Hydrodip how to

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so in this video I'm going to be demonstrating a process that's known as hydro dipping or hydrographics or water transfer printing there's a whole bunch of names for it but it's a really really cool process in which you can put patterns or or really intricate designs on pretty much any object if you can paint the object has to be a hard object you know clothing wouldn't work but if you can paint the object and safely submerge it in water it can be hydrated I got this kit from a company called my tip kit calm it's a great kit it comes with everything you need to do the Hydra dip process basically it's a film you prep and paint your parts and we'll go through that in this video step by step but it's a film with ink trapped in between like two layers of film and the ink is the design the pattern and you lay that into some water and spray it spray with an activator and that basically turns that film to just ink it dissolves the film so whatever you dip through it that ain't wraps around your three-dimensional product it's a really really neat process and again this is the very first time I've ever done this I don't have any experience with hydro dipping at all I did this in my garage just to give it a try and I am so impressed with the results for being my very first try it turned out fantastic so give it a shot if you want there are again I got this from my tip kits home there are hundreds and hundreds of patterns available on that website thousands of patterns available from other sites but again I chose them I did because it just seemed very complete it had there were several videos on YouTube of people that had great success with it and I just thought that's that's the kid for me I'll give that a try so what I have here are just some miscellaneous little dowels that I wrapped with electrical tape and I use these to put my parts on you'll see later in the video where this was for instance for the foregrip where I were dipping the part and then rolling it so here's one for the stock that I made to dip the partner to roll it this one is for the pistol grip these aren't necessary but they made I don't know they just made my life easier and you'll see that later in the video it's it's a great kit it was a lot of fun and really again really impressed with how it turned out you've got to go on website and check it out just if for nothing more than just to see what it's all about it's pretty neat stuff and you'll see that later in the video again I'm very impressed with how it turned out so enjoy and see you the next part okay so one of the first things we want to do is some dishes we've got the hottest possible water I can stand in here and a brand-new fresh sponge and we got dishes Josh style and what we're doing is we're just going to scrub all of these parts to try to get rid of any residual oil that may be left on them anything like that that could affect the quality of our paint or the paint adhering to the parts so get these all scrubbed up here we go we're going to set these aside and let them air-dry and we'll move on to the next section okay so we've got everything washed I think I failed to mention in the last little section there that obviously you want to rinse them very well when you're done get all the soap and any other contaminants that may be left on there from the washing process can rinsed off again in this hotter waters you can possibly stand and then just set them out and let them air dry so we'll pick up with the next section so this is what comes in the kit again this is available from my dip kit calm you can see it up here this one that I went with let's see if we can find the part number here it is DK 801 deadheads and heads to spelled HED Z so this is what comes in the kit it comes in a tube and actually comes inside a bigger tube like this inside of that tube is this tube which has this inside of it so we've got a edge primer I opted for the tan color desert tan I think normally it comes with white but you have a choice of what base colors you want to use so I picked an high-gloss clear and it was toss-up whether or not to go with high gloss or a matte for this particular application it's not like I'm going to be sneaking up on deer with this thing so you know I don't care if it's glossy and the activator for the film will try to get it close here's the film hopefully it will focus that's not one to focus very good they're little skulls there you can kind of see one then I came with gloves and some very fine scotch brite so the next step after we've washed the parts thoroughly with soap and water rinse them well and allow them to dry now we're going to take scotch brite and we're going to rough up the surfaces of everything and then hang it up and apply our H primer a couple two three light coats so now after the part has been washed what I'm doing is I'm taking this this is scotch brite very fine and I'm just scuffing up all the parts here just try to get the shine off of them any place where I want the paint in the pattern to be so I take it from shiny to dull and rough cup and I'm going to do this on all of the parts and you don't have to you know take all the paint off or anything you just have to scuff it up so that your primer and paint will stick well for the part so we'll pick up with the next section okay so we took the 3m and we scotch brite and everything all apart I guess I'm hanging up here to everything scotch brite is wipe down with a nice clean dry cloth take the crap out of the gray itching primer and we're getting ready to apply it to all the parts light coats are better two or three light coats just to get a good adhesion to the farc still allow good occasion of the base coat so here we go just light coats just misting plenty good I don't think I mentioned it but they supply they mask with the kit do away so we've got all of our parts coated in the gray the etch primer you can see down here the forward guards you tech cover here's the colossal stock pistol grip and magazine they're all coated in that gray they've got three light coats and allowed to to dry in between each coat so we're getting ready to apply the Tam now right over the top of it this is our base color obviously if you chose kin or whatever it is you would be applying that color now well we'll get to it clothing to note this size can and I might have hide it a little bit heavy but this site an is just enough to do these five