HUGE Delivery for My Shop! But...

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[Music] before we get into the vlog i just wanted to say i'm now posting these on fridays instead of mondays so that's the new schedule kind of going back to what this channel originally had with the friday uploads so that's what i'm doing hey guys it is monday may 10th i wasn't even gonna vlog today today's a game stream day i'm about halfway through the stream but i think i have to switch to store prep because a bunch of stuff arrived look at all this that box is the thick dinos i got previously all those boxes back there that are the same size those are enamel pins and then i also got washi tape right here now both of these deliveries are just partial deliveries i got six out of the seven pin boxes and i got one out of the four washi boxes but i'm so curious i just want to see the pins in person i kind of curious about the packaging because it's different this time and i just yeah i want to see which washi tapes we got here let's see which washings we got oh oh my god it looks like mushroom and a little bit of the bailey washes yay oh my god those look great those look great yay i have to show you what it looks like actually on paper because it's sort of see-through but look at that mushroom washi and then there's the bailey j washi which is just for me it's not for sale it's for packaging orders so yeah let's look at one of these seeing the boxes all next to each other it makes me wonder if this really is a viable solution to the little plastic baggies all these pins probably could have fit in four boxes three or four and instead they're in seven boxes which means there's a lot of styrofoam i asked this place if they could do cardboard and they said no they only have the styrofoam because they use the styrofoam when making the pins like if i stack all this styrofoam in one pile compare that to the pile of plastic baggies is it really worth the switch you know at least we're trying it oh my god what's amazing about this method though is that the pins already have their backings removed and they're laid out so imagine just like taking one of these trays and grating the pins it'll save so much of my sanity look at them oh my goodness wow wow what have i done put them back put them back that makes me wonder if all the clutches are in one box and if so which box it might not even be one of the ones i have already okay i've opened them all and none have a clutches so yeah cute i love the cool tones of this one i think this is my favorite of the two pins the cheeks seem darker than the photos so it's the hair maybe it's also the lighting i'm in oh she's cute though she cute i might just wait till tomorrow to do with the store stuff because then i have to change my whole setup and i was really excited about the new pins like the mushroom girl and daisy girl but i can't do those ones so maybe just finish off the gaming stream as a gaming stream we have an update i just noticed there's washi tape stuck to the side of the box but yes the rest of the washi tape was delivered in a separate delivery we're still waiting on that one shipment for the pin clutches but yeah the washi tape's all here so let's open it up and take a peek okay so you've seen mailcat you've seen video game washy assuming you've been watching a while now we have the daisy one that goes with the daisy sketchbook and the mushroom one which i just showed you earlier i'm gonna stick these down on some paper right away so you can get a better idea of what they look like matchy matchy oh my god look at these ignore the puppy one and this one because those are discontinued they were both part of the advent calendar and then i restocked only three avid calendar items this was one of them so yeah those are both gone now but look at these i still love the video game one so much i think it's still technically my fave the colors are just so great in it but i like these ones because they're more generic and sometimes generic is good it's better for designs like something a little more simple it's kind of nice to have some of each style oh my goodness i've seen them all rolled out like this oh my god yeah uh it's the next morning and i decided to lay all this out just to see how much it is just wanted to see it all laid out there i didn't include the thick dinos in this pile since that was technically not the same day and you've already seen those this is my second time ordering from this manufacturer so last time their pins were so so good well they're the ones i think that did the celestial paw pins so there wasn't much enamel so i really took a gamble actually going with them again and ordering two thousand there's a thousand of each pin here so yeah anywho i gotta go shower so chat see you later if you ignore the construction it looks kind of cute outside with the fence and the trees getting some green on it finally so we have a problem on further inspection of the tape i started to notice some stuff when you look at the daisy one it's a little off-center which you know maybe not the hugest issue but it annoys me but then with the mushroom one what caught my eye is that it's solid brown at the top and only the bottom has mushroom overlapping the cut lines and i was like i swear i didn't do it like that so i looked up my file and realized it's completely done wrong also the colors are completely done wrong i didn't catch this at first like this mushroom looks orange it's supposed to be brown and these spots are supposed to be brown but they're red like how does that even happen this is what i submitted looking back at that i'm like what the heck is completely different like the background's too pale this is supposed to be brown but it's orange again brown spots they're red spots like what and