HW News - GPU Maker Layoffs, Intel HEDT Returns, AMD Gaming Chairs

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to the hardware news recap for the week in this one we'll be talking about pc world's youtube channel disappearing also amd has a new product to announce gaming chairs amd has collaborated with verta gear to bring out a oh man it's more than i thought 580 gaming chair but don't worry it's black red and it says amd on it so you'll get your value one way or the other additionally there's rumors about nvidia's many many hundreds of watts of video card and allegedly 48 gigabytes of memory on it uh what is this thing ad 102 450 a1 we'll be talking about that and the legitimacy of these claims uh leaks about ryzen 7000 skus we'll be going over some news as well amd has a really cool utility that can inspect scenes to help developers optimize for ray tracing so that's kind of cool to talk about and a couple of other things before that this video is brought to you by thermal grizzly thermal grizzlies hydronaut and cryonot thermal paste are high performing thermal interfaces for use on cpus and gpus you can bring an old card back to peak performance by replacing it and doing preventative maintenance and thermal grizzlies hydrant is ideal for water cooling and air quit for new and old cards alike cryonot paste is one of the top performing pace for extreme overclocking with cpus and gpus and has been used in several world record scoring machines learn more at the link in the description below all right so first up pc world's channel disappeared pc world uh one of the people who works there is gordon mahon he's a friend of ours at gn he's been in many of our videos and he's he's ridiculous in a good way gordon uh if you ever read the maximum pc magazines or other older magazines that were oh that sounds gordon i'm not calling you old if you read magazines that were on shelves back in the day you likely read gordon's articles or letters from the editor for computer building and pc and tech magazines so he's been in the industry he's done really good work and we love working with him now these days he's at pc world and unfortunately he had to email us because of an issue with their youtube channel and the issue was the channel's gone kind of a big issue in terms of issue rank for people who make at least part of their their money in pc world's case off of youtube kind of up towards the top so here's what happened gordon reached out to us knowing that we were recently age gated on one of our videos which cost us somewhere around two-thirds or a little over basically most of the revenue for that video during the period it was age gated he emailed us thinking surely these guys have a contact who can help them and the answer is nope no no one helped us one of our youtube viewers helped us not a youtube employee anyway i forwarded gordon over to uh some staff at youtube who i mean i don't know you know it's the most i can do i don't think anything's gonna come of it i think he's gonna get what he needs but it's going to be through some weird it'll be maybe from this maybe one of you in the audience who works at google can paint the right people but here's what happened uh pc world is owned by a large media conglomerate and it's a big company that the at least the overarching parent company whatever owns it and so it's a more traditional media outlet in that regard they have a website they have the youtube channel and then they have these other media properties and people who work within that company to manage things this is where the problems happen uh one of the groups within that media conglomerate is it and it apparently from what we understand thought it would be an excellent idea to consolidate email accounts including the one that is used to access youtube generally so that you might notice that there's a space between gamers and nexus in the channel name technically the name is gamer's nexus one word capital g capital n that's how we stylize it that's the formatting for the company name on every other uh platform that we use the reason it has the space still on youtube is because i am terrified of changing that name because i don't know what youtube will do how it will react it's like it's like antibodies reacting to a virus except the virus is any kind of change whatsoever and the reaction is it kills you so that's why i've left the space there and the same thing goes with email where you really got to be careful with anything relating to accessing the youtube account so jordan's aware of this and noted that basically it is now aware of this too and the bigger problem even though part of this issue is on pc world's parent company's head for doing it wrong part of it is also on youtube actually large part where it proves once again that is it incredibly difficult to get in contact with anybody any human at youtube to get any help whatsoever it's very unfortunate because you adsense when you watch the ads or whatever before the video or if you have youtube premium that money we share it with youtube so they they make a lot off of larger channels at our channel size the rev share is enough to employ people at youtube and you start looking at