Hunting Child Predators | My Life Online

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/EsssKxy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This was a cool piece - and represented both sides pretty fairly.

As someone who has consumed a lot of DAPโ€™s content - Iโ€™ve definitely come around to the idea that they should probably stop. Or at least they should stop what theyโ€™re doing in its current form.

I wish there was a way that DAP could work hand in hand with local law enforcement in the way that To Catch a Predator used to. But that seems unlikely.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nicknaseef17 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

DAP is amazing. Everytime I'm in Fremont and go to Walmart I am just waiting for the EXCUSE ME EVERYBODY!!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
excuse me everybody this man is here to meet a 13 year old boy you're a Europe ruin your life next to test it on dads against predators started a little bit before 2020 and once we got our first catch we haven't really stopped since we pose his little kids grown man message us on the apps try to meet us in public places can you put them on YouTube The Carter Predator there before he got amazed some of the stuff is so bad I wish they didn't tell me you says he wants to make love he wants to date me he's Daddy on baby boy when you do it for you know money or subscribers you're doing it for the wrong reasons would you be doing this if it wasn't for you to if you want to meet up with a little girl if you want to meet up with a little boy somebody that's 11 years old 13 years old it doesn't matter the reason it doesn't it really doesn't matter the reason this is real it's not just YouTube this is real life too thousands of people foreign [Music] he says who is your first catch dolo if you don't know the first catch you don't know the first thing about that you don't know no I'm just kidding no it's Fremont Ohio Walmart that boy was a real real child alert I'm Joshua Mundy um I'm from Fremont Ohio I got two kids a step-daughter my name is Jay conicum I'm a father of four and I'm a part of dancing spreaders we pose as little kids online bad guys want to meet us in stores or wherever and we show up put them on YouTube [Music] [Music] so I would start off using like a dating app if I'm using a little boy probably a gay dating app and then I would just create the profile in minutes I would receive messages you know sometimes the guys they want to be really careful and they want all sorts of pictures we'll talk to a guy we'll try to get him to say as much bad stuff as possible so we can have a conversation with us or we can call the police how you want to do that man we'll meet him up if he stays to have a conversation we'll have a conversation I'll be as calm as possible as long as they're telling the truth I mostly stay calm excuse me everyone this man is here to be a 13 year old girl usually I end it with like an excuse me everybody in a public humiliation to get those guys to like live their worst nightmare and yeah you're gonna feel it online but like I want you to feel it physically too you know a lot I had a few questions in here a lot of people want to know like why we started that and like how it started it's started because me and you wanted to do something we were passionate about real real really right I mean that's cool yeah realistically that's the main like that's where it comes from is me and you chilling playing 2K and wanting more for our lives we had seen Predator catching videos before and my stepdaughter had been molested by somebody in her family and I would go to his job and with like the police paperwork and I would give their manager the police paperwork like to every new job he would have and get them fired and stuff like that so I was always already basically kind of exposing predators so we'll go right to Analytics we haven't dropped videos in a week but we're still getting like 30 000 views a day which is pretty cool it's 36.9 million views in two and a half years we woke up one day to being demonetized on YouTube with like 20 videos taken down and our patreon being canceled dap Inc was demonetized by YouTube created cut the cameras to uh put all those videos out and then continue to do more as well the mustache is kind of thick killed all right our first catch we were definitely nervous we didn't know how to approach him once we've seen him standing there with the phone in his hand and we're like oh that's really him is it that easy to catch a bad guy a lot of people watch for entertainment for the entertainment aspect um you'll get a lot of people coming and messaging us like that was funny you know when you did that or whatever but then there's a lot of people that have been through a scenario where their child was assaulted or they were assaulted themself so it can be really touching for some as well gonna find it we first heard about Deads against predators several years ago my name is Dave for Terry I'm the commander for the Ohio internet crimes against children task force my main question to dads against predators and to any of these vigilante groups would be would you be doing this if it wasn't for you to when you are someone who goes out and creates a channel for the simple reason of you know getting clicks or views or subscribers that really makes me question their their motives for why they're doing this in the first place I mean a lot of the negative stuff is where grifters uh we do this with money and we do this for attention and um and that's like I would like to say like oh I don't let that stuff affect me but like that stuff does affect me this state is here to be the 13 year old girl for sex when I first started doing this I didn't think anybody would be mad at me you know because I know my heart is pure and I do this for the right reasons and that's why we don't clickbait our videos nothing is