Hunting Hill mansion ~ Ridley Creek State Park

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hey everyone today I am in Delaware County more specifically Ridley Creek State Park and we are going to be checking out the hunting Hill Mansion and garden so I was hiking the orange Trail earlier this morning and when I got back to my car and proceeded to leave I saw a sign that there was an old mansion here which I'm assuming that is it right over there and from what I read it was um it goes back it dates back to 1789 it was a farmhouse and then in 1915 I believe the family's name was the Jeffords they buildt on to the original Farmhouse but with the same I guess AR architectural architect Al architectural style so let's see we got the old ston wall now I have no idea what was here in 1789 and what was here or what was added on in 1915 so I'm not going to have a lot of information oh my God this place is beautiful so I don't know what's here probably a fountain or something but it's covered up for the season but look at this this is amazing it's like I want to cover the whole ground but I'm not sure really where it start um but just look at this beautiful stonework maybe there was a beautiful garden here at one time I'm guessing climbing up the steps wow so I will definitely walk around the Mansion but um which is going to be really cool but I always like I like to visualize the whole grounds what it might have looked like at one time look at these trees just love the way they're all lined up like this could you imagine like living here and coming out here to drink your coffee in the morning oh my God I mean that would be like amazing all right down some more steps and we've got a fountain over here I really think these trees are beautiful I just love the way they're lined up along the wall like that that is so cool thinking this is going to look really nice in the spring all these places I visit I keep saying I'm going to come back in the spring and the summer so I'm going to be very busy this year and then look at this walkway Mountain oh we have some uh fish in there I don't know if that's coming up on the camera but we have a goldfish I would assume that's a goldfish only one fish that's kind of sad he's he or she is probably lonely you would think this would be full of fish but there is one fish I'm almost wondering if maybe somebody just dropped a goldfish in there from what I understand they can survive pretty much anywhere this is beautiful I'm just thinking this was probably I don't know maybe those rocks were put in later and there was something inside there maybe yes maybe no maybe some type of a shrine it reminds me of when I was a kid like in Catholic School um we used to do May processions and the Blessed Mother would be there and we would all stand around and sing every May so it kind of looks like uh I don't know for whatever reason that's what it reminds me of these this this place just keeps going and going so then we have another set of steps here I believe this is the end of the garden because then this leads us back to one of the trails and we are going to head over to the mansion [Music] so very cool I'm loving [Music] these as I'm walking around looking at this I'm trying to figure out where the initial Farmhouse was that was that dates back to 17 what did I say 178 1792 1780 something I will certainly look that up and put it on the video so this I'm assuming was the front entrance you would tie your Carriage up they're plastic so they do not take back to the 18th century or the 20th century for that matter not sure what those shrubs are but they're beautiful so this I'm assuming is the front entrance so the Mansion actually serves as the park office as well so that's that's pretty cool so I'm I'm thinking you can absolutely take tours and if that's something you'd like to see let me know in the comments maybe I'll come back and do a tour so many twists and turns look at that it's all empty so there's no furniture and it's not really set up like a museum I would have my breakfast right here early in the morning there's probably deer out here feeding so if part of this is the old farmhouse I can't tell I mean I can't the stone the stonework matches it perfectly we have another set of steps here this place is just goes on and on and on just when I think I'm done exploring the whole place it just keeps going nice look from the other side now I see something over there um and I know it says keep out but it looks like there's a sign explaining what it is so I got to check that out can't leave anything unexplored right all right let's check this thing out and see what we've got going on here I'm going to guess maybe this was a pump house or a Spring House the historic pump house once moved Creek water to the old old sistern on top of the hill I'm definitely getting better at this I know what a pump house looks like and a spring house um so this exploring has been very good for me just kind of get a little bit better look at it so it's boarded up you can't get in anyway so I looked it up quickly it is the Jeffords family that lived here in the early 20th century not sure how long they've resided here but the original Farmhouse which again I'm not sure what portion of this is the original Farmhouse was 1789 it dates back to and the rest of it was built on in 19 15 so a lot of history here so with that I think I'm going to end my video here so I just wanted to thank you again for joining joining me and for watching and if you could um if you haven't already please subscribe and I will see you in the next video thank you so much and get out there and have a good time take care
Channel: Jennsylvania
Views: 678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PteXN6iI0Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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