Huang's World - Moscow - Part 1/3

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But, in Russia nigger is like how they just say black. Like. [CROSSTALK]. >> It's actually with the r, too. >> No, I mean it. [CROSSTALK] Tell him. >> Nigger. >> It's normal. It's absolutely normal in Russia. >> It's not offensive. >> It's not America. Different culture. It's also a different language, so like saying nigger is normal. >> Oh, what's that mean? >> It's just like black person. >> It's race? >> Yeah, to black people it's normal. [SOUND]. >> White people, don't try this at home! [MUSIC] You know, so we came to Moscow. Of course, what we had to find was, single black male in Moscow, stranded, from Brooklyn. No lie, these motherfuckers in Moscow were fucking my flow up. >> They don't smile much. >> They're not like really happy people. >> Lev, smile. [LAUGH] >> Hey. We got him. We got him. Russians smiling. We need to see more of that. >> Yo, we about to head to Soviet again to play some old Russian games from like, the 70s and the 80s. It's gonna be great. China Town, China Town, China Town. [MUSIC] It's China Town up in here. So Sasha, what is this? >> It's coins so like a [FOREIGN]. >> [FOREIGN] Like, with all of this what could we buy? >> In Soviet time one coin, one ice cream. >> What about now? >> Nothing. >> You can't even get ice cream. Could you get the cone? Just reiterate what you guys were just talking about, I, I wasn't able to capture that one. Because you fucking arent doing your job. That's cool Sam, that's cool, that's cool, that's cool. All right, this would be enough for us. [MUSIC] >> During the Soviet time, there were lines to play the games. There was nothing like it before. We only had carousels. We never had anything like this. It was made by a special military order. What happened is, when the Soviet Union collapsed, all of the games got tossed. Nobody wanted them anymore. They wanted Sega and things like that. But I always said that this stuff is forever. These games became popular again, only now you can't find them anywhere. Now this hardly exists. >> [LAUGH] [SOUND]. >> Shit, you said way too much! >> [LAUGH]. [MUSIC] Bang, bang, bang. [MUSIC] >> So, yo, what brought you to Moscow? >> What brought me here? Well, to Russia in general, was teaching English and all of that stuff. >> Okay. >> You know? I started making YouTube videos. [SOUND]. >> Today we're gonna have a lesson on how to sound like an American girl. None of your business. Now, none your business means none of your business. My first video I was, like, speaking Russian and teaching them slang. >> Like, what gave you that idea? >> Girls. [LAUGH] >> Oh, you was meeting Russian girls. >> Yes. >> Oh, you was going to Brighton Beach. >> You know there's, you know there's a lot of them in New York City. And, I didn't think no one's really gonna like it. I was just being silly. But, it kinda blew up and now I'm here. They were calling me, business deals and all that stuff. So now I gotta try my bad Russian. Oh! I'm messing up today. The first time I played it, I played it for like hours with this girl. >> Yo, Russian chicks fuck with black dudes heavy out here? >> Yeah, half do, half are crazy about it and half just don't like it at all. >> Racism out here is a little different. In America, if they're racist you hear a lot of times like, black people do this, you know? >> Yeah. >> They commit crime or whatever it is. But, out here it's like, I don't like the way they look. >> Yeah. >> I don't like that they're here. >> It's like that primal racism, that caveman racism. >> Yes, But, they usually make an exception when you're American. >> So, they kinda just like the American bit about it. >> Right, you can't tell- >> It's not like white college chicks in America. >> Nah. They want the pipe. >> It's different. I mean, but. Oh, that's a dead. >> Damn. >> Yo, you gettin fucked up. >> Getting fucked up on camera. >> Oh. >> Damn. >> Damn, son. >> I'm making black people look real bad. >> I'm making Chinese people look fucking crazy good right now. [NOISE]. >> You know this is real. >> That was not fun. Aren't we going to eat now? I'm starving. >> Well, we're about to have some shashlik. Shashlik is like the Russian barbecue kind of thing. It's this kind of food that they have on a metal rod and I hope you don't mind some beer man, we gonna be drinking. >> No, I prefer vodka. >> You prefer? >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, Asians get farty with the beer. [LAUGH] Yeah, I need that vodka flow. Popo is a peepin' right now so we better just flip. >> Oh, there's cops now? >> Yeah, they're peeping at us just now so we gotta. >> Where? I don't even see them, ninja [CROSSTALK]. >> Yeah, but especially with the New York hat, the shades, and the chains, you know, they want, they want come up real quick, so they'll just holler at us over anything, anything. >> Oh wait, they will just snatch you on the street and try to get bread off you? >> Yeah, yes, they want bread. That's what it's about. >> Oh, wow. >> They'll come at you, be like, ask you questions. But, I mean, it's all right, there's no such thing as racial profiling in Russia cuz it's Russia. You know, it's normal. >> Everybody gets jokes. >> Everybody gets it. >> That's crazy to just be robbed by police like on the daily, yo. >> Yeah, but you could stay out of trouble if you got mad paper. Anything you do you got money you stay out of trouble. >> Yo, that's fucked up, though, like only people with bread. Broke people, stay at home. Russia ain't for you. [LAUGH]. >> I don't wanna bust my ass on that. >> Damn. This is mad slippery here. >> Hey. What's up everybody? [CROSSTALK]. >> You guys are all English students? >> Yeah. >> So, Volvo who owns this yard, entered this yard into a Moscow competition for the best yard, and we are right now, officially in the number two yard in all of Moscow. [MUSIC] So, this is the shashlik? >> Yeah. >> Nice, man! >> In Russian culture, if you