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[Music] foreign guys welcome back to another video today we're doing a full day of eating so I've just shown you pretty much I've made my coffee I'm trialing a few things at the moment because I've got the Sydney marathon coming up and I really need to get my nutrition down and sorted um for for the marathon the Gold Coast Marathon which was just last weekend I had to go to the toilet twice during the race just for a pee but I was busting I don't know I must have just had way too much water and electrolytes um I'm not too sure but that's what I'm trying to work my head around at the moment so um this is only probably halfway filled up it's got um one normal shot of coffee and one decaf shot in there and then we've got one scoop of g1m sport from VPN but I've only got about 200 mL of water because yeah like I mentioned I don't want to be peeing like crazy I've got a banana because um today we're going to be testing out the new Vapor Flies I got these at Nike ribena I haven't even seen them online yet and um I haven't taken them for for a proper spin yet so I'm gonna do like I'll probably just wear my um Asics for like a little warm-up and then I'm I'll jump in these and I'll probably do some I think I'm gonna do some two kilometer repeats or just like kind of two kilometers at some gold race pace so that should be fun I'll let you guys know how they go but I'm gonna finish off my breakfast now and then we'll um yeah we'll get kicking we'll jump in the car and we'll head down to the spit we'll get this run going see you guys in a minute [Music] thank you [Music] all right guys we're down at the spit um perfect conditions today not a cloud in the sky um about 10 11 degrees so pretty cool and yeah we're going to hit a little workout my legs have been pretty short all week from the marathon so I have I'm not I haven't um yeah made it super fast I've kind of I've put the range at like 320 to 350 just because I'm not sure how quickly I'm gonna do some of these but we're gonna do a five kilometer warm-up first I'm just gonna run around and then I'll come back change out of the um the Asics Nimbus and then we're going to change into the vapor flyers and then we're gonna do three by two kilometers with a two minute jog recovery in between so the the two kilometers I'm going to try to do it 320 to 350 so somewhere in between there and then we're gonna finish with a 1.5 kilometer cooldown but we're gonna get started and I'll talk to you guys after the warm-up all right guys we just wrapped up that um little warm up around five minute page to be honest the hamstrings are pretty damn sore um five days since the marathon and yeah they're feeling still we went to the ice bath got compression boots all that stuff but just takes a little bit of time but no excuses we're going to try to put some Pace into these legs I'm gonna Chuck these on and I'll let you guys know how it goes [Music] all right guys that's their running workout done it's a bit loud outside so I just thought I'd have a chat in here and go through it quickly ended up 13.94 kilometers like I said did that five kilometer warm up and then we got into our two by two kilometers sorry three by three kilometers which um started good and then turned out to Absolute hell because around the first couple which I'll show you on the screen over here ran the first couple um first one was average was 333 pace which was great second one 341 and then the third one 349 average um and yeah the rest in between felt like they were going in two seconds um and the Very the very end of that to like last 2K I was like die and I was actually I was um I had the worst itch ever I don't know why I got no idea I think it might just be fatigue um and yeah probably need to just rest up over the next few days just do some easy runs and then hit it hard next week but that's about it this is supposed to be like a full day of eating video so I'm gonna go show you guys what I have for breakfast it's already like 9 A.M usually I have breakfast around 8 A.M so um yeah I'll see you guys soon at home we got brekkie ready massive meal because I'm absolutely starving I don't know how any of you guys fast till the afternoon because I'm literally feel like I'm dying of starvation so we've got a big bowl of oats but it's got organic quick oats in there so I will leave all the ingredients on the screen so you guys can have a look I'm not counting the calories today I won't be showing you the calories you guys can work it out if you want I will show you all the ingredients on the screen so big bowl of Oats one banana on there we've used BPM whey protein chopped peanut butter best flavor so just one scoop of that and then we've got some natural um peanut butter I've just put it away but this natural crunchy peanut butter and then in the shaker gonna get hydrated again obviously you need to hydrate um yeah after those big runs so we got strong greens strong Reds from bpn and one scoop of electrolytes in there as well so meal one about to go down let's do it so Keen for this some of you guys may be a little disappointed by what I've done here I've gotten rid of the home gym I'm Gonna Keep a few things that are still over there just in case I want to do like a quick small workout but squat rack's gone most of the matting's all gone had someone come and buy a heap of it and yeah just wanted to free up some space out here like with that gym like taking up all this space we only had this little bit of room over here so it is what it is I just didn't use it anymore either so yeah home gym is gone we're probably gonna put like an outdoor setting here and then I'll probably take the mirrors down and I reckon I'll put like a big flat screen TV right in that spot so it's going to be a cool outside area and yeah I think it'll be used more than the home gym just a quick one I don't think I spoke to you guys about how the shoes went oh I'll hold this one up um so yeah pretty much went over that run but I'm pretty sure I didn't really chat about how these went and it was my first proper time um doing a decent run in them so they went really well they're so light um compared to the so I preferred this the first Vapor flyer the first version over the second version and then these are just like worlds above um both of them I feel um I love the upper super breathable and