Hunting Agates In The Hills Around Ellensburg, WA

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today I'm outside Ellensburg up in the hills and I'll be looking for agates out here on this hillside here I have found banded agates and I have found geodes and I don't work up into there's this scree here and there's more up there that's more where I want to be and every once in a while you can find an egg it that'll hold some blue to it that's why I keep coming back here because I've found a couple in here before and today I hope I have some luck and find another one and I'm gonna search this hillside and work my way up and see what I can find okay I hadn't even walked a couple feet and right here is this little banded agate right there back out see if I could listen to focus a bit and that has some blue to it and this looks like it might be a good day because over to my left here let's see this right there and that's definitely got some blue to it too oh yes now now we'll just have to see if it holds its color cuz one thing about when you get into these Ellensburg agates as they'll look really good when you pick them up but later you'll find that they'll lose their color this one here this banded one here I think it's gonna hold that there was gonna be a really good stone yeah I haven't been here five minutes and I'm I'm happy already well I was just about ready to leave from this area but right here I see another and that one there's got a hint of blue it's got some banding in it so I'll keep it and there's a little piece right here yeah when they're probably will not hold its color there's just a lot of little pieces here I'm just gonna collect right here and I'll probably just sift this this area right here because it looks to be that there's going to be some stuff and this may I just all fell out from the winter I made just oh I can see another one right up there I'll have to get to it and what's this right here oh well yes I'm having a good day yeah well I got to see what I can get in here and hopefully some of this will hold its color and be nice to work with I know what polish is nice there's another piece right here that one there probably will turn gray that's okay though right now I just put it all in here and we'll see what it all ends up like now I'm gonna sip this up and there's definitely gray that'll make a good tumbler though boy there's just a lot of agate right here well I've just worked up from right there and now I've gotten up to here and I'm finding I get in here and this has got a little bit of banding in it right there and that might you let me get it in future here well it sure seems to be close but um these all agates are always small but the potential there is big anybody that's that when there's kind of white I'll leave that this has banding in it I'll usually take it because little tumble nice this one has some banding in it now this piece here right there it's a part of a Geo just those crystals on the inside so I'll keep that piece always like the geodes and this piece here it's just small agate and I'll leave that okay continue working up there this is real steep I got a dig footholds in here and or I may work I'll probably have to zigzag across this to get up it that's what I usually have to do when I get in here but I really want to be right up there a little easier and there's a lot of agate in that stuff up there I'll work my way up there weand you're hunting this area you can see that there's a lot of this broken up the salt and it has sharp edges on it and then you look over in here and you see this right here it's got rounded so that tells me that's a agate oh it looks like there might be some color too oh there is yes this one here has a potential again really good this end here is light but it may get dark or hopefully it just doesn't turn gray but that's a that's a good size negative if you found a real deep blue like this or you'd have a definite money rock this one here though I might get a light blue out of it there's no banding in this one I'll throw it in my bag and later I'll find out and I still haven't even got up there I had to come over here I couldn't make it up that other side it was just too steep so I think I can work my way over here and get up I stand see an egg up there but I think it's white this one all thrown the bag up it was right there that's where I found that last agate and I was just looking at this here this is the host rock this is what these agates are coming out of I don't see any here but just above where that burnt timber is it's solid rock and you can see over here this rock here it's got some veining in it and there's probably some maggots in there but right up resting up on top here I found this one here and that's got some banding in it this will probably come out to be a pretty good little agate too I'm just having a good morning oh no that's a they got these purple flowers that have dropped down off this hillside and whatever once why I see one of those I'm thinking oh man that's a really deep color but they fully uh yeah this is they're right here but them flowers have been dropping off you can see all the petals right over there but I can see a bunch of agate right in this area right here so I'll sort through it and hopefully I'll find some more stuff with some good color like you know that one there's kind of light but who knows what it'll do deeper in there it's got banding in it and it'll make a good dumb blur if nothing else yes