Hozier on the Late Late Show - 03/27/2020

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[Music] welcome back well look this situation is hard on all of us but it's extremely hard and our very young people over the next two weeks Irish music superstars like Dermot Kennedy pictured this Gavin Jane's kodaline wild youth Daniel Riley and many many more we're going to perform each night to raise vital funds for the is PCC child line I'm thrilled to welcome the wonderful hozier into our studio tonight and he's also joined by Caroline O'Sullivan who's director over is PCC child line and Alex Ryan is on keyboards thanks so much for being here hos you so go to you Alex - you're going to start and you're just going to sing straightaway for us off you go [Music] all of us got humour she's the giggle at a funeral knows everybody's disapproval I should've worshipped her sooner if the heavens ever did speak she's the last true mouthpiece every Sunday's getting more bleak a fresh poison each week we were born sick you heard them say not such offers no absolutes she tells me worship in the bedroom you only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you I was born sick but I love it and me to be will [Music] amen amen [Music] take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife instead thing good God let me give you my life take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife offer me that deathless death and good God let me give you mine [Music] if I'm a pagan of the good times my lover's the sunlight to keep the goddess on my side she demands a sacrifice three see it's something shiny something meaty for the main course it's a fun looking hours but you got in the stable we've a lot of starving faithful that looks tasty that looks plenty this is hungry work take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife offer me that thing good God let me give you mine take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of you I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife offer me that that's their thing good God let me give you [Applause] masters or kings and let's you begin no silly innocence in our gentle sin listen sir sadly seed [Music] human [Music] and clean [Music] [Applause] Hey [Music] take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife I was so beautiful for the trees I'm Oprah there's a dime here and just for people at home who can manage it you can donate 4 euros just 4 euro by texting the word childhood to five zero three zero zero but ladies happy birthday thank you much Paddy's day it was st. Patrick's Day yeah what a quiet one well you know as you can imagine but it was really lovely Hipps restful yeah it's great you're here tonight thanks for being here and I know it's largely also because you really believe in Childline no absolutely absolutely yeah and I know it's through its through Caroline Danny my manager who does a lot of work with Charlie and that I began to do a bit more work with it and something that I always think is I suppose it's quite unquantifiable is the legacy of an abusive childhood or a childhood it's something that stays with somebody for their whole life and it's something that affects all of society I suppose it's something that that they will take with them into their relationships moving forward and and the the children that they might have also and it's very hard to know where where that the way the legacy of that ends and a child having somebody to speak to or having access to therapy early on is is I suppose immeasurable you know cuz Caroline I find is really astonishing that so many children are ringing up child on right now since the schools closed because they're so upset or in very difficult circumstances yeah I mean charleen has always been busy I don't think we've ever had a quiet day but we have noticed a massive increase but clearly since covert 19 started and when the schools closed so initially there was a 20% surge and we thought wow there's children are really worried here children are really anxious but since st. Patrick's Day so from your birthday onwards there has been close to 60% increase in our online based services and when we're talking to children online and asking them you know how they're doing they're contacting us online because they don't want to be overheard so when they were ringing us on the phone they were afraid that somebody would hear them and look we know that this is impacting in children all over the country we were nervous ourselves about what's happening there's levels of anxiety across the country but you place that on a 10 year old or a 12 year old or a 15 year old and that weight can sometimes be insurmountable and then put that weight on the child who's in a domestic violence scenario a child who's being sexually abused physically abused emotionally abused and they're living in that fear and when you consider that these children were living in that two months ago or three months ago they were able to leave that home and go to school get breakfast in a breakfast cope go to an after school club that was their sanctuary but now there is no sanctuary they were in this environment and it's incredibly difficult and thankfully Childline is there to support them it's just so sad think of these children actually 10 to 15 that's a really vulnerable age as well absolutely it is I mean a ten-year-old is so childlike and a 15 year old while they might think that they know the world and they know everything it's a huge amount of anxiety and children are actually so worried about what's going on they're so worried about their grandparents they're so worried about their parents we've had children contacting us that are so upset because one of their parents are going through chemotherapy and they're worried that they might get the virus and pass it on to them so they're just being incredibly thoughtful around us and actually when you consider what they're going through themselves particularly that percentage of children I'm speaking about that are at risk yeah this pandemic has disrupted all of our lives but for these children that level of disruptive disruption is traumatic and can have lifelong effects just like holes your whole universe it's