HubDB vs. Custom Objects - Harnessing HubSpot CRM Data on Websites | HubSpot Developer Workshop

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to hubspot's first developer workshop of 2021 let's wait a few seconds as everyone joins and during this time i'll give a quick introduction and cover some housekeeping if you haven't found it yet look for the chat window should be on the right side of your interface there and you'll be able to interact with our team and other participants throughout this workshop so if you found that go and drop in a comment on where you're calling in from awesome well it's great to have everybody if you find this type of event useful make sure that you subscribe to our dev content that includes our developer newsletter and then announcements about special events like this workshop hackathons and other things that are relevant to developers i'll drop a link in the chat but we'll also send out a link in a follow-up email after this event today we're going to be hearing a couple of awesome presentations first ramona henry from our dev relations team is going to give an overview of how hubspot cms and crm work together she'll cover a history of how this interplay developed and a few examples of what's possible today then we'll hand it over to zack wolfson who's going to dive into the difference between custom objects and hub db when you should use one or the other or both after that we'll have a few quick teaser demos of cms apps that were built on top of hubspot crm and cms by devs in our community as part of our app accelerator program this is a program where developers work closely with our app partner team to identify areas of opportunity and then build solutions with support along the way if you're interested in joining a future edition of the app accelerator program check out the link that we're just about to drop in the chat here and then it'll also be in the email that you'll get as a follow-up all right we're just about to get started as we go along feel free to leave any questions you have in the chat but keep in mind that we'll have a q a at the end so the speakers may wait until the end to answer your questions live on camera all right and with that i'll hand it over to ramona hello everybody and welcome to today's workshop where we're going to talk about why is there crm in my cms my name is ramona henry and i'm a developer advocate here at hubspot on the developer relations team so what does crm and my cms actually mean let's break it down we'll be taking a look at how the hubspot crm and the cms interact together and how you can use crm data to make powerful personalized hubspot hosted content like websites landing pages blogs and marketing emails our agenda today looks a little bit like this we're going to start off with a brief history of the crm and cms and then we're going to go through what crm objects are supported in the cms today followed by a look at custom objects and then we're going to walk through the crm object functions that you can use to actually get crm data in your cms and then we're going to wrap it all up with a short demonstration so if we think about the hubspot platform today we have distinct hubs that are interconnected by a powerful crm we have the marketing hub sales hub service hub and cms hub crm is the connective tissue that connects the hopes together to make hubspot a very powerful platform for businesses the crm contains data about contacts companies deals tickets products quotes custom objects and marketing events and today we're going to focus on how the crm and the cms actually connect together so in the past the hubspot cms was pretty basic it featured an inline editor with some responsive themes and the crm was also pretty basic too here's a screenshot from how the crm used to look like so this is what the ui looked like a couple of years ago so both the crm and the cms were pretty siloed and detached from each other but our product and engineering teams got to work and introduce the idea of personalization and smart content to bring the crm and the cms much closer together so what is personalization this is where you can take crm data and have it appear on hubspot hosted content with this powerful connection developers can use hubble in the design manager and marketing teams can use personalization tokens in content editors to add crm data to any content that they're working on by the way hubble is a templating language that we use for the cms and the design manager is a web-based integrated development environment that can be used to build cms assets like themes templates modules css and javascript files so here we can see a first name personalization token that's been added to a marketing email the recipient who received this email will have their name replaced by the name that's actually listed on their crm record in hubspot smart content lets you personalize content even further so in addition to creating smart ctas and smart forms marketing teams can use cms rich text modules or global custom modules to add smart content to website pages landing pages and emails smart content lets you display different versions of content based on certain viewer criteria like what country the viewer is from what device type they're using what referral source they've come from what's their preferred language if they're in a contact uh list if they have a contact list membership or if they're in a certain stage of the customer life cycle journey so that's a little look at the past let's see where we are now so since then personalization and our ui have come a very long way here we can see a marketing email that's populated with contact and event data from the crm marketing teams are using personalization tokens again to achieve that personalized effect if we take a look under the hood of this email template into the source code we can see hubble and html note that the hubble is in the double curly brackets and it's using a chaining method to display property information from the contact object so we can see contact.firstname or contact.location over the years hubspot has expanded its list of crm objects that can be that can be queried