Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)

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[Music] uh Ken County Council has approximately 190 Vehicles all currently run on diesel um so we have to look at a more um environmentally friendly means of fueling the sleet HBO is hydrated vegetable oil that is made from waste vegetable oil HBO is um an alternative fuel it's a direct replacement for diesel fuel uh it is highly ref refined and meets the same standards as diesel fuel in order for us to meet our climate action goals we've started to move some of our Vehicles over towards H HBO such Vehicles include sweepers and heavy Goods Tipper trucks Etc um a lot of people probably don't realize that you can actually put H for in on top of the diesel that's already in your tank and there you can put diesel back in on top of it again so when it becomes available in uh Petro stations which it is going to be I believe um you can use diesel or use H hvo um another thing that is hard to see or it's it's not quantifiable but we expect less maintenance on vehicles due to the fact that HBO is cleaner burning hotter burning and um therefore we should get less problems with our exhaust after treatment systems it's also um been used quite a lot in the UK for Home Heating and Ireland in Ireland uh burners that you purchase now are come H HBO already um HBO is a direct replacement for diesel so it can go straight into the fuel tanks there's no need for modification to the vehicles at all it makes it ideal it can be used in anything from tractors heavy plant all the way down to Vans replace them for green diesel and raw diesel um it's 90% reduction in CO2 in fact the emissions are 0% CO2 um we've had no problems or issues besides one or two of the drivers have noticed that the vehicle may be down slightly on power uh and also may not be as efficient but that could be down to being low on power it's bit early to say yet HBO is a start it's it's look there's no alternative option to heavy Goods vehicles and plant and tractors and the likes of that but HBO is an alternative for the moment until technology comes in with other forms like hydrogen and so on but for the moment HBO is a good alternative to reduce the CO2 emissions of these diesel burning vehicles [Music]
Channel: kilkennycoco
Views: 1,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HJpiC87N_KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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