Hunter x Hunter Episode 102 Reaction

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hi guys I'm and we're watching Hunter Hunter 102 our cute boys where one boy is being carried by II II no no yes we call him iy that's cute that's very cute that's cute I and who saved his life because our boy before didn't want to kill this one you know save his life not gu he's a cool guy who is fight who doesn't want to betray his friends my favorite thing people I loved last epis it was so sweet me too and now our boy is bleeding out it's going to be fine like no one he no one here is concerned for gone and kila's wellbeing no not at any point always mental wellbeing but like physical wellbeing they're going to be fine they're going to be fine um so he says he knows a doctor so like he's going to take him to the doctor and he needs to remain alive until he takes him to the doctor so I guess we're going to do that in this episode gone has also made a friend in the yes chameleon yeah is that what it's [ __ ] called that's not his name I think I know he not Kami sure Kami Kami means god in Japanese because he's going to help us because he's God not really but like you know yeah did he even say what he wants to do he did not he was just questioning gone as to why gone believed G was like well you just told me so like that we saw in the outro that we watched uh that they're going to be side by side next week and kilo and he is hugging there are ours he is hugging knuckle he he is a good Dodge of character you know so I I think that's part of our group again another character could potentially die on us true every like every single [ __ ] characters appears I'm like how how how do I protect all of you now I don't think many of them are going to die I honestly I don't know why no I don't think many of them but like the thing is I like so many of them that I'm like I I'm not going to feel good with any of you dying I don't know I potentially one Chima that's on our side could die and potentially let's say I think one of the the one that we don't dislike the most glasses glasses I think potentially okay I can survive glasses but like imagine Colt dying imagine knuckle dying no I don't think so I think we're good with knuckle are we though I I I am pretty confident I don't know I can't I I can I became somehow more confident this show is not going to kill most of our characters like I I think like I said maybe one kir on our side now we have three and maybe one of the boys who are not our boys but like are our boys but like are not our main two boys you know what I mean okay like one of them and one of these okay you're like I think I think the writer was also thinking the same thing or just like take one from here and one from here and kill them exact because like I think we're going to feel very very bad but we can survive where with knuckle we cannot survive that's what I mean so that's why I who knows I want to heard this so much I don't think so I don't know I also think that the main guy is going to die n i I am so confused because like I thought nro was going to die when I thought that um the battle that's coming between ET and the King was not going to be the end of the Ark now that like things are like let's say getting prolonged in these nine days we're going to have more episodes Within These nine days then I think that battle is going to be the last one and I don't think the king is coming out of that alive and so like if the king is not coming out of that alive then like nro is I don't think I don't think both of them can die and that's why I think both of them going die I mean maybe that's how I see it I can't even can't even see it that like one person is going to be capable enough you know like I don't think nro as himself is going to survive that battle yeah I think it's more like with our help potentially he can save all of us but like King is and kill somehow King but like he dies he takes him with him yeah that's what I mean that would be a good way to go honestly yeah that's that's how I imagine it more than him somehow miraculous being able to kill King and survive after this maybe but like like like if nro dies and the King does not die who else can take on the [ __ ] King you know what I mean like how it appears so far is that like nro is the main boss you know what I mean like it seems like he is the strongest hunter that we have even though he is like n yeah maybe maybe there are some stronger ones like uh uh uh J maybe J Hees care he does not care enough he didn't care about his son when he left him so he doesn't even care about the other I feel like he would care about Glory you know what I mean I feel like he would be like oh let me show off a bit I don't know I don't know what he's doing again is he the friend at Nal I don't think so I think he's more like Adventure let me let me live my life and don't care about anybody and don't have any responsibilities you know what I mean yes but also I think he is just like I am very strong and powerful don't you forget it wants to prove that he's the best yeah I just think he is uh pathetic maybe he's scared that's why he doesn't want to come nothing I don't know if he's going to be the one again I don't know if that's going to be the story or like if we after to the cirar is going to go and find him I'm not sure about either one of those so like by the [ __ ] end you know what I mean just like then we episode that's what I want to say about this show it has one mistake it's too short it gives it for example example let's say like I know what the main story is and like I can't wait