Hunter Biden guilty verdict, breaking down latest 2024 election polls, more | America Decides

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tonight I on America how do you rebuild Paradise a town ravaged by Wildfire starts over with new rules then intense rain in Florida while brutal heat spreads coast to coast and an Animal Haven honors those lost at Sandy Hook on the CBS Evening [Music] News no one in this country is above the law everyone must be accountable for their actions even this defendant this was a strong prosecution and that I think the system worked once this case was charged and went to trial as intended attorney general Garland's willful refusal to comply with our subpoena constitutes contempt of congress hello everyone I'm major gar in Washington welcome to America decides why do we care about Justice we like every society that considers itself evolved and Equitable consider Justice a prism through which to view power we care about Justice because we know that police powers are vast that judges wield intricate power over evidence and procedures and that prosecutors decide which cases to bring which to let slide and which to plead out we rightly tremble at these assembled Powers we also cling tightly to one of the best guarantors of Justice Justice not infallible but better than all other available Alternatives the jury system juries you see come in and out of the justice system juries have no acts to grind no office to protect no reputation to burnish recently two juries in different places considering different evidence and different laws found a former president and the son of a current president guilty of felonies that has never happened before of course there will be a PE but prison sentences home confinement probation or some combination of these loom for Donald Trump and Hunter Biden juries decided that not judges not prosecutors and the power of the presidency fully visible to juries in New York and Delaware did not dissuade or intimidate a former president stared across a courtroom at the jury box for days a sitting first lady did as well that power came and left and a verdict was rendered by jurors who saw past the power the political preing the ornaments of family Prestige to weigh the facts and the law what do we have in the aftermath a prism into power and something more a reckoning who acknowledges and accepts the verdict no matter how disappointing Who assails and demeans the verdict in the very system behind it that's for the political Arena and our coming campaign a place that unlike the courtroom makes ample room for hysterics falsehoods slander and contempt it has been said memorably the courtroom is the campaign now in more ways than one let's bring in our Ouija Jang she's in Wilmington Delaware and Robert costu is here with me at the desk Ouija I know you're in Wilmington the president has just arrived catch us up on the day at the White House and the day there in Wilmington as it is progressing this afternoon that's right major President Biden changed his schedule after the verdict was reached so he could scramble here to Wilmington Delaware to be by Hunter Biden's side as you know as we've been reporting many family members attended this trial including the first lady who was here all but one day because she was in Europe alongside the president uh and this has been a very difficult painful chapter for the bidens uh because it is on such a public display after the verdict was reached Hunter Biden left the court uh with the first lady holding hands with her as well as his wife and you can imagine now they have to think about the sentencing and what comes next to that end President Biden has said uh he would not pardon his son it remains a question whether he would consider a commutation which means to shorten his sentence which has of course not been given to Hunter Biden yet the judge in this case said there is no date set just yet but it typically happens about 120 days out which would put us at early October major and that would be of course just about one month before the presidential election so ironically we oh go ahead we just stand by I want to bring in Robert Costa Robert we were just showing video very compelling video just brought in of the President Hunter Biden hugging and the president talking to the children right remainder of the family this is uh a moment of tremendous import for the Biden family and an expression in this large legal SLP political context of the president's loyalties it's such a prism as you said not only into the campaign and American democracy but it's also a prism into the Biden family for the past half century these two men father and son have been at each other's side dealing with the aftermath and the pain of losing a wife and a mother then later losing brother Bo son Bo Biden and it is just these two men left from the original Biden family as we knew it in 1972 And of course President Biden went back to Wilmington tonight so much comes back to Wilmington back to Delaware where does he celebrate Mass most weekends in Wilmington or in reoboth on the Delaware Beach this is someone who has been president but his friends always tell me he is most comfortable in Delaware and he's also most comfortable with his family and you've spoken to him over the years I've spoken to him and interviewed him this is someone who always talks about the Biden name and it seems like maybe just something small in passing when you're covering a political figure but not every political figure talks about their surname with such pride and reverence for what it means means the values they believe it it represents and to deal with a son who has had addiction issues now dealing with with a conviction it's so serious for Biden who has been with Hunter through the ups and downs and UPS again and then the Downs today and Robert it's worth noting that this trial laid bare things that were visible if you were kind of a student of Hunter Biden's problems but now the whole entire public knows of it this addiction problem manifested itself most malevolently for Hunter Biden in 2018 not long after that his father was making the most important political decision of his life whether to seek the presidency 2019 2020 and there were those in the Biden Inner Circle who wondered and worried about the implications of Hunter Biden's problems and what effect it might have either on Joe Biden or the campaign itself well as you recall Biden waited so long to make a decision before he announced for the 2020 campaign and so much of it was the family issue and as we discussed earlier today on the Special Report Hunter writes at length in his Memoir about this intervention right before his father announces just months before where Hunter runs away goes down the driveway and his father chases after him and anyone who's had an intervention in their family they think about those