parts that you see sitting here six if you count the handguard in half but it's just enough to do them so that kind of gives you an idea how much the candle cover here we go and this is the desert tan or camo tan whatever you'd like to call it and we'll pick up after I've got these all coated okay so here we are we've got our tan color applied you want to get too close that was about three coats again just light coats until the entire part is coated well here is the EOTech cover and I forgot in the previous video before I sprayed this thing I applied some masking tape on the inside because I didn't want a light color on the inside so I left that the factory black this is a Hilo tech cover and here's the stock we got it from all angles up and down all around pistol grip same thing with it all angles bottom and the magazine same thing all angles so I will allow this to dry at least I mean I can handle it now but it's still very soft I'm going to let it dry for at least I would say a couple hours and then we'll move on to actually putting the pattern over the top of this so we'll let this dry I'll see you guys in a couple hours and we'll get that pattern on okay so this is our pattern here I've laid it out on the foam board so you can just see it clearly what they are is just little skulls it's called again this is dead heads and heads of spelled H e DZ and it's available from my dip kit comm and what you can see it's really dark and crystal clear here kind of looks fuzzy here that's only because the roll has got a little hump in it if I push it down you can see it gets dark so it's not like it's faded anywhere over here you can see where it looks lighter it's just humped up if I push it down to the white you can see it it's as dark as everywhere else on the pattern but that's it that's what we're going to coat our parts in deadheads so the next step here I've got some blue painters tape and what I'm going to do is I'm going to set my part down on this this pattern and I'm going to mask out a square in blue painters tape and then I'll cut that part out and that'll be what will float on top of the water basically you want to cut your your square out big enough to fully encompass the part or at least the entire surface of the part that you're going to dip so a lot of a lot of people after they get their design taped out they will cut slits through the tape to allow for expansion once you spray the activator on it the pattern tends to expand a little bit I'm not going to do that with this pattern the reason I'm not going to do that is because you know there's some very fine lines on this stuff here and I'm afraid if the pattern were to expand if you were to cut the slits into the tape to let it expand it would distort the images and I wanted to stay really crystal clear without distortion or warping so I'm going to try to part without actually cutting the slits through the tape to allow expansion basically I'm going to use the blue tank as a little dam to keep the pattern tight so will it work I don't know but we'll give it a try so I'll get some of these cut and laid out and we'll get ready to start dipping Bart's okay well we've got our water to optimum temperature we want to be between 70 and 80 degrees so we're there I have my film all cut out and what we're going to do we're going to take this film we're going to get it to fold of the center here we're going to lay it on the water and attempt to not trap any air bubbles so we're going to start by laying the middle in first slowly try not to trap any air bubbles so we'll set our timer this have to sit on the water and hydrate for 60 seconds so try to get this on the water so we'll see in 60 seconds okay we've had our product our deadheads hitting the water later than carefully to make sure we can get any air bubbles and you can see it's really thin what it is basically is ink that's trapped in between two layers of like saran wrap the lower layer dissolves in water the upper layer dissolves in the activator so we're going to spray this and then we have about 10 to 20 seconds to get the part in there and get it dipped want this kind in the middle this is for the magazine so there we go take a seat here make sure I know exactly how I'm going to roll this magazine okay there we go we're now applying the activator here like so and everything gets liquid now basically it's just ain't floating on water so I'm going to stick my hand in here I'm going to go in at a bit of an angle until I hit the halfway mark then I'm going to roll the magazine submerse it wiggle it around wiggle it around we're just wiggling here basically I'm breaking up the ink that's on top of the water so let's take a look at our part look at that is that not awesome and because I rolled it we only have one seam here on the front of the magazine so there it is so I'm going to take this in the house now and I'm going to rinse this under hot water warm or hot water and I need to continue rinsing it for three to five minutes to get any residual adhesive off of the product basically you'll rinse it until it continues to rinse all the shiny off until it looks adult but not too shabby pretty cool right I like it okay on to the next part we have our pistol grip here and I'm going to try the same role just like I did last time I'll come in here till I get halfway up and I'll roll the pistol grip so I end up with one seam on the back side so there we go so activated and spray it okay all right here we go roll it right into that pattern swish it around swish it around so that's what we got for some reason messed up a little on the backside but I can live with that swish it around my swishing around so take it in the house okay so now we're going to go on to the stock and see what happens so here we go so let's take a look at it that turned out pretty darn good all the way around it looks pretty good okay so I'm going to go rinse this one hey here we go again so we're going to do the foregrip this is a large part we're going to have to roll okay here we go let's see how it ended not too shabby alright looks good you want to help you get that room rinsed off okay here we go we're going to do the EOTech cover now our patterning water it's starting to expand so stick my fingers in this thing and swish it all around and I dropped it but that's okay switch it all around let's take a look at the EOTech cover now oh yeah that turned out awesome all the way across the top got one nice one on the side that