to find out like I'm so interested in uh CH and to see how that's going to happen and like I can't wait to be the with the King but at the same time let's say the storyline around uh Kila let's say and his brother like that's the story that like I really want to find out and I don't know if we ever will with the pace of the story like I agree with you like it seems like if there's one show that I could say should have like 600 episodes I feel like it's this one I think we didn't like there's so many things they have really built with the characters and with the world like it's a very rich world there's a lot of story building like there's so many things to like talk about like even with the Phantom troop you know who was like not our main characters there's so much I want to know and there's so much that's still unfinished with Kurapika you know I feel like Kurapika have like a 100 more episodes that's what I want to say like I feel like this show is very [ __ ] short for everything that it because like it it buil so many finished yeah but like it built so many stories at least for me like I was 100% sure that Melody is going to come back Melody who literally why would she be back who the [ __ ] is Melody exactly like for what reason I was so sure because like I really like the story and like I I love when they W I definitely the thing in the manga I just don't think we are you know you know due to unfortunate circumstances with the writer and everything like I think it's just they just had to wrap up the show where they could you know but I just think you know there's a very rich storyline that they could I mean at any point in time they have somewhere to continue off on you know they can make three spin-offs and like for this show it make sense you know what I mean and like I would gladly watch a lot of them yeah and that way short like this is the longest I longest like I truly believe I think like I legitimately in the beginning if you told me that I was going to say like that Hunter is short being a bit ify if we should watch a show that long too long and I'm like only so little to go again because like so many storyin have not been finished and I want them to be finished and I'm excited about them me too me too and again like I said like I think some of them are going to suffer yeah I mean I think some of like a lot of things are going to be kind of UNF finished just like we left coras I'm finished left C I'm finished you know just like some things they can't get to and like I get it you know just like they had to have stopped somewhere I again the story that they're definitely going to finish is going to be the Chimera I portion I mean that's the the biggest and I'm really looking I'm really looking forward to this I really I really enjoy the story and like the question of morality within it let's it's always my favorite it's always my favorite topic um to explore and I just I cannot wait to get to the king and this child just because like I think that's where we're going to see the growth that's where we're going to see the development I just think it's about to be so good I agree and like again it makes sense we always thought like that's what the King was going to have just like when we saw him he was so far like down the opposite Road and I'm like I don't I I'm not quite sure how we can get him to be like a bit more I kind of think like I kind of always thought in some ways you know because like that is naturally where the story goes but like I wanted to put down our expectations yeah you're like let's not hope for too much yeah because like you were so hoping for too much before he was born this is what I thought of him you know what I mean this is where I thought we were going to go yeah but like when we saw him I was like let's just put them down because then we we won't be disappointed you know like we can prepare for other options that can be as good you know and then no I was like I'm going to be disappointed it's not the king because like like realistically he is the main character in The Chimera Arc and like what it would be such a waste to not give that type of a character who like is born and is like so on the opposite Spectrum yeah he's like such a violent without empathy person that like it would have been a waste to just keep it that way because like what's the point like what's the point of just having that type of a character you know like it doesn't really bring anything to the story it doesn't really make you question anything and so like why would we do that uh and that's why and like so people so many people always had such high praises for the Chimera Arc and I don't think that would have been the case if the king just remained some like one-dimensional yeah evil character you know and so like it makes sense that this is the way that they're going to introduce that and especially if he dies and we G to care for him or something in some ways whichever ones you know yeah it's even much more infu influential yeah because like again I don't want to I don't want to sit there looking at Neo and King's battle and being like let's [ __ ] go n let's let's do it you know I want to be like I hate everything that's happening you know I want to just be sad throughout the whole thing yeah I agree because like I can understand both points of view so like it's more interesting even if n is like I I I I see this I understand but there's nothing like this is saving human race let's say you know you kind of pick your side you know it's like one's good one's bad want be happy about what is happening no I don't want to I