Human Nature
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Channel: Michael Jackson - Topic
Views: 8,400,200
Rating: 4.812366 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Jackson, マイケルジャクソン, 麥可傑克森, Thriller, Human Nature
Id: oqLpko9Gprs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2017
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I went to the link...
I hate..... and I mean literally 'hate' that label Yacht Rock. 😑 What the heck is that supposed to imply? 😕
That those who made 'light rock' (the proper term) had it easier than those who made louder or more complex rock?
That these guys came from well to do families and had a recording contract simply handed to them, without the label hearing if they could play?
Any really good songs, even those in the light rock vein, take effort and real work to create. Human Nature is proof of that, as is Toto's "Rosanna" or Christopher Cross's 'Ride Like The Wind'.
It truly is insulting to these singers/songwriters and bands to call them Yacht Rock and whoever out there in the world that coined this term.... **** you.
One of his best tunes, ever.
Fave. Written by Steve Porcaro... Toto fame
Here's the behind the scenes documentary how Human Nature was made
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