it like well if i only need to talk to someone for 15 minutes once every four years you'd hope that they could maybe have a human on staff who's able to reply with answers not just with i'll escalate it as patrick stone in our office was referring to them uh senior apology engineers so anyway um pc world once again uh unfortunately acting as a means to demonstrate a communication problem at youtube and a communication problem in corporate i.t i suppose it is partly on them but the biggest part of the issue here really is youtube and being very difficult to talk to and very inflexible with any kind of change so hopefully you know we forwarded uh gordon's email to the people we know at youtube it's just that i don't have a lot of faith in the contacts we've worked with fixing this um it does sound like pc world's gonna get things back on track they're talking to people they've been escalated up the chain and probably people in this audience will see it maybe help push it a little further because that's how we got our issue resolved was by people in our audience pushing for it so anyway that's the update on pc world channel disappeared sorry the channel is really fun gordon does awesome work and you should go check it out when their channel's back online they're going to need the boost and i'm sure they'll appreciate having some viewers to celebrate the return to youtube once it's all resolved so that's the news where it is right now we'll keep you posted on this one hopefully and i'm hoping likely this issue will be resolved by the time our news video goes online so go ahead and post the content if it's already back up and link to their channel so people can go check it out all right next news item amd gaming chairs that's right amd's done it they've broken the wall that intel has yet to break gaming chairs and we're big fans of gaming chairs here this feels like a concrete l so big news here this time amd has partnered with verta gear on a branded version of a vertigear pl 4500 copy paste gaming chair marketing spam and amd has had a troubled history in the past with branded products that you sit on it's eating the chain is that the real shock him but this one probably won't try to kill you at least not for a few years until something breaks but for now it should be good uh the chair is available in a black and red colorway alongside black white and red the chair features a 10-year warranty steel frame synthetic leather or puc leather and 3d armrests now just so you know 3d is better than 2d but 4d is better than 3d and twice as good as 2d uh most of the we actually don't buy any chairs at this point that aren't 5d because we want to have both the three dimensions of movement the time movement and then the astral plane i don't know that's the fifth dimension the chairs are available on the amd fan store for five hundred and eighty dollars that price is higher than the technically msrp 550 stock version straight from vertigear and there's a sale right now in vertigears which brings the regular not amd version down to 400 that said we generally prefer actual ergonomic office chairs as we've covered in a previous video and 580 gets you a really long way towards a great chair even if it's something used although you should probably check it out in person first before you buy it but uh that's what amd is doing so if you've got a gaming setup cave room thing that is all amd themed then now you have a chair to go next to your bike that's hopefully hanging on a wall and not ridable up next rumors about an nvidia gpu wow we haven't heard those before uh this is ad102 450-a1 it is apparently an exceedingly high power draw but there's an asterisk there of maybe it's just a test board serial leaker copy 7 kimi has struck once more tweeting about a ridiculously high-powered nvidia gpu that he dubs quote the beast cop by telling kimmy claims that the beast is featuring 18 176 cuda cores 48 gigabytes of 24 gigabit per second gddr6 x and a total board power of 800 watts but it's possible that this is just the uh test spec or the maximum spec for something like a testing board rather than a production card and if that's the case then hopefully it doesn't actually go that high it's probably being misrepresented if that is the case so uh the the numbers here are a little bit ridiculous we can't read too far into this one it's it's a bit over the top to be any kind of gaming card with 48 gigabytes of memory maybe like maybe a titan but that seems ridiculous too so we're not sure what this would be uh beyond a test board maybe a 49 dti anyway it's hard to take much from this rumor at this point just because there's not much to go off other than those numbers kind of fun to read about but if this beast exists anywhere outside of a power supply manufacturers nightmares it will probably have a monstrous price so we'll check back on this one another leak before we get into the normal news ryzen 7 skus have been dug up by video cards video cards found mention of four ryzen 7000 cpus and amd's own resource library website the four parts mentioned are the 7600 x the 7 700 access time the 7900x and the 7950x we've seen a couple leaks of names before but this is really all we