then once i peeled out more of the tape i realized there's this line running through about every 30 centimeters there's this line and this one has a line too like if this one was just slightly off-center i'd be like okay maybe i can live with that let them know for next time or something but because there's also all these lines i'm like and the line's not just where the pattern repeats like you can see it's usually in the same spot like between this leaf and this mushroom but then over here no line because the pattern doesn't have the line like they did something to the file that made it have that line so now i'm all sad like the other tapes look good but these two are incorrect and these are the ones i ordered the most of i ordered a thousand of each of these so i'm gonna send this to the manufacturer and see what they say the mushroom one is especially butchered this one is just not right at all like for example look at the double shroom it's supposed to be cut off top and bottom but it's not cut top or bottom and the leaf is supposed to get cut off on the tip too but it was not it's completely exposed plus a bunch more space so yeah i'm all set up ready to start grading i've started pulling them out of their baggies i got these here just so people can see them while i'm working on these and i got a text saying that i have a shipment coming today from this manufacturer so we might actually get the clutches today maybe i can grade some of the new ones too so that's exciting i was talking with chad about the styrofoam thing being like it's so much styrofoam i don't think this is a good idea and someone mentioned that they successfully ordered pins getting them wrapped in tissue paper which is a great idea it's usually not recyclable because it's already made from recycled paper so apparently can't be recycled again but at least it's biodegradable that's what i care about more tissue paper is an option i might also see if they have glassine sleeves like just any kind of paper packaging would be nice did i build a baby barricade yes i did you must stay behind this line baby i'm getting a lot of b grades i'm getting a lot of b grades here around the word thick can you see that sad a lot of these are like not huge like at a glance these all look great but then you look closely you're like oh there's some there's some flaws like the b grades still look pretty good for the most part oh i think we got ourselves an egg right here okay here are the a grades on their backing cards by the way the ratio sucked i had 58 a grades out of a hundred i upgraded 100 and there were 58 a grades so that's not very good at all so i mean this is a more complicated design it's got lots of teeny tiny details a lot of the mistakes weren't even related to that because it's understandable if like a tooth is filled in wrong or like this gap between the legs if it's not filled in little stuff like that but there's some more frustrating ones but at least the b grades look nice like most of them you can't even really see see the defect at first glance so yeah hopefully the ratio gets a little better though i don't know if i'm going to reorder this one because of that because of all like the teeny details he might need a redesign if he ever comes back someday now we just gotta sleeve them it's this 5g chip that got injected it just needs so much energy it's sapping my energy [Music] so [Music] so out of this one sheet of 40 pins i had four b grades so that's ten percent that's amazing and now we gotta pin one uh the texture i don't think it wants to show up that linen texture i can see it i can see it yeah cool a little texture to it okay wait did we open this up it does not have a ziploc top so they might spill everywhere camera please hopefully this looks a bit better on my monitor compared to camera screen oh well that kind of looks good i can't decide what it wants to do this camera has contrast issues but look so cute so cute so cute i can't tell if her hair is even coming off blue in this video but it is a pretty dark blue i probably could have chose a slightly lighter blue but there she is there she is on her card beans and girl so this one the mushroom curl had eight b grades out of the set of 40. so not quite as good but this is also just the first tray who knows what the rest are going to end up like i'm so excited now i need to get out of this room it is so hot i don't know how my thermometer says it's only 27 degrees celsius i mean i i pretty much die after 25 anything higher than that i'm like dying already but it feels even hotter than that maybe because i made this coffee hot chocolate you know drinking a hot bevy it's almost empty stir that there's stuff at the bottom it needs to be stirred back in baby it's not time for treats yet not for an hour and a half but yeah i just need to go downstairs well one cause it's cooler two i need to edit and i guess i could do that up here but i just want to go chill with christian attempt a redo of last night when i fell asleep instead of editing attempt to redo get that edit up so that's [Music] that garbage can don't look at it don't look it just look at that cute me so it's now wednesday i'm probably not going to vlog too much today but i wanted to show off my outfit because i've had this dress for a few weeks now and haven't worn it just because i'm at home all the time but lately i've been thinking you know what wear the fancy stuff even if you're at home why not i mean this is not that fancy but i think the streams kind of inspire me to dress better more often since i'm on camera the whole day but yeah my legs are so hairy i haven't shaved them in over a month but yeah look at this i got this on amazon it's so cute it's just flattering and it's thin but not so thin that it's see-through like i don't have to