Huge Swimming Pool in One Week | Giant Pop-Up Constructions - Las Vegas, USA | Free Documentary

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[Music] las vegas in just seven days the famous concert hall in the mandalay bay hotel will become a huge competition arena for the world's professional swimmers the construction a modern miracle of engineering the issues that we have moving the materials in i'd say we're probably a couple of hours behind right now the materials all custom-made components from the two-ton acrylic wall we're touching the wall that's in the wall to the 600 meter long pump water system taking measurements and doing experimental things so until we get it right seven days 84 tons of steel over one million liters of water an impressive race against time a mind-blowing event and a giant pop-up construction [Music] las vegas a city of superlatives partying gambling and above all entertainment it's the destination for over 40 million tourists each year the most spectacular shows in the world take place here and audiences have come to expect the unexpected but tonight the countdown to an unprecedented event begins las vegas the largest city in the state of nevada lies in the arid west of the united states located on the legendary strip is the mandalay bay hotel it's where the final of the international swimming league is set to take place in just seven days responsible for setting up this mega event is project manager giulio orsati his first task unloading we have all the materials shipped from italy and uh they're all manufactured uh specifically for this project so we don't want to damage any of those materials because if it happens then we have to air freight from italy or we have to manufacture parts locally in some ways in only seven days the inaugural starting pistol of this mega swimming event is fired the countdown has begun the value of the event over 10 million dollars the first milestone construction of the entire frame of the pool deadline this evening there is a lot of work to do and the arena is completely empty we have to bring all the materials in the beginning is not easy no one has ever completed a project like this in so short a time time is the biggest challenge the mandalay bay is continuously booked by the biggest pop stars of our days postponement due to delays financially unthinkable giulio's team is constructing two pools in the hall the competition pool is 25 meters long and 20 meters wide next to it a smaller warm-up pool in order that the swimmers can dive into the pool at all the team first have to raise the entire floor of the hall by two meters the grand final of the prestigious international swimming league isl is due to take place here in one week 112 professional swimmers will arrive from 19 countries ready to go up against each other over ten thousand spectators have paid to watch their heroes compete the pool will only pop up for the duration of the competition the team cannot anchor it to the floor to create enough stability for the massive construction giulio's team developed a free standing frame specifically for the event 1730 elements and the total of 12 700 bolts form the base structure of the pool the four sides are connected by 90 longitudinal and transverse elements they act as bracing and strongly keep the structure together this special construction is designed to ensure that the pool can withstand the pressure of more than one million liters of water and that without being bolted to the floor over three hours have already elapsed according to the plan all of the material should now be in the hall but it's taking longer than expected to bring everything in in order to avoid losing even more time project manager giulio has his team begin simultaneous parallel construction stage builder mark dodd is responsible for perfectly positioning the pool in the hall we make sure our camera angles are really good in here so we're just we're just setting the pool datum corner so we can build from there if we do it wrong then it adds a lot of extra work to us so if you do it right in the first time it works well if the pool is not placed at the correct spot in the 2000 square meter hall it will negatively impact all the other components later specialists will lay more than 600 meters of pipes piece together 84 tons of steel and tighten around 50 000 bolts the center has to be at the corner after months of planning the italian company will now discover whether they've thought of everything six days and less than 20 hours left until the swimming event the last part of the shipment arrives the cargo fragile a transparent acrylic wall we have to be careful and unloaded in a proper way because as i said this is a transparent wall so if we scratch it damage it or whatever the aesthetic result will be compromised i'm a little bit worried now the wall has traveled 10 000 kilometers to get here it's a custom fabrication from italy irreplicable and irreplaceable if anything should happen to it it would mean the end of the project the wall consists of three separate panes each seven meters in length and weighing 650 kilograms the biggest danger an over flex of the sheets and if worse came to worst it would break in order to prevent this giulio's team uses two forklifts in combination one pulls the precious freight inch by inch out of the truck the second supports it in the middle i mean it was done properly so there was no not too much flexion no damages so i think uh i think we're good now we will store it here for the moment and then we have to bring it back uh into the arena giulio will only be able to tell whether the acrylic wall has survived unloading unscathed in seven days the smallest of hairline cracks or scratches will only become apparent once the pool is filled with water preparations for laying the base frame in the hall are in full swing according to the plan it should be installed by noon today the italian pop-up specialists have spent five months planning the installation now the theory is put to the test and there are problems in practice there's a hollow space beneath the floor directly under one side of the pool a half a meter of nothing if the pool remains at the planned spot