kinds of moments a searing moment in anyone's life and for Hunter Biden this is something he has always tried to juggle being the son of a public figure and and that's why today it's actually interesting as a reporter to note the quiet across the political seene so many political figures I cover they deal with their own family issues maybe not to this extent with a a conviction and drug addiction at this level but so many families in Congress and on the campaign Trail they have always confided that they're dealing with issues challenges public life WEA to bring us to the current afternoon you have sound from one of the jurors who sat on this jury tell us what uh you learned that's right major he said that when the jury got the case they were actually split they took an initial vote and it was 66 and he wanted to make clear that did not mean six of them thought that Hunter Biden was not guilty or innocent it meant that they you know could be convinced uh that there was Reasonable Doubt and that's why they wanted to go through all of the evidence and then he said today when they reconvened because they got the case last night after they did that and combed through all the documents all of the texts when they Revisited Hunter Biden's own words he told me that there was just no question uh that he was guilty and he also told me major that this process restored for him a faith in the American justice system take a listen well never sitting on a jury before um and deliberating on this case I could say the judicial system was very fair okay um we treated it just like we would any other case it wasn't about Hunter by it wasn't about his family it wasn't politically motivated uh it was what what he did and the biggest thing that he did was lied about uh not being a drug addict and not using cocaine and buying a gun in fact major this jur told me that President Biden didn't even come up at all during deliberations that they were solely focused on the facts of this case not even who the defendant was but just the evidence before them and so because they were able to come to this unanimous decision uh he said you know it was amazing to watch the justice system in action and Ouija we should just let our audience know that we are respecting the Privacy rights of that juror confirmed member of the juror who not want to identify himself but we wanted that Insight of the process to go along with it Ouija you spend so much time at the White House and talk so frequently to those closest to the president I want to give you a chance to offer your thoughts on that video that we just showed I think it's worth showing again this dramatic video this afternoon of the president with Hunter Biden mere hours after his conviction in a federal court major anybody who covers President Biden knows how important his family is to him how you know it is part of his inner core his character of who he is to be a father especially to his younger Sons uh who had to go through such a tragedy when they were children losing their mother losing their sister and so just as we've heard from day one of this trial major the president has leaned into that he has said every chance he has gotten that he is the president of the United States but he is also a dad and he has used these opportunities to say I'm not going to talk about the case at all but I do want to stress that I love my son and I am proud of my son and so he had an opportunity to say that today he did so in a written statement and I think it was very calculated a very important decision for him not to talk about this verbally ironically at the White House we had gotten his schedule several days prior and we knew there was an event today on the books about gun control and this is something that he has worked on for his entire political career as a senator as president trying to reform uh gun legislation and even though he gave that speech today he didn't mention the verdict he didn't mention his son he did focus on gun laws but I will say he did talk about the loss of his other son Bo and talking about how he could relate to parents who had lost a child of their own to gun violence and so this is a very delicate balance major but there is no question how difficult this is for him as a parent for us in Wilmington Delaware Ouija Jen Robert Costa here at the table with me thanks so very much thank you Hunter Biden now faces up to 25 years behind bar but big question will the president's son actually go to prison former deputy Assistant Attorney General Tom Dupri joins us next to discuss that you're watching America [Music] decides coming up our series Wait a Minute Tom is that you working the camera keep leaning out of your closeup your morning routine just got better CBS mornings weekdays at [Music] 7 I had progressively Fallen deeper into the world of online sports betting the risk is the rush what do you think is driving the spike in popularity I think it's legality if it's legal I'm going to use it there are ways to bet when you are 18 we've cre an epidemic of child gambling you can't walk into a mild dormatory in a college campus without sports betting happening it's America's most neglected problem I use sports betting as a way to escape when in reality I'm choosing self-destruction whatever I had left it was gone the purpose of the industry is to get you to play to Extinction that means until all your money is gone go to the ends of the Earth breach for the Stars yeah I just took off that kind of thing that's pretty good because there's always something new Under the Sun on CBS Sunday [Music] Morning an original documentary from CBS reports that desire to farm it's a wonderful place to raise your children and it still is promises broken black Americans have been the target of racism and discrimination pretty much from the time they acquired ownership in the land costing black Farmers hundreds of billions in generational wealth they did everything to make sure we will run off that land but communities are uniting to continue the fight Collective ownership is powerful to keep their land and their dreams alive to watch my children play on land that we own means everything to land is power most definitely 40 acres and a mule now streaming on the free CBS News app people with developmental disabilities were once sequestered by the hundreds of thousands in institutions many of our fellow citizens are suffering tremendously because lack of attention lack of imagination lack of adequate Manpower disability activists have since torn down barriers blocking them from living at home or in the community we conclude that title two of the Ada requir states to provide community-based treatment for persons with mental disabilities but of the 16,000 people who remain in state operated institutions half are in five states and Illinois is one of them I don't want to live in the institution it makes me feel