just so lightweight um fits really nice on the feet um and yeah just super Snappy off the ground obviously they carbon plated don't bend at all they're just super um yeah really lightweight give you a massive Advantage bouncing off that pavement and um yeah I love them I might do like a proper detailed review or I might not um but yeah clean as to wear these a bit more I'll be wearing them for my next race which will be the Sunshine Coast half marathon we'll be chasing that sub 80 minute half again so um I reckon these should give me a bit of a hand I'm not sure if because I was wearing those Adidas they are a lot squishier than a shoe like this um so maybe that was kind of a bit of a disadvantage not having a shoe that was just really responsive so we'll see how we go we'll keep training in these and yeah Sunny Coast half is next and then about four or five I think it's five weeks after that is the Sydney half marathon but um yeah that's what's coming up it's going to be a lot of a lot of big training in between which I'll be obviously showing you guys a heap of that um but I'm not sure what I'm I'm still I've been sitting here like for the last hour deciding if I'm gonna go train um or go to the pool or something so give me another 20 minutes and I'll decide what I'm gonna do and then um yeah I'll take you guys along with me but it's um it's nearly 11 30 anyway so we might have um our second meal you guys know the drill we don't mix it up too much I've got my healthy spaghetti bolognese so it's just like 100 grams of pasta then lean grass-fed mint with bolognese sauce and then we just got a little bit of Parmesan cheese on there but probably my favorite meal one just so easy to meal prep you can meal prep this like you can make five meals in 20 minutes half an hour like it's literally so easy and tastes great so that's meal number two about to go down and then I think I will go train I think I might go to good life and then I might hit a sauna after I did forget to have my vitamins earlier so we got two fish oils two magnesium one multivitamin and one glucosamine so I'm gonna smash them down now decided that we are going to gym so I've made some pre-workout we've got half a scoop of flight and then we have these bloody dogs so noisy that thing and then we've got a full scoop of endo pump and then five grams of creatine as well I've got a field bar which I'll be having after because I'd say I'll be pretty hungry afterwards um I think I might have a sauna as well for 20 minutes or so and I think I might have this before I train just for a little bit of quick um a little sugar hit so that's a pre-workout stack um I think we're gonna head to GoodLife gym and do some maybe some shoulders and back I'm not really sure yet outfit check for today we have an ALICE Katie oversized t-shirt on oversized I always go size small and then I've got a singlet underneath and then we've got the six inch um well I don't even remember the name of these but a great for training and then we've even got Alice Katie socks and the dunks on so code Tommy on the website um and if if the code Tommy doesn't work try Tommy Ellis KD because I think yeah it's been playing up anyway that's the fit we're off to gym see you soon [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] go away [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] I just got home and I had some issues with my camera I was filming at the gym and then it kept on coming up that the memory card was full when I I knew it wasn't so I I filmed as much as I could but it was pretty much the whole workout I just did a couple of um a few sets of like upright rows at the end but um yeah I've sorted it out now I've just been sitting at home for like an hour so it's getting late I did end up having um that bpn um what are they called field bar I had a field bar just before and we're gonna make up meal number three now so um yeah let's do it meal number three bit of chicken that's the chicken I just prepared it um yesterday so 150 grams of the cooked white chicken and then we've got 150 grams of the pasta It's just normal cheap pasta and then we're having some more electrolytes because I did end up going in the sauna for 20 minutes so I need to replenish those electrolyte stores and then we're just going to put a little bit of perinade on that meal there meal number four I think kind of call this a meal I guess um we got one scoop of vegan protein from bpn peanut butter cookie amazing flavor that one we've got about three or four hundred mils of light milk I just kind of wanted to finish that so we added in a little bit extra and then we've got about 100 to 150 grams of frozen banana I pretty much buy a heap of bananas at the start of the week because I haven't with my breakfast and then I cut them up once they're ripe and put them in here for my smooth these and stuff but um yeah gonna have this and then we'll have dinner in probably an hour or two 7 34 on the dot and we've got dinner pretty much 125 grams of brown rice just one of those brown rice cups couldn't be bothered cooking proper rice to be honest I would have preferred right white rice and then we got I think this is like nearly 300 grams of Snapper probably don't need that much but I needed to kind of cook it and get rid of it so yeah it's probably a bigger amount than I'd usually have and then we've got some fresh lemon off the lemon tree in the backyard look at that that's dinner what is that meal number five and then yeah we're gonna fit over watch a little bit of Netflix and chill out for the rest of the night Katie's away at Noosa at the moment so just me and the boys hey Frankie all right one last thing before we wrap up the video last thing in this full day of eating just a little Magnum ice cream finish off a little bit of dessert appreciate you guys watching um if you made it this far hope you enjoyed the video if you're not already make sure you subscribe Benelli at 10 000 subscribers so I appreciate all you guys to subscribe and like and watch the videos and yeah drop a comment as well I'd love to I'd love a few extra comments I always love replying to them so yeah I'll see you guys later catch ya [Music]
Channel: Tommy Newell
Views: 32,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GrfVnKrkZYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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