HUGE WARHAMMER 40K Army Painting Showcase Raven Guard Space Marines

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[Music] hi guys hope you're all well if you're new to siege studios we're a premium miniature painting service with over 30 artists here at siege we offer four painting levels ranging from our bronze premium gaming quality up to our platinum competition standard for your free quote today follow the link in the description of this video hey guys hope you're well and welcome to this showcase video striking from the shadows in this awesome showcase we've got a raven guard force with loads of really really cool miniatures as always we're going to start with the characters of this army and there is a really good selection of them for this force we've got six brilliant primaries characters including the man the legend shrike himself um so let's jump in and have a look the whole project has been completed by michael one of the artists here at siege uh we'll start right at the front with this awesome awesome phobos lieutenant that's had a little bit of a change in the sense that he had a uh they've had a corvus pattern helmet put on the body rather than the bear head um really really cool uh obviously just change of uh sort of head on this miniature uh just in keeping and then fitting with the the raven guard use of the corvus pattern armor um again he's obviously got all the little extra details like the knives the purity seals and everything you'd expect on a sort of stealthy kind of phobos pattern marine obviously got a really cool sort of carbine bolt gun there um do love the little sort of totems like for example the little claw just uh that's been put on the front of the gun as well just to sort of marry up that uh sort of raven guard iconography through the miniature got all the leather work done with a nice amount of highlighting through various stages uh just to really sort of show that it's weathered and old uh again all that text there on the purity seal as you can see all the transfers done across the force as also so yeah a really really nice uh sort of set of details on him with a little radio bit on these chests with all little lights and blips and things all fully painted as well as for the the basing across the whole army which we'll see on all these miniatures it's kind of like an earthy marshland kind of uh basings style and sort of scheme which really complements quite nicely and makes the black miniatures just stand out ever so nicely again lots of little lenses and things painted in the green just so they really stand out and contrast nicely to the black sort of obsidian colored armor so that's just the first of the characters we have another phobos that lieutenant here but in a bit more of a dynamic pose um with obviously one of the raven guard heads from the upgrade pack or the primaris upgrade pack just obviously about to impale someone there with his combat knife which is really cool do love the dynamic pose on this chap uh just really looks like he's about to give someone a very very bad day but also little details like example the uh sort of screens on his wrist all those buttons and dials awfully painted uh again same with the purity seals all with text on as you'd expect with us here at siege i like the smoke as well like a sort of smoke grenade that he's just chucked down uh really nice subtle grey tones on that smoke um and then you've got all these actually little trinkets and details of the the sort of feathers and skulls and the corvette skulls and things which are really really cool uh and including little buttons on the wrists and things as you can see they've all been done so just a really really awesome primer rsv tenant we then have um a phobos captain uh that's uh the same again has had a head swap just so he's got a raven guard head on him uh he got all the little screens dials on his little friend here all fully painted and then the adding of totems onto there just so you've got that raven guard narrative that's just been added on there also um again all purity seals across the this fault and mentions all painted with text and everything michael's on a really nice job on this sort of urban sort of camouflage on all the cloaks that you'll see really fits in nicely and uses those grey and white tones just to complement the black quite nicely um you can see all the really really super sharp highlighting on all the armor of the miniatures also um again all the little screens everything done in greens just to really make those stand out the occasional lens like for example his bionic eye done in red uh just to note that and separate that from the rest of the sort of optics and things that are on the miniature and that is the really really cool phobos captain then we've got a faux bosch librarian this army is bringing all of the stealth uh stealth with it with these uh phobos um sort of members uh the librarian again in his regal blue really really lovely sort of royal blue very rich colorway which works extremely well again the uh camouflage pattern being that camo really complements the sort of vibrant saturated blue that is across the miniature um the force weapon again with the lovely blend from dark to light on the sword just showing that sort of infusing power that's going through the sword i do really really like the um the sort of filigreed rune