discriminated against do you think there are people living in institutions in Illinois that don't need to be living there yeah cuz they're proving it as soon as they get [Music] out welcome back to America decides a federal judge will decide in the coming months whether Hunter Biden should be sentenced to prison the three felony counts he was convicted on carry up to 25 years behind bars to discuss this and other related topics want to bring in former deputy Assistant Attorney General Tom Dupri Tom I want to play you some sound from a statement that David Weiss the special councel made after the jury delivered its verdict let's take a quick listen to that this case was not just about addiction a disease that haunts families across the United States including Hunter Biden's family this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throws of addiction his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous Tom evaluate that statement is it typical for special prosecutors to make statements such as this after a verdict well yes yes and no in high-profile cases it is common and appropriate I think for prosecutors to make these types of cases what's a little bit unusual was that the prosecutor did highlight what was really an underlying theme of their entire presentation to the jury that they weren't looking to punish Hunter Biden for being an addict because they knew quite well that some many of the jurors had people close family members who themselves had struggled with addiction instead what the prosecutor made clear is that this is a case about choices poor choices unlawful choices that Hunter Biden made while in the throws of addiction so I thought it was a very thoughtful distinction and one that was very consistent with the way that the prosecutors tried this case and those choices Tom how will they factor into judgments made about sentencing right the judge is going to take a number of things into account at sentencing one thing she'll take into account of course is that Hunter Biden is a first-time offender which will councel in favor of a lower sentence she'll also take into account the fact that the gun issue was not used to commit a crime of violence which also would counsel in favor of a lower sentence although the judge has discretion to sentence him to a fairly significant period of time 10 years maybe even more I can't imagine she would go anywhere close to that my best guess major is that she is going to come in at a lower number maybe a year plus or minus of incarceration that's my best guess of where she's going to go with this a sentence at the lower end of what the guidelines allow Tom you remember as well as I do and some in our audience may remember about a year ago there was a whole different orientation to the underlying facts of this there was a recommendation that came from prosecutors and the defense attorneys for Hunter Biden for a diversion program about this underlying set of facts when the judge the same judge who heard this case intervened and said wait a minute I'm not comfortable with that that's not a proper application as I understand the law how do we view all of that in retrospect now well I can tell you I'm sure the defense team looks back at those houseon days where they thought they had a deal on the table only to see it pulled away at the last minute like Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown they had a sweetheart deal in my opinion that would have enabled Hunter bid and pull a lot of these charges to rest as you knowe the district judge did her job she kicked the tires on the plea deal she asked tough probing questions of both sides and she ultimately ferited out the fact that there wasn't really a deal on the table that both sides had a different understanding of the terms of the deal and so it basically blew up on the Launchpad and led to today's conviction and when I mentioned in my Open Tom about the power the justices have over evidence and procedure and things like that she exercised it from your Vantage Point properly I do I thought this was a very tightly run trial um we didn't have a lot of the drama and historyonics that sometimes attaches to trials that have a political Hue to them it seemed like the jury was well instructed the jury certainly deliberated in a very efficient fashion we didn't seem to get any sense of Juror confusion or puzzlement to the contrary the jury seemed to Ro's job very thoughtfully seriously deliberately they initially were split on the verdict but ultimately they were able to reach a unanimous verdict all of that speaks well to the way that the judge presided over this trial Tom as you know everyone convicted has the right of appeal but not all appeals are created equally do you see grounds for appeal on this that have validity or potential validity well I think sure I think one of the most tantalizing arguments here on appeal major is a second amendment argument Hunter Biden defense lawyers I expect are going to argue that at least some of these charges basically violated his second amendment rights the constitutional right to bear arms there are some courts in the country in Texas and elsewhere that have actually held that these statutes violate the Second Amendment it's not entirely clear if the federal appeals court that supervises cases coming up from Delaware will reach the same conclusion but it's a serious argument a serious issue and we can expect a battle royale to be joined on appeal in about 6 months to a year precise and probing as always Tom Dupri thank you very much attorney general Merrick Garland defends his justice department in a Washington Post oped saying the attacks quote must end unquote this is how Republicans press forward with their efforts to hold Garland in contempt of congress you are streaming America decides [Music] on our places bright shiny faces when you wake up in the morning we want to be your goto team Nate has one of the quickest Minds I've ever seen Tony has a way of making people feel comfortable G has his unbelievable knack to ask the question that you're asking at home I've been told I could talk to a tree and that's pretty much true I don't go to work in the morning I go for coffee with my two good friends and we talk about the world your morning routine just got better CBS mornings weekdays at 7 it didn't seem like anything could happen cuz nothing ever happens in East Palestine but it [Music] did authorities release toxic fumes from five derailed train cars resident police evacuate cute bronchitis due to chemical fumes did you ever have these problems before the derailment no ma'am this neighborhood's not safe no more can assure the community that there's not vinyl chloride entering their communities then why are there so many people feeling these various symptoms of bloody noses or difficulty breathing or bronchitis that's a hard question to answer we're talking