don't want this Arc to finish and for us the think that we have won in some way you know I mean sure you can be like okay we saved people you know but like also what like what what what do we do with the chimeras you know true I don't want to see a genocide here no I don't think it's I don't I I I don't want to do that you know I think we we need to find ways to live together I don't exactly know in which way that's going to happen but like I'm pretty confident like something we're going to have some story that like something's going to change guys episod me too you are such a cool guy you're the coolest there is nothing braver than for you to like yes become a traitor to do the right thing but like what about the blood he going to are they too far away so like you're going to be fine they're going to be fine like it is before he was born we did so much with him from the intro yeah yeah like we just build because his eyes honest again his eyes in the intro are so different from his eyes in the episode so far but like maybe these are his eyes after yeah look how cute they are there're the like but's see like the contrast on one side they're like fighting and killing not really killing but you know like they could and he like oh my God animals because they're still kids they are kids where is boy cold he's a new found father there's a baby that he's taking care of exactly called me we just learn his name mow melow that's not easy to remember for me mow H Anthony oh true I was like for his lungs what is your [Music] power okay like Transportation what did he do did he just I don't know but like okay he said it's not simple invisibility okay how long can you hold your bre that's so nier to telling him this oh you trusted me so I'm going to trust [Music] you I already have a [Music] partner I feel like he will get along perfectly with [Music] him un [Music] true he has a new friend as well he loves me so much he kind of does everything with pal he R his mind yeah okay oh I remember maybe he ate the guy one maybe I mean oh Peggy me and you me and you are the same I oh oh probably in the previous life yeah oh my God he wouldn't have known that they would remember some of some of their lives no yes that's in real life that's in while oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] there should be limits you can transform into him can you transform into him he's a chameleon is he not he should he's gone no what's happening I don't [Music] understand okay oh that's very that's very good for us oh that's that's very good for us nice he could just sneak up on the king yes oh he's thinking BTO he's [ __ ] thinking [Music] he could literally just remove it a second before he hit oh my [Music] God [Music] for I mean we should say [ __ ] n know what I mean that's perfectly fine okay fair okay they can sense him with okay oh my God he was hugging he's going to love [Music] [Music] [Applause] him [Music] okay so should we oh oh that was him when we saw him okay okay oh why do I think that was p the first who is the first not there he's going to love him you're going to love knle yes it's impossible not to oh my God oh my God oh oh he's already playing game yeah he's already playing oh the kid is going to beat him he's just like calling each and every [Music] person God go yeah that's her or him oh we're going to me it's go that was go they were playing okay something about surrounding the territory I no clue oh he is the national okay wi okay oh my God I'm going to die either way so would I want to prolong it this is true this is unfair because it does yeah I would rest with that that would really make me feel [Music] better maybe that's what they were playing oh [ __ ] oh that is what they're playing see I can't believe this is going to end I'm G to kill myself yeah this is going to end episode2 is she blind is she blind the cane yeah yeah she blind [Music] I have chills I can't believe this so now this is such a good episode yes I really love this oh this was so good we found out like my favorite bit of information I mean apart from the thing that happened now at the end uh but like we found out what melo's what melo's plan is and that is a plan of Revenge and that revenge is rooted to avenge some one that he loved in a previous life my favorite type of Revenge because like you know what I mean like I feel like I'm going to you know like the king I like the king I I but I like the king because of King's potential not where he is right now you know what I mean and like when when Melo comes and says I have to kill him because like he killed the person that raas him like let's [ __ ] go boy I AG go without any question let I don't even I don't even care if it was because of the feelings that he had in the previous life or the feeling that he had this one like it doesn't change anything to me I love because like that means that Peggy was his foster father I think that he said that uh and that's really nice and like it makes their connection even bigger because like because like they weren't that long together you know in this life in the life of chimeras when they yeah into Bor into as a you know uh but like I we did find out that like they can remember their previous lives and most knew that was cult immediately you know yeah knew that really like the second that he kind of looked yeah at the the the woman and skipped over her yeah sure she was not maybe nutritious like her and kid but like let's be [ __ ] real you know he got reminded of his sister and and mother yeah but like even later when they were saving the queen they basically said some of