HUNTING DOWN THE LEADER CHALLENGE! (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Funny Moments)

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all right good start he's height my job today is whoever's in first place I have to try and [ __ ] with them so pretty much playing good game I'm playing gun game oh no yep pretty rusty first races war right yep unless I get five minute camera a little wide I only threw it once and then it disappears got a little big because you got hit but it went away I don't know that's [ __ ] I don't know how the brain works all right give me a night on the run bro I got a goddamn item in a lap oh I said that mushroom of a long time ago I got a item it's over for you [ __ ] this is about the time oh no oh it's over [Applause] all right well target aquired for me Anthony oh [ __ ] yeah great great all right ladies Oh me with a crown on thank you all for watching I hope you've enjoyed the video no you said that was a warm-up well I'm warmed up now it's time and in the recession I can't talk but I can win thank you huh let's have some oh i'm not targeting you come on baby come on I don't know target you Bronk you [ __ ] yourself over come in last no Brian [Applause] drove right through it I just tried to put my star ran out the second it went off it's stressing me out where's Anthony how's he doing coming no yeah it was a premature yeah oh that's a turn whoa here hopefully you hopefully this will hurt you only four red shells you took my Nana's it's not gonna help me last [ __ ] place you see won't be hungry [ __ ] I didn't even say anything at the end I just kept getting [ __ ] head bananas and [ __ ] bombs and what's going on that was quick the potatoes already got it look who's in laughs that lasted what two races come on load a wig you fat blue haired [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] for me I shot two of them that you know all three well somebody else had one yeah thank you Brian I'm just talking about that [ __ ] so you [ __ ] angry green Stroud and this Brian's got a star he's gonna come you're a little shy guy in es3 right oh my gosh myself slow down speed up Marcel no I slow down just go away that's me don't worry Brian the situation you're so irritating I know I'm sorry oh he's Hannon Scott the [ __ ] wind now yeah yay now scoffs the one that's gonna get picked on oh great I'm tied with the guy who's not trying you guys don't see any uploads for me for a week or two after this and it's ten help now where's mental [ __ ] you told me do it your Bob oh why don't get in front of you [ __ ] oh I getting boosts implying oh no he's gonna hit me I'm scared oh we're good we're good Wow come on I'm gonna get you I'm gonna [ __ ] you eat this Brock piece of [ __ ] I did nothing today so I'm safe I'm safe I'm safe oh did I drop [ __ ] bombs like a [ __ ] befriend wouldn't miss that mom I would I don't know three-quarters of a lap record of all behind broccoli please be volcano Brock's favorite please be volcano I [ __ ] hate that trash I'm fine with grundle volcano cool you're gonna be raising it that's what you've been trying to do this entire time right try not to choke ya has been working so far [Music] damnit every [ __ ] wall oh you got a lot of red shells that's scary oh [ __ ] can I have a memes he would read show me pass me and then break and then I'd pass them again he's an evil man Scottie I believe in you man help me to me I said my vision is pretty high it's um consistent right consistently [ __ ] you put somebody in my red shell goes no no please no sorry Anthony I got a seat it's got something here pre coming just wanna finish I just hit something I just ran there was nothing even on the map just thought I'd [ __ ] remind you know your role [ __ ] daddy's car mr. terrorist daddy's coming home for that crown board in front of me I threw red shell and it just yeah like got a blower game in the all day Wow what's going on back gunner I just [ __ ] them oh I missed their you kidding me so did you get a coin no no no no no all right no no no no no yeah all right and come from Scotty's ass hard time now no daddy please and you only get a coin now so your [ __ ] now I fell off the course ha ha get pranked idiot you you [ __ ] seriously what in the [ __ ] do I have to do to get a [ __ ] fair oh my gosh you can try and pull it over my crying oh we can still hear it Malia no I'm never playing this game again so don't delete it enjoy while you can don't understand ourselves getting uninstalled mad boy play mark play Super Smash Brothers with me then okay I did before and I enjoyed it think I'm bad at this game I'll take green shells little it literally anything but a mushroom how did that [ __ ] appears funny bro you're way too [ __ ] slit my goddamn list oh no sick sick sick sick sweet blue shell baby did you get a coin I got a speaker as soon as I got hit but oh my gosh stop it okay I'm [ __ ] dog [ __ ] I have never in my life wait Marcel you want to talk about it I just closed the software it's very great oh [Laughter] my god it's a good enough outro for me [Music] so if you want them on the game in terrorism oh yeah I got from the game in terrorism so come again
Channel: Terroriser
Views: 1,599,037
Rating: 4.9617209 out of 5
Keywords: terrorizer, terroriser, the terroriser, terroriser mario kart, IRISH, irish, mario kart, mario kart 8, mario kart 8 deluxe, brian, bigjigglypanda, busting milk, busting, milk, Terroriser Rage, mario kart rage, rage, Nogla, funny moments, Funny Moments, nintendo, daithi, gaming, funny, comedy, new, basicallyidowrk, rage quit, mcdonalds wifi, Ireland, Hide and Seek, gameplay, daithi de nogla, moo, terroriser losing, silly
Id: 3y1OKYVQyog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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