and rendered on hosted content this is an example of the products from the product library um being used to render an e-commerce abandoned cart email so we can see the abandoned cart summary cms module here on the left using hubble and personalization tokens to display abandoned cart product details and images which appear on the right in the body of the email next up we have an example of a custom crm object so in this case we can see that it is a website page that's listing property details so we can see an image of the house that's been listed and some details like price and beds and bath over there on the right hand side and we can see that it's pulling in data from the hubspot crm so we can see the property listings table view here on the left hand side this is huge because we're not just personalizing contact data anymore from the crm we're using all of these crm objects across content so we've got contacts products company deal tickets marketing events details we've got quotes custom objects and integrator custom object types one thing to note here that for security reasons only instances of custom objects and built-in products and marketing event types can be retrieved on a public web page any other built-in object type site contacts must be hosted on a page that's either password protected or requires cms membership login so let's take a deeper look at custom objects this is our newest crm object so what is it you may want to store other types of data in hubspot data that doesn't fit into the standard cm crm objects like contacts or companies so it makes sense to create a custom object to store this data custom objects give you the power to store many types of data in hubspot some examples of this are perhaps shipping data associated with deals and products customer subscriptions for a sas company or physical assets like real estate listings like we just saw or job listings for a recruiting company so that's great that we can store lots of crm data in hubspot but what tools do we have to help make crm data appear in cms generated content the good news is that we've got three very powerful hubble functions to help you display and control logic for crm data in the cms so first up is the crm object function so if you want to display a single crm object's properties on a page then this will help you do that using either a query or a crm object id in this example here we're getting event data in particular the event name so in the function you can see that we're asking for the event data and then we're adding the id and then using the chaining method again to get to get the actual name of the event and we can see the name being outputted here um in the output section next up is the crm objects function just note the s at the end of the word object so if you want to display properties for multiple crm objects you can use this function to do so again you can use query or you can use the crm object id to do this so in the example we're again using the events object and we're asking for all of the events in the crm once the results come back we're going to use a for loop to loop through those results to display the total number of events and the name of each event in the rendered output we can see the total number events and the name of of each event that's coming from the crm so if you want to display crm objects associated with your custom object you can use this associations function to do so so if we look at the example we want to get any contacts that are associated associated with the events object in hubspot so again we're going to use the event id in the association function and then we're going to use a for loop to loop through the results to get the first name and the last name of each crm contact associated with this event so we can see here in the rendered outputs that brian darmesh and yaminy have all been associated with this event we also have a crm module field that's worth calling out here this provides a way for content editors to select an instance of a crm object to display or execute logic on its value and it's very very useful so for example if you want to display information about a specific custom object product contact company or other supported crm objects you can use this module field to do so so let's take a look at a demo today we're going to use an example with cars and an online dealership to sell cars so we have created a custom object here in the ui called cars we've created properties to store data about each car so things like make and model vin or our license number body type mileage year and cost are all stored as properties to provide further details about the car and when we click into each instance like i've just done now we can see all of those properties in detail so you can see here we've got two cars in our crm um i've used the custom object api to create the car object and its properties right now the the custom custom objects can only be created programmatically with the api they cannot be created in the ui so i've used postman a tool for testing apis to create this car object in the crm for this demo but our api documentation is highly interactive and you can even create custom objects direct from the documentation so it's worth checking it out so my colleague zach has been busy and has created this website to help sell the cars in our crm so here we can see that the cars listed in the crm are actually been listed here on our website page and it's pulling in all of the car details so we can see images we can see all of those properties that we saw in the crm we can see price body etc and we can see both cars being displayed here on this website page so how does this all work let's head over to the design manager to take a look so to do this we've created a cms module for cars this module is then added to a hubble and html web page template and that's the website that you see online today so if we have a look through the module we can see that it has hubble and html up here on the top and then we followed by a css section down here to add some styling and then followed by a javascript section to add any javascript that we need so let's take a quick look