us uh came later some of us came earlier the memories came earlier some of some came later but like they did come to some most of them you know yeah and uh I love that he even though he would he was he was supposed to uh like want to protect King King I mean you know like yeah I mean that's what like all them their like instincts should kind of be let say they've been taught that basically from the moment like the queen is getting ready to be to give birth to the king the one king of their people people and things like that uh I loved it like because when we met King he was so cruel he's still so cruel you know nothing has yet changed but like um he was so cruel that he killed he didn't care for them he killed two three of them immediately you know ate one I first thought that it's going to be that one who he ate you know mhm but then he said Peggy and we all love Peggy uh he was one of the favorites in the beginning when we just met him you know and he said that like even not just in this life he remembers him in previous life he because he said he didn't even that he didn't realize like when it happened like when he killed him but like later on that his memory started coming back to him and that like he was the man that raised him and the way that he remembers him is exactly how Peggy was you know just to again tell you how much they are influenced by their previous lives like he was always carrying books and that's who he was he just had like let's say different physical form but like his let's call it Soul remain the same I just think that like some of them can happen like the animal part is what influenced them in the beginning but like memories and this and that can come later and canu them later just like with him uh with Kam melow mow just like with melow um let's say in the beginning he possibly did kill people probably you know he was was on their side doing what he thought they should do yeah but now he has different feelings yeah and like you know he did mention that like some of them are working off on that like kind of how they call it like just animalistic Instinct where they're just like and then he even said like I sent two of like my leader and things like that uh and he said don't worry like uh they they were the ones that were killing for fun for fun but like he said and then he said like like to them I am the one who is pro who has probably changed and that indicated that maybe in the past he did Kill for fun or something you know yeah we don't know I mean we did see him again I think the first time we saw him he killed a guy he just like appeared out of nowhere and killed a guy that's what that that just makes me that just makes all of this a bit questionable because like they can't change yeah you know like even though it's if it's a life and death situation it's not like gone is should be like Oh I'm not going to kill you in this fight because potentially in future you can change you know yeah like when is a life and that situation it's life that that situation doesn't matter if it's a human or it's like um Chimera you know but I think you know I you know and you see in gon's face uh sort of maybe what like kite was telling him not to do you know that he was like because gone was like it's going to be let's say easy and then um K said something along Liv like uh you think that's now but like when you see that they can have feelings or that they can be like human or whatever it's not going to be as easy for you and again I don't think it should be [ __ ] easy uh when it is life and death like I you do what you do to survive and so like that's going to be I don't [ __ ] know what's going to be happening there I think it's again it's just a very sad [ __ ] um it's just going to be a very sad [ __ ] story because like a lot of them are just going with with kind of their orders and they have the capability of you know being human and feeling empathy but like they have their own orders and they have their own like people for the same thing that our people are doing let say he was there he was fighting to capture Kila yeah until he met him yeah and now he's saving his life yeah I mean that's that's a thing like all how what Kil told to him like we could have been friends a lot of them here could be friends you know it's just like you're fighting on opposite sides and um again I think it's just very hypocritical of humans to like put themselves kind of above the the the chimeras because like humans are capable of incredible evil and again like I struggle with like talking about potential equality between chimeras and humans maybe after the king is dead and everything just because like I I I don't know how we like bridge that gap between the fact that like there are animals and humans treat animals in such a cruel way you know and eat them and everything so like how can we talk about equality when like you are stopping them from killing you yet you are killing like kind of their species I don't know how to like exactly call it but like they are made of animals and much like they can like feel their human memories and everything I'm sure that they remember how they were treated as animals when they were animals like again we have the like pink panda who is [ __ ] enraged and and like I I don't know if it's because of how they were treated as uh when they were human or when they were an animal and so like that's the bit that I'm struggling with because like automatically it's not equality they just have to accept it you know like you you are forcing them to like settle with it yeah and I I I don't know how I feel about