Hozier discusses new music and being a lesbian icon with the Klein. Ally. Show.

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good morning Klein Alley's show Hosier is back with us here at K-Rock Hozier what's up dude nice to see you we were just reminiscing about some Glory Days where we first met you almost nine years ago and I said Ali this guy's not going anywhere fast we'll never see him again no you did not say that no it's a nice guy and uh and that song I still it's kind of crazy right when you write something you don't know like you're still going to be having performing it and having people be like that's I think five billion streams or some crazy number like that yeah you exploded all over again on Tick Tock recently yeah it's you know it's cool people are still you know enjoying the music and and that song has just became something else you know it's that I that I ever thought it was going to become when I first wrote it so I feel very fortunate to kind of watch watch the music still fine people and and it's like a whole new generation now nearly this I mean that was like nine years ago yeah it was crazy because I went and saw I went and saw you at the Troubadour um it was that last week and fantastic show obviously any show at the Troubadour is going to be amazing but I mean your vocals are always out of this world and one thing I did notice was that I was sitting next to a girl who looked like she was probably 20 years old and then to my left was a couple that looked like they were in their 70s and everybody was like equally jamming out you know and and it does kind of trans your music really does hit a lot of different people and maybe I mean I don't know why you think that is but it's kind of some of your music and it kind of had that got bluesy classic feel and other in some of it the other music is very experimental right and seems very modern yeah I I've been kind of blessed with like a broad you know like yeah like just a there's a kind of a broad tent of of a lot of listeners and I think what I'm what I'm fascinated at the moment is exactly seeing people come to the shows or or meet me after a gig come to we did some sort of meet and greets some sort of in-stores and they might have been like 10 years old and nine years old when when that song came out we a support artist I'm one of the one of these kind of club shows on this club Show run who was 12 years old and it's like it's funny because you're like oh that that really ages me but um at the same time it's just it's so amazing that it's it's it's it feels like it's um yeah exactly that there's it's kind of across a future I know you're a very deep thinker and we'll talk about the new album and we're going to play your new song as well I'm not a deep thinker so I'm just curious do you ever get uh like inspired by something really stupid like you're like that could be a song even though it's something stupid oh yeah you do 100 right like what's the dumbest thing that you've been like I could make a song out of that um uh I don't know if I can yeah can I um so there's a song called there's a song called moment silence on the second record and it's because somebody misinterpreted a lyric and take me to church and I decided and I remember looking at genius and it was through some sort of promotional thing somebody was like okay check out genius.com and somebody's like you know breaking down and and analyzing the lyrics and there's one line in this and it's the something media for the main course uh line uh that's a fine looking high horse and somebody was interpreting that on this morning radio but and then I was like that's not what I meant but if I was if that's what I did mean ah this is this is like I'll do you one better uh Diane I know people always want to say whenever we have people in the Carrick Studios it's always great when you get to talk to your fans uh Diane Hosier is with us hello hi what would you like to say I want to say first off that I'm a big fan and I was inspired by your music to actually go back to music and I started to sing again and hopefully I could do a show soon I would say quit right isn't that the advice no um hey Diane how's it going I'm so glad um I'm so glad I think that's a I think that's a gift I think um I'm I'm honored that you would uh that you'd you'd you'd tell me that and um but yeah I don't know I think in any capacity like like I I'm trying to remind myself that even just even for myself like engaging in music is like such a an amazing thing in my life and I'm so glad that you've done that and I wish you all the best that's I'm excited for your first your first show I think she's asking if she can open for you at the Hollywood Bowl in November is that doable or no just say yes yes let me go and get the old dial again we don't like to hog all your time we have questions from fans Allie some questions for the great Hosier and then we'll get on to the new song uh the new album which comes out in August by the way a lot of stuff going on for this man yeah um 714 had a question for you Hozier um if given the opportunity what would you rather write a song about skinny jeans or Chipotle food poisoning oh food poisoning I think there's already been some songs about skinny jeans so it's like I feel there has been and then 562 wanted to know since your birthday is technically on St Patrick's Day do you get double the free drinks um I kind of do yeah I mean I wouldn't it's just it's your birthday so it's like and everybody's always up for a party and no you know what I mean it's like um but if you're it's your birthday on St Patrick's Day in Ireland you're like it's my birthday they're like yeah sure whatever like do they believe you it just doesn't matter whatever we're all drinking anyway it's I suppose everyone's up for a barbecue and no oh yeah it's a national holiday no nobody works on St Patrick's Day yeah so it's actually like a bank holiday so everybody has a day off on St Patrick's Day that's great well Klein you have your birthday is on Thursday everyone has that day off hungover and miserable they don't want anything to do with me no one's excited what was you against the complete opposite of that uh unreal unearth which will be out on August 18th uh people are already raving about it we've got song we're gonna play right now uh eat your young would you like to tell us about that yeah um yeah I actually wrote it in LA I I kind of I I think when I first started jamming the demo I was like locked in a hotel room with covet so it was a it was a it was but it was this idea that I came across to kind of write a song from like what you might call an unreliable narrator so like a voice in a playful way to write a voice that's sort of joking about not even joking but celebrating taking anything that you can take and uh relishing in sort of in abandoning any thought of of the future if that makes sense but it's funny when I'm in a hotel room I just order wings and I was just writing songs so here we go this is exciting on K-Rock oh you do that too it's good to know say that word one of the same uh let's enjoy this on K-Rock uh the great Hosier with us look at every single phone line here is somebody that would like to either tell you something or win your tickets let's start by giving away some tickets to this show which sold out very quickly at the Hollywood Bowl it's funny I could have sold out within like 10 minutes when we're a fan we don't get tickets we get very disappointed um but as an artist when you when you're told hey good news it sold out in five minutes that's got to be the greatest feeling ever right it's it's cool it is cool and I think for the bowl for the Hollywood Bowl that was always a big deal for me to play so when you hear that you're kind of I kind of give a sigh of relief hey uh Natalie hi hi uh hoster's got something you'd like to say to you hey Natalie Hi how are you I am I'm so happy to hear from you but yeah go ahead I think we have we've got tickets for you Natalie for the Hollywood Bowl do you want to come to the show oh my God yeah yeah let's talk about it more doing it thank you Natalie you there Natalie oh thank you thank you very generous I've been reading a lot of I mean it is pride month and I see every year mentions of you because you've somehow become this lesbian icon and it's something that you Embrace and that's all Ali ever wants to be is Ali wants to I want to be a lesbian icon I've never had a headline like that help Ali be a better Legend how do you do it and if we were gonna re remount Lilith Fair would you headline it yeah I mean 100 um I I couldn't tell you how how it sort of happened or how you became a better lesbian than me let's have a lesson I'm just kidding Hozier uh before we say goodbye to you and thank you for stopping by giving us music we have this uh we have this garbage trash Museum that we have and every time a famous person comes by the K rock studios we usually take a piece of the garbage they leave behind and then we're going to display all these for people to see oh that's cool what would you like to contribute and leave behind as part of our brand new celebrity trash Museum I I've left a kind of a Danish of some kind of oh happy yeah good Danish and it's probably the best Danish I've had in in maybe all year that's good we need more perishables that's good collection I love it thank you for stopping by the great Hosier and of course the album which will be out in August we'll talk about as we get closer to that uh anytime you're in L.A man open doors thank you so much
Channel: KROQ
Views: 48,848
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Keywords: KROQ, RADIO, MUSIC, NEWS, BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE, music news, album, hozier, klein, ally, klein and ally, klein ally show, interview, eat your young, hollywood bowl, lesbian
Id: guyh0KL0noE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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