Huawei 5G LIES!

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jajaja i'm nathan rich aka cool cool da Wang you know a lot of people have been asking me what I think about this whole huawei situation there are all kinds of rumors and opinions out there I did a bunch of research on the subject and I think a lot of you gonna be surprised by what I found like every large company always had various random small controversies over the decades but in recent years something explosive has happened some people in the West view it as the scariest company ever but wide way back to 2007 george bush's administration warned against huawei participating in buying because they have shadowy ties to the chinese army and intelligence services no evidence was given beyond that vague and frankly bizarre accusation Huawei is connected to the army you know which companies have been directly connected to the US military and intelligence services Apple Google Microsoft Amazon ATT Verizon and many many more that's because the military has to get their equipment from somewhere what are they gonna do get in the business of creating smartphones of course not in 2009 officials in the UK warned that using Huawei would open the network for targeted attacks again no evidence was presented just a vague scary sounding warning the world mostly forgot about these concerns until suddenly in 2012 Australia banned Huawei from their National Broadband Network citing security concerns and then claimed that farway was involved in cyber warfare you know hacking meanwhile the head of Huawei's Australian board Alexander Downer said the whole concept of Huawei being involved in cyber warfare is based on the company being Chinese and said the whole thing was ridiculous then the US House of Representatives warned of potential state influenced threats from Huawei and advised business owners not to use Huawei products following a 60-page conclusion from an 11 month investigation I read it and let me tell you by large it's a document made by people who just seemed confused about how corporate relationships work with governments in a country that isn't western-style I wanted to go through this thing with you and point out all the stupid in it but honestly it's just too long for them their conclusion overall came from far away not providing them with sufficient information about the role of the Chinese government offices in their company and before you start thinking that sounds fishy take a moment to understand the culture of the country we're talking about China China's a socialist country which places the power of the government over corporations as opposed to capitalist countries which inevitably place corporations over the government so in this country is highly inappropriate and strange to go to the government and demand to see all the paperwork it just doesn't work that way and some of the answers they were unwilling to provide like how specifically they communicate with the government might actually be illegal to disclose but apparently a corporation not having power over the government is somehow evidence that is dangerous in 2012 the White House finished an 18-month review of Huawei and concluded there was quote no evidence of spying by Huawei so anyway by 2013 a Japanese company bought sprint a major u.s. telecom and promised not to use Huawei Technologies note that Japan had no problems doing major business in America but as for China former CIA head Michael Hayden called Huawei a national security threat to the US and Australia he then went on to slam Edward Snowden for leaking government documents proving that the u.s. was spying all along he also said and this is important quote I reviewed always briefing paper but God did not make enough slides on kua way to convince me that having them involved in our critical communications infrastructure was going to be okay did you catch that so far not only has no one anywhere offered any evidence that Huawei is spying or has ever spied but now Michael Hayden is putting the burden of proof on Huawei prove to us you're not a criminal organization and on top of that he admits no matter what they say he will never accept their innocence but you know what I'm sure that if Huawei actually released their source code to all their software security analysts would find tons of crazy things in it hacks backdoors and espionage functions it would be a total risk to national security wait hang on what does that say in 2015 the UK's Intelligence and Security Committee finished reviewing all of Huawei source code and concluded quote there is no evidence that Huawei has presented any risk to the UK's national security so now the UK is clearly giving evidence that they are not a threat okay okay but maybe the phones themselves are the risky things maybe it's hallways lack of security on their phones yeah in 2016 Huawei was ranked quote remarkably well when it comes to security patching with 77% of phones running the most recent patches versus only 15% for Samsa their code has nothing malicious and their phones are remarkably secure so what's the problem in 2017 WikiLeaks revealed the u.s. had discovered security flaws in an extremely long list of products rather than disclose the flaws they intentionally hid them to exploit them for spying how extensively is the u.s. spying on Americans and other countries you asked don't worry they are only spying on people who have automatic driving cars for modern cars with vehicle control systems oh or Smart TVs or Android phones or Sony PSPs or people who use Windows OS x linux solaris iphones ipads microsoft office DVD drives or google