I've found probably two dozen nice agates already and hopefully by the time I get down here I'll have a the bottom of my little bag here filled this here is easy Rock counting because when you get a bunch of these they're easy to pack out because we're not all that big yeah and it continued there all this stuff is probably last winter it gets probably six seven feet of snow up here during the winter so it has just pulled all this down and this is all fresh exposed and it appears to be that I'm the only person that's been in here okay I've gotten up to these bushes here and underneath these things is where a lot of edits get caught and I can see it's not right there let's pull it out again and see what we got it's a little light yeah but that'll make a good tumbler nothing else well there is a little bit of banding in it but yeah they get caught up in these I can see one right there too great there it is right there and you don't have to get up there and get that okay I've finally got up into this rock area where you can actually walk and you can see some of the words hard rock just above me but as I came up here I found these pieces here that one there well he doesn't have a lot of color in it maybe on the back side but there was these other pieces here that one this one here had some good banding in it and it may go gray this one here looks like it might get a little darker on that backside it might it might be a real light blue one here yeah when there's gonna go gray and then this one here had a little bit of crystallization on top but there's some banding right there it'll probably tumble out nice I'll work up through this here sometimes in this big rocks you'll find big ones but it doesn't look like it got moved too much this winter I'll probably work back over there into that much of a rock there that I can move around and hopefully I'll find something there you know working away there okay I am right up on the hillside just above where I started and this guy right here that's got some nice banding in it right there then I see this right here this one here it won't hold it color it might have a little banding in it I thought I saw something else in here too there's quite a bit of little pieces in here this that's just a slice now just maybe those two pieces yeah I'll keep both of them okay here what's this yeah that's a little gray yeah some slight banding and it'll make a nice tumbler of geode right there a little bit of crystal on that now take that and throw it in the rock garden okay and just sift some of this and see if there's something else in here and work my way I don't know if I want to get on that that's a little steep I could end up down at the bottom pretty fast I got this over here I can work yeah I'll work up to there and around in there and see what I find okay okay right there that's a nice little banded agate of that and pick that up [Applause] it's got some nice banding in it I've been finding quite a few just like this it's done on the ground it looked blue and now it's gray that's okay though they'll still polish out tumble them and they look pretty neat with that banding in them but there's just lots I get in here there's a potential of finding the blue mostly you're gonna find grays and white and almost all of it has banding in it oh I see something right up there all right there I'll have to get up there and see what that is okay let me grab my yeah that one there'll be a roll light it'll be gray they sure see them from a long ways and I'm gonna work my way up there till I get up to that top there I've never really found much I think a lot of people go up on top so it gets dug up there pretty good it's just down in here it's all brushy and I don't think most people want to deal with it all right see if I can't find something more yeah I ain't even moved a few feet and I saw this right here peeking out of that yeah hopefully that holds its color oh it's big enough that's not bad sized that's a good color it'll make a nice banded agate yeah you know it won't hold its color that's the thing well when you look at them first you'll see that blue color but as soon as you pick them up they say change color on yeah that's what they call T an away grays that's okay though I pick them up because they do polish good okay continue on okay I've made it back down off this hillside here I had a pretty good hunt there then wasn't up there too long maybe hour hour and a half Suns starting to come up I'm back down down along where I came in at and that there's what I went through and I suppose you go back through there and find a bunch more I got enough to tumble and work so and you can see the Sun is just about the peak over there so it's gonna get warm that's the best part over here in eastern watch then you get up early it's nice and cool in the morning and you can hit these high mountains and you won't overdo it you go you get here around noon though and you'll be you'll be needing a lot of water well I'm gonna head back out of here I got to go to Ellensburg I got lots of stuff to do down there and then I got a long drive back home so that's it for this
Channel: Old Guy Adventures
Views: 10,241
Rating: 4.9065418 out of 5
Keywords: Ellensburg, agates, agate, geode, nature, geology, hills, mountain, rockhounding, rockhound, crystal, crystals, ellensburg blue, Washington, Washington State
Id: rHmHae7i4E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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