have to go off of right now and he's already cleaned up whatever leak was in there and at this point uh it's just some cpus from the 5000 series or the 3000 series except for the 7 in front so let's move on seagate in the news seagate expects to ship 30 plus terabyte hard drives in the middle of 2023 and this was stated during its recent earnings call higher capacities are to follow with 50 terabyte drives on the roadmap and slated for sometime in 2026. here's the viewer engagement challenge for the week go ahead and in the comments below post the capacity of the first hard drive you ever used i promise this is not a security question for an account at least not one that i've seen but be a pretty good one anyway post the first capacity you use we'll see who uh who had the uh in the megabytes for starting capacity on a hard drive and then you'll win the engagement challenge everyone will vote you up it'll be very good so this schedule is on track with seagate's overall roadmap which was shared previously during the company's march 2021 virtual analyst event these higher capacities are being enabled through a technology called hammer or heat assisted magnetic recording seagate has done significant research here and development into hammer since at least 2015. we've talked about it a lot now in the news and that's when it showed its first working prototypes the first commercially available hammer drives were launched in 2019 a hammer comes with significant technical challenges such as being able to heat write and cool the area being written within less than one nanosecond multiple technological changes beyond just hammer are required to hit even higher capacity targets with components like the reader and media on the platters planned to be updated as well all of this change will drive up cost but rising data density requirements show no signs of stopping in the data center up next micron ships its first 232 layer nand flash which is as far as we know the highest count of layers we've seen for nat so this is in storage technology news as well where density is going up for both ssds and for hard drives now micron boasts that the new design has the highest aerial density of nand on the market right now and they say that it's the highest capacity and of course they also say it's the most energy efficient uh of any micronand to date the new flash also features a six plane design which is a first for the industry previous designs topped out at four planes and each plane can read independently of the others to the benefit of overall read speed micron claims its 232 layer nand operates at 2.4 gigabytes per second which is 50 percent faster than the company's previous generation of 172 layer offerings for bandwidth micron claims 100 higher rights and over 75 higher reads per die over the previous generation the new flash also brings a new low voltage memory interface called nv lp ddr4 which offers per bit transfer savings of over 30 percent compared to previous i o interfaces micron claims this will benefit mobile and data center applications the most this 232 layer nand is also the highest tlc density per square millimeter micron notes that it provides 14.6 gigabits per square millimeter and that density results in one terabit dies 16 of which can be packaged together to form a two terabyte package measuring 11.5 by 13.5 millimeters that packaging size is 28 smaller than microns previous generation as for manufacturing that flash is already in volume production at micron singapore fabrication plant and will initially ship through crucials consumer ssd lines crucials owned by micron with others to follow up now a kind of sad story in the news because it affects a lot of people who are working at the companies in the industry so there were several layoffs we've heard about from people we know in the industry who work further within the companies that we all talk about every day evga has laid off over 20 of his workforce at this point asus has laid off a significant portion of its workforce and has from what we understand in the billions of dollars of inventory just sitting waiting to be sold right now they're having trouble selling everything that they made and uh corsair also recently all this was maybe more than a month ago had a five percent layoff of its workforce now these layoffs are happening that i mean we're not market analysts here but working in the industry my viewpoint of this is pretty simple it's that all the companies scaled up to try and capture demand as much as they could maybe in an irresponsible way where they acted as if there's growth forever or they just didn't care that they would have to lay people off at the other end of it when the demand slowed one or the other it's really only those two options uh irresponsible growth or um incompetent growth where you don't think that it's going to turn at some point and so everybody tooled up in actual tools and in staff to try and ship enough products throughout the early extremely high demand days where everyone needed systems at home suddenly to do their actual engineering job and not just use the ones that work and this led to today where it was clearly unsustainable the industry's very healthy