HUGE CHANGES! Apex Legends Season 14 Patch Notes (Buffs, Nerfs And More!)

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everyone i hope you're well today we are jumping into the apex legends season 14 hunted patch notes there's a lot to go through of course vantage is here uh and then we've got all the kind of bug fixes meta changes there's a lot of matter changes so yeah we're going to jump into things here firstly let's just pause that music slow loud right uh we got vantage here we all know about her abilities now uh there's not really anything new about vantage yet but um you know we've seen her abilities we've also got the king's canyon map update now there's actually a lot of changes in the kings canyon map update um there's a full amount of kind of breakdown that they've done there's a lot of changes that they've made to sort of make third-partying less of an issue but the main focuses are on skulltown returning with the new poi relic it removes salvage but brings a large landmass around it that would otherwise just be water so you have this really large area for rotating through that side of skeletal now which is pretty good they've changed the cage uh removed the walls which now means it's very easy to sort of attack so they don't want people staying there too long that's going to help with third partying they changed a lot of the routes through the mountains as well they've changed the poi at the very top of the map i think it was good broken relay before now it's called basin it's pretty much the same just with a few added buildings and they've changed the poi just next to uh containment here uh just a tiny bit they've made it less so they've kind of cut it down a bit and made it once again less of an interest error for people to stay in for too long to help cut down on third partying so yeah we've already gotten known about that now let's get into the interesting details players can now level past account level 500 through three additional tiers of 500 levels bringing the effective level maximum to level 500 tier 3. so they're calling it tears it's basically like prestiging this increase adds 345 additional apex packs earnable via account leveling and ensures that everyone can earn an heirloom just by playing the game this is super exciting the total number of apex packs ownable via account leveling is now 544 so for the very first time in apex history even if you never spent a dollar on this game not even for a single battle pass you'll now just be able to level up to get your very own heirloom shards which is pretty cool um so this is cool uh better pass certain battle bus challenges can now be completed in either battery or non-battery modes okay that's interesting i guess we'll learn more about that soon uh ranked results okay this is going to be very interesting for split one of season 13 we had the following max tier distribution among players who played more than 10 hours of ranked versus season 12 split one so wow look at this this is crazy silver has gone up to 28 from three percent gold is like half of the player base plateau number four was 40 now it's only 14. diamond is one percent and uh before it was 26 and master and predator is 0.1 of players in the past it was almost 5 so you know season 12 it was uh super easy to get to masters honestly they made massive changes in season 13 and you can see that getting diamond in season 13 is actually harder than it was to get master in season 12. that's crazy uh and you know you can see pretty much the same sort of scores in the second split as well they changed some ranked change okay this is interesting entry cost has gone up plus five is that for every single tier or just for every rank remove the mission diminishing returns on eliminations really rank reset no change resuming ranked reset of six divisions so you go back six divisions but this is interesting does this mean there's sort of no kill rp cap it's going to be a bloodbath like yeah uh they didn't really say anything about specifically uh changing matchmaking for ranked as well i hope we get more information about that soon right let's get into some of the balance updates first the weapons and then the legends says look look at this you see this little bar here yeah we got a long way to go for this thing we really do have a long way to go all right laser sights new attachment to replace barrels for smgs and pistols reduced hip fire spread yes this is going to be really exciting i think it's going to make smg's even more meta than they were in the past which is kind of nuts crate rotation g7 scout and vault return to the floor it doesn't say what damage they're gonna be dealing at the moment uh there may be more details to follow this is sort of like an early look at the patch notes here not every single detail maybe here or perhaps they uh aren't gonna flash it out we'll have to find when the update goes live and of course bow check and rampage enter the crate there's no extra information here so i'm really curious stay tuned for any updates on twitter from me or on my second channel about that because i'm very curious about that right so we also get the wingman and car coming back to the floor and this is quite an interesting change ever since they added the sort of rotation of weapons going into the crafter it's always been meta weapons the devotion uh and ra-45 have never been better but this is what kind of interests me re-45 plus hammer point combo enters the crafter so can we just craft an ro45 