Hulk and Thor Fight to The Death

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the two strongest Avengers go head to head it's a battle for the ages folks a true Showcase of comic book might whoever wins we all win we start off with uatu the Watcher given how much fun a big epic comic book brawl can be he's already got his popcorn ready The Watcher takes a second to fill us in on what state both of these heroes are in right now Thor rules Asgard but has the ghost of his father Odin stuck in his hammer holds on the Run due to an incident in El Paso where he reportedly killed 17 people Bruce Banner is in control of the Hulk's body due to creating a mental construct called Starship Hulk his inner self is a science fiction ship captain while the Hulk Persona fights powerful enemies in a simulation to work up his rage Hulk's the engine banners the pilot he's also dealing with some kind of mental parasite called Titan but we'll get into that later because right now he has an angry Thor to deal with mjolnir lands the first blow while Thor yells at Banner to stop up he hasn't had the briefing on the whole Starship Hulk thing yet he does the regular speech to try and help Bruce control the Hulk trying to get him to control his rage yeah that's not gonna work this time the two fall down towards the planet set green The Watcher describes this as ominous a wretched Planet filled with disease plagued warmongering cannibals that Devour the eyes of their young to appease their all-knowing pain God we never see any of that though uotto's not on his a game today Hulk's Sucker Punch drives Thor into the ground the God of Thunder tries to get to his feet while the spirit of Odin within his hammer starts nagging him to hurry up and start going to town on the Hulk already Thor refuses though not wanting to risk innocent casualties inside the Hulk a mental image of Betty tries to warn Bruce that this isn't going to be like his other fights with Thor Betty insists that Bruce himself should know that they can't win this Hulk and Thor both yell at their mental Partners in a moment that leaves the two Fighters briefly very confused there's a moment of silence as they try to work out who the other fighter was talking to the sacrians looking on in fear finally though Bruce has had enough and gets back to the punching keeping it nice and simple something Thor can appreciate the locals run from the fight in panic giving us a nice view of those eyes The Watcher tried to tell us they didn't have Banner starts turning up the Hulk's engine bringing the setting up to level 3 giant Wolverine but Thor's own preparations are finished Sif is now ready to use the bifrost asgard's Rainbow Bridge to teleport the two fighters away Thor orders her to bring them to somewhere they can fight without risk of Civilian casualties Sif doesn't have a plan for that but thinking on her feet the goddess sends them to the black hand of God it's like that Giant floating head City nowhere a severed body part from a dead Celestial but in this case people have decided to make it a blood Sports Arena this is where uwato's been narrating from Rolling with things as best he can the announcer decides that these two will be the next match-up the green Scar the indestructible Immortal Hulk versus the Golden Avenger The Thunder King The Mighty Thor round one fight surprisingly though Hulk's first move is to block Bruce tries to talk to Thor but the Thunder God isn't having it smashing through the green Giant's guard with one blow of mjolnir Thor is furious with his former friend he heard about El Paso Hulk finally crossed the line and killed innocent people and Thor is done playing around he plants mjolnir right on Bruce's back then steps away given that only Thor can lift mjolnir this is one of the few forces that can truly pin down the Hulk Thor is Plain Dirty but that's because this is no longer a friendly fight between two strong comrades it's an execution Thor apologizes to Bruce but admits this is goodbye he still considers Banner a good friend even now and takes no joy in this Hulk insists that it wasn't him that killed those people but Thor refuses to believe it Hulk screams as he feels mjolnir pressing down on him inside the Starship Banner raises the power to level 8 and prepares to take Direct control he's going to wear the Hulk now not just give him orders before he starts he asks for the memories of every past fight Hulk and Thor have had wanting to be sure he's ready for this we see them flash over Starship Hulk screens even as the Emerald Avenger screams in pain outside slowly the Hulk Lumbers to his feet the big guy is groaning in agony Thor is shocked to watch it there is only one way for Hulk to escape this pin by ripping himself past mjolnir