about one of the most blatant releases of a mixture of some of the most toxic chemicals that we've seen in America I feel like now I have a duty to warn other communities if my daughter has to watch me die of cancer at least it saves someone else this case it's like a screenplay something straight out of Hollywood but it's not Fiction it's 48 Hours human remains found this week four families shattered there's no physical evidence the mystery would haunt investigators for years there's some questions that have to be asked and need to be answered go like a John Grisham novel a gripping True Crime original 48 hours now streaming on the free CBS News app stories that inform or you can be really old at 60 and you can be really young at 85 Inspire how do we unlock the power within ourselves to be who we want to be and brighten your day the best part of Fame is making people feel good always send the people home Happy make every day a little more like Sunday morning Here Comes the Sun stream now on the free CBS News app [Music] hello everyone and Welcome to our Dragon capsule here in space sightseers in Space the thrill of a lifetime seeing the Earth from space it was so exhilarating but the risks that come with the territory there have been four fatal accidents that's a 1% fatal accident ring might make you look before you launch if you had one out of 100 airplanes falling out of the sky would have a public crisis space tourism now streaming on the free C BS news app welcome back a full house vote on whether or not us attorney general meric Garland is to be held in contempt of congress could happen as soon as tomorrow today Garland penned an oped for today's Washington Post the Attorney General demanded that quote unfounded attacks against his justice department come to an end our Nicole Killian has more this contempt resolution stems from attorney general Merrick Garland ref refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena the house rules committee met today to consider the measure House Republicans from the oversight and Judiciary Committee say that the Attorney General failed to turn over audio recordings of an interview between President Biden and special Council Robert Herr over Biden's handling of classified documents now Republicans say that it's important to hear these tapes because they want to make sure that nothing was left out even though they have the transcript of this interview already Democrats argue that Republicans are simply trying to exploit this issue and that the president exerted executive privilege over the recordings the attorney general for his part told the Judiciary Committee last week that he will not be intimidated he said that he views contempt as a serious matter but he does not want to jeopardize future investigations if this contempt resolution is approved by the Full House then a criminal referral would be to the justice department which would then have to decide whether or not to press charges major Nicole Killian thank you there are concerns some of them new over President Biden's age our political panel is standing by to take a deep dive look into a moment that to put it mildly is getting a fair amount of attention on social media you are streaming America decides [Music] Washington is the seat of power National Security foreign policy Global economics every story comes through Washington in some way we bring some of the most powerful voices in America to the table we don't just ask the questions you have to go deeper we try to understand what's at the heart of the issue we're talking about to then come forward with Solutions face the Nation on CBS the justices ruled that Harvard and the University of North Carolina violated the constitution in the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision to end affirmative action in college admissions uncertainty sets in for some students of color for Action really gave us an equal opportunity CBS reports explores the historic decision and what it means for those chasing an opportunity to change their lives I knew that college was the ticket to break this cycle the end of affirmative action now streaming on the free CBS News app okay let's go you guys good hey all right we good keep going the clock it's ticking we go 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 minutes it's time for 60 Minutes Sundays on [Music] CBS an original documentary from CBS reports AI is among the most world changing Technologies ever curing diseases scientific breakthroughs making lives better they can help us medical Discovery scientific discovery doing better agriculture having cures for things like Alzheimer's it's also going to really transform the way we work the uplifting potential of artificial intelligence is Limitless it gives you a friend somebody to chat with 24/7 that is non-judgmental he makes me feel loved and desired and so are its downfalls the problem with all this AI is that it's unpredictable and uncontrollable the choices we make now will have lasting effects for decades maybe even centuries the chat GP Revolution now streaming on the free CBS News app we are about to see American weapons in the hands of Mexican cartels a gun pipeline to Mexico we are arming the cartels 100% no doubt about it happening right under our noses who's doing something about this nobody a CBS reports exclusive most Americans have no idea that we are effectively arming the enemy next door this is the story the American people need to know arming cart tells now streaming on the free CBS News app America decides taking you inside American democracy the most important stories on a day-to-day hour- to- hour basis you're going to hear a lot of reporting it is clearly a pivotal moment gun control the economy education both sides of the political aisle fight it out for power bringing you the analysis that you need thoughtfully with context be part of the conversation on CBS News streaming welcome to America decides Monday through Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern we must never never lose and I mean this I know it's hard cuz I've gotten those phone calls too saying I lost a son a daughter a wife I know what it's like but guess what never give up on hope hope hope President Biden touted his administration's efforts to prevent gun violence just hours today after his son was convicted as luck would have it on three felony gun charges interestingly recent CBS News poll released before the verdict found that 78% of Republicans Republicans think that the president's son will be treated better than other defendants I want to bring in our political panel Sophia Kai and Bron Booker Sophia is a national politics reporter for axios Bron is a national political correspondent for political great to see you both to set the table for part of our conversation I want to show our viewers two things one is video from the June celebration at