oh also people who use telegram whatsapp signal Weibo or most antivirus software like malware bytes or McAfee or any of hundreds of other brands so if you use any of these things or you bought any of these things in the u.s. America is likely spying on you but I'm sure that's just a small fraction of people I mean who uses cell phones computers the internet and cars so if the US government intentionally finds exploits and software to spy on people which we 100% know that they do could it be the very fact that always code for the most part doesn't have these issues is why the u.s. doesn't want their software being run also this next part becomes important later on t-mobile sued Huawei for 500 million dollars back in 2014 claiming that a cell phone testing machine they developed was stolen by far away in 2017 the courts granted t-mobile around four point eight million dollars a mere fraction of what their ask was it was settled in court the issue was done or so we all thought but in a country where corporations rule it's generally not a good idea to piss them off more on that later in 2018 the US government essentially blocked a deal between Huawei and AT&T again citing quote security concerns in this article called Uncle Sam's treatment of Huawei is world class hypocrisy consumers will pay the price the register pointed out the hypocrisy of allowing China build chips for American companies but not to sell products in America themselves as reported that motherboard quote there's no public evidence Huawei spies on Americans but the company is getting blackballed anyway and then because of these vague accusations with no evidence Verizon stopped directly selling Huawei care you know the same Verizon with US military contracts probably publicly described the accusations as groundless and claimed quote competitors are using political ways to try and kick us out of the US market they can't compete with us on the technology and innovation so they compete with us on the politics well honestly I'm starting to agree with them here I mean what the hell has probably done wrong so far and yet the FCC voted unanimously to ban federal funding for foreign companies that were deemed a threat to the US security don't think that was targeting China well the draft of the band was literally named Huawei and ZTE the FCC chairman said the US government had been expressing concerns about national security threats from hostile foreign powers like viruses malware and stealing Americans private data spying on businesses and more which is actually quite mind-blowing when you think about it I mean the US government was caught red-handed doing all of those things and much much more while still no one has presented any evidence the Huawei has done any of it are you seeing this and another thing paulie's response to this was quote our products and solutions are trusted in more than a hundred and seventy countries and regions and thirty years not a single operator has experienced a security issue with their equipment this includes US operators they're still waiting for a reply to that one so then Australia outright banned Huawei and ZTE because quote companies that were likely to be subject to extrajudicial directions from a foreign government could present a security risk in other words because Kwame is not from a Western country they're a security risk and then of course Japan started considering a ban and Canada started looking into official ban of Huawei - why Japan or any of the other countries aren't considered a security risk was never explained so after Canada investigated Huawei their intelligence had said they're anti cyber warfare program is good enough that they should be accepting huawei technology and found no reason for a ban but oh no that's not acceptable the u.s. warned Canada that even though they have an extensive anti cyber warfare program they should ban hallway anyway because their program still won't be enough I mean it's like Huawei is somehow by this point the most dangerous company in the world so how did this shady scary corporation act when it was challenged well they gave their source code to German security analysts for inspection hmm it's strange seeing them act like they have nothing to hide again and again it's almost like I don't know like they have nothing to hide did the u.s. back off no instead they started pressuring their allies to ban Huawei from 5g networks and even considered giving money to countries who refused to sign up with Huawei again I asked why what is motivating the u.s. to spend so much time and money on blocking Huawei so by this time near as I can tell this is the story when while we started moving towards the West with the superior 5g technology the West especially America started making serious accusations that farway was a big dangerous spying hacking company they then found the only evidence to the contrary but double down and after the US was exposed for having one of the most thorough hacking enterprises ever seen on earth which depends on exploiting bugs found in software they doubled down again no it's koala way that are the bad guys for some reason again no evidence is ever presented or even hinted at by this point the public we're getting a little uneasy with these accusations where is the proof so what happens next another double down this time crossing the line from political to criminal the CFO Huawei Milan Joe got arrested suddenly because Huawei violated US sanctions against Iran makes sense case closed wait what how did this Chinese company violate US sanctions again you see most people just read the headlines actually the