skewer something, you make kabob. It's call shashlik. >> yes. >> Oh, that smells good! >> This is a leg of lamb. Lamb from Dagestan. Marinated with spices. Like coriander, cumin, and pomegranate syrup. Like coriander, cumin, and pomegranate syrup. >> Russian cuisine. Coriander, cumin, these aren't the most common things but this is his recipe. Modern Russian food right here. [LAUGH] New Russia. Russian food, I like it because they don't over-season it. They keep it very light and creamy. Mm. He's very, very smart to use the pomegranate syrup. You need that kind of sweetness to take the musk off of the lamb. And then, with the coriander and the cumin and the onion, it has a bit of a Yemenese flavor to it. This is delicious, man. This modern Russian freestyle. He gonna have all of America screaming, I want shashlik! Now, I'll show you how to chill your beer. [MUSIC] [LAUGH]. >> Modern Moscow is very, very different from what you're. >> Stereotypes. >> Stereotypes. >> What do you think it is about modern Russia, modern Moscow that is different. >> Well, you can see the difference between Russia' 90's and 2000's because they are very modern. They are, they look like Americans. So, we don't have anything very, very stereotypical now. >> Do you like that? >> Yeah, because people become much more nice because they smile and they share a same culture. Because if you speak about Russia of '90s, it's like, lots of bad guys drinking vodka, being very rude, looking down to everybody. >> Yeah. >> Nobody speaks to everyone. [MUSIC] >> I think as Americans, we carry guilt for exporting so much of our soft power, because you're worried that it's gonna swallow up the rest of the world. But, to talk to you and hear how like, it's kind of opened up your guys' personalities and minds a little bit, it's cool. It's redeeming and it like, makes me happy to be from America. Yo, nice to, nice to meet you though. >> Nice, nice to meet you too. >> It's really nice to hear about, like, how Russia is changing. [MUSIC] Yo, so we at the Soviet vodka bar right now. And, this is the grill that they operate outside of the bar. It's straight wood fire. And, this definitely beats like, a New York dirty water hotdog. So, we'll do a Bavarian sausage and a Russian bun with mustard and duck sauce. Wow. This is amazing, the Bavarian sausage with the Chinese fast food condiments. I'm doing this from now on in America. I'm going to Greys Papaya with a gallon of duck sauce and hot mustard. You know what this is? It's a communist dog. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] These are some really strange women. These are some ugly broads. >> But, niggers like chicks like these. >> I understand, I see. >> I also noticed that there were some really hot chicks there, but the nigger went for these broads for some reason. >> Where? Where? In Anna's backyard where we filmed earlier. [NOISE]. >> That's why he went for them, to be 100% sure that he can score. This is all very strange. It's not strange, it's a show about... I'm telling you he is a cool, funny Chinese guy. [MUSIC] What is the difference between a traditional vodka, and then what is other vodka? >> In Russia we make our own vodka, and it's always much better than others. >> What is it that you do to make it better? >> In the end of 19th century one our. >> Of vodka. >> 1894. So, the standards just made sure like certain like maybe purity levels, numbers of times you distill it. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> And so, that's what makes it standard. >> Yeah. [FOREIGN]. >> Still burns like a mother fucker. Oh, wow. >> [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] [MUSIC] >> I've never been this fucked up on set. [SOUND] [LAUGH]. >> No New York. This is Moscow. [MUSIC] >> [SOUND] I just want to go home. [MUSIC] It's redeeming to me to see these young liberal Moscowvites that wanna understand African American culture. But, from my perspective, it's disheartening to watch Filisco, who seems to be haphazardly exporting these stereotypes and stigmas into a foreign country that doesn't have the context to process what it's facing. Whether it's guns, sex or ebonics we're talking about, they need to be accompanied with education. >> Say, for my niggas. >> No, no, no, no. >> We have a global problem, and my show's included. All of us wanna know more about each other and we have a desire to understand where we're from. But, in that quest, we gotta resist the temptation to allow any individual or singular voice to speak for an entire community. Whether it's Russians on a hot mic, a black Brooklynite exporting Ebonics, or just a China man in a tiger suit who's stuck in the middle. We can't be lazy and pass judgment based on any one voice in the village, fresh off the boat. Moscow, we out. Next up on Fresh Off the Boat. [MUSIC] Man it's depressing on the Russian subway. [LAUGH]. >> Ya, this is our exit sorry. >> All good. >> Yeah, this is us. >> See like this dude? He looks like he's half fixing the road, half trying to take a shit, like. >> [LAUGH] In China, Sen, you were supposed to grow up like this, the farmer chicken lady. >> This is my chicken. >> Just do the chicken stance. Fucking aspirational society, B. Fuck paying homage to the working class, pay the working class. [SOUND].
Channel: Munchies
Views: 890,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Huang's World, Munchies, Munchiestv, vice videos, underground, Michigan, world, how to cook, anthony bourdain, vice presents, epic mealtime, x2, part 3, part 1, interviews, lifestyle, exclusive, moscow, old, fresh off the boat season 2, interview, videos, journalism, cooking show, documentary, culture, Fresh Off the Boat, cooking, food show, funny, FOB, season 2, vodka, russia, Food, vice, Detroit, vice guide, eddie huang, vice news, vice magazine, Big Baby burgers, documentaries, funny videos
Id: unJngK-6zxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 29 2014
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