the floor of the hall is in danger of collapsing the problem is that one side of the pool is right above ice pit because in the arena there's a is also ice ring so there's all the mechanical uh and the electric that are needed to create the ice are in a pit and our pool is right above it so we have to move it 3.5 meters away from that pit because we're not sure that it's going to take the load of the water we're just it three and a half so we're going to this orchestra discussion at one point about orchestra back behind so i adapted for all this okay so and you're okay a huge setback for giulio and his team they have to shift the entire pool by three and a half meters with a schedule this tight a potential disaster with the issues that we had moving the materials in i'd say we're probably a couple of hours behind right now still day one and already giulio and his team are three hours behind schedule despite this there's no room for error because at the latest they would pay the price once the pool is filled with water bit by bit inch by nervous inch the team shifts the base frame to the new location will the 12 700 bolts hold the construction together here in a building in a desert where they're still next to nothing the best swimmers in the world will compete in the international swimming league in less than seven days the prize money a total of almost two hundred thousand dollars a vegas miracle to make this happen giulio's team needs to tackle the next challenge in the afternoon installation of the side walls three of the pool's sides consist of 130 steel panels that the team bolts to the base frame each of them is two meters high they're supported by buttresses and struts the transparent acrylic wall on the fourth side cannot be bolted to the base frame it's a special construction that includes 25 custom welded buttresses and four columns to keep it in place the view underwater a highlight for the spectators and a particular challenge for giulio orsati he and his team have never built such a tricky construction before the parts all made to measure this is the first time that we installed a structure like this for a temporary event so it's the first time that we install the support for the acrylic because this is where we will place the acrylic and so we had to manufacture a special structure these special columns are designed to support the wall which weighs a total of two tons to do this they have to be securely bolted to the base frame but for some reason it doesn't fit so the problem is that we have no alignment here so we cannot put the screws and uh here this part is too much [Music] quickly manufacturing new parts is not an option 10 000 kilometers from the factory and they don't have the right machines and for this pop-up construction time is the last thing that giulio has to spare [Music] at the other end of the hall the rest of the team is busy assembling the normal side walls according to the plan at least two of them have to be in place by this evening [Music] guys guys let's do everything step by step calm let's have a break i would ask you to prepare everything for the night shift that will take about 15 minutes after that let's have dinner and then let's go to sleep having been on the go for 15 hours giulio postpones the issue with the wall until the following day a mistake now would mean no going back while the first of the vegas tourists head out to party work behind the doors of the mandalay bay hotel continues in order to build the 500 square meter competition pool in the short time available the team works in two shifts daniela maragon supervises the night shift so today we finished the panel gutter structure and everything and tomorrow morning the guys start to complete the the floor waterproof the gutter and everything the d-shift has already assembled two sides of the pool as planned leaving one for daniela's team this means lifting positioning and bolting together 45 panels each weighing 30 kilograms what is difficult is uh for us is uh follow every single coat in exactly position because if we made a mistake in the from the bottom we have a really big problem on the top when we finish with the gutter and the other two every bolt however small is crucial to the success of the project if just one isn't tightened properly over one million liters of water will later leak through the walls and flood the arena i feel better really better yeah because this one is the hard job because physically the panel is heavy so all single pieces is very heavy now it's just to fill in the single hole with the screw and after we're starting with with the top [Music] done three of the side walls are in place daniela and his team will only discover if they've done their job properly once the pool is filled with water the water pressure in the pool is 0.2 bar means each wall must withstand 100 tons of weight [Music] day two for the giant pop-up construction in las vegas just six days to go until the big swimming competition in the event arena the mandalay bay hotel [Music] despite the time pressure project manager giulio must work precisely regularly checking the dimensions is essential because as an official competition pool for a short distance championship it must be exactly 25 meters long but the frame isn't even finished yet a wall is still missing important for us is to be able to solve the interference issues that we have here or with the steel so we're going to modify a couple of pieces and we're going to put all this side in a perfect level and alignment because tomorrow we have to fit in the acrylic walls the team should be installing the acrylic wall by now but the frame still doesn't fit together the upshot three hours is now a whole day behind schedule let's cut this part diagonally okay in order to make the holes in the frame line up workman luciano cuts a piece of the back wall off with an angle grinder [Music] after a night's sleep the solution seems simple five months of preparation and precise calculation now julio's team simply cuts a piece off and it fits stage two of the special construction putting in the steel columns they will support the costly acrylic wall and here too it doesn't fit i'm a little bit worried