at the hubble and the html code on top here we can see some logic that is that if an image is missing for a car it will add a placeholder image to say coming soon and below that we can see the crm objects function that we went through earlier today so we can see that function here and we're using a for loop to loop through the car results that that are coming from the crm and then we're going to dynamically render those results to the web page and that's a really crucial important thing that we're dynamically rendering results from the crm onto web pages so we can see here that we've got some html so we've got some divs creating the structure for the listings on the web page and we can see we're using our chaining method to add the image the year and all those properties that we saw so we can see model and cost etc and that's what our module is made up of so marketing teams can uh what what does this look like for marketing teams so if we head over to the content editor this is what it looks like for marketing teams so they can actually take the module that we've created and drop it into any template that they're working on so next we're going to going to create a new car and see it dynamically appear in the ui and on the web page so let's head over to postman where i have a car all set up and we are going to run through what we're doing here so it's a post request and i'm using one of the custom object endpoints up here and we are going to be posting details of a new car so we're going to see it appear in the crm and we're going to see it appear on our car website so in this request we've got the object id for the car here we've got the hub account or the portal id for the account that we're working on and we also have a happy key here as well i'm using happy key for authenti authentication today but we also have options for oauth which uses access tokens so let's take a look at the json body that we're using and we're going to send this so this is the car properties that will add all the detail about the car so we can see here we've got things like condition body type year model so we're going to create a volkswagen atlas and it's going to be gray um and we've got an image url here and we've got some notes so let's hit send good news is we get a 201 response and we get some response data that's sent back here and let's head over to our online dealership website and see if it's there so let's refresh the page and there it is dynamically rendered just like that crm in my cms let's go and check the ui and check if the car is there too so we just give this a refresh we can see the atlas has been added and it's joining the tiguan and the golf so yeah just like that you can create uh object instances and have them dynamically appear on websites and it's easy as easy as that so what about for clients and non-developers that you may be working about no problem at all they can create new object instances straight in the ui just like this and they'll also uh dynamically appear on on any hubspot hosted content that they're that they're being directed to so there it is uh that is crm in my cms dynamically rendered this was just a small snippet of how powerful the hubspot crm and the cms can be together remember this is just using one of those clever crm object functions i mentioned earlier the hubspot crm and cms working in sync together so go forth create and innovate and have some fun we can't wait to see what you build dream big thank you for your time today and thanks for listening all right thanks a lot ramona next we're going to be handing it over to zach who's going to dig into hub db versus custom objects when you should use one or the other or both all right take it away zach hi everybody welcome to decisions decisions decisions where we're looking at using custom objects versus hubdb to power your website so here's a quick agenda of what we'll be talking about today i'll introduce myself define the systems we're going to be talking about take a look at what's unique to hub db take a look at what's unique custom objects and then go through a demo to show where the choice is yours and the implication of using one system versus the other so who am i i'm zach wolfson i'm a senior developer advocate on the developer relations team here at hubspot and my job is to give you all the information you need to make the right decision to use which apis to build your app on top of hubspot as well as to take your feedback to our engineering teams to make sure we're building the best apis for you so what are we talking about hub db a spreadsheet like database made specifically for displaying website content versus custom objects and extension of the crm to fit right in integrated with reporting automation and other crm features so what's unique to hubdv what does it mean to be built for the web first well the first thing is it's handling of rich media you have field types as columns in the hub db tables to display rich text content urls image video fields to allow your content creators to input exactly what they want format how they want and still give you the developer control of how it's laid out on the page geosorting now this is a very specific functionality but a very powerful one of hubdb this allows you to input data as latitude and longitude data and then use specialized hub dv filters to sort by location showing things like where the nearest franchise is for your users finally and this one gets a little esoteric but foreign lookups it's a very powerful feature of hub db allows you to establish a parent child relationship between two tables in a way that's just not possible with crm today we're going to be using that in our cars database to show how we can store make some models separate from our listing as well so what's unique to custom objects what does it actually mean to be a natural extension of the crm first it's built into the reporting engine so when you create a new object you can immediately report on it in our cars example this will allow you to easily create a graph of how many cars you have in your inventory by make model year mileage whatever you want it allows you to very easily spin up reports