bright green guts spill onto the Arena's Sands as the enchanted Hammer hits the ground it hurt but Hulk is back on his feet and he orders Thor to pick up his hammer they are not done Thor pulls his hammer back with a gesture and Hulk Smiles where were we oh yeah Hulk smash the force of Hulk pounding Thor into the ground splits the arena the ground cracks beneath Thor aftershocks and Tremors reaching the stands the Watchers fellow Spectators start to panic and run while uatu himself simply sits enjoying his popcorn Odin orders Thor to get up Thor insists he's trying but Odin's had enough the hammer slips from Thor's grasp and begins to rise into the sky Banner doesn't notice until a boom rings out over the arena followed by a growing Rumble Hulk's not worried at first he can handle whatever thunderstorm Thor is trying to summon but as the Thor God points out that's not a storm it was mjolnir breaking the sound barrier the blue flaming meteor blast of uru is cataclysmic fingernails fall away from the black hand of God the ancient dead flesh buckling beneath this all-consuming blow Thor's on his feet again and laying into the Hulk flow after blow all backed with lightning the two are falling through what remains of the Arena as the metal splinters and snaps around them yet Odin the cantankerous fight happy old ghost is worried he felt something wrong with Hulk when he struck the big guy it's not as simple as mind control but there's something wrong with him at his request Thor lets mjolnir fly free it hits Hulk right on the head knocking Banner out of his captain's chair but as he gets to his feet Bruce Banner I would have words with thee Odin is not wasting time he lays into Bruce with a powerful punch he's a God not a scientist but he can guess that killing Banner in this mental realm would kill the Hulk too he doesn't want that but will do it if he has to Bruce is on the floor with a nosebleed but he's not out of this fight yet this is a mental construct but it's a mental construct of a Starship and what kind of Starship doesn't have automatic defenses for its Captain Odin's caught and bound like he's nothing Bru's taking a moment to savor the victory Odin might be powerful but within his own mind Bruce is the only God that matters he orders his computer to initiate Auto defenses in the real world Hulk grabs a surprise Thor and holds the Thunder God Aloft at one word from Banner a whole set of cannons mounted on Hulk's shoulders fire peppering Thor with round after round of heavy ammunition satisfied at that Bruce is about to turn back to Odin only for the former god of wisdom to kick him in the jaw again he got out of the bindings already Thor starts to recover from the gunfire as Banner wrestles without him but God has the scientists by the neck but before they can do anything more Thor headbutts Hulk right in the temple the impact sends both Odin and banner falling and makes Banner hit his head on the Starship chair so head trauma to the Hulk gave a mental image of Bruce Banner head trauma all is Darkness for a while when Bruce is woken up it's by the last person he could have expected Odin the all-father has traded his golden armor for a simple shirt and is just as confused as Bruce about what is going on Banner takes a second to think back before realizing where they've ended up El Paso they're in a bar in El Paso Odin has taken the form of a bartender while Bruce is just a spectator watching the events of that day they play out a second time he is freaking out even as his past self-centers the bar laptop slung over his shoulder this is the last place Bruce Banner ever wants to see again it's Odin's words that manage to get him calm enough to explain Bruce and the Hulk had formed a truce they planned to work together going forward to be more of a team they had come to El Paso looking for a monster that was targeting people on the border Odin figures that it must have targeted the bar but no Bruce admits that the monster never showed up the worst he got was a red-haired biker who almost spilled booze on his laptop that moment though it did something to Holt's rage Bruce tried to apologize to the biker for punching him offering to buy him a new drink but the man's bent over groaning his skin was burning up the Hulk had become contagious the biker Hulk threw Bruce across the bar like he was nothing the rest of the bar joined him the infection was spreading fast when Bruce managed to pick himself up he he felt something else in control of his body something new and horrifying if he doesn't tell Odin its name but this is the Titan entity that's been lurking within his mind Palace Bruce doesn't know what it is but when it takes full control of the Hulk though things aren't pretty even in the bar when