Click baited or anything like that we try to keep this as pure as possible because I don't want to be called a grifter I don't want to be set told I do this for money when my what I've had happen to my family you know to me it's like a smack in my face money and things like that they're not I'm not rich I don't have I drive an old minivan like [Music] foreign craziest catch here still got a messed up hand from that from that video if you could tell like this knuckle right here is like gone it's like down here we said how many kids do dream less hey look maybe it straight my eyes and said two yeah and at that point I'm not on YouTube no more I'm not representing a brand I'm not worried about well maybe I could get in trouble like that was just you know how do you not punch Hitler in the face if you get a chance you know I'll just try to do what's right in my heart not that we're doing anything illegal but I feel like if you live your whole life basing your morals on what is legal and illegal that you're gonna find yourself probably contradicting your heart a lot we should call that an ambulance girl can you come my understanding is that dads against predators is you know what we would consider a vigilante group I think the most problematic part of what dads against predators is doing is just the fact that they're identifying individuals who may very well potentially be good law enforcement targets these are probably offenders that we should be paying attention to but by the time we are made aware of them it's too late for us to get involved and these offenders are left to YouTube and to go about their normal lives once the notoriety of that video subsides you have half the people that go you can't punch Hitler in the face that's illegal and then you have other people saying like I would have beat the out of Hitler you know when you have such a polarizing video or group you got a lot of people that really like you and you got a lot of people that really hate it a vigilante by definition is like a person that hands out Justice I don't hand out no form of Justice when I put the video up on there you don't get 15 years in prison it depends if you think public humiliation is real tangible like a currency you know of you know like jail time you know that's a real tangible currency money obviously it's a real tangible currency so like shame you know how do you really measure that and I feel like that's where Justice comes in because there has to be a trade you know like this guy did this he gets five years in prison you know there's a trade-off of that's what makes it justice the weights right um what is the weight of public sharing I don't know oh hell no she was tripping all right he about to attack Jackson he's getting my pants fall down hit him with the smack there never would never catch without a belt it's not funny but like we just like like laugh at it like oh that's the first place I punched somebody right there across from the Kroger's just stuff like that you know when you're sitting there like and it's a funny edit and you go oh my God look at this Predator he's an idiot you know and then you almost like lose what you're doing oh yeah this is sexual predator and this guy ruins lives and these people have had their lives ruined so it's like they really deserve so much more than we can give them so then if they give us the chance to kind of like if they put their hands on us you know it's like all right thank you like because now I get to I get to touch you you know what I'm saying boy hey watch your hand squash this spot is like where the first little yeah physical stuff happened oh right here is where the infamous head butt uh take place at that point we weren't catching Predators anymore it was just an evil man right in front of us we recognized that we need to be online to prevent offenders from interacting with actual children as we do more and more of these investigations it becomes harder for us to you know necessarily pose as children in some cases we're we're asked more of us where offenders want more and more detail and information and they want pictures and they want video and you know it becomes hard for us then to really conduct these investigations when we're dealing with individuals on the other side that are also trying to conduct these stings a lot of the police say yeah they don't want us doing this if we are untrained and all this stuff why are we able to catch so many guys in your city when we just show up randomly I wouldn't do this if I feel like it didn't need to be done if I felt like the police were treating this as a prop the proper way they need to be treating this the one argument that I will admit is do it was put in the public safe Public Safety at risk and I feel like if we eliminate that then there's really not much else you can say yeah as we got outside he started to let loose he didn't care I go to jail tomorrow he was going to jail the next day yeah what the exposing a guy to hundreds of thousands of people doesn't make him more secretive it doesn't make him quieter not putting that video out let's say I catch a guy and the police say oh if you put that out that could make him harder to catch okay well that person could still be babysitting his niece for the next six months while you twiddle your fingers to make sure the FBI and whatever other groups and agencies you have to collab with to get this done can show up for the weekend I'm into preventing these things from happening I'm into this guy is a predator don't let him around your kids instead of the police are into well this guy didn't molest anybody yet so technically you're we can catch him later after he does to me that doesn't make no sense obviously Deads against predators is identifying individuals that we should be aware of however they're bringing this information to us after they've already streamed the video after they've brought attention to this individual in the