overall but where it was for a couple years was not sustainable growth that was like a one-off really special circumstance growth hopefully hopefully a one-off event uh you know pandemic but anyway our view on it is just that uh you look at companies like corsair and asus and even evga and they all try to expand to all these different segments like chairs and routers rgb led routers things like that and suddenly the company's looking at it going we're losing money what we do let's kill all these segments that we just hired for and just get rid of them before we're too far into it and the sad part is you lose all those jobs for people who might have left another job for that job that they just lost so it's really unfortunate we hear about this every now and then normally it's just one company but this time since it was three uh different groups of people at these different companies that contacted us figured we'd mention in the news that there's a lot of layoffs in the tech industry right now and um we're hiring so certainly i was looking at some of the people i know who have lost their jobs going i wonder if we could make something work for them that would be kind of the backwards approach where normally these huge companies like asus steal people from media outlets to go work for them what if we're finally in a position to do the opposite they would never notice uh asus that is but it's at least feel like we're getting a one-up on on the company's doing it the opposite way so i don't know anyway uh we're hiring at the moment so we'll we'll kind of look around but sad news for people in the industry who had jobs that were affected here up next speaking of evga uh this is their carbon fiber e1 frame case evga has launched a new carbon fiber frame pc case that it calls the e1 it starts at sixteen hundred dollars this case was originally teased in a video on the team evga youtube channel back in january and the e-ones extremely light 2.76 pound construction consists of an all carbon fiber outer frame with a steel cable suspending what looks to be an aluminum motherboard frame and radiator or fan mounts evga's i o comes with a pretty unique set of analog dials that has three of them and these measure the gpu temperature the sea view temperature and then there's another gauge that can measure ambient or water temperature now unfortunately this third gauge only has a range of minus 30 and positive 50 degrees celsius so not super useful the new case is available it well used useful for ambient and for water temperature i guess i'm used to extreme overclocking probes anyway the new case is available in three different skus starting from the lowest price at sixteen hundred dollars and this is the ebj e1 kit two it comes with a case and vertical graphics card kit the middle option is thirty seven hundred dollars and it's called the evga e1 kit one this one comes with the case a vertical kit rtx 390 ti kin pin card and 1600 watt t2 power supply and that one is superseded by the highest cost kit which is five thousand dollars and it contains all of the previously mentioned items as well as a powerlink 52u for the kingpin card an evga z690 dark kingpin board and a custom pelican case for transport this definitely screams we're not going to sell a lot of these but let's at least move some of the stock inventory of 39 dtis that we have and try and get something back for this bizarre endeavor that's about the nicest way to phrase it for this case uh it's an interesting looking case maybe we'll look at it for review i don't know it's the benchmarks would be kind of pointless open air so uh it'll just perform baseline but anyway the e1 is clearly intended for a showcase pc for those with very deep pockets and the extreme cost is because it's a built-to-order nature eva says it takes three to four weeks to build it and fulfill your order um and that includes uh of course the carbon fiber construction cost is high there as well there isn't any real world advantage in computers for carbon fiber maybe the weight you could argue but in bikes and cars it starts to make sense hopefully your computer isn't moving at such a speed that it needs to be lightweight though because then you have other problems or maybe the lee and the train case could use some carbon fiber because then it's a feature the e1 is on ebj's website if you're tempted to spend as much on a 390 ti as you are on a case but we're not sure if we'll look at it up next speaking of companies expanding in directions that are maybe of questionable responsibility or success intel has revealed that its optane business is now going to be killed this is seven years after it started the optane endeavor where it announced a 3d cross point underpinning the octane technology this new announcement to shut down optane came quietly during intel's quarter two of 2022 financial earnings report and while the report mentions optane memory specifically ian kotras confirmed via twitter that intel will be stopping operations of all divisions intel posted its first quarterly loss since 2017 citing inflation lower sales and it said geopolitical issues as primary causes part of intel's strategy is to cut out winds of business that