since it's already built into airport builder automation so now you'll have a car specific workflow type that will allow you to when there is a new car created take some automation on it or for example when the price changes on a car you can take some action one of those might be email those who are interested in the car so they can then make a purchasing decision to say aha now it's in the right price range for me finally and most importantly are the people let's not forget that visitors to our website are also contacts in our database or the very potential context in our database now you can personalize your website like never before this allows you to build a very rich profile around somebody and truly customize their experience building out app-like functionality in your hubspot website so what does this actually mean let's take a look at the code behind all of this to show you how this is all put together so i've created two tables two pages here where we have custom objects and we have hub db so they look pretty much identical there's a reason for that i use the same css and all that good stuff for here no problem now hubdb here we can list each one and we can click into each so now we can go here show okay we've got the 1985 volkswagen golf which was actually my very first car and it was very special to me i'm showing off the rich text functionality here by kind of bolding the very we're going to show a distance from the hubspot cambridge office as well as kind of how long it was so some things were calculating some things were displaying raw um all this powered by hub db custom objects here well we created basically the same thing no problem so let's click in same thing so this here is brand new functionality to hubspot the ability to dynamically generate pages based off of crm object instances so in this case i have defined the vin of every car and that's going to be my you know page slug not particularly human friendly but it is something a unique value that we can rely on here to create pages so it works for this design we've got the same kind of information we've got price uh body type here distance from cambridge time since listing all this stuff as well as a favoriting capability now we're looking how we pull that off a little more detail at the end so let's take a look at the code to pull this all together so here if we start with the detail page here's what you know if we're looking at a single hub db row what that looks like here we're pulling in the model from the related models hubspot table so this is the secondary field and we can pull that in this allows us to create a list of models much longer than any drop-down field would allow us to do help eliminate the need for and validate that models are cracked rather than just relying on a free text inbox nice advantage of hub db there here we've got you know prices you know here's our rich text card description and then here we use that lat long feature that we were talking about where we pull in location calculate the distance from my particular location in this case i hard coded in the hubspot cambridge office and we'll do some rounding pretty straightforward a similar idea for the listing date we want to do you know how long has it been since this car was listed on our website we're going to use the between times feature and this will take advantage of how hub db handles daytime objects we're going to have a very similar set of features here on our listing page the biggest thing here we want to draw your attention to is we can use order by location and that will use the lat long feature to say okay what are the cars that are nearest to you i don't want to be driving you know 10 hours out of my way when there was something in my neighborhood that fits my needs so same idea here oh okay that's exactly the same thing here is no javascript required that's pretty nice and i like javascript as much the next guy but if i can avoid it i will so what does it look like on the custom object side over here we can take a look at the module and here's our dynamic page so this is a brand new feature uh it's in beta right now where we can see dynamically created pages of a car so we're on here we're going to save these variables for our javascript in here since we can't have hubble inside of our javascript then we're going to query for crm associations now this is a really really powerful feature and that's what's going to let us use that favorited feature we're going to see if the person viewing this has favorited this particular car and here's what that looks like on the front end so here i haven't i have favorited now if i refresh that favorite will save because i've stored that now as an association i'm going to come back to the how in a little bit so here we have kind of the car image the thing to note here is this is not an image field this is actually just a text field so i don't know um what this is you know ideally i'd have some validation here that this is in fact you know a url that's a reference to an image file you know these are things that the crm just doesn't handle quite yet that hub db is really good at price that's pretty straightforward you know we've got the the style all that good stuff description again this is just pure text not rich text in here so it doesn't limit some of the creative possibilities for content editors and here we don't have anything built in for location or date received we're gonna have to handle that with javascript down below and then here is you know where we're checking out um you know if that car has been favorited so let's take a look at the javascript that we have so it takes all of this javascript to calculate you know how long it's been since listing where if we remember in hub db all it took was between times now that's because the crm doesn't fully support daytime objects now to do lat long we're going to use the google maps geomatrix api which if that doesn't sound esoteric you probably spend too much time in the google maps api and again not a trivial amount of javascript to write and then finally we get to i think what is really my favorite part which is the ability to let your website