public eye and so my question there would be what are we going to do about that I mean yes you have an individual who's indicated something they'd like to do with a child but as we've said time and time again here in Ohio a private citizen conducting these quote-unquote investigations if you will is not illegal so by dads against predators going out and posing as minor children these individuals that they're talking to if you will are technically not committing any crimes under our crime scope in the beginning I think we were really trying to go for arrests [Music] and then we start we would run into problems where you know some police officer some places would say absolutely not you know we're not going to take nothing if the police aren't going to do anything about it if they're not going to go ham and try to catch a bunch of child Predators then then what's the issue here I get it okay you know um we can't get we can't get any rest let's at least expose them we've arrested over 1500 of these individuals since the task force was initiated just here in the state of Ohio I still believe that even with all of our efforts if if we had you know 10 arrests a day we would still see groups like Deads against predators who want to take advantage of the notoriety and the ability to make money off of these YouTube channels you love us yes we love you too that is amazing we need more dancers I was a child that got molested and no one believed me yeah and for those that do get told they still don't get believed and it's hidden and it'd be it'd be the closest people your friends your family right that do it exactly the whole body pays attention to it so I applaud y'all for being dads that want to stand up and actually be a part of that because more we need more now come here thank you so much thank you for coming over definitely keep up the good work we will you need for me to come [Music] as soon as you touch it it's go time [Applause] that's good the absolute worst part of all this is the thought that my children or my loved ones could be hurt because of something that I did you know something I tried to do I'm in retaliation to me that's been the biggest the scariest thing I do think about it a lot think about it every day ultimately there's only two things I could do is hide quit try delete all the videos or I could just continue to do it continue to kind of stick my neck out there in a way but be vigilant and be ready so how's your knee feel that feels good it feels better every day every time I wake up I feel like it bends a little bit better so I mean it's a weird it's a weird scenario I wonder how it will fall out since the wound is closed now I mean they say there's a bullet in there somewhere in this I don't know how much I can go into just based on the case being open but I was shot um calm we defended ourselves and so we just did what we could to get out to get out alive I was scared like damn am I going to be able to pick my kids up put them on my back like I like I always do and throw them in the air we were fleeing from the shooter in my mind I just wanted to make it home and they were Josh was trying to get me to go to the hospital and I was bending my knee and I was like if I can bend my knee bro we're going home we're going to go home that's why I was terrified when you called me I thought I'm like wondering where you got shot you said in your knee I'm like how are you walking yeah I just had to let you know that I was shot but I was good yeah and then you drove eight hours home and I'm like yeah I mean my adrenaline my adrenaline was running and the first thing I could think of was get home to my family we were on our way home from when Jay got shot and we're like we're done we're done this isn't worth it like we want to come home to our kids and it was like a day after we we got some sleep you know and I woke up and it was you know that guy would have shot that girl to keep her quiet because he shot us like he shot you to keep you quiet he would have shot that girl you know no I definitely never imagined it happening it was always like a fear in the back of like like he called me I was just like in shock the thing is is like everyone's at risk you risk yourself by driving exactly you risk Yourself by just going outside I mean anything can happen any day right so for you to do something you love and get hurt I think that's better than doing something you hate and getting obviously you've saved a little girl that's the thing about it you saved a little girl from being shot and killed because he was going to take her to the woods right right obviously I don't want to put myself in a position to get shot but if it if I am it's it's going to be for this something that matters something that means something to myself more than anything not to like some soft or anything but like for the first few days I close my closed my eyes and I was like still fighting for the gun and just a lot of like what ifs you know what if I didn't get the gun out of his hands you know what if Jay didn't stop him from shooting me like there's just a lot of like just torture myself even though it was all over and I'm back home and everything's nice and safe and stuff it was just like a lot of just going over the situation over again and I feel like I got like a grip on it now and um and dealt with it I mean I don't feel like any of that sounds soft it sounds like yeah sure yeah you know yeah I'm just trying to be you know trying to be tough with it I'm I got I still got some kids doing so I can't let stuff defeat me you know practice more pictures when you were little and I was little in that picture [Laughter] that was your wish yourself being I mean that's not from a phone camera I heard that you got a call from Josh when Jay got shot because he was to be a nurse yeah I did get the phone call he was wow yeah he was looking for whatever asking me why what can I get I need to get Jay's leg