are not profitable or not in line with its core business and as a previous example of this intel sold its ssd business to sk hynix in 2020. this really isn't surprising if we look back because intel had already previously killed its consumer side of optane which was especially pointless the not consumer side of optane was kind of interesting but on consumer it basically functioned as a cash drive and as ssd density increased you just didn't need that type of thing anymore if you ever needed it to begin with so intel's fabrication partner for 3d crosspoint micron has already stopped production they stopped in 2021 for the technology and intel reportedly has several years worth of inventory on hand for optane which intel has now just decided to mark down as a 559 million inventory impairment loss looking to the future intel is pivoting to cxl or compute express link cxl is a technology that allows cache coherent communication between compute devices and memory optane products are still used by certain enterprise customers and intel says it will continue supporting them for the time being up next team group has announced a new m.2 ssd with a vapor chamber for cooling we've shown vapor chambers getting made in the past but typically for cpu or gpu cooling products this time though on an ssd and we haven't seen one here before the biggest news here is that team group claims that in hot environments like 85 degrees celsius conditions the ssd is able to get a 75 time savings result in benchmarks which is because of the heat reduction for the ssd for the controller specifically and that makes this more of maybe an industrial or a shop type of product rather than something you would use in an air-conditioned room the new ssd is called the m80 and it's intended for industrial applications team group ssd uses tlc nand it's 128 256 or 512 gigabytes for capacity and it's a pcie 3.0 by 4 interface which is a bit dated at this point for a new product but team group claims that it's at 34 45 megabytes per second read and 25 20 megabytes per second right sequentially for the performance next in the news is replete the vulnerability that preys on speculative execution uh side channels and attacks and this is for skylake or zen one and two cpus and we have a quick update regarding patches for linux so while mitigations for replete have rolled out for 64-bit linux at this point for the kernel the 32-bit kernels remain unpatched at least as of right now and uh vulnerable running on those affected cpus so there's a valid reason for this which is that users shouldn't really be running sky like one or zen skylake red well i guess there are a lot of versions of sky like skylake zen one or zen two cpus with 32-bit uh kernels so that's why it hasn't been updated and linux kernel developers don't view this as a problem due to the rarity of the combination and an intel employee actually is quoted saying the following quote yeah so far nobody cared to fix 32-bit if someone really cares and wants to put the effort in i suppose i'll review the patches up next intel has published a document citing a w790 workstation chipset this would replace the x299 chipsets and it marks the arrival of hddt back into the market for the first time since basically the 10980xe which was the 18 core cpu so rumors at this point suggest that it's supposed to be for intel's upcoming sapphire rapid cpus that seems obvious at this point sapphire rapids has had a number of leaks and rumors lately including a geekbench 5 results for a xeon platinum 8480 plus cpu with 56 cores it's too early to extract much meaning out of the results like that with so many variables unknown but just for fun we compared it to an 18 core 1090 exe in the database and the last one is radeon's ray tracing analyzer 1.0 this is some interesting software for developers especially in gaming to get ray tracing more widespread and off of purely rasterization andy's new tool is called rra it's part of the radeon developer tool suite and the tool is intended to be an aid to 3d artists and useful for highlighting where optimizations can be made to scenes to remove performance bottlenecks the tool exposes technical details like how much memory the acceleration structures are using among other things one particularly interesting feature is the heat map which visually shows areas of high rate traversals which may require attention by the developer rra can show bvh memory residency which helps developers to determine their memory consumption where savings can be had like triangle count or instances and the index view gives a breakdown as a funnel to help visualize uh unique versus total triangles and other inefficiencies the tool is available for free on windows and linux and that will wrap up the news for this week thanks for watching as always subscribe for more go to store.gamersnexus.net to help us directly and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 278,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, hw news, amd gaming chair, gaming chairs, rtx 4090 ti, rtx 4080, nvidia ada, intel w790, intel hedt
Id: uunW0vRMk_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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