layer up i've been looking for something like this for so long so i might have to get other colors i don't know but yeah it's like a faux wrap it doesn't actually open up or anything it you that's the look for today so it's now thursday may 13th and normally i would be streaming today but today i'm not because yesterday i did an extremely long stream it was like 17 hours and technically this morning i was up and at it early enough that i could have done today's stream as usual but i'd already decided last night i wasn't going to and already announced it plus i just need to get some stuff done around the house it's just messy like it's it's bad i feel like we're not as good with upkeep of the house because we we don't have people over like back in the past we'd have friends over we'd have all these gatherings and it was always that motivation to have the house clean when everyone came over and now everything just gets left to be gross like what's what's going on with the kitchen table it's just used to store my junk and i'll admit most of the messes in this house are mine this included now this is just the product i was laying out just to see it all laid out you know that's technically not part of the mess but they're just little things like that we got crummies here that need to be swept up because there were stuff covering that until i just moved it uh got all these cans gotta take those out just like look at me being lazy with my shoes what is that there's the usual kitchen upkeep with dishes just put away some clean ones keep up with the dirty ones so they don't get out of hand tidy up this area again you know sweep up all the crummies i'm probably just going to clean all the floors in the house in general but also wash out their containers like both the water one give it a new filter and give it a good scrub same thing with this one this i cleaned recently their cat tower so it's probably okay for now this is probably the room that's bugging me the most so really want to tackle that there's dead flowers look at these flowers just sitting here then coming over here the art room's a disaster as always so need to tidy this up there's styrofoam getting all over the floor too oh my god so yeah clean up that this room's not so bad i guess it's just you know because it's always weird like this but usually i just make it so everything's kind of shoved against the walls and a little neater a lot of my stuff for my store i've been keeping up here even though eventually i'd like it to go downstairs but i want it up here for now because i'm gonna be printing on to these which actually i should get started on with these ones the sketchbook ones i'm waiting but the print ones i could get cracking on that same with like the backing cards because i always grade the pins up here so might as well keep the backing cards up here my little styrofoam recycling bin is about to get hella full that's just a glimpse at the state of this house i think there's still a little bit of laundry left to fold from this week too i'm probably throwing our bedding as well wash that i'm not really in the mood for a cleaning montage because it is a lot to do i just want to get it done and not film it but i'll you know you got the befores just now and then i'll give you the afters after okay kiki it's time for the final reveal i did not finish everything on thursday i had to do some friday evening but it's looking much better in here there's some really loud dude bros in their car outside right now with their music and stuff and talking loud but we'll tune that out won't we kiki first of all yeah this is all out here still just i don't know where else to put it for now we'll deal with that when the time comes won't we but the porch area has me the most shook right now like this just feels so different feels so tidy i move some of my purses out of here into the room like the cat room where i keep my clothes and i hung up christian's backpacks and stuff just got it looking way cleaner and got that recycling out to the curb uh yeah the baby area is already looking gross again this looks so pristine yesterday but now we're getting like all your brown cred here and here whatever that got completely taken clean that got completely taken apart and clean indiana um stovetop needs a nice good soak we have a stovetop cleaner for it so i need to do that still i didn't do like a super deep clean it was mostly like our usual cleaning there because it's less visible there's so much cardboard we have so much carbon in the basement i kind of wish i gave you a before shot of the basement because there was so much cardboard down there to flatten like flexi spot stuff there was the box for my tape dispenser a bunch of other stuff that just had to go that's finally gone i was even dusting i was getting the baseboards i was dusting up along with the tops of the ceiling i actually didn't do the kitchen that was mostly the basement like dusting along the edges where cobwebs can form and stuff i was dusting all around the tv down there and all i know like where all the gaming stuff is gaming stuff vacuumed mopped all that good stuff washed our bedding the spare bedding because that spare bedding hasn't been washed in like over a year because no one's used it but it's just getting like full of cat hair and stuff so i'm like okay let's at least wash this the art room i had to rearrange a little because i had to get my ac unit in here because it's just that time of year where it's getting real hot and it needs to be by the window so it can vent out so i moved the alex drawers right here which is a little silly this mat disgusting as always it's just it just is dirty it's the sad truth about that part of the floor but yeah this is becoming like a little cubicle just like i had downstairs yeah