claim is that Huawei has relationships with US banks and Huawei has an unofficial subsidiary in Hong Kong that has done business with Iran and therefore Huawei has violated the law official subsidiary if I search for the words unofficial subsidiary you know what comes up only this story you know why because there's no such thing as an unofficial subsidiary either it's a subsidiary or it isn't this is like if you were charged for stealing bread because your unofficial brother stole bread what's an unofficial brother nothing it's some guy this is just insane and speaking of insane then the German head of the Federal Office of information security who again had access to all of hallways code declared they have found quote no evidence of Huawei conducting espionage just like the UK did just like the United States did so what does the US do it publicly considers a total ban of all American companies buying Huawei products can you imagine a band where American companies literally can't even buy a Hawley phone again based on what so then the US government files 23 charges against Mohawk Joe and Huawei including for some strange reason t-mobile's claim of IP infringement didn't the courts already rule that case why is it magically coming back years later so again what does hallway do does it become secretive and try to hide no Huawei publicly states anyone concerned would be quote welcome to inspect the firm's Laboratories in China they've offered their source code multiple times inviting people to come and check out what they're doing and they've been more transparent than any Western corporation would do in this situation that's for sure I mean what the hell else can they do I don't get it so then the leader of mi6 Alec's louder warns against a blanket ban of Huawei yeah good there's no goddamn evidence then in one of the most spot-on moments I've ever heard of Eric Xu from Huawei publicly asks quote are they truly considering the cyber security and privacy protection of the people and other nations or are there possibly other motives some people argue that they are trying to find leverage for us-china trade negotiations and some other people argue that Huawei equipment was used in those countries US agencies would find it harder to get access to information of those people or find it harder to intercept their mobile communications yes exactly this guy is exactly correct I mean how much clearer Kansas get the u.s. is spying its ass off with free rein and when Huawei comes along they realize they aren't going to be able to do it anymore and they panic they tell the world that is far away hacking everyone somehow even though multiple security analyst teams have cleared their software and then they start arresting people and trying desperately to get other countries to ban Huawei I'm getting tired of saying this but I just want you to be super clear on the situation all of this drama is based on literally no evidence at all not even the suggestion of evidence but what about this hint that it might be for the u.s. to use as leverage in trade war oh look Trump signals that you would be discussing the possibility for dropping charges against Huawei as a part of a trade deal I mean this Eric sue guy nailed it is this guy a psychic or something no him and Huawei have been living the strange anti-chinese unlawful persecution for years and all they've tried to do is participate in the global market fairly and as transparently as possible I mean how many damn times do countries have to scour their code again and again only to determine there's no threat before the world wakes up to the reality that the Trump administration is playing a dirty game here I'll be living in a world where it's okay to ban Chinese companies and demonize them without any evidence whatsoever now as a side note I want to be perfectly clear about my thoughts on government spying first of all I think there's a big difference between an optimal paradise in the real world in paradise no one would need to spy I agree but here on earth the fact is that all modern governments have to spy on their people to some degree if for nothing else the safety of their citizens that's just the fact unless you're one of those crazy anarchists there's really no arguing with that so honestly I'm not as bent out of shape about America's spying as some people are I think it's pretty normal I'm sure a China spies on the citizens to some degree just like everywhere but after all I've seen and learned the one thing I'm sure of is Huawei is being persecuted unjustly and in my opinion their CFO didn't do anything illegal and should be sent back to China to be honest with you it feels a little weird defending such a large corporation as Huawei because I'm not really a pro corporate kind of guy but it just seems so obvious to me that they haven't done anything wrong or at the very least there's not evidence that they've done something wrong and yet they're being blackballed from every country in the West it's just crazy and no I haven't been asked to do this video by anyone or paid for it in any way these are my thoughts on this situation so think about this video the next time you hear some crazy stuff about hallway think about me asking this question what are the motives and where is the actual evidence here without that there's nothing but obviously illegitimate accusations thanks everybody Jie Jie
Channel: Nathan Rich
Views: 1,514,732
Rating: 4.6451426 out of 5
Keywords: 火锅大王, Nathan Rich, Scythe Tleppo, Huawei, 5G
Id: IfxfdHJ3k9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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