visitors in this case save their favorite car so how are we doing this so here's the car id the contact id that we saved up here in our hubble area we can reference that down in our javascript and then whenever that part icon is clicked what we can do is we can go and call a serverless function so this is very cool now we can have server-side code executed right from within hubspot this was never possible for a long long time hugely beneficial feature of cms hub enterprise so we also have a similar service function for removing favorites should you know somebody click and want to remove that so let's take a look at what that servos function looks like so first thing we're going to do is we're going to use the hubspot api client that's built in as a dependency to pull in here then we're going to reference our secret so we have our happy key and then we can create an instance of the client and it handles authentication for us so don't worry about that nice and easy we're going to pull out that car that contact that we're going to look at here and first thing we do is check if that visitor is a contact so we're going to call the contacts api and see if we get a response for the contact id um if it is it'll have a created date that isn't the epoch start time otherwise it'll have something after january 1st 1970. um and if it's not we're going to send a message back to the ui saying hey go create an account we can have a screen for doing that i didn't wire that up for this demo but you can imagine what that might look like if it does then we're going to go ahead and create that association creating the car to my custom object called car with the association type car to contact pretty straightforward and then we're gonna um just kind of let our ui know that that was okay and we have a very similar function here to remove favorites where instead of you know create we have you know archive the association so we can remove that and the crm no longer shows that relationship between the car and the contact so we don't display it in their favorites profile now one feature i didn't mention here that is something to keep in mind as you're designing your modules for both hub db and custom objects it's possible to create a field type that will let you select a particular crm object or a particular hub db table row so this is a great for a featured use case for example where you can go and power your marker to say okay that loop is great you know you say it's a loop i don't care you know for loops beyond those markers but what you might be able to do is okay now select something you want to feature from this drop down no code for them required it'll just be basically exactly the same as the individual portion here we're looking at a particular car in this case um you can reuse all the same code and it'll just display one you can build that into the same module or create a different module whatever you want so that's a newly released feature that i do want to draw your attention to didn't put it in this demo just because it makes sense in the flow that i was talking about but you can imagine where you might want to build kind of a featured module things like that so that being said let's wrap things up here no custom objects you can build reports around them you connect your website directly to the super powerful automation engine that's inside of hubspot and it's truly a part of your crm so all the other things you expect to see around object to do a custom object can do you want to build hub db that was built for the web first so it's got some great fields for displaying content you can use parent child relationships today but it is limited to 10 000 rows versus crm objects which can scale into the millions so i hope this helps you choose when to use custom objects and when to use hubdb to power your websites on hubspot thank you all right thank you zach at this time we're going to go ahead and play a few teaser demos for apps that were built using the tools mentioned in today's workshop unfortunately these demos don't go into too many details but feel free to ask any follow-up questions you have during the q a that will come at the end the goal of showing these demos is really just to show the breadth of what's possible when you combine hubspot's crm with the cms [Music] hey there it's john hulk here i'm the managing director of enlighten ic and we're the certified hubspot partner responsible for building ezo ezo is designed to be simple to set up and easy to use all your data lives inside hubspot so no data syncing issues all you need to get going is hubspot cms professional visa also comes with two themes easily lite for people who already have a cms website and simply want to add their products and a shopping cart and ezo essentials for people who want to build their entire ecommerce website with ezo for today's demonstration we will be using ezo premium as we'd like to showcase all the eso has to offer however i should also point out that if you're using eso starter or pro you may see features that are not available in your own plan so no further ado let's jump in so here we are inside the ezo dashboard and this will be the first screen that you arrive at whenever you install ezo and log into your admin portal as you can see on the left hand side there are a number of different pages you can navigate to such as your orders page products customers discounts settings and lastly you can click here to view your shop online across the top we have a number of tiles that will take you to see your orders sales abandon the orders and customers and then we have a graphical representation of this information in the middle you can click here to filter this information by this week this month this year and all time and then we have a handy note section which shows the last four or five notes you may have added to orders in your system along the bottom we've got the five most recent orders and as you can see this is just a new portal that i've set up for this demonstration i've already put one order through that we can look at at a later stage before we go any further i think it's probably a good point now to jump into products