that's the state of this hey how come this these lights didn't turn on when i turned the lights on did the switch get flipped and i think elsa is going to stay here i officially moved the phone up there just to put elsa there at least for now if i find a different place for her then sure oh so tidy huh this room was more of a quick tidy also this was the second last room i did was getting sick of the cleaning office lights off we can take a little peek downstairs it probably looks the same as the last time you saw it to be honest but with cleaner baseballs and that's cobbles i really wish i got it before of this there was just like cobwebs that were catching lint on the wall i had to just take the duster and do like the entire walls it was getting bad there was a huge box here for the longest time that would hang clothes on it's finally gone rick's big box was always in that corner now it's gone just showing off the cleanliness although i didn't do it before of the basement so it's kind of whatever whatever there's still stuff but it's much better kiki this was pure cardboard for a few days bed made mm-hmm you know i lit i even lit roller the whole bed and every pillow cause even after they were washed they're still fur yeah so you're not going in there this looks pretty much the same i just brought a few things down that are now there like big dino stickers and a little label roll holder which technically could go back here now this goes back here see it can do fan fold and rolls okay this is falling off still i have to push that a little forward but yeah cause the cables get in the way you know i could even just give the whole computer a quarter turn and then we have this side facing this the cleaning destroyed my nails so i had to rip off my gel alrighty it's now tuesday may 18th i want to see if i can finish making the stickers today i'm done all the mushroom girl stickers but i still have to do all the daisy girl stickers and as you know from a previous vlog my print head was clogged and i did a soak and i finally put the printhead back in the printer last night and did a print test and it was beautiful it worked so i actually printed off all of the sheets already all the ones i need this is a much smarter way to do it i feel because i don't have to keep track of how many sheets i've printed off and like lose count because i also track how many i screw up but i printed off enough sheets for how many stickers i want to make plus five additional sheets but they're all they're just all good to go they're ready right now i don't have to keep track unless i have like a really high amount of flawed ones but i'll just keep the flawed ones in a pile so those are ready to be made uh i forgot i owned this sweater so wearing that it has been warm lately but today is pretty cold and last night there was even a thunderstorm where we rarely get thunderstorms in vancouver it was kind of nice it's one of the things i miss about the prairies but the cats were spooked they were hiding under the bed midna would like run over sulking like you know when they crouch she's growling she's like running under the bed and then she sat under the bed doing the saddest meows i've ever heard i was just like we're so sad you scared the storm they're not used to the thunderstorm so they're really scared you're under the bed too but you aren't making any noise huh you know oh this puff baby she was so scared also yesterday there was a delivery a very heavy delivery tiny box but extremely heavy because it's pretty much full of metal here's one of the bags that was in there it's locking clutches for pins look at that in hindsight i probably shouldn't have gotten gold because all three of the pins i have for the next update are the black nickel but whatever you don't even see the clutches when this is pinned but yeah these are just more secure than these so i thought i would sell them i've been thinking about this for so long and i'm finally doing it to sell them in little packs you can just buy big packs of them on amazon too if you want there's just nice little small sets of 10 for if you don't want to like bulk by these things so i just put them in these little glassine sleeves and put a piece of tape i could also reuse the plastic bags that these came in but this is really cute to get i get to use these glassine sleeves finally because i have a whole bunch of these little teeny ones like this isn't even all of them right here this is just one box of them but i accidentally ordered these when i was trying to order a bigger glassine sleeve size for the pins i selected the wrong size and now i have a whole bunch of these little ones and i thought i would never use them for anything so i've got these and then i got two more boxes this size downstairs full of them so this is what i could use them for yay so yeah they all have to be counted out and put into sleeves put some washi on the back the new branded washi for packaging i probably won't go any further with the packaging for these i don't want to be too fancy because obviously my um profit margin on these is very low ten of these clutches cost me a dollar forty usd and then i think i'll sell it for two dollars maybe so yeah i don't put too much effort into all these it really takes quite a bit of time like the few that i did do took quite a while so so that's another thing i'm gonna do now for the washi tape that i wasn't happy with i'm not getting very far on that i have not agreed to a reprint for those i haven't even heard from them since last week because at first they're trying to like justify everything being like oh yeah those lines are where the pattern overlaps and i'm like that's not even where the pattern seem is and it's only like every so many repeats of the pattern then there's a line and none of