Hurricane Helms on beating The Rock, working as a WWE producer, 3 Count, the Vertebreaker
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Chris Van Vliet
Views: 68,573
Rating: 4.9392586 out of 5
Keywords: hurricane helms, the hurricane wwe, the hurricane vs the rock, the hurricane rosey, the hurricane ric flari, the hurricane promo, the hurricane interview, shane helms interview, highway2helms, shane helms vertebreaker, the hurricane royal rumble, chris van vliet, chris van vliet interview, chris van vliet wrestling, shane helms podcast, the hurricane wwe return, the hurricane wwe release, shane helms 3 count, 3 count entrance theme, gregory shane helms, shane helms tna
Id: UvkuTzOmpkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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