Huge Plush Yard Sale With Some Vintage Plush!

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[Music] hey how's it going pretty good good morning um um what are you guys asking for in your video game stuff yeah 25 for all of it 25 yeah what are you asking for just on your games what just that um 20 20. how much um do you know if it works yes it does it does it has this chord with it okay okay for 25 for all this i'll girl you can grab that i'm gonna set it aside here okay there's some more video game stuff on that other team oh sweet okay what are you guys asking for in your movies down here dude i'm doing a dollar for all right okay cool come over here you can put your knees down there too because it's soft i'm just not quite you know like a troll huh yeah i mean they're here over here okay i'm going to i just got sidetracked with groot mom it's cute it's groots yeah right there these ones okay [Music] about yeah i don't know see look yeah i'm not sure where's the alpha oh good yeah how much are the little ones 50 cents these ones let me see what's a raspberry or not main china oh they're not the russ berry ones are the ones that are worth money that's the ones i used to have yeah ace novelty yeah probably elf oh my god yeah my elf's at home these ones we could do in a lot ah the little ones yeah [Music] oh yeah that's is that all of them yeah it's just are they glued together no there's rubber banded oh okay these here yeah we'll see if we can do a lot of those not easy i'd say no on those ones so many of them you see any toy stories i saw a toy story i saw um the girl jesse what do you think about this one mom it's 1981 garfield yeah but he's in kind of rough shape but i don't know it's kind of cute so as we're looking through these here guys if you see that i missed anything comment down below um i've sold quite a few plush there was just so much here so i know i missed out on some good ones so let me know what i missed out on captain america so some of these that i pick up and you'll see me look at and set down some of them were in bad condition some of them are newer and i didn't think that they would be worth it i was looking for more of the older stuff the vintage stuff you know like the alf and things that were in good condition that were going to be easier to clean what yeah i did i wanted to know how much they want for it okay i need to grab my phone check where's it at yeah [Music] yeah the windows wrote 100 so okay this one's really good baby bop yep do you remember her name is baby bop remember her yeah d-ray baby bop okay keep digging oh um paw patrol all right was into that for a split second paw patrol man so many so many oh it is tigger this is where i made a mistake you see that box i just put those in i thought that was the same box that my mom had and i didn't realize that it was a different box so you'll see us at the end make a little bit of fools of ourselves because we thought that all that stuff is the stuff that we wanted you look through mom [Music] [Music] all right i think we're ready like our stuff here and then i want to look through the games real quick because i don't know if i want to get all those games i don't want to get the pile but check out that oh man we're not joking around yeah okay do you care if they're mixed no we don't care you can just cram them all in one box yeah that's fine that'd be good for us like you do your suitcase or i do mine and sit on it and zip it for real remember you have 33 33 okay are you guys separate yeah that's right but so five five for this 25 for that thank you for remember okay perfect [Music] six and you twelve so 18 for questions 18 yeah well 18 19 21. we'll do that two dollars for him there you go 14. oh i'm sorry okay all right we'll put all this in here mom we'll put all these in a box yeah do you even get a bag if you need a bag oh it's okay i'll just throw it in one of the boxes here oh okay okay [Music] no i didn't get those we'll just put those back that's fine you got these though right this oh i didn't get that either what this no some of this stuff oh oh this this doesn't look like something no i didn't get this either how the heck did all these yeah i got that one let me get that there was something in a box i stuck on top that she didn't get yeah it's like i don't want these i don't want these we can just look around okay we'll just see here here they're just little ones yes so you didn't get these and i must have grabbed them maybe i'll grab another one here's another one that's hilarious mom okay so these are almost don't worry yeah yeah let me look through sorry guys i don't know what we did here i just saw him in a box i just grabbed and started throwing stuff in there i might have grabbed the wrong box too it's probably me okay leave this box here yeah okay these ones i think yeah oh okay here i'll take this one actually these ones i gave you okay sorry about that guys sorry about that was my fault mom you want me to get that thanks for the cookies so here is five six seven eight and nine awesome thanks guys good luck today good luck today what a sale huh mom yep these would be my new friends we got ourselves an elf baby bop groot and group i am group they had lots of plush animals there they're so cute yeah we got we got tons of plush and then we got a wii she said it was working so hopefully it is a whole bunch of video games we got quantum leap i'm super excited about that guys do you like quantum leap i love quantum leap i can't wait to watch it to test it out you know one of the perks and then mom mom's going to test it out too and snuggle with my new friend he's got a heart thanks for coming along with us today guys have a good day bye later bye [Music]
Channel: Girls Gone Picking
Views: 1,965
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: Yard sale, Yard sales, Garage sale, Garage sales, Estate sale, Estate sales, eBay, Mercari, Flipping items on eBay, How to make money online, Flipping items for profit, How to sell on eBay, Selling on eBay
Id: vcJoEBpWIbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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