How you should use your hips in tennis

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hi guys today we're going to talk about hip rotation and especially how you should use your hips or your lower body when you are playing tennis and when you're playing in an open stance or in a closed stance I know that most of you heard that you have to rotate your hips into the shot that there is a drive coming from the hips and so on but the reality is that if you do use your hips in that way let's say you're standing in a closed stand and then you rotate your hips with your shot you're losing total control off of your shot the way that you should use your hips is you have to kind of push into the ball so you push into the ball but you mainly use your upper body rotation you use your coiling and uncoiling and if you were to use your hips this way then coiling would not work let's say I'm trying to coil my hips and my shoulders but in reality I just turned right now right so then if I try to use my hips I would just get all of it out at the same time so that doesn't work so for example if you're playing in a closed stance you came up to the ball you step forward the way that that you should hit is not like this the way that you should hit is here you hit and after you hit then you step with your right foot and you push yourself back to the middle the same goes on your backand you move up you do not go like this you go like this and then you go back right so you're trying to stay low on your feet and obviously you want that movement into the ball so that's why like if you play in an open stand that's where you can actually push your hips more into the ball by pushing them forward this way right if the ball is here I push my hips then I can step and then the coiling works right the same with the back hand if you're playing in the open stance you can do the same thing you push your hips into the ball to move forward on your close stand you kind of have you also want to have this drive into the ball but it is a little different you have to stay low you transfer your weight and then after you hit the shot then your leg goes forward and the same on the back hand first you hit and then your leg goes forward so for example if we were to move side to side this is how it's going to be like you run to the ball then you have to have a movement into the ball then your leg comes out and you recover same on this side you run to the side you step into the ball you hit your back leg comes a little later like with a lag make sure that you don't run and turn like this right and the same on this side turn because that way you lose complete control like you're trying to use your hips you're trying to uh hit the ball harder but the reality is that you're just losing control and again the coiling will work only if you twist your upper body against your lower body on both closed and open stance so if you notice if I'm hitting in an open stance here I turned my upper body and then I turn this way and my hips actually turn the opposite way in order to support and control that upper body rotation but if I play in a close stance that means that my leg is already here so it helps me from over rotating but because I have so much force going forward then my leg comes out like the back leg because I'm hitting into the ball right the same goes on the back hand and if I hit in an open stance I'd actually even have one extra step you see this leg still comes forward because I'm hitting so much into the ball also it is really convenient for your back leg to go out to the side so you can push yourself back to the middle but that's already another video it's more about the recovery so stay tuned and maybe the next one will be about that so in conclusion when you have a movement into the ball try a avoiding using your hip rotation going using your arm and your leg at the same time but rather than that you first hit you stay low and then the back leg comes out naturally and the same goes on the back hand hope you enjoyed this video please like And subscribe and we'll see you guys soon
Channel: RevolutionaryMotion
Views: 15,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: use your hips in tennis, how you should use your hips in tennis, tennis hip rotation, how to use hip rotation on the forehand, how to use your hips in tennis, leg drive tennis, forehand leg drive, backhand leg drive, forehand technique, forehand mechanics, how to transfer weight on the forehand, kata, clemens, revolutionary motion, how to stop hip rotation in tennis, why hip rotation is bad, hip push tennis, how to use the core in tennis, core on the forehand, forehand lesson
Id: 5J4cx5ZiunY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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