the other tapes have it like i don't get why she's trying to justify that that's supposed to be there when no other tapes i've ever ordered from her including the other three designs in this batch none of those have that and then for like them being cut crooked especially the mushroom one being cut completely wrong she's like showing the approved bleed line she's like well this is what you approved and i'm like yeah but that's not what i received like yes i approved that but that's not what i was given and then for the colors being wrong she's trying to say it's a cmyk thing and i'm like i'm not stupid i know about cmyk the colors on the mushroom one are not even close the other tapes are very accurate it's just that one that is off the cut line's the most annoying things there's just a solid strip of brown on one side of the day it really annoys me because it's supposed to crop right up to the mushrooms on both sides so i don't know it's a whole thing i don't think i'm gonna be getting the reprint i'm definitely not gonna waste these tapes so i'm still gonna sell them i'm just trying to decide how much of a discount they should have like should they be half off because they normally sell for four dollars each so should they be marked down to two should i just mark one dollar off because it's not like like it's not that horrible i don't know and the thick dino pins have a nearly fifty percent flaw rate like this whole update so far is just a disaster it's a disaster okay now i'm even on a disaster that's maybe exaggerating but i feel like stuff just keeps going wrong but eh now i'm like i hope everything goes smoothly with the sketchbooks i mean they're already delayed they were supposed to well they said they'd be done they're aiming to be done by end of april and they told me that like during april they're like yeah we'll be done by the end of this month and i was like whoa okay sweet so yeah as of may 4th they they just got like the embroidery in because a third party was doing the embroidery so they hadn't even started assembling the books yet so i really don't know the timeline now like she never gave another estimate and i guess there's not like a reason for there to be a rush because i haven't committed to a date this is exactly why i don't commit to dates i always tell people they ask me like when's the store update went to store update and i say i'm not committing until i have all the product on hand because stuff like this does happen so i was aiming for like the second half of june for a release but i don't think that's going to happen well that's definitely not going to happen because once the books are done they're going to take like a whole month to get here so possibly even longer like i really don't know they'll get here when they get here i mean the sketchbooks being delayed gives me more time to finish everything else so i'm not really complaining i just hope that when they do get here everything's good and you know it was just it was just a really big investment like this whole update was a really big investment like like tens of thousands of dollars and i haven't even ordered everything yet like still gotta do prints i was gonna maybe do those flower sticker sheets i might push that to like a future store update because i've already got so much going on with this update and just like why add another thing and then i can possibly do a whole line of products around the flowers i think it's just you know now the stuff's starting to roll in i'm like screw the sticker sheets like those are being those are being delayed i mean there was never it's not really a delay it was just something i started working on that i was like oh this would be fun to include in this update but i'm getting ahead of myself i need to save that for the next one which hopefully won't be too far after the sketchbook one okay this is a long chat let me just let's move on okay i have wheeled the alex drawers over here so i can have more surface area i got a little spa for kiki yes little baby and then also just a place so i can grab these so i think are all good to go you guys first of all my cricket blade i think i think i might need a new one oh i feel like i got one not that long ago but i'm doing the double cuts on each sticker so it cuts all the way through because it's struggling if i do the other setting where it cuts once so it's going to take twice as long and it you can't enable fast mode when doing this setting but anyway um i thought i would try using this mat here because previously i had cleaned my cricut mats and they weren't very sticky after cleaning them so i have this double-sided adhesive that i stuck down and for some reason i thought it wasn't that sticky but looking back i'm like no the problem is it was too sticky it was like shredding the back of my old sticker sheets and it actually ripped up the blue on the sticker mat right here that's how sticky it was and i'm like this is my solution because somebody even suggested like oh you can get double-sided adhesives for your qriket mats like someone suggested that recently and i was like oh i have one but it sucks but i forgot why it sucked i got it backwards as to why it sucked in this situation with this slippery paper this is actually perfect i didn't have to tape the corners it stayed down look how ugly this matters though i think this is actual paper stuck to it right here but then there's the areas where the actual white lift it up but yes okay so what i think i might do is take one of my other blue sheets and add the adhesive i don't know how long it's going to take to dry though but although they should be washed first i can't be bothered i'll try i'll try i'll try this is all i've done so far right here those ones scraping this matte clean this is the the blue mat