cleaned up I don't think I would have been as calm as what he did he calmed himself I think down pretty quick and was using his head he's just trying to make this world a little bit safer place for children doing what he does he automatically be able to go to heaven I think he'll know when the time comes that hey you know we've we've done all weekend do with this he'll know when it's time to stop I had people in my backyard taking pictures and almost on a daily I have people threatening me in my inbox I have people leaking my address my kids ain't gonna be able to have social media with their names on it like regular you know they're gonna have to hide and that sucks and that's those were things that I didn't think about when I started this of like wow that puts not only a Target on me but my family he was a good good boy he was he was good and he was sweet and he was loving and yeah that's proud of him I think why my grandma's been going to church her whole life was keeping these people coming you know it's the community and it's the hugs and a lot of people don't get hugs you know and like maybe they don't give a hug at church it sounds cliche or corny but a lot of people need hugs and a lot of people need to like they're not alone you know a kid gets molested but nobody thinks about that Mom you know that feels like they failed you know that they didn't protect our kid you know and those are like hard things that people deal with that they don't think about when a kid gets molested they think about the kid which they should you know that kid's gonna have to deal with some but like my mom's up too and the dad's up you know and they gotta live like the rest of their life like that's for me like I'm scared shitless for my other kids you know I already failed like with one so like it's like a big weight just as a parent foreign you gotta make that look like it went in bro I'm 30 almost ball I'm getting old Helen is uh he's another childhood friend we play sports together after high school lived with them for a little short time and then after the Army I got divorced lived with him as well so I just kind of been through a lot of ups and downs with Alan let's go what you got going on today yeah yeah we get high after this where did where did it all start for you honestly thinking of thinking of my childhood Predator yeah what you doing yeah what y'all doing no nothing much just working hey yo I just want to ask you a few questions remember I used to use my uncle when he was little yeah yeah you still my uncle well we're related we're related yeah is that so yeah my uncle did I know or do you think you did that because I didn't have a dad and you told me he was gonna be my dad figure but you molested me but it took me some time to build up the courage to confront my abuser a lot of the reason why we why I wanted to do this and what I'm so passionate about it is because that happened to me and I know there's those types of guys out there catching Predators kind of helped me build up that courage I mean he's walking through life everything's good like he's probably done that to plenty others he's done to so many other people and nobody's saying nothing along with me and he's out here at the fair eating a funnel cake having a good time yeah in public looking at kids and and so I would say there was a good three three four months where I would wake up every day and just be like I'm a damn a bro like I'm about to do this yeah four months swear bro every day I wake up I'll be like today's the day since that day you know I mean there's been a weight that's lifted off my shoulders bro yeah I see it I felt it you did everybody was telling me that bro like I just was walking around I was smiling different bro it's just because if someone has assaulted you someone's done so much like caused so much trauma to you it's gonna be scary to confront them like especially when you dealt with it as a kid I was a 12 year old 12 11 10 year old kid when I made the video I took it to Josh and I told him that's when he kind of really realized and understood what I was going through and everything um and I actually did sit on it for a while um at the time I wasn't okay with everybody knowing that about me I felt like it would make me weak it would make me like you know just look all sorts of things that that can go in your mind when deal with you know um saying you've been molested and so you know especially trying to be like a man you know I'm trying not to look weak in things but I had to get it off off my chest I had to do the right thing which was um shine light on the abuser like shine light on what happened to let people know what type of monster that he was wait like I said it's like a weight so you're putting that weight down like here you have it you know I'm saying like you take all of it take all the half I got half now you take good swear take all that because I don't want it no more because I didn't do nothing wrong and however you want to deal with it you deal with it you didn't used to make me kiss you all the time you didn't used to cuddle me with a hard dick on your back on the hotel room okay you don't get it well let's talk we'll talk right now go drop your wife off I follow your house the night that we posted Jay's story that night he committed suicide there's like a couple of different ways I look at it one way I look at it I'm like I'm like I'm happy I'm how am I excited that I mean it sounds messed up but I'm like I'm excited that that he did that not just because I got not just because he killed himself but because he killed himself he must have had to do more than just what he did to me and I ended up finding that out not too not too long after and then there's another side that was like I was expecting to deal to like deal with him again I was expecting to see him more and I kind of wanted to like Buck my chest at him a little bit more because I felt like I had been walking