the white house yesterday and a moment that on social media is being described as a juneth freeze of the president and then after that we're going to play sound from former president Trump over the weekend in Nevada with a non-t teleprompter approved reference to electric boats batteries and sharks let's play them both so I said let me ask you a question and he said nobody ever asked this question and it must be because of MIT my relationship to MIT very smart he goes I say what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there by the way a lot of shark attacks lately do you notice that a lot of Shar I watched some guys justifying it today well they weren't really that angry they bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry but they misunderstood what who she was these people are he said there's no problem with sharks okay now we're going to show you the video this is South La of the White House juneth celebration music is playing AR raid around the president lots of different people including the vice president the president not moving at all not moving at all and that sort of holds persist now there's a turn ever so slightly back to our political panel now these are being digested in different ways and they remind voters whether they want to be reminded or not of this age issue this performance issue for not just President Biden there are people who are drawing inferences based on what they saw on juneth but also former president Trump and these wild jaunts he goes off rhetorically that having covered the 2016 campaign I know from Trump wild rhetoric John they're fundamentally different Sophia so I think these are two separate issues one is the issue of age and you see that clip one of the reasons why it's a really Stark visual representation is because you which one of the president of of President Biden is you see the gap between you know the 81-year-old President Biden and the Coalition that he wants to represent the folks who are out there dancing celebrating juneth and the second issue is you know just this issue of trump being bizarre and I think that second one is a place where the Biden campaign has a better case to make saying look he has no reason to be talking about sharks and somehow sharks comes up in a conversation about electric vehicles and electric boats fron well look I think this also undercuts some of the the argument that wa I both I also covered 2016 and a lot of what folks were saying about Trump was that you know he goes on wild tangents right but in 2024 folks have been saying he's run a much more disciplined campaign but yet when his telepromter breaks what does he do he goes into uh you know talking about electrocution or whether or not you should be electrocuted or attacked by sharks and he's like well I'm going to get be electrocuted every time because I don't like sharks and it just undercuts what he is actually trying to do which is trying to win back the White House and hopefully bring the Senate and along with the house so I think we would you see with Biden is you have seen some of these freezes on on social media and they get played all the time uh talking about you know this is what it looks like very tight social media right yes yes yes so it really reinforces this guy is not really there and he's he's serving as sort of this this puppet for Democrats and as we do all the time we have our reporters across the country talking to voters on issues like this we were recently down in marota Georgia talked to a Democrat an independent and a Democrat self-described about this question performance age Acuity let's take a listen to all three of those I can't make a judgment call mental Fitness I'm you know I mean it would have to come from a physician and you know it's going to get spun so much that it may or may not be the truth so um I you know I President Biden you know he goes out and is does physical things I don't feel like that we are that strong country that people used to respect because they look at our leaders and and they question are these people you know are are they capable handling catastrophic events there may have been some other choices agewise perhaps but as far as the changes he's made we were happy with those voters are struggling with this yeah look I I think voters are also coming to the realization that it's it's mostly a binary choice between Trump and Biden and the closer we get to the election I think more and more folks are going to come into the fold thinking like really are these our only choices and so these these are some of the things that people are going to have to parse through whether or not they feel comfortable with someone who's in the office who has support uh from from the party or someone who has kind of remade the Republican party and see what happens and even though he's talked about revenge of uh his political enemies right and Sophia that first voter said two things that I think all of us struggle with one he said I'm not a physician I'd have to wait for a physician we're not Physicians I have no expertise in this field at all I only know what I see second well if something happens it's probably going to be spun in some way so I can't be sure of what's true I think voters that distress struggle with that as well and that seems to be part of this conversation that we should not lose sight of well I don't think of course no one not everyone is a physician but everyone has seen a father or a grandfather age and lived experience matters great de and I think that's what the data point that they can compare it to and so you know you have to wonder if when voters see Biden or even former president Trump if if they see glimmers of of a family member that they've seen rapidly decline re I want to ask you about today's legal events uh and what effect you think it might have on this debate that has been launched by the former president that our justice system is just rigged rigged and has been weaponized against him right well I I think check with Bob Menendez Henry qu and Hunter Biden sure I think I think that undercuts uh undercuts his argument somewhat but I think I think it it's going to come down to what sentencing either Hunter Biden gets or what Trump gets out of his uh Manhattan uh uh trial for for uh his 34 convictions on on hush money I think what also is important that uh to note is that Hunter Biden's legal troubles are not over for this year he has another court case coming up in September in Los Angeles over uh taxes where it seems like all the other cases facing Trump are seemingly Frozen in Time both the federal two Federal cases and the one in Georgia probably not coming up before uh an election year before the election this year so I think voters are going to have that kind of seared in their mind that Hunter Biden is going to be perhaps convicted again right before the election and Sophie I want to ask