that's on the blade uh really ties back to the sort of second edition sort of librarians that you see all the little buttons and dials on the sword all painted and the power cables done in the lovely red you can see he's got uh more sort of raven guards sort of runes and totems and sort of corvidae skulls and feathers just on his backpack mike's done a great job of scattering those through the force just to continue that sort of raven guard flare and feel that you'd expect on this force uh so that's this awesome awesome fabric librarian and he's got a glowing eyes as well which just really really shows that sort of etheric power flowing through him so that's just him uh and then we'll have a look at the uh primaris chaplin again really really cool absolutely i think it's gonna be a very iconic miniature as the years progress but you've got all the little details loads of text on those huge long tassels sort of purity sort of scroll things hanging down from this sort of upper sort of color again all the leather work with loads of detail painted on it lots of texture his uh his cape obviously with all the leather and scratches done on it also all the bone work with various stages of highlighting um if you move around the back you can see obviously that's a texture and detail that's been added to the leather cloak that he's got and then you've also got um the feather and sort of little totems from the raven guard upgrade sprue just also included on him again it's got that lovely scattering of just uh chapter heraldry and chapter icons across this range of miniatures and then last up but by no means least at all whatsoever we have the man the legend the rubric on the past shrike a really really awesome awesome model um in a very sort of commanding landed pose which is just brilliant um you can see again with all the little details uh come inherently with his miniature you've got the feathers the claws and all those things that you expect obviously with strike uh these awesome awesome sort of uh lightning claw sort of things that he's got um they do could look like lightning claws but they're a little bit more reserved i think and i like the way that the the glove has also got like a actual hand that you can use um obviously one hand is retracted on one hand isn't which is a really nice little feature and just shows how they actually work which is quite cool moving around the back you can see all the jump pack and everything awfully done he's obviously got a corvus pattern helmet as you'd expect uh with him i'm gonna do like these sort of stabilizing claws that he's got on the back of his uh of his feet and mike's done a really nice little detail here on the inside of this kind of like ruined bunker you've got that huge sort of poster scroll thing with all text and stuff done on there just adding that rich deep 40k narrative onto the the base of this miniature also you can see obviously the purity seals here have also got all the text and everything added to them uh just again a very very clean miniature all fully highlighted through various stages even the hair's got a subtle bluish tinge to it as well which just works extremely well but overall a really really lovely lovely model to lead this raven guard force and that is all the characters from this incredible army commission which you had the pleasure of working on [Music] so up next we have all of the infantry from this force and there's four great squads a really nice selection of miniatures we've got 30 intercessors and then we have 10 hellblasters also starting from the front you've got the 10 hill blasters and mike's done a great job again using that awesome obsidian raven guard colour scheme we'll just look at the sergeant for example to start off with first uh but again a really really awesome awesome miniature uh all the little details painted on him text on the purity still a little covered a kind of skull inside a symbol there we've got a lovely little um sort of uh raven head here as well just you know white which looks really really cool um you got the nice subtle blue glow on all the plasma um plasma weapons in these squads plus obviously all the weathering on the leather and things of the pouches which just works extremely nicely just him pointing over there to go and kill that um but again we just pull forward some of the regular sort of uh hell blasters so you can see these guys again all the text on the purity seals or the little symbols here you've got the explosion symbol for a heavy unit um again every little trinket and sort of detail you've got a nice little raven sort of uh feathers uh just uh the additions from the upgrade sprue just put onto the onto them also um again really really super super clean highlighting on all the black armor just giving it a lovely lovely finish so that's just some of these hell blasters you're getting a little lights on their wrists awfully painted the lenses on the guns also done uh pour a few more forwards so you can have a look at them you've got a lovely plasma go that's very subtle blue glow on there uh not too crazy with the osl he's not a disco he's just uh he's just got a sort of subtly glowing weapon which is really really cool um they've got a lovely white aquila all painted super cleanly on the chest of these guys as well um so that's just the uh the ten hell blasters then we move back to