that you know like I I think it's very hypocritical of us to do that you know again we you can't let them kill people it's just you know we need to be doing what we're doing right now like I'm not that is not lost on me um but I just think you know there is a level of just like I don't see any other ending I know I just like it doesn't make me feel good about it the thing is like we saw what let's say the ones who are in charge are doing yeah you know it's like what else are going to like we are the ones who are handling this problem right now um yeah you know two two 12 year old kids like literally you know and like the the people in charge are kind of willing to let 5 million people die for political purposes you know what I mean like we should look at our own backyard at some point they don't treat humans not any better than they treat animals this is honestly this is kind of like a class issue you know what I mean like the uppers the people in charge the rich people people them they do treat them like animals without any regards for their lives so like there is something to unite behind I don't know I think again I I I think that is an interesting topic yeah that like I don't I I don't have an answer for you know what I mean I just think it's it's tough but I really I really like the introduction of melow I think it's his powers are really interesting yeah and I love that like um very useful now when he's combined with some because other than that he's not strong fighter he does not like yeah his only ability is to be Invincible invisible invisible invisible and to stay hidden and nobody to notice him but like if somebody would they would kill him like this you know if someone just knows that he is in the room they could just start firing in any direction they're going to get him they're going to get him even if they can't sense where he is because he can hide that exactly so why he's hiding his ability that's why he's hiding his ability and that's why but like to manage his plan he needed to set say to some something to somebody who can help him yeah and that and that's what yeah that's what he going on he he had he was a good judge of character to tell that to go yeah but like it's kind of it's kind of worrisome the reason why he chose God yeah you know it's not like I'm choosing you because like you're this good good kind kid you know he said like I'm because like you are let's say what did he say because like I sense a Beast Within you or something like that because like he saw how strong his attack can be yeah and that he's not going to be stopped at any point you know or something like that interesting again one more yeah worrisome thing it's exactly the all the ones that we knew gone possess like nothing new there in my opinion at least because like um gone is trustworthy and gone is a kid yeah you know and I think he did choose him because of that as well I think if he saw somebody else he would maybe not approach him as easily because he can be killed very easily you know yeah it's not it's not going to be hard to kill him you know yeah so like he did I I do understand why he chose gone yeah you know he he can't trust him but like I mean maybe knuckle if you encountered knuckle yeah those are the only people I mean is kind of the same those are the only people that are going to want to believe you rather than like try to kill you exactly like they're going to want to trust you exactly and like that's what God also knew like I knew someone better like than me that can help you [ __ ] call knuckle exactly although don't want knle near the king no like I'm concerned for now melow as well I had one more [ __ ] character liist that I'm concerned about potentially dying because like it's it is a good plan I think we should but like I like nro is the one like we're I think this is how we going to maybe get p as well if yeah potentially you know but like now they said uh uh knuckle was knuckle is the sweetest [ __ ] thing he was like because you two kids went off on your own now you have to change every old plan but I'm I'm with you we shouldn't have like just let 5 million people die I L it uh and and now we just need to figure out whether we go with reinforcements towards the guards or do we just like go by ourselves what kind of a question is that if there's reinforcement [ __ ] take reinforcement get everyone you [ __ ] can get I mean does that mean more people are going to potentially die sure but like do you have maybe more possibility of succeeding yeah I would say so like no I think two BO two year old boys are enough Phantom troop hello we're going to pay how much money would you need to finish this job with us and I feel like we could get it done then yeah but I don't think anyone's thinking of calling theend troops like I don't know you know but like yes reinforcements what what kind of a question is that yeah I mean unless it takes time for them to come we don't have that much time true so they're going to meet now with knuckle we are not even finishing with kilua kilua is still like on the [ __ ] road to the doctor I think the same time this two things are happening they to like a chimera doctor yeah I think so as though which one which one could L be a doctor why I don't know we haven't not seen Lao for like a bit like a doctor and he'll be very kind he's not even on this [ __ ] Island he's on a different continent what are you talking that will be such a fan service thank God guys that's our food oh my God I just got so excited I don't know I just got excited potential LA because I'm like oh doctor we hopefully we're