for the same cost as any other weapon what is it like 30 crafting i don't know that could be kind of good if it's built in but i'm not sure gold weapon we get the longbow the scout the mozambique the r99 and the hemlock okay smg's ah okay well i suppose we probably should have expected that laser sight reduced hip fire spread but the base hip fire spread has been increased are they essentially making a max tier laser sight smg the same as pre-season 14 smgs or as a max to laser sight better we don't know there is not enough information to go off here but we're really gonna have to test it out when the season drops and i definitely will test it out here so make sure to subscribe for that but um that's a really important thing base hip high spread increased right it's worse hip fire on smgs is now worse and they don't take barrels so this is actually kind of a curveball i wasn't expecting this assault rifle hit fast bed increased that makes sense if you want the smgs to be the uh sort of meta choice for up close makes sense to reduce the hip fire on this and honestly i expect them to do quite a considerable increase of recall no stats here but i imagine flatline hip fire may not be effective anymore which is really going to make people reconsider what weapons they choose right either eight recall improvements okay there's not much recall on it that's interesting but it does now take stocks it remove wait this is interesting removed one pellet from blast pattern so that's uh what like eight less damage or something fire rate increase from 2.3 ah there we go they've added one extra damage per pellet so the damage is about the same but they removed one pellet which would that make it more consistent or less consistent i don't know someone do the maths one less pellet for the same amount of damage technically would be more consistent because if you hit one pellet out of seven instead of one out of eight yeah uh that's kind of cool uh this spot of rate fire bonus increased as well okay it's very minimal it's like a 10 increase if that hot not even a 10 1.2 fire rate to 1.3 i don't know how that's gonna feel in game uh pretty interesting though that is quite a big change for the evo 8 gonna be fun to try now let's take a look at this boat oh here's the extra information here for the weapons okay i didn't see that damage at full speed for draw increased to 70. that's a considerable buff tempo draw speed increased a small one shatter cap's pellet damage increased as well fired arrows can no longer be collected so i was wondering what they're going to do with that you basically have a set amount of ammo and you cannot reclaim that ammo makes sense as a care package weapon and of course you can't find arrows on the floor anymore rampage lmg damage increased to 28 from 26. so this is basically day one rampage it's not that overpowered we've dealt with it before i did a whole video about it like that two damage increase because it's such a slow fire rate weapon it doesn't really change the time to kill values much like there's a very few cases where it really does change anything so don't worry about that this is a dead this is basically the scout right when you saw the scout in the care package did you pick it up some of you will say yes but the majority of you say nah just walk past it the rampage is now the new scout it is just put there to kind of give room for other weapons like the vault which is now on the floor damage has of course been reduced to 15 from 17 now let's just take this into consideration here right the volt was a very good care package weapon it had two extra damage per shot but the vote fires so much faster than the rampage which is also getting two extra damage per shot so the dps effectiveness or sorry effective dps of the vault when it was care package was super high but the rampage fires so slow that this damage increase doesn't really mean much car smg no longer takes barrel attachments okay like all other smgs g7 scout has been reduced like you can see that the reduction isn't much because it's been back to the ground uh so funny to say this but getting a g7 on ground isn't so bad getting it as a care package is bad maybe because they don't buff it enough to make it really feel like a care package weapon at that point in the game it's a long-range weapon which means it usually drops later in the later stages of the game so you're going to be set up already right al star oh no wait a minute incredibly buffed it increased projectile speed that's interesting the all-stars bullets fire pretty slowly through the air so that's going to be interesting increase number of shots before overheat at base to 24 from 20 um i'm guessing they didn't change the mag energy magazine size on that but that's quite a big buff for rampart uh remove especially if you land like this basically what they're doing with this is making our star a viable weapon off drop which is pretty cool remove bright red flash when hitting non-armored targets interesting change um i would love for them to just get rid of the bright flash completely but uh nice to see that they did that ah okay yeah so i made a video about this on my clip channel essentially the re45 had a weird fov it wasn't normal and they've now changed that and they've increased the strafe speed so if you didn't know the re45 is an smg pistol hybrid so it always had a weird strafe speed the devs finally caught on to it and put it where it belongs it's gonna feel more like a normal weapon now uh but