looks great okay so we'll go rinse this one so here is a magazine there everything's still drawing but it's all dipped now you can see the pattern turned out pretty darn good a little stretched on on this side but I mean plenty livable I doubt anybody would notice probably just me because I know it's there so here's the pistol grip it's swinging on me sorry all this stuff's drying and then on this side of the pistol grip I redid it a little bit just sort that he looked so terrible it's got a little blank spot there you know that's it's funny the pistol grip I swore would have been just the simplest thing to do and it turned out the worst and some of the stuff that I just I was certain was going to be really really tough turned out great so here's the EOTech cover by sheer accident that face turned up right on the side there it just just turned out good and here's the other side not too shabby but I really like how that turned out so then we'll come over here and the stock oh my goodness I was so worried about the stock I've watched hundreds and hundreds of videos how to's on the stock you know and which is why I decided to roll some of these parts instead of dipping them I didn't want to end up with you know avoid somewhere stretching the pattern was what I was worst worried about here's this side I mean it just turned out fabulous I couldn't ask for better than that and then of course we have the foregrip here it's drying - let me see if I can spin it and the reason I did this in a role was because I did not want to have a I wanted the patterns to match when it was on the rifle so I wanted to roll it one continuous loop all the way around so there's the side that's a side view of the rifle and again it turned out just great all the way around here's the other side view I'll try to get out of the glare some but it just turned out fantastic and rolling it was the way to go this way is my I don't lose my pattern where the two halves meet everything just lines right up so you know that's funny I was I was really nervous about the stock in the foregrip but Jesus just turned out great and something really simple that I well and I was sure was going to be simple like the pistol grip gave me all that grief that's why I rolled it so you don't break the pattern down the top of the stock right very very happy so I'll let this stuff dry out and last step will be to coat it with the clear and let it dry and reassemble so I just finished applying the last step in the my dip kit kit which is high-gloss clear I'm really glad actually that I lent them with the high-gloss clear instead of the matte because again you know this isn't a hunting rifle so you know I don't have to worry about shine we're obviously making it foofie with the designs on here with the graphics so I mean if it shines a little more who cares there you can see that the light shining on it boy that high-gloss clear is really nice so again here's the four guards you can see the shine on it pretty decent stuff we'll come over here here's the EOTech cover turned out really nice and oh there is a good shine see if I can find that when they oh look at that boy that clear is actually pretty darn nice super glossy anyhow so there's the buttstock and it just turned out great so proud of that dang buttstock and pistol grip here's the messed up side of the pistol grip that I redid it's not terrible it looks better than before there's just this giant blotchy white spot here it looked really bad so I I read it it just to kind of hide that a little bit again we come around to the other side here it turned out great whoo look at the gloss on that anyhow turned out great so I'm not worried if I would say that this is out of the entire every part that I did in this kit this is by far the worst part all the rest of them turned out fantastic but so here's the magazine look at the gloss on that magazine now I'm really impressed with this kit I mean the paint seems to be actually really decent quality and again we rolled it so there's one seam you can see the seam right there down the face of the mag and we'll try to follow it around and the designs just come right around the other side so pretty darn happy with it so that's the last step we'll get this stuff all up man that clear is just impressive look at that anyhow let this dry for probably I'm going to let this sit out here for probably a couple three days just to make sure it's good and cured before I put anything back together well do one final little tidbit of the assembled firearm so here we go you so this is the finished product it turned out really really nice I'm really happy with it again this is the very first time I've ever used a hydro dip kit again this was available from my tip kits calm and for my very first try it just turned out amazing again the one the one part that I had a little trouble with was the back side of this pistol grip the left side of it but it's not so terrible that anyone is going to notice you know unless I pointed out but it just it turned out fantastic I could not be happier I was going to actually pay a local company to hydrogen and the company unfortunately went out of business before I have chance to get down there so I thought you know well we'll give it a try and see had I taken this to an actual company that hydro tips I would have been more than happy if I got the firearm back with this quality of dip done on it painting a professional to do it so again I'm very very impressed without sure now I just couldn't couldn't be happier of course there's some out there that are going to give me some crap for doing this goals on it no that's goofy and whatever I like it I don't care if you know but it's a great kid I think price-wise it's fair the quality is just outstanding and it was a fun fun project I can see a lot of hydro dip projects in my very near future but thank you for watching please break the comments subscribe to the channel
Channel: joshuaburks
Views: 171,501
Rating: 4.8157897 out of 5
Keywords: hydrodip, hydro, dip, hydro graphix, graphix, water transfer printing, diy, AR, pistol grip, buttstock, eotech, hand guard, gun parts, guns, ep, ep 80, 80%, lower, upper, reciever, poly, kevlar reinforced, my dip kit, Do It Yourself (Website Category), magazine, spiffy, firearm, LPK, DTI, del-ton, mid, length, 1 in 7, flat top, A4, A3, foofey
Id: q3cF1O2tFQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 16 2014
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