we'll look at how we add products to ezo then we'll maybe go into the store buy a product and then we'll follow the order process through so here we are is the product page inside ezo i've already added four coffee products to it each with a range of pricing if i want to add a new product what i will do is i'll go here a modal will open i can add a title i can decide whether i want to make this product featured or not add a short description a long description moving down we get the choice of being able to configure our product options for example are we selling an ordinary product or subscription do we want to track inventory or do we want to offer various product options so now we've seen how to add products to ezo let's come across to our dummy store bean bag and let's look at some of the products that are here where you can see all the relevant products that we've added to the store so here i am and let's say i want to go across and purchase some jamaican blue mountain and here's the product page and i can see oh there's a range of pricing here so if i select small the price will update medium let's take large and let's take two of those and we'll add them to our cart and there's the products there if i had a discount code i could apply it here but let's go straight through the checkout there you go success we just made an order so let's get back in the ezo and let's see the order in our portal so here we are we can see that's the order i just placed a handy little thing is that if you mouse over the details you actually get a bit of a quick view of the order it's the jamaican blue mountains small there was five items costa rican rocket large i ordered two and so you can see that's a very handy way for somebody who's coming into the portal and sees a number of orders and they can very quickly see what's there thank you for watching i hope you've enjoyed today's demonstration i know it's been a whistle stop tour but there's a lot in eso and i've tried to squeeze as much in as possible our plans are to continue developing eso even more so if you have any suggestion or any advice on what you'd like to see please do reach out bye [Music] [Music] we hate to say it but it's getting hard out here for a real estate professional you've got companies that rhyme with willow trying to kick you out of the transaction cobit 583 has been throwing a wrench into showings and when you try to control your destiny in-house you're forced to send clients listing updates that look like they're from the 80s where are all the modern tools to personalize your web presence and help grow the business enter real city real city is a suite of tools for agents and brokerages that harness the power of hubspot and take back control of the real estate game here's how this year will be your biggest yet real city basic adds an mls standard custom object to your hubspot instance in a few clicks yep all 291 properties from number of bedrooms to yard size are available to use however you'd like associate clients with their favorite properties or just have a better way to keep your listings organized everything now lives in hubspot sure you can use our free app build it shameless plug to create this object and the almost 300 fields manually but have fun we'll see in a few hours for those that care about their time a few clicks is all it takes real city plus adds the ability to build landing pages and entire websites and cms hub we've crafted a dozen drag and drop modules and a few starter templates to elegantly display your listings [Music] and your clients can save their favorite properties and searches in their own portal take that willow finally our enterprise package gives you the ability to build a brokerage and a box web presence that is synced directly with the mls easily set your filters to import the properties that you need and let it ride coming soon it's time to shine try real city for free for 14 days we won't ask for your credit card or bitcoin address or anything stop letting the big dogs push you around take control of your real estate empire with real city just another hubspot powerup from appcomist well this was great thanks everybody for uh for tuning in a lot of uh excitement here in the chat lorenzo as you have a question here about where can you see the association between your custom object and your um contacts companies like when you click on the heart on the car where it'll be visible in hubspot that's going to be in the right hand sidebar of the crm detail page so it'll show all your related objects of whatever types you define um so you know this is where you know when you have a contact you'll see the related company um you know any deals that are related it works the exact same way for custom objects um be able to see the related company uh contact in there so when i make that call from the servers function that's where it's actually being shown in the ui next one here is uh for the um john of ezo anything you want to uh add on here i know there's some excitement around the um you know the admin ui and then i also saw some some excitement around inventory management which has been a challenge for our customers for a while can you touch on kind of how you first talk about that i'd like to comment on the the new developer um comment uh that was us for non-developers so no offense to the hundred plus developers in the room how to lose and there's another comment about uh back end versus front end yeah we whenever we install ezo we put in uh four four pages and we put a product page a product listing page at cart and then the admin portal so those four pages are entirely cms pages even admin portal which is password protected and somebody asked a question about uh the front pack nice interface in the back end the front end we give two things one is the ease of light theme these are light themes designed for people with an existing cms website and just want to bolt in their product pages and a cart and then people want to build an entire website with an eso essentials theme as well so they can build their entire one we actually haven't finished it that one yet but we're close we're close this is all all new stuff and