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all right guys I'm gonna put $100 into quick hit super wheel and a great backspin at $4 isbin so let's get started all right so let me show you those quick hits there this is a new brand new ticket I think [Music] nine kids can see the top prize really super wheels again I guess just anywhere on the field [Music] [Music] [Music] I never won and I can't progressive let me know in the comments below no matter what like the lowest one what the hell but I mean are you something substantial [Music] how many uh how many did you get what was the price [Music] okay I'm gonna try one marketer here [Music] super wheel [Music] for real super wheel [Music] super-weird [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] real sorry [Music] about super wheels supervillains [Music] [Music] it's real [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] there we go so each one's gonna pay 60 so come on hit it all right [Music] [Music] [Music] no Ted [Music] all right [Music] for dollar bet undercut all right there we go [Music] so you can either get that or the where the quickness wile I think that's the last one [Music] come on [Music] all right so we get the signal again [Music] [Music] I might [Music] [Music] you can do one more bonus for me super wheel [Music] and it always looks like it's mine [Music] and advising special [Music] 9 wickets for 67 minutes [Music] it shows the number of games by the way during the free spits and like where it shows all the buttons for the credits like wait where you hit hit the amount [Music] last spin alright nice [Music] come on sir we go so it shows shows right there Asham on wheels [Music] come on [Music] whereas I got super well mario's [Music] [Music] Hey like that alright there we go that's awesome all right guys I'm gonna cash out 701 dollars from quick hit super wheel for a total profit of five hundred and one dollars and that was awesome hi guys I hope you enjoyed the video be sure to LIKE subscribe and enable notifications so that you never missed one of my new videos or live streams I'm also on patreon so if you enjoy my content and want to support my channel please consider joining all of my patreon members get access to exclusive casino promotions and extra content thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Slotlady
Views: 577,102
Rating: 4.6867156 out of 5
Keywords: gamble, gambling, gambler, gambling video, gambling videos, casino, casino videos, slot, slots, slot machine, slot machines, slotlady, slot lady, slot video, slot videos, slot machine videos, big win, huge win, lottery, lottery win, lottery winner, easy money, fast money, quick money, games, law of attraction, jackpot, jackpot win, bonus, bonus win, high roller, hot girls, pretty girls, hottest youtubers, hot youtubers, rich people, richest people, progressive jackpot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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