Huge Ocean Halibut at Bolinas on My Hobie Revolution

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I think you need to move outdoors I'm out here where are we keep over out here polina's and I never been here before you've never been here before never been here before so that will ready yeah oh no I can't no it's too early it's too early so you guys didn't know mi a missing in action it really hurt I was really sad for like the longest time literally I was texting move for like a week and I was like dude I lost moving at what I do so what's up today look what we do I don't know you tell me I think we should go hit salmon yeah well you're the one high hands I don't know I'm just I'm just gonna go follow so all this time when I'm fishing with kids and basically following around and I catch fish follow this camera can you stop that I made it no yard sale so today I do have my bra holder I did take my shrubbery so hopefully I'll get seasick so we're passing balls we have it on the way up to the salmon round so maybe we'll get lucky and pick up a halibut on the way out uh-uh Fisher your small really small almost using like a fish small it's the baby linka yeah anyone have its liquor get the tiny something however Oh got your baby what's up okay oh yay nice oh you sure this one feels better oh yeah oh yeah what big another Smalley cut little big alinka what's still tiny yeah oh me instantly troupe is getting halibut back-to-back but I'm getting Linc Hawks Oh what do I got this time okay hopefully some fun okay oh yeah just like oh yeah feels like a big though doesn't feel big maybe so keeper oh yeah I see keeper oh yeah 26 buddy buddy all right I'm going to switch over to the salmon right now yeah yeah HIV hood [Music] it up leader with the B chain at the end and again for my bait try and chubby you choice brine last night if you haven't check out my blind video please do easy three ingredients so my rod is Shimano Chuvalo 7-foot medium light with the Alexa 340 pump brave for me and I'm top shouting about ten feet up mono with that extra stretch and from there to the clip to the leader starts with the B chain about four feet to anchovy hood I'm using without sugar this is Scotty Lake troller so we're almost to the Samuel hunting ground switch to my bring up for seamen will be our 24/7 from here smell Jack's no no it was so small it was so small I thought it was a Jeff smell it's like even salmon so we've been shaving truly for about four hours now doing that flowers and it's like a desert out there they'll be fish no birds flying man so we're heading inside and I'm gonna do some ball bouncing for halibut there's something on have a linker or something another fighter is fighting like a halibut yeah it is yeah yeah besides queue size besides 26 27 27 the most [Music] let's kill this mother misery this is not gonna be what your position is what she okay close tail neutral position 31 and 3/4 whoo thirty one and three-quarters was at least 130 and today and yourself no chrome today but you got you did get something right I did my spirit fish what is it like spirit fish you guys ask you got what it's already so you got me the 31 inch 31 in half inch master hey if you guys will know if you guys want to learn how to catch halibut we'll call make sure you visit so let's lost interview calm
Channel: MooMoo Outdoors
Views: 19,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: california halibut, ocean halibut, halibut fishing, ocean halibut fishing, kayak halibut fishing, bolinas fishing, bolinas beach, kayak ocean fishing, kayak bolinas fishing, chrome fishing, king salmon fisihng, chinook salmon fishing, kayak salmon fishing, hobie revolution, hobie fiishing, hobie life, the lost anchovy, tla, halibut hole, butt hole, marine salmon fishing, ocean salmon fishing, huge halibut, huge ocean halibut
Id: t_TfOfAf37I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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