now because i thought that we would have been done by this time so we're probably a little bit behind but what is important is that we find the proper way the pop-up specialists are running out of time although the support has been precisely virtually modeled it's never been assembled in practice if they can't come up with a solution by this evening the entire project is under threat [Music] we tend to twist a little bit because we don't have enough space to put to put inside of the color now the column is too wide for the support giulio sends his colleague julian off to find the right tool [Music] we have to cut part of this structure because we need to be able to feed it in in there so i think we need a like a big grinder sandisk yeah yeah six or nine inches yes nine inches thick as possible yeah julian has no idea where to find such a thing he simply heads out he wasn't prepared for a situation like this so many moving parts in such a short space of time to get so much done um that stuff gets forgotten or stuff isn't where it needs to be so it's always a new challenge his first attempt a small diy store away from the strip the wrong decision [Music] they don't have all we need so we have to go to another store the next attempt the clock is ticking as long as julian is off looking for the tool his colleagues back on site cannot continue not here either the third attempt julian is in luck he's found an extra-large angle grinder uh you're on speaker right now just kind of let you know we're on our way back we got the largest grinder that home depot had all right awesome back at the mandalay bay hotel event arena everyone is waiting impatiently for the tool they need to get back on track on a normal job sites when you have a lot of time to work it's just maybe one person in charge and a team but here you have to coordinate many many teams at the same time so it's very important that whoever is in charge of a team talks to each other and create a good group a good feeling so it's easier to overcome issues it's high time that the problem with the column was resolved only an hour to go until the end of the shift the column is too big and doesn't fit in the intended mountain so a piece has to be cut off just a few minutes before the end of giulio shift success the support for the acrylic wall is in place giulio's talent for improvisation has paid off but they'll only find out tomorrow whether the transparent wall actually fits in the support we finally managed to get it in it's been quite a lot of work we had to do more than we thought but we feel much better now we're much happier and uh now we know how to modify uh both of them and that we can keep going and finish the side by tonight which was uh the most important thing for us but uh we get it done and then uh maybe a i'll offer a couple of beers to the guys for the hard work and uh we start again tomorrow problem solved and the day's central objective achieved our pop-up building site is gradually becoming more and more like an international swimming arena thankfully because the best swimmers in the world are already on their way to las vegas to win a medal for their team at the grand final of the isl less than five days to go on the mega building site today the special wall must be installed in the frame also on today's agenda installation of the filter system ben shaffer supervises the operation although he's a total rookie in the field of pop-up pools i personally haven't been involved in it in a temporary pool but we've we've talked to other people that have done the similar events ben normally builds permanent swimming pools and he has a lot more time to do so usually so when we do filter rooms you know roger how long would you say what filter room like this would take you to to to do the whole thing for two pools like this probably three weeks for a whole filter room yeah like three or four weeks yeah three or four weeks is usually what we would take to do something like this but that's why we skid mounted things too before we came out you know the pumps were put on skids the the system behind me is a whole control system that we we assembled in our shop ben and his team have been designing and building the filter system for over two months small rapidly rotating brushes filter the dirt particles from the water the dirt remains in the unit and is discharged the clean water flows back into the pool in addition to the big competition pool the crew has additional stress with the construction of the small warm-up pool as well it's also 25 meters long but just eight meters wide the professional swimmers use it to warm up on competition day another time-consuming job but a requirement of the official swimming federation back to the competition pool the special frame construction is installed the 500 square meter pool is still missing its floor and it's not basic tiling required here it consists of three layers layer one foam mats for thermal insulation layer two plywood boards they create a flat surface the final layer consists of a thermos welded pvc sheet it ensures that the floor is absolutely waterproof visitors to the legendary las vegas strip are oblivious to the work going on at the papa building site while outside tourists are enjoying the numerous attractions on offer like a leisurely trip down the rio grande by gondola inside at the event arena of the mandalay bay hotel the big moment has arrived our team is finally installing the special transparent acrylic wall they will now discover whether the solutions improvised over the past two days are up to the job now it's a crucial moment for uh for us if we can get this acrylic in place and we understand exactly how to do it we'll be on the right track if we don't then we have a serious problem if the wall gets damaged or doesn't fit into the frame that 10 million dollar event will be a washout quite literally because the wall is a one-off there is no replacement and no time to manufacture a new one either transparent pool walls are usually only found in the most exclusive luxury hotels at an official competition they're a novelty so the acrylic is a special product that we have and it's the first time that we install it in a