Banner wasn't hulked out Titan was brutal Bruce was forced to watch as it puppeteered his body killing every last Hulk in the bar one by one that's the origin of the 17 deaths in El Paso Bruce's Body killed them but neither he nor the Hulk were in control it was this new Element Bruce sat in front of the burning bar all night hoping that someone would end it but they didn't this was when he decided if Hulk truly can't be controlled he'll use him that's what led to the creation of Starship Hulk a way to keep the monster permanently controlled Odin asks Banner how he pulled this off this mind Palace isn't just a mental construct powerful magic was used to make it but before Banner can answer Odin has pulled away from his mental World Thor has recalled his hammer they are out of time Tony Stark has arrived in a new and improved Hulkbuster one made from the body of a dead Celestial he's brought the Firepower of a literal God to try and end this fight Bruce Banner is trapped in a mental desert and right now the Hulk is in control of Starship Hulk what's worse the Jolly Green Giant doesn't know that this is reality banners kept him in the simulation for so long Hulk is not going to hold back against the Avengers he is ready to kill though even Hulk's going to have some problems with that Tony's brought enough Firepower to level a world Thor looks on from a safe distance as the black hand is roasted in solar fire everyone from the stands is gone now thanks to sip's use of the bifrost to evacuate them no one's going to watch this except for Thor and presumably watu so he can keep giving us narration groundside Hulk slowly forces his way forward his face is covered in green blood and he's grimacing in pain inside his cockpit it Tony's confused his new Hulkbuster is draining Bruce's gamma radiation but that doesn't seem to be actually weakening Bruce his AI clarifies that somehow Hulk is getting stronger from this and we see his eyes go back just like Bruce's had back at El Paso is this Hulk or is it Titan the Hulk creature screams but before he can do anything some strange Force strikes the armored Celestial with so much force it knocks him off the hand and onto another planetoid Tony Stark's iron God crashes into the Sans Wings shorn Away by the impact one of its arms has been ripped out of its socket Crimson Lightning Crashes over the Battleground Tony's bleeding inside he doesn't even know how Banner could be that strong and that's because Banner didn't do this Thor did or rather his hammer did Thor tries to apologize and explain to Tony while Odin yells at him he knows that Banner isn't in control Thor snaps back that he knows this but it doesn't matter if Hulk's a threat they have to take him down before more lives are lost it's that simple first though he's going to have to win Hulk's not down yet he smashes Thor into the iron God screaming out for Banner Tony uses his Celestial fist to knock Hulk away before bringing the iron God back up for round two and Hulk Titan or normal is all too happy to oblige he charges forward taking every laser beam and missile head on Odin despairing at the two Avengers failing to try and stop the fight decides to take matters into his own hands the old ghost flies mjolnir away ride towards the Hulk the giant tries to take the hammer one more weapon he can use against the people hurting him but no it pins him to the ground again Odin might want to talk to Banner but he isn't going to let Hulk kill people while he does that unfortunately this rage has created a new problem the gamma build up within Hulk has reached a critical mass Tony pulls away and tries to get Thor to do the same the Thunder God wants to but he needs to retrieve his hammer slash father first and Odin is insist on trying to reach banner and that insistence keeps Thor the hammer and Hulk trapped together as the gamma blast goes off enveloping everything in its wake the iron God is almost completely destroyed by this but Tony manages to survive he picks himself up stepping out into the gamma blasted hellscape with an exosuit he's on an alien world without a suit of armor and next to him transformed by that gamma blast is a halt out Thor Thor smashes his way right through the half wrecked remains of the iron God the thing still has enough Repulsor energy to hold Thorpe back but only for a second Hulk Thor rips off the offending hand pulls on a mesh of wires and cables and throws the whole wreck of a Mech down to the ground Tony desperate tries to plead with his friend but Thor isn't listening he's about to rage and right now that rage is throwing him right at Tony Stark ready to smash the armorless Mortal but before he can Tony is saved by Hulk the original punches Thor right in the face sending the Hulk