around just losing if that makes sense like losing that whole situation and so I feel like um once you do that once you confront your user I think like you take the win you know the two guys that I know that have committed suicide I take like responsibility like in that no no I mean um what those men did were their choice and the 270 other guys or whatever that that we potentially caught they didn't make that choice um and any choice that they do make I don't feel responsible for you don't punish like you don't punish a cop when a cop pulls somebody over for speeding and then they end up can't pay their bills that we get evicted from their house you know things lead to things you know and you can't say well this is the trigger you know uh and I I won't do that to myself or my partner you know this is going to go on YouTube in front of hundreds of thousands of people and also let's go into Detectives these people are almost like uh an other like a sub-human to me like I don't I don't believe that they even have feelings you know it's like a tiger you know if you put me in a cage with a tiger he's not gonna have feelings for me you know he's gonna tear me apart and I feel like if you give these guys a chance with power you know where they get to be the strong tiger they'll tear anybody apart that they can I truly believe that not that these guys are attacking me but to me it's self-defense for the world these guys are these guys are bad people so um I'm just putting myself in front of the line before they get to a little kid [Music] I'm just looking for a good person to hang with yeah I can because I love to do that whenever you're ready yes I do drive that Blade's ready did you spill did you just say the age on there already damn homie's ready so basically this guy he wants me to send a picture with uh three fingers up and I don't have that one on this phone so I'm gonna have to use this app and uh see what we can do here kind of got to put it away from my face so it don't interrupt there we got a nice 30 year old young handsome man and we're gonna come here and bada boom Bada Bing so we'll send this to him I gotta airdrop this picture to this phone we are in business we really don't do much besides we're just on our phones you know just tapped into this like weird little world of trying to act like Gracie a 13 year old girl that their mom's gone at work or something as soon as they say like they're they're good to do it they're good to come they they want to meet we don't waste no time and I said uh just don't want you mad I'm 13. and he said that's not no problem basically um then he goes on to say I just want to basically do anything uh he wants to make his partner happy he's offering to give the 13 year old boy ahead legally there's not like any rules but morally you know I we won't send like no naked pictures um we're never gonna write a guy first when people look at our work we don't want them to go well you did this to get them to do that you know foreign hey sorry I just seen like your text message I didn't know um I thought I texted you back I had it like typed out but I never sent it I'm so stupid okay like so you you still like want to hang out like you're not mad that I'm 13 so many guys like freak for real uh got deleted on grinder so I didn't know what was going on so I thought it was like a joke or something yeah no grinder is so stupid for real um yeah I mean I'm just like hanging out I mean my my profile got deleted but I made one like on my iPad so I mean if you're still like wanting to hang out like I said it was just one time I got left because he's seen that I was like younger and he like freaked and I had to like walk home all the way from Kroger and like that's stupid so I just wanted to know that like you're like aware and cool with it you know I'm cool with it but you know I'm am I am I nervous that it's a setup or something because your age you know do I have a problem with that you know I don't but you know it's it's it's scary that you can be 13 years old I can go to prison you know what I mean right like yeah I get it I mean you know that's why I'm so open because like guys get so mad like they think I'm like a cop or something but like I don't know I'm a laid-back type of guy you know I can tell for real man like I said I just right right I mean like have you been with like somebody like me before like a lot of guys like it it's like they're Kink and so like I don't I don't know I haven't been with nobody that young okay so well I I'll take that back I uh did something with my cousin he was you know he's about he was about 12 years old and I was you know younger than I am down but you know that was years ago but yeah so like was that fun or whatever like that's had to be crazy huh well we didn't do too much actually I showed them I jacked up in front of them then he laid on top you know he laid on top of me you know he was like you know no pubic here you know he was a he was a kid yeah but you know so do you guys like do you guys like do you guys like still hang out and like like mess around and stuff we well put it this way we got older and uh did we do other things later in life yes we did and he said did he say he didn't want to do it anymore so we've never talked about it again but do we still talk to each other will we meet up and stuff yes we do that's cool I mean that's cool you guys still got a good relationship and stuff like yeah yeah we do awesome well um like when are you free for real like I say I'm free right now I ain't doing nothing watching TV and I was about to get a piece of leftover uh Pizza I had for lunch and I ain't worried about that so okay well get some lunch and I'm gonna text my dad and see like make sure he's gone and then if not like we can meet and set something up okay let me know all right bye all right take care so how was that that was bad right underage cousin you guys want to get them [Music] honestly