you we are all sort of keeping an eye on this June 27th scheduled debate lots of things to confirm and lock down before we know for sure that's going to happen but it's scheduled it's there our expectations are how do you think the events of the last couple of weeks not just the legal ones but the Biden executive action on the border feed into the preparations for that debate yeah I think two key topics is who can show that they're stronger on the economy and stronger on immigration those are going to be key and top of mind for viewers and voters at home I think for Trump his team is not going to want him spend too much time talking about his own problems and legal things I mean I've heard from Republicans who know that if Trump keeps talking about himself he has better chance of losing if he makes it a referendum on Biden in Biden's four years then you know Trump may have a better chance so the the debate will be very hot it'll be highly anticipate and I think a lot of us will be tuning in and that performance security M Matrix will be visible there as well Sophia Kai Bron Booker thanks so very much for your time we appreciate it Hamas has issued a formal response to a proposal for a ceasefire in its war with Israel this comes as Secretary of State Anthony blinkin visits the Middle East in hopes of solidifying an agreement to end the violence in Gaza and win the release of remaining hostages blinkin said today it is quote on Hamas to move forward unquote with the proposal CBS News foreign correspondent MTS tab has more from London well major we are of course hearing from Hamas through these statements where they're saying essentially that they're ready to positively engage with this deal which of course is a important step uh but I think the reality is is that the devil is in the details and what those exact details are are incredibly complex and these are details that will need to be hammered out uh between Hamas and Israel uh as well as negotiators which include Qatar Egypt and of course the United States uh but in this statement that we've seen from Hamas it said and I'm quoting here that the Hamas response uh reaffirmed the group stance that any agreement must end the Zionist aggression their word on our people getting the Israeli forces out reconstruct Gaza and achieve a serious prisoner swap deal now all of those objectives and all of those goals do seem to have been laid out in the three-phase agreement that the president himself announced just a couple of weeks ago uh which has now been supported by the UN Security Council unanimously with the exception of Russia we abstained uh but it's still an open question as to whether or not Hamas and Israel can truly negotiate a path moving forward uh and again when we say it's the the devils in details that's really what's going to be pared here now we have heard from the White House that they are examining these responses uh from Hamas and uh the Palestinian Islamic Jihad which is another armed faction fighting in Gaza right now uh saying that they want to look at it carefully uh before they make any announcements uh but ultimately the ball will be in Israel's courts uh to decide what it wants to do prime minister Netanyahu although he has said that he is supporting this deal and this deal has been framed as an Israeli deal he has also said and made clear to the people of Israel that the war in Gaza will not end until all of the Israel's military objectives are achieved and what is one of those objectives to and I'm quoting here destroy Hamas so it's a it's a complicated picture to say the least but at the very least of what we're seeing in this moment is some sort of traction moving forward weeks after this deal was first announced major MTS tab in London we thank you the prosecution star witness faces cross-examination in the bribery trial of Senator Bob Menendez what the businessman had to say about the alleged bribery deal you are streaming America to [Music] sides go to the ends of the Earth right now we got something crazy and reach for the stars here we are time yes it's my comeback hey this is pretty fun but wait there's more experience thought-provoking to the idea of being a human being innovative and truly original reporting look through a telescope and go wow because there's always something new Under the Sun on CBS Sunday Morning at this moment terrorists could be plotting another attack 911 triggered a counterterror system that included a secret database this person needs a closer look a growing list of nearly 2 million people including some Americans who say they're innocent for 1 hour flight I have to spend 6 hours to go and come back CBS reports explores the system the people responsible for it and those pushing for change I'm not fighting against them I'm fighting for them to do the right thing the watch list now streaming on the free CBS News app don't miss True Crime anytime you want anywhere you go with a 48 Hours podcast real crimes real lives real Justice there's some questions that have to be asked and need to be answered listen to 48 Hours on Apple podcasts an original documentary from CBS reports imagine yourself in Manhattan with no police no Army no mayor the people of Haiti stare down poverty corruption natural disasters and violence 90% of the gun that are used by gangs in hati are American Gun but with an unbreakable spirit and eternal optimism there are days where I cry but we can't be discouraged we still believe in Haiti they're still able to look ahead with hope Haiti is on the brink of transformation a radical shift patients are coming together and saying things must change fighting for Haiti now streaming on the free CBS News app hey there welcome to the uplift I thought she was a groom and I stepped back and I went oh you're the queen she's going to be with me every instant that I'm alive I just wanted to see if you'd go to Disneyland with me today I look over at him and he's smiling I'm going to remember that the rest of my life they told us when he was going to be born he was only going to live for 30 minutes it's really a miracle that he's with us today the uplift stream now on the free CBS News app when you wake up in the morning we want to be your go-to team on our places bright shiny faces I don't go to work in the morning I go for coffee with my two good friends and we talk about the world your morning routine just got better CBS mornings a CBS News investigation people looking for love finding their life savings gone this could happen to anybody and sometimes losing their lives Anything for Love Now streaming on the free CBS News app this is CBS [Music] welcome back the presidential primary season is over it's been over for a while but down ballot primaries of course are still happening across the country house senate and gubinatorial candidates are on the ballot today in Maine Nevada North Dakota and South