who's gonna craft it anyway right wingman now uses sniper ammo and magazines luckily this has been talked about so much within the apex community already um because they didn't give any like insights into this they're just like yep it uses sniper ammo magazines i find that hilarious um but yeah it's a good change honestly if you haven't heard about it because the wingman is far too efficient with the amount of ammo it uses which means you can carry one stack and a bunch of meds or grenades uh instead of taking like a flat line of spitfire and needing to take like three stacks of ammo it frees up so much inventory space by bringing it to sniper ammo you can no longer do that you really have to be careful about how much ammo you pick up and what you reserve your inventory space for um besides the ammo change nothing else has changed to the wingman sniper ammo inventory stack increased to 28 so to kind of balance the wingman not to make it too ridiculous uh each stack contains 28 so it's four extra shots per inventory stack that's gonna buff snipers a little bit nice for vantage uh spitfire recall adjustments to increase a vertical barrel climb okay spitfire now uses light ammo magazines we saw about that they want to bring more weapons to the light ammo side uh kind of get less attention off of the heavy ammo meta so that there's going to be more of a sort of healthy ammo metaphor late game if you kill a player you want to try and get at least a bit of ammo for your gun now strangely enough uh mostly we're not using heavy ammo weapons in season 14 so strange strange to see the spitfire happen now the spitfire change the 3030 got quite a considerable buff it doesn't yet say anything about the shatter gaps being removed but we have to wait for that dual loader has been worked into the base 30 30 repeater so you're going to reload two shots per round that's pretty cool and in he'll take skullpizza they're buffing this thing like crazy mastiff project projectile growth reduced okay so this is going to basically if you don't understand this apex has a weird mechanic but it does make sense if you understand it when you fire a bullet it will grow in size the further it travels and the reason they do this is to help you hit long range shots if you have a sniper by the time it's hit 300 meters that bullet is actually pretty big it keeps growing um they reduced that on the mastiff to give it a little bit less long range power which is understandable uh they've also reduced the fire rate and removed dual load a had tool loader oh i guess it did yeah uh silica package weapon sentinel dead ice tempo has been worked into the base sentinel i like that nice that's gonna make the sentinel feel so much snappier i'm so excited for that because i really really like deadeye's temper i really like the sentinel it's one of it's my favorite weapon right now i'm an advantage in the game i'm going to really like it double by the way we haven't even seen the legend updates yet that's crazy double tap is back it goes to the eva 8 and scout scope is a 35 headshot damaging treats on longboat wingman and 3030 they haven't written anything about reducing the base headshot damage for these weapons yet if they have not reduced the base headshot damage yet this is going to be a juicy season for the 30 30. um usually when they bring the skull pistol back they do reduce the base headshot damage to give it a little less power this is going to be nuts uh remove deadeye's tempo ah and shatter caps are now gone right daddy's tempo has been built into the sentinel uh we've got skull piercer and dual loader on the 30 30 to load up being built into it and skelpius says you still need to hop up shutter caps is gone it's all right it wasn't that good anyway boosted loader has been reduced to epic quality yeah that makes sense i never really feel like boosted loader deserves the legendary tag that may mean we actually see it more often depending on how they uh deal with the loot economy but um yeah it makes sense all right ah oh i just saw about enough okay backpack gold park new park deep pocket large medical supplies stack higher in your inventory batteries and med kits now stack to three phoenix kits now stack to two so they've removed um fast dress right oh no they haven't they put guardian angel to the knockdown shield because self revive has been removed yeah that makes sense guardian angel was on the backpack it's moved to the knockdown shield and self revive has been removed um i think self-raises are fun for pubs but not so fun for ranked reduced stick damage and armor to 10 oh no remove aim slow and stick renee remains on detonation detonation damage increased okay so this is a massive arc star nerf honestly um i don't know it's like annoying to get stuck by an arc star but it's equally as fun to stick someone i'm kind of sad about this uh they're trying to nerf nate uh well arc stars i suppose maybe it's a little too easy to just down someone with a stick oh okay explosive hold so these are the loot uh boxes in king's canyon added blue attachments to possible spawns so they're nerfing them added laser sights and reduced spawn rate of gold magazines they're straight up nerfing the explosive hold loots because they have buffed the overall loot on king's canyon i think that's the reasoning behind that right legend the valk acceleration of activation decreased by eight percent they've reduced the speed of her passive fuel consumption and activation increased no way that's a huge