HVAC Blower Keeps Turning On and Off.

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just keeps turning on and off see it turned off and it's going to come out again right away see it comes back on yeah hey guys let's go and see what's going on here so I have two HVAC system this is for downstairs and that one's for upstairs so let me start here first I replace this two years ago and before I had four ton unit and I got it replaced with the five ton unit I replaced both the inside fronters as well as the outside compressor unit and that was for fifty five hundred dollars before they replaced it it lasted 30 years and I'll come back to on how I managed to keep it going for 30 years now this unit here they're both carrier before it was carrier and now it's also carrier this unit is about 20 years old and on very hot days or very cold days the the unit runs just fine the Heat and the AC works just fine turns on and off just fine the only problem I'm having is the blower when it's supposed to shut down after running AC or a heat it was shut down and then moments later it will turn back on again and then it will run very briefly maybe about a minute and then try to shut down again and then it cannot and then it starts right back up so it just kind of repeats itself and that's been going on for two years and I had three different technicians come out and take a look and that could not pinpoint the problem and in fact that could not even offer me what they could replace to you know try to fix it so only thing that could suggest is to replace the whole thing you know it's just like this right replace both in inside out I'll say I almost wanted to fix the last issue I had here but I figure okay 30 years I got enough life out of it so I was willing to do that at the time they were doing this they suggested to do this also for I think it was less than four thousand like 3 800 or something like that but right now the latest quote I had was eight thousand dollars uh due to the uh inflation so at some point I know I have to but for the longest time I had uh American Home Shield the home warranty and that's how I got this to continue to run for 30 years basically every year every couple years some minor problem would prevent it from running the American home show was assigned a technician that would come out and they just replaced the part and typically I only paid like uh you know I think I used to pay like 60 bucks and then it gradually went up to like 75 bucks per visit and that's all I did I got the American Home Shield because I thought at some point that was just replace the entire system but the uh I asked multiple technicians that come out will they ever replace it and both of of them said likely not they've not seen one get a complete system get replaced because systems are very modular and usually it's only you know just one part particular part that goes wrong so you get just replace that and then you can you know keep it going and one of them joked and said you know you can probably keep it going for 100 years if you just keep replacing broken parts but after hearing that I canceled the American Home Shield uh because the only reason I got it was I thought they would replace the entire system so I canceled it uh what two three years ago uh because you know there's a like a 60 bucks I think monthly payment and plus you have to pay 75 bucks for every visit so I did some calculation and uh you know obviously they made more money from me than all the servers combined that I pay for it so now coming back on this um when the second technician came out he said let's try the uh the capacitor uh but capacitor is really to help to start the motors not really to stop it but I figure you know the capacitor is old enough and uh he tested it and it was starting to lose power so I let him do it and I think that was just the he felt bad coming out charging like you know 160 bucks uh for like 15 minutes of looking so I think he needed to do something so he you know he did that so that didn't solve the problem so the third person uh it was a a couple technicians that came out together they um they couldn't pinpoint it and uh but by then I had done a lot of research and I suspected uh either I forgot the name of it some kind of a fan relay switch or sensor I keep mentioning it but they couldn't figure out where that part is because this unit is so old and they had not worked on this so next thing I suggested was to uh uh you know consider replacing the motherboard and they said you know that's actually a good try because so but the problem was they were going to charge me four to five hundred and they said it might be very difficult to find the replacement motherboard well like I said I had already done a lot of research and already found the board at a local HVAC store so I didn't buy it yet but I already had the price quote so I told him I can get it for you know I can get it for like 120 bucks so actually they took a lunch break and waited for me and I went and got the part and they came back and put the new motherboard in and that fixed the problem so I saved what 8 000 uh well maybe not eight thousand because 120 for the part and I paid uh 200 for them to replace the uh the the motherboard so anyway almost eight thousand dollars I saved now can I get this keep this system going forever no because as you can see the drying pan is rusting and bottom of it the unit is kind of roasting so I mean it's one of these days it'll have to get replaced but right now everything is super expensive due to the inflation so let me see if I can get it going for I don't know you know a few more years until you know if we have a recession and things all the prices start to come down you know so much it's probably never going to go back to 4 000 level again but you know if you can come back down to five six thousand you know then then maybe the time so just want to assure that with you guys okay so when the system the blower is continuously hold on I gotta be careful uh going down the staircase here whenever the blower is uh continuously turning on and off um this is my switch to the downstairs unit and this is the switch to the upstairs unit so whenever the the blower continues to stop and start I just turn this off for usually about 30 minutes to an hour and that seems to reset everything and everything runs normally again and you know that can go on for sometimes days or weeks uh you know or sometimes it can happen in a matter of six hours later so then I have to constantly open up this attic access and turn this on and off which is very inconvenient anyway after the motherboard was replaced six to eight weeks ago it's it's been shutting off just fine so hopefully it'll last lastly let me show you how I found the control board part number all I did was just remove the two outer covers and then use the smartphone to kind of scan around the control board and I was able to locate the part number I then Googled and found the matching picture and I compared it just to make sure it's same I then called the local HVAC supply store and the first one I called had more than 10 in stock so they are not too hard to find even though they're 20 years old and they're not too expensive so thanks for watching and hopefully this was helpful and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: DIY & Life Skills
Views: 11,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HVAC blower not turning off, AC/Heat blower not turning off, AC blower doesn't turn off, Heat blower doesn't turn off, Carrier HVAC control board replacement, PCB1201-C control board replacement, ICM281 Control Board problem, ICM Control boards, How to turn off AC blower that doesn't turn off, HVAC blower running non-stop
Id: gc42eix_16I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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