right now I'm not feeling too nervous nerves are on me a little bit I got some cold clammy hands usually there's not room enough for two people to be nervous so if Josh is like dude I'm nervous I'm like I just naturally just kind of get calmer I think for real do you get any type of sense of this guy might be violent this guy might be blah blah or you just don't um I don't get that feeling from him and to be honest like the guys that have been violent you almost got that feeling kind of going into the newest possibility but with this guy [Music] hey excuse me sir [Music] yeah he does no fault man what's up brother how you doing brother so basically what you doing [Music] have you done this before no what kind of trouble man you out you're out here looking bad preying on children again oh hell I don't with shoes the last one you said she was it says are you gonna snitch on me I was with him he was with them but she was asking for pictures of his dick huh that's why I didn't around what do you mean you didn't around or nothing you said well I'm daddy so would you date me baby boy I'm with him he was with him what if we with you no what if we with you bro no I'm asking you what if we with you you don't want me to so why don't we tell the truth right now let's see the down and tell the truth right now before we with you you know what I mean please or what hey kick me you won't leave me alone he's both of them me and my family we're in here she said are you single you kept calling me hun you said are you gonna snitch on me you know any abandoned houses so a joke you didn't say LOL you should not know your children family yes they're family they're worried about you don't always worry about me why I've been on through a lot of anything else to say my job I didn't want to get in those whole periods obviously that's why you don't want to get in trouble with your little boy I was talking doesn't mean I wanted to do anything he showed up if he was just talking he would have stayed here I was with him yeah good luck with that to the detectives you guys have a good day sir well we got the job done um he was actually a sex offender already so uh uh there's never no good news in this but good news is we're probably going to get him on some stuff so you could just tell with his body language that he was waiting on a little boy some guys you can tell they're a little bit more antsy and they they're kind of waiting for maybe the police or something but he was just sitting out there yeah he didn't even ask for a clarification picture or anything like that definitely not one of the careful or smarter ones dumbass to the people that say that law enforcement's not doing enough I mean our efforts are in the news every single day I mean you can't turn on the news now without seeing some Internet safety story uh and prosecuting attorney's office or a local police department federal state authorities who are doing work that involves internet crimes against children the numbers certainly support the successful efforts that that we've engaged in you're a piece of you're the worst of the worst types of humans but I still think we're a society that just likes the viral nature of the internet and the shocking videos that we're seeing and I think as long as people are you know gravitating toward those videos we're always going to have people who say that we're not doing enough simply because these groups make it look so easy to go out and identify these individuals I mean I don't think it's enough to just put someone on a YouTube channel and hope that five years from now that individual is not going to go out and babysit someone else or get a job that puts them in close proximity to Children the benefit of these sex offender Registries is that there's a record of these individuals that says they did something that involved a sex offense against someone else and they should be watched closely but when you put someone on a YouTube channel and they receive their 15 Minutes of Shame what's that really doing a year from now five years from now 10 years from now there's been some people that have encouraged me to do something different I'm never going to stop trying to be in the the fight against good and evil if that means catching Predators which sometimes it will probably continue to do that always trying to figure out a way to expose evil help the police you know the police can't do everything I can't put Pandora back in the Box you know even if I stop now you know let's stop today I'm done I ruined 250 lives and let's say there's three people that really care about that person that love that person so three times 250 that's like 750 people that want my head if they see me [Music] the way people talk to me and call me a hero and stuff is just that's humbling and then it's also you know a responsibility because at the end of the day like I can be selfish and be like yeah I'm not a hero and I'm not this and that and just go to bed I'm a normal person you know but then those people actually looked at me to make a difference if they believe that I've done that you know just keep doing it that's gonna [Music] get you baby [Music] if somebody rolls your whole blunt for you do you feel like you kissed him [Laughter] do you feel like you kissed me after that I don't believe so but so you just take it by the business if that's what you wanted to achieve then
Channel: VICE
Views: 1,276,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, film, predator caught, to catch a predator, cassady campbell, Dads Against Predators, Vigilantes, to catch a predator chris hansen, to catch a predator reaction, D.A.P., Pedophiles, sex, illegal, vigilante, justice, children, child, pedo, molestation, dads, dad, father, sex offender, predator
Id: ScnujNGd7FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 29sec (2549 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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