Hurricane Pass to Animus Forks Overlanding

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[Music] I think that they're going to try to roll down tethered um just in case [Music] felt like Dean might do some play raping he was talking in the truck struggle cuddles yeah strugle C I know I myself had a near miss last night coming in I had a buck jump out probably about 10 ft from the tigan doing about 15 20 M hour through the twisty Wes curbs coming up here so it was a little hair raising definitely seen more deer out here than we've seen hunting season all year last year that's for damn sure that's only because Colorado knows how to uh mitigate their uh Predators so kudos to you Colorado for doing such a great job and keeping your uh wonderful Forest planished the Colorado Alpine is something something special whether it's the huge Peaks or the Aspens down in the valley to the abandoned mines it always kind of leaves you something to wonder what was it like here back in the 1800s and 19 early 1900s where they were Mining and living very primitively in these high elevations it's not easy moving around up here if you're from sea level like I am and you come up to these high you know 12 13,000 ft elevations just a simple walk back to the truck whether you're in shape or not you feel it but all of that is worth it just being able to see this sheer Beauty like I said it's something [Music] special we met up with Sasquatch Expedition campers and their crew to take us on a little guided tour of the Alpine Loop [Music] if you watch the original version of this you kind of know what goes on but this is all the footage that we didn't use from that first one and we felt like it really needed to see the daylight the initial climb on the Alpine is incredible it makes you feel so small I'm not big on height so I'm a little on edge almost all the time plus being in a full size that's lifted kind of makes that a little bit worse and with the current setup I didn't really feel all that confident in my suspension because I was still learning on how to use the airbags that were installed from Towing the Opus camper in one of our past videos there was a decent amount of traffic on this day but really not that bad [Music] I need to check [Music] tires need to check tire [Music] [Music] we made our way up through to the top to Hurricane pass and you'll see in a moment why they call it hurricane pass the winds were crazy so much that we ended up having to put the Drone down [Music] early hey Eric is yours overheating [Music] yet it was starting to warm up so I went ahead and threw them four low so kick those fans on a lot more also next time we stop and it's a wide area what I want to do is get probably the Sequoia up behind me and then put Nate in between the two seoa just we've got winches spread out a bit help me out second my does not have a winch okay then put uh Jean behind me um because Nate's not going to be able to help me if I get some ner something happens we want or can we do that here yeah I'm just going to have Nate come around me right here and then we'll be okay sounds like a plan guy in the other Ryme is probably wondering like what the hell is these guys doing like playing frog with me oh we talked to him about it okay still on G behind you yeah that chokee keeps coming up but they're stopping a lot as well [Music] [Music] I just want to see that booty walk off into the sunset nothing better than a thick booty in a [Music] [Applause] [Music] sunset we made our way to the California pass hurricane pass Junction and dropped down to Lake Kom it's an absolute beautiful Alpine Lake tons of Blues and greens and it kind of just gave us a moment to recharge we weren't sure if if we were going to go down pipy Trail which lake KO is on at the very top of it we had some traffic come up and said it was pretty rough going because of all the loose Boulders so we decided to kind of make a big loop and drop down to animus Forks [Music] [Music] [Music] come on hey come here [Music] here [Music] okay all give us up what's going on so we are second in the vehicle column and Nate is right behind me just in case and I am in back up I turn my TR control and I am second in wait where am I second in the vehicle column and Nate is right behind me and I am in the TRD Pro Sequoia built by descent off-road and and just in case if Nate gets stuck I will be winching him [Music] out get up off your knes girl stand face to face with your God to find out what you are hello most everybody made it up pretty easily the smaller cars did a lot better than the bigger ones and the ram because I was running a crazy offset that I normally don't run with the temporary wheels and tires that we had to put on this thing just to make it home courtesy of Racine wheels so I was rubbing a little more than I wanted to and again with those airbags in the rear even deflated down to 5 PSI which is the lowest I can go in those it made me feel more topheavy than I really was so my confidence was is not nearly as high and why I needed spotters every time I turned it felt like I was going to roll [Music] over you come up on this side towards the wall and then hug hard right when you come up through the turn [Music] [Music] got the big boulder back there huh yeah [Music] girl myself I know I am my you I sto the power from the but it wasn't all me the camera does not do this obstacle Justice it's pitched hard and it's steep you're talking 19° in most places and going around a s Corner in a full size with that pitch is not an easy task you're going to three-point turn there are things that you are going to experience that jeeps and Toyotas and little rigs are not going to experience I'm going to go clean my shorts but again not that difficult you just have to kind of do some extra steps and be a little bit careful and then when you top that with not being that confident it definitely doesn't make you look that great yeah yeah hey Jack yeah what's up I'm coming back down or I guess I don't need to do I I was going I was I was going to try to do it again because I kind of lifted up and I thought that would be cool footage for you guys I I I mean that's fine either way I mean if you're if you want to do it I guess we could up you if we're in a rush back then never mind that ask Colin as far as like what uh what time frame is cuz I think we're about ready to start lose daylight okay let's just head back then [Music] might the and I dreaming take off all of your clothes only till we're fro we can't feel it Jeff once you get around that corner start coming down before you get to the first turn be mindful there's a uh hole on the left hand side so hug it tight against the uh M all right I'll try I may need a spotter on it cuz I can't see over my hood for left side [Music] tight I'll [Music] try Jeff if there's a turnout there anywhere there let me know I could go ahead of you and I'll anything let you go by I can't see anything full turn keep going you're clear keep going keep going you're good you're good they're shade now you can [Music] see thanks brother thanks brother yeah I completely lose visibility on that type of cuz this [Music] big every it's all the I don't want to