have a look at some of these awesome intercessors uh again this awesome sergeant using loads of the uh raven guard upgrade pack here you've got obviously this bolter here um with these feathers and things just on the ends and you also got the little trinkets and things just on the shoulder pads and on the backpack he's got loads of little corvette uh skulls just on his armor purity seals again awfully highlighted and picked out with text he got one of the raven guard heads here as well from the upgrade pack with these lovely lovely video sassoon haircuts uh just a really really cool uh sort of pose just firing away with a pistol while he's got the bolter stowed um and then we've uh have a look at a few more of these guys here from the intercessor squad we've got this guy here with uh just firing his bolt rifle again all the little lights on the wrists of the armor the lenses on the gun all fully painted uh just to really sort of pick out all those little intricate details that you'd expect even the little lights on the back of the legs as well just all fully painted across all of these miniatures and i'll just pull through a scattering not select any many models specifically just pulling through a random selection of models from each unit just so you can see the consistency of all of these intercessors together again all the lens is painted there as you can see the little skulls and things just added to the rifle and mike's done a really nice job throughout this whole entire army of adding all the little details onto the models so just a really really lovely finish on all of them move back to the second squad here uh of incest just pick him out let's just get that to focus for you guys apologies uh just advancing and firing there again all the little details painted a little hand sort of sort of claw there just added on to his uh his waist a little trinket that he carries with him uh before the sergeant i always like showing off the sergeants from squads uh and this guy is no exception he's looking into his uh his lovely wrist sort of tactical unit there or the screen all painted all the buttons and lights all done again you've got that raven there just on the um on the uh sort of tilt shield that he's got there the white helmet didn't know obviously that he's a sergeant and then you've got the bolter here that's got the extra little trinkets added on there things i do really like is obviously got an old mark pad which is really cool just throwing back to the older versions of marines and then you also got little lenses and lights done on these wrists uh also the little uh light on the back of his kind of like a head surround unit or his radio unit is also painted there on the back of the head which is really nice just attention to detail on that equipment that these guys do have and carry a couple of marines from that squad just so you can see that unit in its uh absolute glory all the uh lenses across the force on these infantry all painted in red with a white catch light in the back of the lens and some lovely sort of gradual colors just in those lenses to show the refraction of light um but again really super clean job on all of these awesome awesome raven guard and then the last squad at the back just so you get to see the sergeant only one or two from that force this guy here with a corvus pattern helmet on that's also from the um from the raven guard upgrade pack uh you've got the extra little details again on these waists the little trinkets and things purity seals there once again with that lovely texas added and as standard on all models that we paint here at siege that's just an awesome awesome sergeant model from that units and then we'll pull forward one or two of these intercessors just so you can see these lovely marines in their glory another one of those awesome corvus pattern sort of primaris helmets which just uh slightly bigger uh just obviously match the scale of these primaries models um but overall a really really awesome awesome model uh so that's just another one of the intercessors and that is all the infantry or the say the standard infantry from the force guys up next we have a whole load of eliminators coming up along with some aggressors so stick around they're coming up [Music] next so after that swathe of infantry we next have the heavier infantry of this force which includes nine eliminators and six aggressors really really nice selection a very iconic and fitting miniatures for this raven guard force um all of the eliminators are completely magnetized and when i mean completely magnetized they can take either the normal rifle or they can take the last fuselage uh the sergeants can either be wielding either of the rifles or binoculars and a bolter for example so um they are completely magnetized and just to demonstrate the purposes i've got in this front three i've got uh one with the last fuselage which is again a really really cool weapon uh all fully magnetized and interchangeable as you can see and the same with the rifle exactly the same the rifle just comes off and can be fully magnetized back on um and obviously with a sergeant everything is magnetized so the arm obviously comes off and the bolter arm goes on the individual um elbow joints also are fully magnetized so that they can the different the kit comes with different parts so some elbows fit rifles some elbows