Hugh Grant & Charlie Hunnam Explain the Importance of a Good Scene Partner

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guys this film was incredible I enjoyed it so much and it looked like you guys were having a lot of fun to look like there was great chemistry between you all so what was it like being able to be gangsters on film well really you Charlie yeah it was a treat you know I had obviously grown up I've talked about it a lot in the past day I grew up a big fan of Guy Ritchie's you know as I was becoming an actor at the time I started acting and auditioning a lot with the time his first two movies came out and you know being in London he really became this sort of central access for a moment of the British film making and you know it was a sort of a breath of fresh air so I always had a real hope and aspiration at some points get to work with them and you know we did one film before which was sort of a departure from the classic Guy Ritchie style of filmmaking but it was a real treats but you know when he sent me this script I thought ah this is the one and I was 18 years old that I dreamed of doing with guy so it's kind of cool in that regard yeah yeah and you I mean it really stepped out of what people expected from you you're usually like this kind of suave dreamy character and here you were totally different what was that like you still pretty dreamy what it was fun it was fun it was fun it's much you know actors much prefer being evil it's been good and it's easier to where you think it's so much easier but it's easier in the sense that the camera quite likes it naturally it's harder to be interesting if you're good so in this particular film I mean your character is kind of a like a weasel of sorts I mean you said before that you sort of Jerusem inspirations from from some of the private investigators who have sort of stalked you how did you do that yeah because I've been campaigning for eight years about the wrongdoings criminalities and British tabloid press and cheering those years some of the guys who actually committed those crimes a lot of whom were private investigators have come over to our side so I've got to know them and it is weird I there I am having lunch with someone who hacked my phone or burgled my flat but they were quite useful in terms of this character yeah now Charlie your character is pretty cool because he kind of goes between these two dimensions I think he's one of the only characters that really is with all of the the cast yeah what was that like working with such a huge catch that's very talented mm-hmm it's amazing I've had two experiences like that this year or last year I should say where I went through and worked with you know different actors everyday in in it's amazing I mean what really struck me is how important it is to have a good rapport with the person you know that you're acting with some days you know it's it's it's sort of just like having a conversation or playing a sport with someone there's so much involved in the energetic exchange of it and some days I could find myself just being you know on fire and some days being a real struggle you know and I realized an enormous amount of that was to do with who I was playing the scene with you know that it was really down to chemistry which seems like an obvious thing but you know it became very yeah she's very delicate on a film set if anyone's uncomfortable or nervous it spreads like why you know you could I could be doing a scene in with us too and then there's a character of a waiter who brings in a cup of coffee if he's nervous I guess yes yes it was very delicate we're very delicate flowers dig I sort of encourage you guys to improv or ad-lib a lot when you were on set yeah I mean I'm not doing that and I very often I've scribbled alternatives in the margin of my script anyway so I put them in and takes two three and four see if anyone likes them yeah and it seems like a lot of times things worked out really well so films pretty great mm-hmm well thanks now if you you two you turned 60 this year congratulations yeah thanks for my teaming yeah well at least you can celebrate with this great cast and celebrate about this yes yes that's pretty cool yeah oh yeah yeah absolutely now not everybody knows that you also do a lot of screenwriting Charlie which is pretty cool do you have any projects I set up for this year yeah I just sold a screenplay that I hope we will get made this year you know I have a tremendous track record of being able to write halfway decent screenplays and sell them which is you know an enormous achievement into itself and I'm always incredibly proud more proud when I sell a screenplay then when I get hired to act in something because you know it's something that I've generated and spent an enormous amount of time cultivating shaping and loving and then you put it out to the world and it's really encouraging and you know can fill one with a moment of pride when you know people would like to buy it I have not been successful having any of those screenplays made yet so I would just hope that it's some shape or form this one will actually get made if it doesn't I really enjoy the process I'm gonna keep on doing it whether I can ever get a film made or not to the gods can you talk at all about the new project I don't think so cuz there's still sort of being penned and there's I would talk about it but there's a competing idea out there and I don't want to let competition know that we're at that competition you know those things often happen where something will just become sort of oddly in the zeitgeist and - we're very rural films are getting made at the same time and sometimes it's a race to the roof it's a race to get into production and who you know and the other one ends up falling by the wayside yeah yeah well I'm crossing my fingers for you that at least some point in time we'll see this one on skin I appreciate it yeah so thank you no thank you I've heard that you and Matthew McConaughey sort of been scheming to set your parents of because that actually happened no yet can we hope to see that happen if you started that conversation yet I I need to start it you're absolutely right it's it's an obvious thing to do okay good good well we just had New Year's recently if you guys have any New Year's resolutions that you're hoping happened this year I have a lot I took it very seriously you know 2020 you know start of a new decade I am turning 40 this year so there's a lot of resolution can't remember any of them but you do take it very seriously thank you you know I do and then the passing of the new year is very important to me I go to bed early on New Year's Eve and I get up and I get and I've gone watch the Sun Rise on New Year's Day is usually the way I attack all that you know welcome the new year and but you know right I don't drink most of the year about 51 weeks of the year I don't drink and then I have a pretty jolly Christmas yeah I just holiday all bottles of Jameson over the holiday break which was really popping it but I hadn't had a drink in months and months and months so I I just sort of vacillate from being teetotal and it's a general alcoholic thank you for watching if you want more extra hit the subscribe button and the bell so you'll never miss a video
Channel: extratv
Views: 73,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charlie hunnam, hugh grant, cheslie kryst, movies, new movies, movie junkets, the gentlemen, films, guy ritchie, guy ritchie movies, english directors, popular movies, gangster movies, stylized movies, filmmaking style, english gangsters, playing villains, evil characters, playing bad guys, different roles, private investigators, screenwriting, onscreen chemistry, building a rapport, scene partners, nervous
Id: jZpbwkNmIzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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