not going to see GL shape of ca talk we've been talking but like you don't hear that because we're talking in Serbian before we started the episode about like Lori and Kur I'm like where the [ __ ] is Lori what is he doing and now I mention the doctor I'm like oh my God actually doctor but like he's in a different continent so like and he's not a cha the first one yeah but like he could make friends with a cha he is sweet okay you know what I mean he would like that that would be a thing that he would do um somehow I don't think so I don't think so either but that would be [ __ ] nice the thing that I'm most looking forward to this thing at the end this thing the [ __ ] a tell told us kind of everything everything that we needed to know to know we were on the right track he was like the king does not know how this is about to influence his life yeah basically something like that and here comes this child Yes again yeah no no I'm 100% copy it's pink dress not that boys can wear pink dresses it's just like I think it's uncommon in this show yeah or these shows you know yeah so like I would expect and I think she's blind yes she's blind and like she which is even more interesting because like she's playing a game so like yeah and like but like she can sense probably things I mean she can use her other senses yeah I think like it's just on the board and she can like visualize it you know what I mean um and she just like looks you know like there there's like Snot going down like she looks how do I say it like un assuming you know you would not think that that that someone like her could have such an impact on on the king and yet she is going to is because like she he cannot beat her so easily yeah yeah so like he becomes like fascinated fascinating the like the king but like I think later she's he's going to probably start caring for her do you think he's going to kill her regardless no no I can't say because I think it's going to be a longer road I don't think this is ending any no I like I think this is going to be episodes and episodes but I just think like by the end you know I'm not I'm not sure like if you know he feels empathy and everything else but like is it still going to be a thing of I am who I am we are who we are I I like I I I I don't know exactly where this is going to go I just think she's going to be really like the narrator [ __ ] said she's about to be very influential for I think she's going to influence him a lot and influence and I think he's going to start feeling empathy and Care he's going to want to feeling anything you know because like right now how he is functioning like playing these games it seems like he doing all of this kind of because like he is bored and feels nothing and like he he doesn't know how to do anything else and so like someone else is going to come and he's going to feel something he's going to feel something period you know that we did not get so far this is the next episode could be all that I don't think it's gonna be I think we're gonna be with kilua now and to see how the [ __ ] he is doing and I'm gonna be so happy about that I'm not gonna complain I agree but like I'm hoping that like you are incorrect I am hoping as well just because I don't think because she's no he can he can you know she's a small child at least that's how it seems like I mean snots are coming out of her nose and in in in many ways in my opinion not just because she's a blind but because she's a child who playing a game you know it could be a thing in comparison to Kim yeah she is unprotected I it could be a thing of like he is not going to kill her but he's not going to stop the killing of all other people that okay he's just going to be like I know I understand but like the thing is like that's fine but the thing is I want him to care for someone so that I would be able to care for him when he dies you know if he kills her I don't think he's GNA kill her I'm just very my mind just goes [ __ ] pessimistic yeah because like if he kills her that kills my capability of loving him I mean loving not loving that I don't I don't know I don't think I don't I don't expect that yeah L him as a character yes yeah but like I don't expect to but like for caring for him when he dies yeah you know if he kills small child I don't know oh my God imagine if he ever dies the protector I mean protector from [ __ ] who there's no The Protector from you know he is the danger in the room exact but like wouldn't that be the best thing yeah I I just like I could have like just 10 episodes straight with them me too and to figure out the king that I actually think the next episode that's going to be that and then we're going to go back to that I yeah I think maybe maybe we can comine because like what is there so much with K you know well just like one episode I don't think they going to like start this now I don't know may not I think this ending we can have like simultaneously I mean can't wait to see honestly can't wait to see so excited about this we've been waiting for this for a long time because this Arc is long honestly long Arc we have been waiting for this and from the moment we knew there was going to be aing before he was [ __ ] born we were waiting for this moment and here it is now and what am I do not watching exactly my God can't wait excited I'm so ex okay guys we're going to eat now thank you so much for watching s bye
Channel: LM Reactions
Views: 50,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 57sec (2697 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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