everything is cake, sideserf, natalie sideserf, texas cake house, cake cutting, cake cutting video, amazing cakes, realistic cakes, hyperrealistic cakes, satisfying cake cutting, is it cake, squishmallow, squishies, squishmallow makeover, squishy cake, makeover, squishys
Id: r4Uz2Jjey6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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