Thor crash through a mountain and out the other side Tony stunn asks the Hulk if that's Bruce in there Hulk takes a second before confirming no he's not Bruce Banner right now the Green Giant winds up another punch telling Tony to run as a shadow Falls over them Hulk Thor impacts with a boom the force blowing up what little remains of the iron God the two Emerald behemoths trade blows punch for punch shot for shot they both hit harder than anyone else could and the green blood is Flowing ultimately Hulk Thor has Hulk Banner pinned and starts smashing him through the celestial debris inside Bruce Banner's mind the scientists can't even wrap his head around what's going on right now thankfully help has arrived Odin he's not going to let his son nor Banner die and he'll help Bruce with whatever he needs outside the battle between the Hulk's rage is on with the two wrestling each other Tony Stark calls into his calm desperate for an escape and finally he gets it Sif uses the bifrost to teleport him to Asgard next she'll do the same for Thor her King is lost hurt and needs to be stopped that's the job of his people but as the rainbow light envelops Thor he tries to fight it the battle isn't over yet and somehow through rage gamma and force of will he shatters the Rainbow Bridge itself Sif is in tears at the destruction of one of asgard's greatest treasures Odin bitterly decides this leaves them no choice Thor has to be stopped but Bruce Banner has a plan that's not Thor not really that's a Titan infestation just like what happened to the people in that bar if he fights Thor head on Titan's going to take control of the Hulk and then they're all going to be in trouble but he can win he just needs an edge and at Odin's command mjolnir flies through this time though it passes Thor by instead Hulk picks it up it's a hulked out Thor versus a thor'd up Hulk and as their Clash Begins the world they stood upon explodes at the sheer power of this Clash as the two fight uwatu tells us that this fight will somehow answer the questions of who would win in a fight to the death Thor or Hulk this is it the final chance to see who is truly stronger Odin uses the magic of mjolnir to open a portal letting Hulk bring Thor through to Asgard the assembled Gods plus Tony Stark are ready for them but as the pair touched down with an earth-cracking boom even the gods are forced to hold back Thor rips Hulk's hand away but the emerald Avenger sends him flying with a backhanded Hammer blow Odin yells at Banner to push Hulk back even further into the world tree the heart of asgard's magic should burn this corruption out of Thor the game infused God tries to rally for one more smash but the Hulk is quicker batting him back into the bowels of the great egress Hill the tree wraps its roots around Thor caging him and pulling the Angry God deep inside itself Banner wonders if this means they've won Odin is less than optimistic as powerful as the world tree is it may not be enough to soothe the Thor's anger and yes we see him tear his way free of the world tree ripping through the trunk of a construct that is supposed to support all reality even Banner the rational scientist is worried now if they can't stop Thor it'll be the end of everything they need a different plan my son it is I your father it is Odin I am sorry my son I know I have not always been kind to you I have made many mistakes too many but through it all despite my failures despite our difference I must remind you I still love you son if you would my bow allow me to do what All fathers are called on to do for their sons help them with their burdens and relieve them of their woes the magic of mjolnir is enough to remove Thor's gamma and fix the world tree when the Avengers ask what happened to Hulk Thor tells them that he died in the blast a lie for an old friend Banner deserves his chance to find Healing right he ended up on a hooktopia planet where they praised him for killing Hammer Satan and everyone loved him hey wait how did this prove who was Stronger The Watcher was full of it well anyway this isn't the first time Hulk's fought literal Gods check out our other video on his battle with everyone on Mount Olympus it's far more accurate than awatu was in this comic
Channel: Plot Armor Comics
Views: 148,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hulk vs thor, thor vs hulk, hulk vs thor banner of war, banner of war, banner of war comic, thor comic, hulk comic, starship hulk, thor hulk, hulk thor, thor and hulk, hulk, thor, marvel comics, marvel, comics, plot armor comics, plot armor comics hulk, plot armor comics thor, the incredible hulk, the hulk
Id: oGJv_DeTtf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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