Huge Scandals That Shook Elvis Presley's Family

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Elvis Presley's life is the stuff of  legend. That being said, the singer   led a life plagued by scandals, including  allegations of racism, sexual misconduct,   and infidelity. After his death, it seems  as problems only continued for his family.   Here are the biggest scandals  in Elvis Presley's family. With that face, that voice, and those hips, Elvis  Presley could have enjoyed the attention of almost   any grown woman on the planet. However, it  was a 14-year-old girl who stole his heart,   and, well, that's pretty weird. Presley served with Priscilla Beaulieu's father in  the US Army in West Germany, and they first met at   a party in 1959 when Priscilla was 14 and Elvis  was 24. She recalled to People that her parents   initially forbade her from seeing the star, but  eventually allowed Elvis to court her, at which   point her grades dropped dramatically, and she  revolved her entire life around the singer. Elvis   tried to mold her into the woman he wanted her to  be, down to telling her to wear more eye makeup. Priscilla also wore her mother's clothes to  look older so that no one would suspect him   of being with someone so young. In  a 2016 interview with Loose Women,   Priscilla explained what it was  like to be married to Elvis: "You lived his life. You honestly didn't  have your own life. You lived his life." Priscilla wasn't the only young teen that  Elvis Presley reportedly romped around with.   In the book Elvis Presley: A Southern Life,   author Joel Williamson alleges that Presley  had a group of three 14-year-old girls whom   he would inappropriately engage with while at  Graceland, ranging from tickling, wrestling,   pillow-fighting, and kissing. One of the  girls, Frances Forbes, told the Daily Mail, "He didn't pay any attention to me  [when I was 13], but when I was 14,   he noticed me. Fourteen was a magical  age with Elvis. It really was." According to Williamson, in 1954, Presley cheated  on 15-year-old girlfriend Dixie Locke with a fan.   The Daily Mail also reported that when Presley  was performing in Florida in 1956, 14-year-old   fan Jackie Rowland's mother found Presley  kissing Rowland, quote, "in a grown-up way." Additionally, after Presley's split from wife  Priscilla, he is accused of pursuing another   teen girl. In Alanna Nash's book, Baby Let's  Play House: Elvis and the Women Who Loved Him,   she writes that Presley moved on with  a 14-year-old girl named Reeca Smith. Prior to meeting Priscilla, Elvis, who was already  one of the most famous people in the world,   had quite the active sex life. However,  the rock icon basically forbade Priscilla   from doing the same until after they tied  the knot. While he had rumored dalliances   with Nancy Sinatra and other stars during  their courtship, he refused to consummate   his relationship with Priscilla until their  wedding night. As the Daily Mail reports,   her perceived "purity" was integral for  him to maintain his attraction to her. In a piece for People penned by Priscilla,  she claimed that they conceived daughter Lisa   Marie on their honeymoon and that after  Lisa Marie's birth, Elvis had no sexual   interest in her anymore. She also claimed  that when she was seven months pregnant,   Elvis suggested a trial separation  but changed his mind within days. For as much as Elvis was obsessed with virginal  women, he certainly didn't limit his own behavior   at all. In Elvis Presley: A Southern Life,  author Joel Williamson reported that Elvis   installed two-way mirrors in his homes to spy  on party guests having sex and women undressing. Elvis Presley wasn't the only cheater in  his marriage, however. After Elvis stopped   being intimate with Priscilla following  the birth of their daughter, Lisa Marie,   she understandably sought satisfaction  elsewhere. In a 1985 interview with   Barbara Walters, Priscilla explained that  her relationship with Elvis was more of a   father-daughter companionship as  opposed to a functional marriage. "Elvis had a hard time dealing with the  mother, and the little girl that I was to him." Priscilla says she turned to hobbies  to keep herself busy while Elvis   worked and entertained other women. She took  karate lessons from stuntman and martial   arts expert Mike Stone and eventually  had an affair with him. Ultimately,   Priscilla's lack of an intimate life with Elvis  reached a tipping point. In 1972, she told Elvis   she was having an affair with Stone and wanted  to end their marriage, sending Elvis into a rage. She went on to date Stone, during which  they enjoyed various hobbies together.   