uh we're just we're just building every day on this and trying to add as much as possible so there's a question about inventory yep whenever you add your product um you add your advantage for that product but then we very much realize if you have a big list of products there you don't want to go in and edit each product so we um have a tab in the settings section where you can go in and edit there's a table and you can edit every every product one at a time set an order limit um set a uh stock level set a skew and uh yeah so it's all handled there and big use of db tables um so we have we i i think i can preempt the question here that uh a lot of um questions are we using um hub db or custom objects uh there it goes uh there's the question and um we decided from the very start we wanted to make our use case as wide as possible so we actually stayed away from custom objects because that was enterprise only and we felt that we didn't want to limit the size of the market we were going after so we worked very hard to use hub db all the apis i think we're using nearly every api bar the service so sorry for the wrangle um i came in late let's try dance everyone go that's perfect um great let me see what we have next so question from chad about crm custom objects being available on pretty one that isn't on enterprise um so right now it is related to enterprise only um you know there's a pretty strong history of hostile products eventually moving down the stack when they become a little more mature and a little more standard no concrete plans for that at this time but i'll definitely pass your feedback along to the pricing and packaging team let people know are are looking for that okay and jason are we able to use crm object calls on our own website like in a lamp stack or only for the cms that is only for the cms it's a special feature of the hubspot content management system um so if i have a lamp stack and i call php crm object it won't work what you can do is make an api call to hubspot apis to get the custom object data and associations anything like that so you do have to make a rest based call but that's that great um let's see how many custom objects can we create um in terms of definitions um you can create up to 10 different types of custom objects and then there's capacity packs for how many instances of those objects you can you can build okay let's see will there be a video on how to initially set up the custom object this video the initial work was already completed we have this in our docs but um we haven't put that in video form yet but if that's something that um kind of folks are looking for and would be useful we can definitely look into kind of creating a video either in postman or just some script to do that i think we have a comprehensive blog post on that as well step by step so yeah we can add that to the chat too great um uh thurston your question here about can explain why uh what is not working with hubble for emails um most hubble should be working in emails um these days um at least for um a beta but um that email is a bit of a special beast um in the world uh so uh we're taking that approach very very carefully um cool and then how many contacts um haley can connect with your or how can contact um custom objects so we use the crm associations api um just like everyone else hopefully what you saw in the video there made sense um only available marketing enterprise philip yes um dp is limited to a thousand tables and two thousand rows per table as well as have similar limitations um no they're gonna have different limitations you know and this is where we can scale into kind of the millions of instances of custom objects um you know for example um you know with contacts you can go to 15 million for a paid portal so um you know this guy is is a little bit closer to the limit there um so it's a dynamic page from brian here um will the data create a new entry in hub db um you could um you should have a serverless function to kind of proxy that back through and you know create a new entry you absolutely could do that how can they address that notes okay matthew's asking about kind of engagements and how they're different from being custom objects and contacts and deals so engagements are in the process of being split out instead of kind of one monolithic object of engagements to you know a call and meeting a note each being their own crm object so the last piece of that is the association so the team is working on but yeah so you will see some differences but look for our change log a roll out of that hopefully relatively soon but still waiting on the exact tbd in there jonathan asked about the slug is simply an id for the object can be modified to a pretty url you can use any property that is has unique values to true it's a special field on crm properties where hubspot will enforce the uniqueness you can have two of these types of properties for a custom object um i believe it's ten for standard object minus contacts um you just have the one there which is email address um so i chose the vin there um as a the the id um but you don't have to i that was easier for me to think about my uniqueness but you can certainly have a a string that is a little bit um a little bit friendlier to read in the url but you can't like modify it to display something different as the url it will be the value of that field okay i think john answered um diane's question here about two hub db tables um it was one hub db table the second table i mentioned is the parent child just held the models um you know so for every manufacturer of cars they have you know 10 or 15 different modules and that grows over time as you look at the the number of uh over the model years excuse me as models come in and out um so that that's where that was stored since that list is too big for a um like a drop-down field you can get you can blow through a thousand um pretty quickly um a first been asking about rich text property in the crm that idea that will posted in the chat definitely the right place to to go modify that um using date time field in um crm objects rohan um so this is something i i've been asking the team for