temporary event and we have to store it in a very short time so this makes things very complicated to produce the best effect the wall must be absolutely scratch free while the men are still struggling to install the acrylic wall ben schaffer's team has already laid the majority of the pipes for the filter unit a total of 600 meters of pipe make up the pool circulation system they transport dirty water from the pool and fresh filtered water back again we probably use well over a thousand feet of pipe probably around 2000 feet of pipe of different sizes anywhere from 12 inch all the way down to one inch pipe [Music] the pipes are made of pvc even for such a modern pool it's light so it takes ben's team just a short time to assemble the pipes [Music] in order to clean the water filter professional bend uses volcanic rock instead of the usual sand it cleans the pool water more effectively and quickly it's a much quicker installation it's one tank per pool whereas if we use sand or another filtration system would be multiple tanks and it would just be much larger fewer tanks mean faster installation just a week instead of the usual month showtime at the pool giulio and his team hold their collective breath does the acrylic wall fit into the support modified on site if not it doesn't mean any extra work but rather the immediate end of this mega pop-up construction site and cancellation of a totally sold-out event unthinkable [Music] inch by inch the most important section of the pool is lowered into place yesterday julia went ahead and modified a part of the frame only now will he see whether the wall actually fits into the support things look good so far the first of the three panels is in i'll feel better when the other two are yeah exactly i feel better when step three is done the acrylic wall is made of three sections two of the 650 kilogram pains are still missing okay done the wall installation is complete now we're happy and now we have to do all the preparation for the ceiling so we make sure that no water coming out and uh it's a time to start the waterproofing of the tank giulio and his team have achieved their objective for today but they will only know whether or not the wall can withstand the pressure of the water shortly before the event meanwhile the first of the swimming fans are arriving in las vegas in order to attend the unprecedented competition in just a few days time the pop-up professionals have barely four days left until the mega event on today's agenda lining the floor of the pool connecting the filter system and raising the floor up to the same level as the pool raising the entire floor of the hall by two meters requires a substructure a special construction made from 57 tons of steel and two tons of aluminum this will then be covered by 700 plywood boards and 1700 meters of rubber sheets in two layers [Music] this job is the responsibility of dave cooper he's been planning the construction of the deck for two months you build the underneath structure for them to put the plywood and then they'll put the pem finish product okay sorry what'll happen today is we'll build these structures like we built in the past few days dave doesn't have much time left to raise the 2 000 square meters of floor [Music] i don't like to do anything twice i don't do nothing you know and if i have to then it's kind of a bad day for me you know actually everything's going according to plan for dave if only it weren't for the other teams when we started the pool company had two days to try to get the pools up and get out of our way well they didn't have they didn't they didn't get it done they had a third day into it the challenge is when they don't get it done then we get all backed up as giulio orsati's pool team has been behind schedule since day one dave is now suffering the consequences he has one day less to do the same job [Music] because the grand final of the isl is already sold out ten thousand spectators have booked tickets and are looking forward to the event i've ticket costs around fifty dollars half a million dollars on the gate alone just over three days to go and the pool has to be full of water for filter specialist ben's team it's high time they laid the main pipe the entire water system depends on it because the pipe is the connection between the competition pool and the filter unit but something isn't right a little bit of adjustment the pipe doesn't fit ben and his team now have to reconnect everything when the swimming pool is in operation 5000 liters of water will flow through the pipe each minute if the pipe doesn't fit perfectly the entire hall will end up under water and the mandalay bay will not be happy if it's not lined up straight the fitting will push all the way in yeah or a push up against one side we might get a cracked fitting yeah if you put too much stress on it and try and try and get it to be the right angle so a disaster the planning error is frustrating and takes time something ben doesn't have to spare right now roger without the pipe system there will be no water in the pool a solution must be found the floor must be absolutely watertight before the pool can be filled with water competition pools are normally tiled but that isn't an option for a pop-up event assembly and disassembly have to be performed quickly pvc sheeting is the faster option did you try it once so have a look at how it works the sheets are still lying loose on the floor giuseppe garante will soon change that his task to weld the sheets together using a high performance blow heater it blows out air at 200 degrees celsius if giuseppe holds it for too long at one place or the sheets are not properly fused the pool will have a hole in it [Music] i have to try it first to see what temperature is needed and which speed level is necessary because it is important that everything is even in the end and that the foil doesn't get burnt it shouldn't be possible to separate the sheets even with a pallet knife only then will the lining be completely watertight having performed a test run his work begins in earnest giuseppe's skillful touch will now determine whether or not the pool will hold up later on [Music] mistakes can always happen the plywood