don't fit rifles all those kind of things so there's a lot of magnetizing involved with these elements eliminators but they are fully fully mags for the use of our climb jumping straight in that really really cool urban camouflage scheme uh michael has gone to town on the whole entire set of eliminators and done that that awesome scheme on all of them um again you can see every little lens like on the bolter on the uh obviously on the binoculars and everything all fully painted with point light source catch light and blending which just suits extremely well in that lovely lovely green to really make those super spec ops kind of lenses and things will stand out so that's just the first sergeant again you've seen obviously the magnetizing on these two chats but we'll just pull forward a few more of these eliminators so you can see them in a bit more closer detail regards to painting of all the beauty seals across all of them with text as you expect although the binoculars are all got obviously the green kind of glow to them and the i think they're called mynoculars uh they've obviously got the green lenses on those also um again capes really really lovely urban scheme as i mentioned all the leatherwork has a lot of wear and scuffing on it as well uh again i do really like the desaturated sort of goldy brass on the sort of expended kind of cartridges on the floor of this chap as well but you can see that really cool sort of ash waste kind of muddy basing that's been done on these also but very very very nice clean set of miniatures across this whole entire force pull forward a few more just a sergeant from over here so you can see this guy all the flesh work eyes and everything awfully painted on the faces absolutely everything all done all the eyes and absolutely all the little bits of detail across all of the miniatures uh it was sort of resplendently done across every single one so there's a nice consistency through the whole entire force whether it be an intercessor an eliminator or some of the heavier stuff that's coming out later in the video um but yeah really really really awesome set of miniatures and again very fitting for this raven guard army with all these snipers and sort of sort of concealed location troops let's jump to the aggressors really really heavy hitting buckets of shots as i'm sure you guys already know but mike's done a great job of this obsidian scheme just doing it super super clean across all the models um i love the red cables and the little green lights on the sort of ammo hoppers here on these bolt storm gauntlets which are really really cool uh the missiles on the backpack or the sort of grenades on the backpack are all done in that red also so it's just a really really nice super clean miniature the sergeant from the same front squad obviously with that white helmet to denote his sergeant status uh but just a lovely lovely set of aggressors here to join this army also got a couple of raven guard trinkets that just been put on from the shoulder pads and things just to really add that narrative and character of the chapter to these miniatures and that's a really good thing with the primaris is that they are very blank but when you start adding the little things from your designated chapter onto them you really do sort of pull them in line with the rest of your force so really really cool we've got the uh obviously the explosion kind of markings there on the pads to show their sort of elite or heavier infantry which is cool all the bones and everything little totems all fully highlighted and painted uh through various stages which is really nice but every little sort of lenses i'm mentioning and light on different weapon systems all done also so that's just the last one from the front three and i'll pull one from the back just so you can see the consistence from the two units again here um got really really super super sharp and clean finish love the little lenses on the um on the side of the gauntlets just so that he can sort of point his arm and obviously see something without needing to sort of turn that way obviously he's got a bit of restriction on his head in that um in that sort of uh uh armor that he's got which is uh really cool so that's just this awesome awesome aggressor um up next we're going to be having a look at all of the dreadnoughts uh because there's a lot and there uh there's a lot coming so check out those [Music] next so next let's have a look at all the heavy hitting parts of this force so we've got three invicta war suits and then three contempters really really nice selection of models half gw half forge world which is a really really nice selection of different types of units to check out let's pull forward the the invicta wall suits first of all obviously done in the very stealthy uh sort of obsidian color of the raven guard uh mike's done a great job of picking out all the transfers and everything on these models you've got the raven guard symbols plus obviously the number three for the uh probably the company marking for this uh this um victor also uh you can see all the pilots have had the uh sort of raven guard upgrade heads included on them as well uh all the lenses and everything fully painted on the launchers all the missiles painted a nice complementary red just to really make those warheads stand out we've got a very nice sort of uh old