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what up YouTube AR platinum ah alright we are doing a chase session I went back and got some tickets I lost on yesterday I know for sure this one and this one are chases I don't know about that one and this one we had ticket number one now we were on ticket number four can't remember I got the tickets of the house I'm in the car update on the studio so I can stop doing these in the dadgum car I got my lights are coming tomorrow which for you guys by the time you see this I will probably already had it for a week and been making videos but just know better videos are on the horizon I got a nice light set up it's gonna be cool it's gonna be cool alright here we go let's see we got a hundred dollar session to tens of thirty and a fifty or chasing let's see how we do mega looked at yeah you know the game odds on one two three point five four and I'm about to call it quits on this ticket because it's just killing me kill me or no good wins moonrise newspaper shoes chili pepper was hoping we could find something over a hundred and have a cool little win but it's just not happening moon rise newspaper shoes chili pepper moonrise and newspaper next up Speer covered wagon the country maracas Speer covered wagon country maracas and uh from there spear dragon four countries did this that's a good sign maybe we just got really really lucky see if we can find that saddle for fifteen and maybe a good sign oh there it is that could be a good sign cowboy sunset saddle for the win and Jackrabbit cowboy sunset saddle and Jackrabbit cowboy sunset saddle and Jackrabbit saddle for 15 sunset no Jackrabbit but that's the first time we've won in a long time that soon covered wagon pecan tree saddle spear covered wagon pecan tree spear and saddle all right let's see what else we can get lizard corn hen football lizard corn in football lizard and football mortar and pestle 450 would kind of seal the deal we got rattlesnake cow wheel oil-rig rattlesnake cow wheel oil [Music] no wheel all right I'm bill Oh for another win no we got cherry soccer ball cowboy hat Roadrunner cherries soccer ball cowboy hat Roadrunner no cherries no cowboy hat my last shot here ship and cactus cactus for the win no ship no cactus no Sherlock let's see what else we got desert butterfly I don't think we got anything else there no no no all right well we got 15 and that's probably gonna be 5 for 20 there it is all right well good start start it off with $10 ticket 120 let's see if we can double everything up.that me nice what's our next $10 ticket 200 million payout odds are one in three point two eight looking to match winning numbers - your numbers get a money back for double on a burst for a hundred star symbol to win five times the prize that'll be at least 75 or get that 10x to win ten times the prize ticket 11 let's go on a symbol hunt I say we're gonna find that money bag for double we're gonna double up again we're gonna think it into existence moneybags of course I'd love to see something bigger I wouldn't be opposed to that okay sorry about the glare again new setup that's what I'm talking about that's why we need the new setup oh my geez so brutal alright we're back this is exactly why I'm buying all this stuff for the for the house alright sorry about the glare terrible 41 no we're having fun with it it's all right twenty nine no seven no 49 no we got a 48 and pesky number one no yeah I'll leave the glare of death like I said I apologize guys but we got we got help on the way here we go let's find that money bag look for one 7:29 4149 Jesus alright well we got nothing but glare so we'll move on moving on alright let's see if we can avoid some glare with $30 tickets 750 million winner's circle I feel like this is the worst produced video I've ever done at this point I wasn't one in 2.88 as you can no doubt see because there's no glare on the back looking to match winning members to your numbers get a 5x or 10x good things happen you'll win at least 300 bucks we got ticket number 4 lost on ticket number 1 don't know what the hell happened with 2 or 3 but now I'm feeling kind of iffy about having ticket number 4 see if we can match two symbols down here nope gonna have to get it done up top alright see what those winning numbers are we still have not found any multipliers on this ticket not a shock but you know all right all high numbers I like that twenty to twenty nine thirty to thirty seven thirty eight forty nine twenty to twenty nine thirty to seven eight forty nine all the wrong 20s s key number one nasty 12 alright let's do a little fold we're gonna avoid the glare a little bit with fold 22 29 32 37 38 40 minutes and nothing alright well start it off good it needs to end really good for us to make him out of this session alive hundred dollars sessions we got twenty back we get anyone on this it'll put us at ninety which would be great $50 ticket to one at three point three eight went at least seventy bucks lost on ticket thirteen we got ticket fourteen let's see if we can get any amount in this bonus section to win and we got gold that is not an amount all right look at the match winning numbers to your numbers get a seven to win twenty times the prize that'll be at least a two hundred dollar winner or get that double seven to win all thirty-five prizes it'll be at least five hundred here we go we're looking for thirteen twenty eight twenty nine thirty thirty six forty five fifty one fifty nine thirteen twenty eight twenty nine thirty thirty six forty five fifty one fifty nine of course those sevens Oh boom and that my friends is at least a $500 winner I love that that's the third one in about a week man finally found it the win all off on the $50 ultimate seven well there's no point in scratching anything else off but here's what I'll tell you it's either gonna be if I remember if I recall correctly from the info that I have five hundred twenty-five hundred or ten thousand I'd love it to be ten thousand we haven't had a climber since April of 2017 we got the win all and this is gonna make for a great video all right we'll just start underneath underneath this one and see see what we got beautiful beautiful thing beautiful all right here we go little zeros but you know it could be a you know let's hope it's more than tens or 20s alright ten so it's probably gonna be 500 let's see 20 40 60 80 110 20 30 50 60 70 80 100 to 10 woo 20 30 50 60 83 10 20 40 60 70 80 90 for 10 for 30 for 50 60 70 90 500 another $500 winner there we go we spend 100 and we got 520 back thank you guys for watching we've been waiting for this one awesome stuff with like subscribe comment share make sure you subscribe if you're not subscribed yet holler at your boy
Views: 467,786
Rating: 4.6696348 out of 5
Keywords: texas, huge, lottery, scratch, scratcher, arplatinum, winner, ar, win, lotto, off, tickets, platinum, big
Id: HBPzu7medCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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