isn't always even but if i burn the foil then it isn't waterproof anymore a leaky pool the ultimate disaster project manager giulio orsati inspects the result personally he has overall responsibility for the entire construction project and is ultimately answerable for any mistakes so now he's a ceiling with liquid pvc the edge of the weld so the two one liner is here the other one is on top over left by five centimeters and uh on the side we close both for a static finish and for uh extra safety for the weld with liquid pvc a real challenge for giulio's team making sure that even the tiniest of corners is watertight if they forget just one the pool will leak and all their efforts would be in vain in the meantime filter specialist ben and his helpers are still trying to solve the problem with the main pipeline they've spent over two hours connecting the pipes in various combinations as yet without success a little more to the right the water system really has to be finished today without it any other faults can't be identified and certainly can't be fixed in time after all the pool is supposed to be full the day after tomorrow taking measurements and doing experimental things so until we get it right until it lines up so just try different things then finally construction supervisor ben appears to have found the right combination firmly stuck and strapped together the pipe fits the audience today's critical objective achieved at the very last minute barely three days left to finish transforming the building site into a competition pool the only thing still missing the markings giulio's team must stick the strips together with millimeter precision meters that's the space each athlete has the challenge the pop-up pool must satisfy the same criteria as every permanent swimming pool exact dimensions and exact water temperature the athletes can perform at their best at a temperature of exactly 24 degrees celsius but the construction time is normally around 10 times longer giant pop-up international competition pool for giulio's team this has meant slaving away around the clock for the past five days whether or not all their efforts have been worth it will only become apparent in 48 hours when the last drop of water is in the pool this morning we cleaned the acrylic so now it's uh brilliant and yeah just a lot of cleaning and then we're ready for water this means that today's goal has been achieved everything is ready for the first drop of water it's about time too because in two days a spectacular swimming event is set to take place but only if giulio's team finishes on time [Music] here in the mandalay bay hotel one of the biggest hotels in las vegas a city that knows no bounds and prides itself on making even the most impossibly spectacular of shows possible the second to last day begins the moment of truth has arrived today the pool is to be filled with water showdown this hose will soon carry the full water flow that will decide the success or failure of the pool crew the water is supplied from the fire hydrant in front of the hotel arena the hotel's regular water supply would have insufficient pressure filling the pool would take twice as long and this way the pool will be full in 24 hours [Music] that time has come we might have a few issues while feeling maybe a leak or maybe some adjustment that we have to make giulio has cut hammered stuck and bolted everything together whether or not the pool will really hold will only become clear once it's full meanwhile stage builder dave cooper must keep his composure even under time pressure the pipes are so unforgiving they're where they're at the system that we use lets us move it around and we make it work the biggest danger dave could damage the pipes with the heavy steel bars that would bring the entire building site to a standstill [Music] now it's just time to witness the first water going in and it's a it's a romantic moment for us that we build the pool tomorrow morning if everything goes smoothly there will be 1.3 million liters of water in the pool this means approximately 700 liters of water gushed from the hose each minute the final 24 hours begin everything is going according to plant thus far time to start up the pumps construction supervisor ben shaffer is anxious first time we turn on the pumps a little nerve-racking because you know you have so much uh footage of pipe all the way around the pools mechanical systems you have all the the connections so it's it's a little nerve wracking you know that you so you don't you're worried about leaks you worry about something going wrong you're worried about you know voltage amperage you know the power side of it just a few more seconds then it's time [Music] the system works it feels pretty good once things start working right and everything is flowing at the right rate you have no leaks then it feels pretty good the pool is filled to the brim the right dimensions water quality temperature all according to plans the construction is holding and the pumps running [Music] but now now it's perfect the team has achieved its goal together turning a concert hall into a gigantic swimming arena in just seven days a world-class pop-up construction the italian pop-up professionals have achieved the impossible and transform the 2000 square meter event hall into a competition swimming arena over the past seven days giulio orsate and his crew have assembled 84 tons of materials screwed more than 50 000 volts and laid 600 meters of pipes [Music] all for the grand final of the international swimming league 2020 a spectacular event and a true pop-up construction you
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 98,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), engineering documentary, engineering, construction, construction documentary, giant constructions, pop up construction, 4k, 4k documentary, uhd documentary, 4k documentaries, swimming arena, swimming pool, biggest swimming pool, giant swimming pool, swimming pool construction, las vegas, mandalay bay vegas, Mandalay Bay, las vegas pool, las vegas swimming pool
Id: Yix6dZgwfRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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