for a while so again i think i'm going to and making sure the product team sees your ask for you know a time picker so we can display proper date times in the ui to kind of go along with that um that's um that'll be the best way to make your feedback be heard uh i'll of course mention something to the the schemas team as well um alex is it possible use hub db for listing and have more creative options like rich text and embed the use of custom objects inside a module or template um theoretically you could but you'd have to have some kind of linkage between the the hub db table row and uh instance of the custom object it's it'd be pretty hacky like you'd have to put like just a string of the id in there um so you could do it i wouldn't recommend it though um paul yes you can upload custom objects from a csv and then we're back here okay so john similar to what we just talked about um leverage both custom objects and hub db um there's not like a crm object column or anything like that in hub db um so it's gonna have to be just kind of a string or a comma separated string of ids depending on which direction you're going and it gets pretty breakable pretty quickly so not something i would necessarily recommend going on neil is there a how-to guide tutorial to recreate what you've just shown us um not exactly um since this functionality of the dynamic crm object pages are still in a very early beta stage but um that's definitely on our radar to to create um kind of take some of this content and repurpose it for our websites um chris asks what tools are available to prevent pii or other sensitive data stored in custom objects being displayed on public-facing websites or apps pages great question so for any um native hubspot object that aren't products we require you to put that behind a gated page whether this be cms memberships or password protected it won't render otherwise for custom objects though since we can't know what we're talking about there we do allow you to display that information publicly so it's kind of up to your good judgment to make sure that you're not exposing things and then lonnie asked a question for you john could you have a course that you sell with ezo such as a product uh that has a beginning and end dates um as part of the product definition trying to understand that question zach um a course with what so i think uh um instead of selling physical products um could you sell access to like educational content you know where there's a beginning and date at the moment uh this eso does align physical and digital products so what we do is we sort of see ezo as taking the order receiving the payment and then handing off to whatever um digital deliveries required we for ourselves we're using these easel for ourselves so um we're actually providing a sas theme um so whatever user essentials ship will actually have a sas theme as well and that will allow people to fulfill hopefully all sorts maybe even partners selling their own services and they'll be a great way i think for them to manage uh the sign of digital products from inside ease of sweet so yeah courses absolutely awesome very flexible um kurful asks why do we always face issues coors issues while accessing crm apis is there any solution to avoid other using proxy no and this is very much intentional since all of these apis are authenticated we don't want you exposing your authentication method whether it be api keys or access tokens on the front end of your website because anybody can grab that and just get whatever data they want out of your account or delete all the data of your account um so you will have to proxy things through in this case i use a serverless function since it's already built into the the hubspot crm or the hubspot cms but you can use whatever service you like speaking of authentication justine asks about authentication using the hub api key and how can you authenticate through oauth gene just set up an app for that so you create an app and then you can go through the oauth flow um john i don't know if you're still there but somebody asked michael asked what payment gateways um is easo compatible with great good to see you back with us john we did have a question for you um what uh what payment gateway is we're currently striving with stripe but we're looking at whenever we get launched for labor i think that's one of the things we want to do is actually expand that to as many platforms as possible awesome um stripe does feel very popular a lot of people use it um yeah um all right um asks um do we get a link to the source code here of the demos i'm happy to throw my my um source code up on on github here i actually developed it all locally um using the the hubspot cli but it hasn't used that before quick plug for that made it super easy um worked right in visual studio code so it'd be pretty trivial to send that up to github so i'll take that as an action item after this and then um thurston here has a question um do you have language groups in mind when building out the dynamic pages on custom objects but to be base dynamic pages it feels like it's not working perfectly i'm assuming this is referring to like localization so you want to have field values displayed in either you know spanish english french whatever it may be it's not a use case that's uh really covered today um but is something that's worth thinking about i'll definitely bring that up with our team um so i think that's all the questions and we have here um right on time so i just wanted to say um a big thank you to john for hopping on here as a partner my fellow presenters micah for organizing this and of course you all for chiming in and asking such great questions and kind of being involved as we get here so there is a quick poll if you don't mind answering that but i am going to go ahead and turn off my camera and leave you all to it have a great day everybody you
Channel: HubSpot Developers
Views: 1,467
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Id: Bm5xEzZn-LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 56sec (3476 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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