play your games if you want to know asking who are you is Jason with you Jean oh I thought it was with you H hey Jason if you can maybe get some uh I I need you to get some uh footage of Jean talking about that build that he's in right now and then have him talk about the difference between driving the Audi and [Music] that okay you riding your brakes I can smell break pretty hard probably that's me yeah I smell that pretty pretty strongly as well what you can do when you're in four low is just leave it in first and it'll keep you going pretty slow all the way down as well you just tap them every once in a while might be my bres I've got no brakes right now oh Jeff doesn't have any brakes well while we were waiting I guess uh we'll do a quick chat overview here it's shade better is the shade better yeah much more mellow the rest of the way down to so I don't even know where the we we are right now just on some trail should I wonder if I should reverse is this ring yeah [Music] okay it isn't one thing it's a another um just lost my brakes coming down this I had Hill descent the whole time I wasn't even touching my brakes really and then I thought Jean I smelled Jean turns out it's my truck so and I barely stopped I don't even know how I stopped here and I just jammed it in the park real quick and put my emergency breake on and here we are thing cut sh approaching that I was at first in low gear and then uh I got stopped enough I could put it in park and it just kind of skit it a little bit volum I didn't replace the I didn't change God damn it's not ideal I shouldn't have touched that Hill descent I questioned it too it was working just fine I went against my better judgment and used the hill descent function on this truck now I know we got a lot of comments saying oh you should know how to use your truck and you should know how to do this and that and I said it in the last video I compared it to other rigs that I've had it was not the same function and why not try things out when you're out and about I did not realize that it was that bad and it's something I've learned from and I don't regret it okay let's at least try not too bad here so going to just EAS it through and can you give us a quick update um I think that they're going to try to roll down tethered um just in case and just see how the Ram responds to um rolling and braking and um hopefully controlled descent keep on your brakes a little bit don't let it Flack too much want to that bumper up all right you guys probably got to keep going so we don't get too close to you so right now I have light slightly pumping on the brakes a bit to keep the toe line tight just in case if he loses his brakes I could completely stop and just anchor him [Music] I can think of a million things I'd rather be doing right now luckily I had awesome Parts like power stop brakes that really even though they did go out here it's because they were so damn hot had I had OEM brakes I would have lost it way sooner so I'm stoked that I had those and I think they saved my bacon yeah good times let's just cross our fingers that we make it wait hold on hold on should be no issue for you yeah my my traction control is giving me warnings right now you see has turned off pretty C bre system it's probably overheating Nate hold up at wherever you guys turn so I know which way to go no we're going straight but I'm sto that old saying hindsight is 2020 and it really rains true here not only did I learn a lot about my truck and what not to do I also learned a lot about my team how awesome this off-road Community is and how everybody comes together to solve a problem but we also learn some new skills on how to get big rigs down in case anything like this happens I was lucky enough that there was other heavy rigs there like The Descent off-road Sequoia and Gan driving it which you saw is also it can be an issue when you're trying to tug onto a 9000 000lb truck and your brakes in turn get heavy and hot as well I can't thank the team enough for sticking with me and going through all this when I know it's such a big [Music] inconvenience D call me that climb out is not nothing what's that that little rip on the way out of the stream is kind of steep for the tan I was more worried about that stack of rocks I wouldn't been been able to clear there's that too although we had to rush through this and get Colin and the boy's home this place is stunning I will be going to back up soon because I want to explore it I know the team wants to explore this we got to stop minimally at animous forks I didn't even get to explore all of the old cabins and the schoolhouse and that's all stuff that was on my bucket list but I was so concerned about my rig not working properly and how I was going to get home that I really just skipped right by it I didn't even get off the road but the guys got to do a little bit of exploring I want to go back up here I want to do some camping I want to explore these roads more and I think it's a video you guys will see soon the last bit of Trail down to Eureka is unreal deep gorge River there was still snow from the past winter the valley opened up with the golden hour it was just the chef's kiss and a great sendoff for us I just want to give a big thank you to Cass and Colin along with all the other guys there at Sasquatch XC you're going to see some really cool stuff with us and them here in the near future they are an awesome group of guys an amazing company that's making something which we think is top level for the Overland Community it's been exciting to watch them grow this past year and their product is second to none be on the lookout for that go give their YouTube a follow follow them on Instagram we'll put the link in the description and for that we are out of here thank you again for watching all this uncut footage we hope you enjoyed it please give us a like and a subscribe if you feel so inclined and we will see you on the next one cheers Jeff how's your truck doing just hanging in there so far man I'm in third gear right now I've been in fourth a couple times but I'm uh just kind of inching it through this right through here cuz I can't see what's around the corners I'm going to buzz by you guys real quick and see how well I can stop on my own hey great to meet everybody we're going to Shag ass and head back to town um feel free to stop by the shop again tomorrow before you guys head out yeah thanks for showing us around really appreciate you being a good host [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rogue Element
Views: 5,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpine loop, silverton, colorado, overland, overlander, overlanding, revere overland, toyota, overland truck, overlanding for beginners, overlanding how to, oregon, overland route, divergent pathways, tacoma, Moab, offroading, Expedition overland, raceline beadlock, kanati mudhog, 39 inch tires, lifted vw, tiguan, jeep, jeep gladiator, gaia campers, altitude industries, kufu drawers, hurricane pass, california pass, animas forks colorado, toyota sequoia 2024 trd pro
Id: iAXDVebQWzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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