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[Music] is the prowler good it's okay it's like yeah it's okay it shoots a little slow it's just a little slow so it's not as good as the r99 that's for sure introducing your champion we'll be waiting for you down there spitfires good you just move so slow like the best weapons are the weapons that are the most mobile that's why wingman and r99 are really good spitfire is great but you go up against anyone that's half decent that Spitfire is terrible because you literally have to stand still and there's no side straight can't side straight with us a bit fire here's the [ __ ] sitting duck you just die just a heavy weapon nice man came here just I might need it Mozambique dude hello okay I was right to go he's tried leaving he tried leaving bro that's funny wait are you kidding [ __ ] I thought my team a finish this guy yeah if you if you're interested in the Rainbow six charm you could technically get you can technically get to people's the charm with which Brent because of how long the promotion is going on for I think the charms come out on the 6th right ok so if you sub now to one person and then when you're sub and sub to another person for their charm like Venus or I King George or cod I don't remember the other people my boys aren't even with me startups best be careful that's four messages now I know you're trolling and they're having a good time but just be careful tread carefully route I was so ready I've been watching his messages he keeps saying the same thing like four times I know he's just rolling but I don't understand it doesn't make any sense this is way too much of a zoom and I get rid of that there we go [Music] you know same again after I called him out that's good I'm just happy you said my name Doug okay just ban him get rid of him you're welcome get Matt here cube I give you permission get him out I hate that I hate people like that I hate him so much dude whoo they just troll they're toxic the troll and then at the very end oh yeah man I just you know just wanted you to say my name or you know I'm just kidding it's all for fun oh okay grey armor where my boys my boys are far yeah we need to reset here wait are they to fight okay hold up hold up oh [ __ ] the other ones got gold armor I like that matters but let's go boys yeah baby that gold Oh got incoming that was scary how did I not get that first kill by the way what happened three batteries batteries batteries batteries batteries what else forgot all right okay I missed batteries nice we got matters what are you doing [Music] [Music] there's more you mean like give me like give me like fight in their mind there's more oh there's more [ __ ] game I was just trying to open the damn door where this is not a good spot for us kind of want to take that our 3-1 or take this actually pop that that I don't know which seems better I know one of these is the the champion school I don't know which ones which but ooh I need that I think I don't know what seems champion spot but I want to focus the champions but it's gonna be tough because I know one of the I don't one of these teams is pretty good I just don't know which one on which was which that team her that seemed we could reset and press T mate [ __ ] it let's play it safe try get a solo dub here the random boys I know he's not gonna have a loop but whatever you're the champion squad I don't think so unless they died which is possible yeah we're all inside the ring good oh okay let's go this way where's yeah where where did he use gay must have crashed yeah that's the champions one I told you the champions bottle still up and you guys didn't believe me didn't believe me no sure here's a champion there we go yeah you are the apex champions look at that face you like that you like her to bow like that skin yep would you ever shave your head Mike no why oh why would I do that introducing your champion she looks like Sid from Toy Story this is the same played me a bus game are you oh my god literally nine hundred place Mozambique wait can you put a digital threat on the mother me oh my god Opie okay okay Justin no oh God Harambee c9 is owning right now holy [ __ ] he's literally farming he was got like 16 kills 16 I said it should I peak nether Drake bro I want to play some wow rock and a bud I don't know boys are back in town I'll blue armor oh [ __ ] I'm nice gone where's her bra base here on beyond being Harambee it's not hit next one next one next one that's not him either oh my god oh there's a mouse in the wind and then sometimes he's a rabid wolf old a little bit dad he turned it up right turn a little bit down make sure that ratio is still the same okay what the arabe on his armor though I got a laser barber [Music] [Music] you say he's enjoying himself I sense a respawn right here that's what I think I'm gonna get out of it and I already go there census Russell you're feeling its sense we're on Basie nine we're gonna catch him damn nobody's responding here my feeling was wrong oh oh we killed oh we killed them never mind her obviously not dead everyone relax I don't know when we did this but we did it Heather's just gone again I don't understand there you go you're back it's because I'm looking over that's why I'm looking at my stream addict it's not his amen it's okay you're good I'd be okay Harambee package is coming in big dings in that I have one lousy to prepare your hands lousy better bum bum bum bum bum but I'll bet a vamp out Coffee run at this where you going Timmy's young brother we heard a bunch of people missed your deal out the other night yes ting code to 50% for next hour to give them second chance I'll stock up on insane roasts and insane kappa yeah yeah she is okay so mr. madrenas himself messaged me okay remember when we played at mr. madrenas about a week ago well we're gonna go okay sir remember we played with them and we had that 50% off for like a day so one more hour starting right now matures coffee calm one more hour you can use that 50 percent code and then it's gone so if you want to buy some last minute coffee feel free use the tunnel I bathe in the bluff she cared for says barely is a female right the voice actor I can't hear it oh but they picked a picture why don't you execute for full armor cuz [ __ ] what if I die I had 1 hp bro I was gonna sit there what if someone just saw us and shot me I'll die and one bullet Oh that'll pass when am i right chat can I get some twitch Prime's for your battle pass I'm just kidding even have to do that although I do recommend it oh my goodness I killed another Drake do any heavy thank you oh no take a little sound like I heard steps my left but I might be tripping I like the game was fun there's a lot of fun but I just feel like with how easy the game is because of all the free to play players and there being no ranked system you know we need more to spice it up we need we need to just have objectives you know we just need something instead of just running over people all day what's written like if they do ranked system that would be super cool because then if you want to just run over a random pubs you go play casual and if you want to actually have like a sweaty time you play ranked on me shayzon okay we are in a pickle you guys are far too huh token are guys like that [ __ ] [Music] reload my shotgun I was actually kind of scary for a second actually never got the life line drop yeah no there's nothing gonna be in there you're not gonna get anything good from a life line drop at this late of the game literally the only thing that it uses may be a purple helmet that's it let's see if there's a purple heaven shall we there was some one guy not like that's very important anyway there is a cool site for the the flatline I don't know what site was the site that I liked with it oh it was the - for the - 4x the flatline was kind of cool holy [ __ ] subs what happened oh gifted subs what's up thank you for all the gifts whoever did that thirty two fours here yeah I like the site on the okay I'm gonna do something stupid and hope they don't see me in a zip line right brother face Michael Michael Michael thank you yo pledge 140 [ __ ] is this guy man hey [Music] he gave away his position with his Q I almost feel like his Q shouldn't be revealed everybody [Music] these four guys are dead nice you are the apex champions yeah I feel like his q4 bloodhound should make a noise but it shouldn't do that whole reveal thing I saw that from so far away [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Virb
Views: 36,669
Rating: 4.52459 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, sick, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako
Id: tHGrw8zFlyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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