increase aerial boosting and strafing take a 20 debuff when hit by slowing effects added a third orange state uh to the fuel meter ui between green okay so that's just kind of to let people know how much fuel you have that's a considerable nerf to her passive mr swarm aim slash turn slow removed um that's quite a big nerf dave oh wait hang on a minute aim slow removed but the move slow is still there but the uh duration of the move slow has been reduced and the explosion radius has been reduced that is a straight up beefing after the tactical and here's the alt height reduction of 25 you're not going to be able to fly as high which also then means you're not going to be able to fly as far launch time reduced a couple of the height reduction players in fact now travel upward at a slightly slower speed obviously because you only reach like a lower height in the air before you start flying away uh they just basically made it so you hit that sort of skydive state at the same time as far as i understand it um could be wrong but uh no no no actually no you do go into the skydive state earlier half a second earlier because of the reduced height that makes sense they didn't make any adjustment to that it's just an effect of the height reduction that's a big one they actually nerfed her tactical and passive more than her alt here which i'm quite surprised about adjustments to newt's hitbox to make destroying it more reliable and new takes 50 more damage from explosives they nerfed horizons ultimate improvement to perimeter security placement system i hope so she yeah um is that her that's got to be a tactical right i hope they fixed that retrieve the wounded increased move speed no way reduce turn slow increase white knock down health weight they buffed the knockdown shield health for newcastle when he uses they want newcastle on the meta it's so clear they really want him in the mata i like it mobile shield increased the hp doubled max movement speed as well cool castleball add a turn slow to electrical barrier effects and increase the severity of the slow effect to movement this is a massive newcastle buff massive absolutely huge that's nuts uh maggie gets a buff oh my god there's so much projector launch speed doubled uh it's not too bad we'll okay wrecking ball we'll travel twice as far while dropping the same amount of magnets this is great i like this good duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds so it can travel a really long distance now you don't need those magnets everywhere because you know once you get the speed boost it's going to last a while dragon ball will deal damage to enemy replaceable objects uh fixed wrecking ball not blinding and slowing enemies so a good buff de maggie uh is still going to just randomly fly into the air at some time so rng there is going to cause maggie to never really get picked much but besides that nice buff rampart now ignores friendly collision on amped cover placement ie placing walls around teammates will feel more smooth oh that's great so many times people stand in front of the door and i can't put a wall down this is really good nice quality of life change caustic fixed gas bumping ramping bug where transitioning from friendly to enemy gas yeah that's very needed you don't want to keep ticking up damage secretly whilst in teammate gas that's ridiculous mirage decoys will now be scanned by valk when skydiving mirage decoys will now be picked up by sears heart seeker fix the bug when whereas decoys were picked up by sears exhibit as ai this is a massive buffer mirage people don't even realize mirage being an actual counter to sia is huge sierra is already growing in popularity and high level play this is kind of exciting to see death totem will now show placement preview when activated instead of placement okay well um pretty useful useless crafting update when any player interacts with a materials harvester all players in their team will be giving them a tourist that's nice remove chaturang's removed hammer points heavy energy and sniper increased laser sight you can craft 25 stock and barrel has been increased scope is a double tap kinetic feeder have been added shotgun bot has been reduced 2-4 acog has been reduced maps okay ooh king's canyon world jet and storm point in public this is interesting ring one damage increased ring one pre-shrink time decreased ring one closing type um hang on a minute the closing time is longer but it does more damage uh pre-shrink time oh they've just cut off two minutes of time for the first ring closing this is big i assume this is only for pubs i don't know but that's really really nice to see uh remove some frustrating final rings at staging that were causing heat loss okay uh yeah new mode map ui element on low screen stuff like winning a champion tags out of the scoreboard added ability to use tap interact pulps i mean there's a bunch of other stuff you can see here bug fixes really really big stuff thanks so much for watching everyone i see you all in the comments cheerio
Channel: The Gaming Merchant
Views: 220,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apex Legends, Apex, Play Apex, apex legends season 14, apex season 14, the gaming merchant, tgm, tgm apex legends, patch notes, apex legends patch notes, apex patch notes, season 14 patch notes, apex legends season 14 patch notes, apex s14 patch notes, tgm apex
Id: vRqdNwmKl0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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