Carolina and a special race race to fill a house seat is happening in Ohio so let's check in with some of the reporters covering these important races I'm Owen Kingsley and we're here in the town of Windam for Maine's primary election day right behind me petitioners are collecting signatures at polls across the state to repeal the recently passed National popular vote law it would join a compact of other states to elect the president using the popular vote and not the Electoral College opponents argue would silence main voters in the rural corners of the state by putting more influence on results in larger cities further north in Main's second congressional district one of the more impactful election races happening today former NASCAR driver Austin Tero and former Marine Mike seleski are both vying to take on Democratic Congressman Jared golden in November Tero has received an endorsement from former president Donald Trump I'm Josh Manny for CVS in Reno Nevada about 20% of the electorate is expected to show up for today primary now typically on presidential election years turnout is higher in 2020 about 481 th000 voters showed up which accounted for 29.5% of active registered voters now the big race to watch tonight is the Republican primary for US Senate retired army Captain Sam Brown who lost to Adam La salt in the GOP 2022 Senate primary earned Trump's endorsement in the the 11th hour on Sunday which should Propel him ahead of Jeff Gunter Trump's former ambassador to Iceland thanks to all of you for your reporting for more on tonight's primary contest I want to bring in Hunter Woodall from our CBS News political unit Hunter great to see you for tonight's purposes I think in Washington The Big Race on the map is South Carolina's first congressional district primary tell us a little bit about that it's a fascinating race major because you have incumbent Republican representative Nancy ma now uh representative ma was somebody who days after Jan 6 the Jan 6 Capital attack said she held Trump accountable for what happened that day since then she's endorsed former president Trump as he runs for the White House and Trump has endorsed her in her re-election race this uh you know this fall what's fascinating though is Mace was among the eight House Republicans who voted to ask Kevin McCarthy as Speaker last fall that's gotten her a lot of push back she has a really you know robust primary challenge here and it's a challenge in in a district that you know has lean more Republican in recent years and former house Speaker Kevin McCarthy who in part got that title because of the vote of Nancy mace is helping through a Pac to bankroll the primary opponent correct exactly federal election uh record Federal campaign record show that you know his McCarthy's leadership pack has you know given to mesa's Challenger and obviously that's McCarthy saying hey you know I I have a say in this race he's obviously upset with those you know few Republicans vote to remove remove him a speaker last fall so he's still playing a hand even though outside of the system in shaping or possibly trying to shape the system in the future uh North Dakota has an interesting primary for governor talk to us about that you know North Dakota is not a state we talk to too much about politically but right now obviously the governor Doug berham is seen as a potential you know vice presidential pick for uh you know Trump later in the coming months in this race to succeed bergam though Trump and bergham disagree on who they want to see win this Republican primary Trump has endorsed Congressman Kelly Armstrong in the race bergham has actually endorsed his uh lieutenant governor Tammy Miller so obviously you know in a in a you know Red State over wi's primary is likely to become the next governor of North Dakota and Trump and buram feel differently about the outcome and Nevada there is also another Clash within the Trump Republican World about who should emerge from that Republican senatorial primary you know we know Nevada is a critical presidential Battleground state but it's obviously it's a huge race in terms of the Senate map you know this is a seat that Democrat Jackie Rosen you know holds right now Democrats need to hold this seat you know likely if they want to maintain their really narrow control on the Senate come to fall Trump has endorsed Sam Brown Sam Brown as a as a background uh you know that usually that tends to resonate with Republican primary voters but he struggled in the primary in 2022 he finished second for a different seny in Nevada at the same time the former US ambassador to Iceland under Trump TR under Trump is is running for the seene you know he didn't get the Trump endorsement and he's not exactly happy on social media that you know he didn't get the trting uh those around Trump saying that though he doesn't hold Trump personally responsible not faulting him directly he's faulting those around him for giving him bad advice putting the thumbs on the scale also to sour grape stuff which those close to Trump have responded in kind back also vociferously exactly and I mean that's not you know your voters seen that play out obviously you know that that doesn't tend to go well a few days before the primary one last thing about South Carolina that's a runoff proposition so if Nancy mace or the Challenger doesn't get to 50% they have to rerun it exactly they have to run there would be a runoff on June 25th so very short window and you know anything can happen and you know a low turnout you know runoff that could be like that very good Hunter Woodall great to see you thanks so very much and we will have more news ahead you are streaming America [Music] decides okay so let's just start at the beginning well let me start with this what is it here what is the answer then do you know why you want me to just keep going is that a good thing or a bad thing were there death threats how is this possible what's wrong with that AR are you saying they lied have you told the government that why won't you say the word crisis you're not answering my question really is that scary does that make sense what do you mean what does that mean did any of that Mak sense you what's your response what happened why why it's time for the CBS News original 60 Minutes Sunday on CBS and streaming on Paramount plus there is no more room in our city New York City is receiving record numbers of migrants today we're going to have more than 500 adults and children come through that door tensions rise a shelters reach Max Capacity we don't have to take care of CBS reports goes inside a crisis cities and families are facing as they fight to survive the United States still has that glimmer of hope for people to come here fighting for a future now streaming on the free CBS News app on Face the Nation the way to learn is to listen we may have a recession listening to how someone