gold brassy kind of tone on some of the areas of the metal work as well you can see a couple of little buttons and dials and things are all painted across the miniature certain areas obviously having a lot of highlighting with regards to the metal work as well really really sharp highlighted in all the black sort of armored sections uh but again a really really really clean model to uh to just present for our client um i do specifically like the little red button as well on top of one of the gear sticks it's like the button that you should never press which is quite cool um so that's just the first invicta all three of them are exactly the same i'll pull forward just two just so you can have a look at the consistency from model to model um this chap obviously having a different sort of head uh just with some lenses and extra sort of dials and things on there as well which is quite cool so that's just him the holstered uh the holstered heavy bolter only tip is just really awesome and i do like the little extra little sort of uh lights and things that uh that mike's expect to put attention to on the different areas of the miniature like for example on the back here you can see that also but again a really really lovely invicta or suits just to uh join the ranks of this army um we then have uh three uh contempters all fully magnetized so they have different weapon loadouts uh available uh but we've got three contemporaries we've got the case of salt cans on this front chap and then twin um multislash cannons on the other two um the full loadouts are all three of them take carries and all three of them can take last cannons which is a really nice mix up for our client lots of shots or lots of heavy hitting laser fire which is awesome so let's just have a look at one of these contemporaries from the get-go really cool these are the raven guard contempters as well so they have the extra sort of delivery and details on them the sort of the corvidae skull on the on the front of the chest plus the wings um you see that uh mike's done a great job with all the lenses and missiles and absolutely everything on these we've got extra little totems and things on the leg that you can see just from the the raven guard sort of iconography there's some skull transfers plus obviously the raven guard transfer that's just been put on there that really nice use of that subtle sort of desaturated gold as well uh just to really add interest to certain aspects of the of the metal work plus obviously the ammunition and the ammo hoppers on the on the carries again they are all fully magnetized so they do all change over for our client and get all the little lenses and things and buttons and power power sort of lights on the weapons are all done and you've got these awesome sort of uh top missile launchers that fully magnetized allows you to return them wherever you want so you can kind of change the pose quite nicely on these miniatures so that's just one with the dual kerry's assault cannons um next up let's have a look at one of the the mortise cannon dreadnoughts um this guy packs an absolute punch in firepower really really nice and for gaming they're also a great little size so they're nice to hide behind buildings and things and pop out and unleash absolute hell which is really cool um so that's this awesome awesome secondary uh contempt up again all fully magnetized so all these last cannons do just magnetize straight onto the model which is really really cool so that's just him all the lenses and everything fully painted as you can see and they're all consistent from model to model so you can interchange everything really nicely on them as well which is just great so that's the heavy hitting units from this force guys i do hope that you like them the whole army is now off to go and fight for the emperor and the imperium so be sure to see it on a table very soon [Music] [Music] [Music] so thanks for watching the video guys i hope that you have enjoyed it while you're here on youtube help us out by subscribing to the siege channel we upload at least three videos a week so make sure you hit that bell icon to be notified when a new video is live to see more go follow us on our other social media where you can keep up to date with what we get up to and interact with us if you're looking to learn from us we offer online tuition on patreon and physical classes nationally in the uk finally to get your free quote today click the link in the description of this video from all the team here at siege and myself a massive thank you for watching the video and i'll see you on the next one take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Siege Studios
Views: 43,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WARHAMMER 40K Army, Painting Showcase, Space Marines, Raven Guard, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer, Painting, Showcase, Space, Marines, Warhammer 40k Painting, Warhammer 40k Showcase, Warhammer 40k Army Painting, Warhammer 40k Army Showcase, Warhammer 40k Space Marines, Space Marines Army, Raven Guard Army, Space Marines Army Painting, Space Marines Army Showcase, Raven Guard Army Showcase, Raven Guard Painting, Kayvaan Shrike Painting, Intercessors Painting, Hellblasters Painting
Id: HNI89rES1-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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