really good then the you and I mentioned earlier all those other Irish stars tell us about this you're involved in 2fm is involved as Wow yeah so to a families in I was airing the livestream today which is just fantastic and yes it's wonderful and so what we have lined up for the next few days anyway is Dermot Kennedy who's yeah credible incredible talent Gavin James absolute superstar picture this cold line wild youth yeah I had Tony O'Reilly as he said from the corona so they're all really putting their shoulder to the wheel for this and they'll all be doing a set this this evening I did assess at 7 p.m. and so at 7 p.m. for the next few days and I think the next week or so it's kind of stay tuned we'll keep this going but em how are you dealing personally with what's going on at the moment I mean obviously you can't do concerts yeah I'm checking do you find it difficult or not I was very fortunate in that I'm not touring this year so I had no plans to tour this year and it would be very very difficult for independent musicians in particular people who had plans to tour I know of cases of musicians who were mid-tour that they were funding themselves you know or if you had an album to promote that's something that's planned a year in advance or and that's that's a campaign that lasts a while so there's a lot of artists who who would be you know whose work would be very much disrupted a lot of freelancers as well - I'm very lucky I'm very very fortunate I wasn't towing this year and and and I'll be I'll be okay you know but so personally and I think for me yeah I've just been reflecting on you know yeah you know I would be worried for my folks like anyone else you gonna do another a second song was you actually gonna do 3 boiled but listen but I was listen to Mary Wilson and right on the other day interviewing our president and he says he washes his hands singing a hozier song did you hear that I dude I heard I was so sweet yeah and I'm a huge admirer and yeah what are you gonna sing for us now a song called Shrike which is it a song about the second album it's kind of okay if you go yeah take your time over to Alex Ryan thanks so much for being here [Music] I couldn't not tell my love when I counted but I'm singing like a bird I didn't know I couldn't whisper when you needed it shattered but I'm singing like a bird voted no the words horrible world form lekha cray at the final [Music] is the shriek to your share memories thorn [Music] and I was founded holding that goodness is good with you now then I'm gonna let you my virtues on counted oh my goodness is good you know I'm following your phone and hung like the path of some crazy [Music] is a shake [Music] I fled to the city with so much discounted [Music] but I'm flying like a bird Tina [Music] but I'm trying like I was but I was transformed [Music] they are grounded and giving and darkening scorn [Music] Wow again there's such a privilege as well it's just myself in Caroline crew it's like no audience it's like an amazing feeling Thank You Caroline do you want to say something ask hoes he's gonna sing a very special song for us I'm not even to say what it is in a moment just say there anything you'd like to say apart obviously you can't extra people at home it's only four year old make a big difference texe childhood five zero three zero zero really it's so so important and Childline gets very limited government funding we absolutely rely on the public and we know that the public has always come to our aid before and we would hope that you would do the same so if you can afford that four euro please do text the word childhood right now our alternatively if you prefer not to text you can telephone we have volunteers in our offices tonight you can ring 1850 50 40 50 if you prefer to do this over the phone any help you can give would be greatly appreciated okay Karen thank you very much for coming in you're going to sing the part in glass aren't you which is such a beautiful song yeah yeah if you if you'll have it so yeah we'd love it and actually I'd like to dedicate it to just thinking all the people who've lost their lives to this virus but in particular the health worker who died today owes you absolutely okay in your own time he's spending [Music] to me for labor for wonder me know they can't so fill to me the parting good night hon joy be with you all the comrades there a there sorry for my he going and of all the sweethearts that area they Dilys me one more day to stay but as it for unto my nameís go nah I gently raised and Asif recalled good night do I be [Music] wow that was such a beautiful rendition of that so comforting for so many people thank you so much thank you to you thank you to you can are aligned thanks so much for coming in that's it from us for tonight we are gone but we are not leaving you are ta are tes on air will remain on air and we'll be with you every single step of the way through this pandemic we love rolling live broadcasts and radio television and online morning noon and night are bringing colleagues in the RIT news and current affairs are working around the clock to deliver trusted facts and advice tune in to a special edition of morning Ireland tomorrow morning between 8:00 and 9:00 don't forget that RIT homeschool launches on RIT to next Monday at 11:00 continue to play your part please wash your hands cough and sneeze into your elbow practice social distancing and self isolate to give us all a fighting chance older people tell the younger ones to do as younger ones help the older ones to do it Ryan we'll be back here next Friday for more from the Late Late Show until then please mind yourselves mind each other thanks so much for watching and you are [Music]
Channel: MorganaMoonstone
Views: 37,052
Rating: 4.9797297 out of 5
Keywords: hozier, andrew hozier byrne, andrew hozier, hozier byrne, hozier cover, alex ryan, The Late Late Show, Hozier the Late Late show, Take Me to Church, TMTC, TMTC Hozier, shrike, hozier shrike, the parting glass, the parting glass hozier, never give up on a child ever, nevergiveuponachildever, ISPCCChildline, ISPCCC, ISPCC
Id: 5J5oT_Wpzss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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