HTML Form to Google Sheets : Send Automated Email

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hey I'm going to show you how you can link your website contact form with Google sheets and set up an email automation so let me show you what I'm talking about this is a contact form and if we just fill out the information here and click send okay so it's submitted and got redirected to a particular URL and next if we check the moment the form gets submitted given a notification through email and the person who actually submitted the form but also get a thank you message so let me quickly show you how exactly this can be set up so father's we are going to use Google sheets so that is how we are going to manage the database so I'll just open sheets here and the second thing that we are going to use is Google Forms and forms I will create a new form let's call it [Music] whew [Music] [Music] and we'll go to the template section of zero budget flow scroll down to sections there you will find the template for contact form here it is just open it in an editor [Music] ok so we have the HTML form here and we have also added the JavaScript for validation so right here you can see there's a JavaScript for validation so you can decide what validation that says you need to show so the way we have set this up these fields cannot be left blank if these fields are left blank or if there are any weird characters that are put in then a validation message would show so in this case this is the validation message is enter your correct name our name cannot be blank assuming the live a phone number it cannot be blank or if there are any invalid characters then it would display this message the same goes for the email address as well now let's scroll up so and that idea behind this is we're going to use Google Forms but we are going to customize it completely so that the website visitor they will never know that we're actually using Google Forms in the backend so for this we have we have to make certain changes here now we have already set up the Google form with the same fields that we have in in here in the HTML form the next thing we need to do is need to guru's settings here and uncheck this [Music] save it now anyone can just fill in this form the next thing we need to do is just click on preview right click view page source okay now this can be pretty intimidating but we can we can just ignore all this gibberish we have to a very certain steps here and just do it ctrl F and I'll search for form action there is only one entry here so there's the form action and just after that there is a link so we need to copy this link everything between these inverted commas let's copy it go back to the editor and sure you can see update Google form URL so just update the link okay now we have defined the form action next we have to define the name of all these input fields so you can see there's an entry and a certain number so this is this is the entry that we have to pull from the Google Forms when you go back to the source code and now we'll just type entry there are three entry codes here an easy way to evaluate this is like just ignore everything and just look for whatever text is there in black so here you can see its name and followed by the entry code for name similarly there's email followed by an entry code so what we need to do is we just need to papi this go back to the editor and we need to paste it here [Music] repeat the same thing for email and phone [Music] [Music] okay so we are almost done here one more thing that we need to change is like after the form is submitted or what is the action that we want to take so we have to redirect them to a certain page now you can create a custom or thank-you page for that or you can just redirect them to your home page by default it gets redirected to is the location and guess we do a 2-0 version . club so if you want them to go to your home page or any particular website or in the particular webpage you can just put that link here so let's run it okay now let's guess the system the redirection won't work in this editor but rest of it foot so let's step in test one put an email [Music] click send [Music] all right it's done now let's go back to our Google Forms here you can see there's one response click on this so the response just got registered with that spreadsheet and here you can see whatever is entered in the contact form will automatically get populated in the spreadsheet in real time now this is just half the work done what we want to do is once an entry is created in Google sheets we want a notification email to be sent to us so that we can be notified that there's a new leaf that has come in and the second thing we want to do is we also want to send out a thank you email possibly with a pitch or maybe a calendar invite so for that we'll add on that we are going to use it's yet another mail merge so I already have this installed if you just you can just look go to get add-ons and such or yet another mail merge I'll find it just install it there once done you will find this option configure form submission notifications just click on this so there are two options here one is for notification and another is to notify address submitted by the forum so this is what we are going to use for sending out the ein to email and this is for the notification email so injurer just here and under email template now this is pulling the drafts that i have saved in my in my email so if I go to the draft section here [Music] so I have just saved draft [Music] and we also have a drop for thank you message here it is [Music] so again you can say this is the format to pipe in a particular value so we can personalize the email like this so what this would do is it could automatically pull whatever is typed in the name section and we just personalize the email all right now let's go back to our Google sheets and in here we'll just click on form submitted others one more thing that you need to check so when we save it in draft we also have to specify the recipients so in here whenever a form is submitted these two emails will get notified so make sure you save those in the recipient field and then just close it so that it remains safe in the drafts [Music] your formula find email addresses I will select the iQue email template and here we need to select email sender name let's just make that over jet flow and there's a tracking option also available in here so you can track which emails have been opened or if any of those emails have bounced so it's also a way to validate if the email addresses that you have collected out whether they are genuine or not let's check this safe and we are done so let's test it again my email address [Music] all right I flicked twice so I just got submitted twice here all right so it says the more status email sent see if we have received a notification email [Music] so against the lead name the number now let's check the time unit emails [Music] so this is how the system works now we can also make it a bit more advanced so with this process just one email is going to be sent after a form is submitted what we can do is we can also set up a drip campaign so after the form is submitted immediately one email goes out and then we can schedule other emails as well so without any manual effort let's say you want another follow-up email to be sent after two days or after three days and let's say you want the third email to be sent after that's the five days so an automation like that can also be set up or that of course will use a different software I'll share that in my next video if you have any questions please comment on this video subscribe to our channel for zero budget solutions and hats
Channel: Zero Budget Club
Views: 40,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: html form google sheets, html form to database, html form google spreadsheet, connect html form to google sheets, html form data to excel, html form google script, html form data to google sheet, submit data to google xls, how to use google drive as database, submit form data to google drive
Id: dOIUClmtlcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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