explains themselves is so key to understanding their perspective an original documentary from CBS reports since you started LP in 2014 do you have any sense as to how much food you've rescued from the landfill we've rescued 42 million pounds I can't even fathom how much food that is and that's one little person in one little city in America we're going to call this chicken picata we did 450 of these meals today this is the exact dish that you and I are going to have yep really good is it good mhm having a plan of how to keep people fed should be in every single City if we eliminated food waste could we eliminate hunger yes eating trash now streaming on the free CBS News app America decides taking you inside American democracy the most important stories on a day-to-day hour to hour basis you're going to hear a lot of reporting it is clearly a pivotal moment gun control the economy education both sides of the political aisle fight it out for power bring you the analysis that you need thoughtfully with context be part of the conversation on CBS News streaming welcome to America decides when people say who's first to get in in the morning that would be me Morning News matters because it sets the tone for your day and it's a way of getting you started dayto day that first draft of History it happens right here we're going to uplift you we're going to send you out your way we take you places we teach you new things and we make you feel like you know it's not all bad people say to me you always seem to be having a good time and you know what you're right your morning routine just got better CBS mornings weekdays at 7 welcome back to America decides Hunter Biden isn't the only only one in the political world facing legal troubles a key witness in New Jersey Democratic senator Bob menendez's corruption trial took the stand for a third day insurance broker Jose urbe claims he bribed the senator and his then girlfriend to stop criminal investigations into his business associates Menendez has pleaded not guilty importantly not guilty to all federal charges legal reporter for the Washington Post Salvador Rizzo joins us now from New York Salvador it's great to have you with us briefly summarize the charges against Senator Menendez and what this witness Mr urbe has shed light on if he has Senator Menendez faces 16 counts in an indictment that alleges that uh you know he committed bribery he extorted people he committed wire fraud he acted as a foreign agent for Egypt and then committed obstruction of justice when uh he was served with subpoenas at his home in June 2022 uh so uh it's a ranging indictment uh this trial is now in its fifth week and Jose arbe uh the witness who is currently testifying and will return tomorrow for a fourth day on the stand uh is a lynchpin of the prosecution's case he is the only witness expected to testify uh that the senator and his then girlfriend later wife Nadine Arslanian uh you know knew that there was a corrupt exchange happening agreed to it and uh fulfilled their end of the bargain in exchange for the black Mercedes-Benz that orbe says he financed them and in the testimony so far Salvador has it been established that there was a direct understanding that is to say I'm going to do this and you're going to give me that uh it's uh it's a little bit more nuanced as far as Jose orbe goes Jose orbe claims that he struck up a conversation a running conversation over text messages voicemails inperson meetings with naen ar lanan who whom he knew from some time back uh and naen wanted the car uh Jose wanted Mendez to stop and kill investigations by the New Jersey insurance fraud prosecutor into several Associates that could redound on him and his business uh and uh according to what orbe is testifying uh he never discussed the car payments with Menendez only with naen uh but Menendez knew uh according to rebbe that uh you know his associates were in trouble what kind of trouble what kind of cases and the prosecution alleges that he called up meetings uh with the top prosecutor in New Jersey the Attorney General at the time uh to ask him uh to see if he could look into those cases to see if there was any discrimination against Hispanic truckers going on salador I'm going to make a guess here I think it's a well-founded one that in the Public's mind the gold bars will Loom large as a visual representation of what at least in part this case is about have they come up recently are there any part of this conversation with Mr rebbe or other recent Witnesses uh it's it's interesting orbe is not the only person who is alleged to have bribed the menendez's uh at the defense table there's a man named Fred Davies a New Jersey real estate developer he's the one who's alleged to have provided one kilogram gold bars that you're showing on the screen right now uh for a completely different set of allegations having to do with Davies requesting that Mendez stop an investigation into him into Davies uh by New Jersey Federal prosecutors and also some allegations that dav's requested and gotman and as his help securing a lucrative deal with a state fund with ti to the katari royal family uh but uh during the orbe testimony uh as I said it's been three days because he's only alleged to have given this Mercedes uh you which is also kind of flashy and memorable to you know people and the jury uh you know uh the gold bars have been sort of on a Hiatus for a couple days and very quickly Salvador is there any evidence that's been put forward before the jury that suggest that Senator Menendez made calls outside of the typical Lane of a senator in matters of this kind well immediately what came to mind is prosecutors highlighting for the jury portions of menendez's website at the time that said our office cannot intervene in judicial cases for you or you know tell the court to act one way or another uh especi menes criminal matters so they're saying what he was what he was doing he was clearly broadcasting to the world and people at large that he actually couldn't do so these were special favors that were only available to people uh who paid up is what the prosecutors alect Salvador Rizzo with all the details thank you very much that does it for today we will be back with another edition of America decides tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. Eastern The Daily Report with John Dickerson starts right now [Music]
Channel: CBS News
Views: 3,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbs news, news, live news, livestream, breaking news, politics, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, White House, 2024 presidential election, GOP, Republican, Democrat, Russia, trump, Israel, Hamas, donald trump, congress, israel, hamas, Netanyahu, Hunter Biden, China, alito, Cuomo
Id: fVyVc9cmPcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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