Despite the bitter ending of their marriage,   Priscilla and Elvis remained close  friends until his death in 1977. In August 1977, Elvis’s girlfriend Ginger Alden  found him dead in their bathroom — specifically   and infamously on the floor in a locked  position that indicated he had fallen   to the ground while sitting on the toilet. The  King was just 42 years old. The singer had grown   overweight and was long-dependent  on several prescription drugs,   including opiates, tranquilizers, sleeping  pills, and hormones. People reported that   he'd been prescribed nearly 12,000 pills  within less than two years before his death. Quaaludes and various opiates were reportedly  found in his system after his death,   creating a perfect storm for a heart attack.  The singer also suffered chronic constipation,   a common side effect of opiates, so he frequently  abused laxatives as well. The circumstances of his   untimely passing were, of course, humiliating,  but actually aren't too uncommon. Straining to   defecate can put real pressure on the aorta and  heart and is likely what ultimately killed him. Presley's personal physician,  George "Dr. Nick" Nichopoulos,   was accused of overprescribing drugs to Presley  as well as singer Jerry Lee Lewis for years.   Dr. Nick insisted he was being careful and  that he often gave Presley placebos in an   effort to quell his addictions and that the  reason he gave him prescription drugs was to   prevent him from buying them on the street.  He also said the high volume of pills was   because he prescribed them not just for  Presley himself, but for his entourage. Priscilla Presley was and still is a great beauty,  but her efforts to preserve her stunning good   looks backfired in a major way. While competing  on Dancing With The Stars, viewers noticed that   Presley's face looked extremely puffy and taut.  We learned why eventually. As it turns out,   Priscilla was a patient and victim of Daniel  "Dr. Jiffy Lube" Serrano, who injected several   high-profile women with industrial-grade silicone  often used in auto parts — not body parts. According to TMZ, the women held "injection  parties" at their homes for what Serrano   called the, quote, "miracle" drug, which  cost them between $300 and $500 per vial.   For perspective, The Wall Street Journal  reported that around the same period,   Botox treatments cost between $500 and $2,000,  while other fillers would set one back about $300   to $400 per syringe. That said, these women should  have known the price was too good to be true. Serrano's victims alleged that they  suffered lumps, craters, and even paralysis   in their faces after his procedures. He eventually  pleaded guilty to conspiracy, smuggling, and using   unapproved drugs and was sentenced to 18 months  in prison. A rep for Presley told the Daily Mail, "Priscilla Presley was one of  many documented victims of Dr.   [Daniel] Serrano. An investigation which  uncovered his misconduct ultimately led to   his imprisonment. Ms. Presley dealt with this  matter years ago and everything is now well." In 1994, Lisa Marie Presley married Michael  Jackson. Presley told Rolling Stone that they   met through a mutual friend, and she said that  he insisted the pervasive rumors about him,   namely the allegations that  he sexually abused children,   weren't true, and that the pop icon was  misunderstood. According to Lisa Marie,   this made her into a, quote,  "lioness" who wanted to protect him. Many speculated that the whirlwind marriage was  Jackson's attempt to rehabilitate his own image,   but both Jackson and Presley at the  time insisted their love was genuine,   even discussing their intimate lives in the  press. However, Presley later told Rolling   Stone that their marriage got, quote, "really ugly  at the end," noting that their infamous kiss at   the 1994 MTV Video Music Awards was a, quote,  "gimmick" and not her idea. Lisa Marie added, "I know that it looks very timely for him,  in retrospect — the record was coming out,   that other [stuff] was happening,  and I was too caught up in [it all]." Presley and Jackson divorced in 1996. Shortly after her divorce from Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley met Nicolas Cage. They dated  for two years and tied the knot in August 2002,   but divorced by November of that same year. She  told Larry King Live in 2003 of the relationship, "Similar situations, similar backgrounds.  