that's in the worst shape so i'm like let's do this one as the one eye torment with the sticky glue wow so much cleaner than before but still looks nasty where all the cut marks are okay so i'm going to use this zig glue i do not recommend this for regular stickers but for this paper it works but for other paper it'll just like shred it because it's too sticky hope it sprays when i do that i don't know how long this takes to dry though like i don't know if we can even use this today but i figured why not get a start on it but yeah i think if it's real thick like this it's stickier compared to a nice thin coat so maybe this could work for other papers okay it's been a couple hours about time for a new sticky mat i laid this down just so the edges don't get gross kind of like it did with these ones except they look all nasty now because the tape shredded them but using a different cut setting than it was before too i was using a setting i had to cut twice to get deep enough but i went and edited it a little bit in the settings so just one cut but still no fast mode but one cut per sticker that's sticky oh yeah then i can switch between the two blue mats and stop using the green ones so it's nearly four o'clock and i'm finally having my lunch i have a whole bunch of mashed yam because that yam is freaking huge there's some broccoli that i roasted in the oven although it's like i don't know if it's going to have the same vibe because it's all soggy now because it's been sitting in here there's still like the garlic on it and stuff i don't know something a little different but i feel like it's going to be mushy just like steamed broccoli because it's been sitting in here and then there's some chicken breast right there nothing fancy just has a bit of spices on it and then the other meal i made for this week is the what's it called the sesame chicken that i've shown you previously i mean it could be worse once i spread it out though tater tater so the newly stuck down mat has been working amazingly i have this many sheets left may or may not get to those tonight i'm not sure i was kind of hoping to do a little bit of editing and maybe watch an episode of the handmaid's tale i've got my little ghosty here he's been hanging out with me during this stream i call him ghosty his actual character name is spookymacute it's a character by kirakira doodles i found out towards the start of this room that she passed away i don't know if i can talk about it right now without tearing up too late this is her plushie too little baby potato a while back i did a video about me trying out youtubers coloring books and i had a couple of hers that i was trying out in that video and that's actually how i first came across her was me looking for coloring books that's how i came across her super cute art it's all so adorable in a while after that video she had sent me a thank you package i remember opening it up on the vlogs and that's how i got these little guys and some other goodies so it's just crazy to think she's gone i guess i don't don't know what they say about it i'm not good at these things but i'm just thinking of her it's all [Music] so [Music] [Music] so it's now thursday i probably should be doing store prep today even though it's technically an art day i just feel like i have a lot of store prep to do but i'm in the mood to do art so i'm gonna do art these are my initial little thumbnails here i thought oh girl looking over her shoulder no let's just do fully back view so i can doodle some pretty hair and stuff too i forgot to add some stuff to the hair in my other sketch that i'm about to show you okay i didn't know if i wanted the hair down i thought because it's a cloak maybe let's have the hair pulled up into a bun just so you can see it a little bit better then i quickly sketched this up in photoshop and then i have some cleaner lines that i did on top which look like that although i was gonna add some little things in her hair and i totally forgot till just now so maybe let's add those okay a couple roses here little leafy thing here there we go okay the cleaned up sketch is printed out i'm all good to get started look at this oh i love doing fun setups it just makes the artwork that much more fun to work on i mean really i just put down a tablecloth in the lace but it just makes me so happy it just feels so fun it just feels extra cozy when i put in the extra effort [Music] okay there we have it the girl and the cloak i don't know what to call this artwork girl in cloak no there's no name as of yet but i just love the way everything looks right here this is just so pretty with the lace and everything i can't stop looking at it so yeah there's the artwork i need to scan it and clean it up but i'm not gonna do that right now that's a job for another day i still haven't even cleaned up that flower art that i did i'm not done the up on that either this could make a cute sticker too in addition to a print i like it i like it here's some up close oh action okay okay and now it is time for me to edit this vlog that you're watching right now because i'm posting on fridays now i was gonna do like half the editing the other night and then i didn't so i have the whole thing to edit right now so better get started on that because it's currently 6 30 so thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one next friday [Music] you
Channel: Baylee Jae
Views: 45,564
Rating: 4.9498177 out of 5
Keywords: baylee jae, baylee, bumble baylee, art, vlog, studio vlog, art vlog, creative, arts & crafts, crafts, canada, vlogger, pink, cats, small business, etsy, shopify, daily life, enamel pins, washi tape, copic, marker, watercolor, paint, problems, cleaning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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