So we connected, we had a great connection.   We were both a bit — we're sort of these gypsy  spirited, you know, tyrannical pirates. And one   pirate marries another they will sink the  ship basically is what it comes down to." She added that the media's portrayal  of Cage's alleged obsession with Elvis   frustrated them both because it denigrated Cage  from Academy Award-winning actor to a fanboy. "I saw this beautiful girl,  I saw Lisa, and I… and… "Not Elvis." "Not Elvis' daughter." "No, no." Lisa Marie told Larry King: "[Cage] was in the tabloids [and] there  was all this Elvis fascination and Elvis   obsession and I said, 'I can't believe they  are actually pulling it off with you now too." Still, the former couple remained close friends,   with Presley saying she still  "adores" the Con Air star. Tragically, Lisa Marie Presley battled some of  the same demons as her father and struggled with   substance abuse throughout her adult life. In June  2019, she opened about her opioid addiction in the   book The United States of Opioids: A Prescription  for Liberating a Nation in Pain, writing, "I was recovering after the [2008] birth  of my daughters, Vivienne and Finley,   when a doctor prescribed me opioids  for pain. It only took a short-term   prescription of opioids in the hospital for  me to feel the need to keep taking them." Presley previously admitted to  abusing drugs and alcohol in a 2017   court deposition from her divorce from musician  Michael Lockwood after 10 years of marriage.   In a bitter custody battle over their  young twins, Lockwood accused her of   abusing opioids and cocaine, while Presley  accused Lockwood of having inappropriate   photos of children on his electronic  devices. Lockwood denied the allegations,   but the couple's twins were temporarily  placed in the custody of Priscilla Presley. People reported that it's not uncommon for a third  party to maintain custody in similar situations.   Priscilla maintained custody of the girls for  nine months, and an investigation ultimately   cleared Lockwood without any charges. Presley was  ordered to pay Lockwood $100,000 in legal fees. "I don't discuss religion,  politics or ex-husbands." Something else was revealed by Lisa Marie  Presley's divorce from Michael Lockwood:   her depressing financial state. In a February  2017 filing obtained by the Associated Press,   Presley revealed that she was $16 million  in debt, primarily composed of credit card   bills and back taxes. In her filing, Presley  said she gets $100,000 of monthly inheritance,   plus a $4,300 salary and health  insurance through Elvis' estate,   as well as a 15 percent stake in Elvis  Presley Enterprises through a trust. A year later, Presley sued her financial manager,   Barry Siegel, for allegedly squandering  her $100 million fortune from Elvis Presley   Enterprises until she was left with just  $14,000. In documents obtained by The Blast,   Presley alleged that Siegel sold 85 percent of her  interests on a slew of risky and poor investments,   then scrambled to liquidate her assets  to replenish the income from her trust. She also accused Siegel of using her trust  to purchase a $9 million home in England,   then nearly blowing all of her  cash when he couldn't make the   mortgage payments on the property.  For his part, Siegel alleged that   Presley was responsible for her financial  situation because of her own overspending. Check out one of our newest  videos right here! Plus,   even more Nicki Swift videos about  your favorite celebs are coming soon.   Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit  the bell so you don't miss a single one.
Channel: Nicki Swift
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Keywords: nicki swift, nickiswift, elvis, elvis presley, elvis presley family, presley family, elvis scandal, elvis presley scandal, elvis wife, priscilla presley, lisa marie presley, lisa marie presley marriage, lisa marie presley nicolas cage, nicolas cage, michael jackson, lisa marie presley michael jackson, elvis presley marriage, elvis presley underage, elvis death, elvis presley death, michael jackson lisa marie, michael jackson kids, priscilla presley plastic surgery
Id: FU1NXah30Hg
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Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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