How Working Remotely Will Change More Than Work

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For me its about having more choice where you get to live. I don't think people think this through enough. This could literally be the difference between having enough money to retire on or not. Sure if your on a VFX supe salary of course your not worried about this, but for the other 99% having access to a cheaper cost of living could be life changing.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/clientNote 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Once this is over, it won't be long before VFX is claiming it's different and we all have to get back. Middle management want the control. Just look at Weta, they couldn't wait to stamp out WFH.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/carefulnow27 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I totally understand a lot of people don't like WFH.

To be honest, some companies have embraced this as it solves their scaling issues that is very common in VFX.

At so many of these studios they go for "open office" concept which in my mind is just as distracting especially if you get chatty colleagues.

We also get kids shouting in the background for some of zoom meetings but we all just smile at it. I think most people understand that.

The public transport network in Vancouver is not the best and the 1 hour + commute is something I don't miss.

Personally I am glad that companies would not frown upon WFH or hybrid options atleast if that is something that employee would like. I am aware of two companies in Vancouver where they were allowing a WFH for some employees even before the pandemic.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/IndianKiwi 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

The only people I've heard that don't like WFH are the ones that have loud pets and kids at home. .. mostly everyone else loves it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/F4810 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
Remember when Monday mornings were like this? They're a bit different now. While those of us lucky to be working are now doing so from a spare bedroom or a kitchen table, the Coronavirus has forced a sudden and mostly successful pivot to working away from the office. While the circumstances are unwelcome, there are some benefits to this style of working. You have a more content workforce, a more motivated workforce, and also a more productive and efficient workforce as well. So when the Coronavirus is behind us, will our workday ever be the same again? We spend a lot of our time traveling to work and for most, the commute is getting longer all over the world. Globally, two fifths of professionals consider the commute to be the worst part of their day. Commuting has been found to be a major cause for stress that impacts on our physiological health and as well, wellbeing. The total working day gets longer, you get less time at home, you do less exercises when you have long commutes, you also cook less healthy food. I followed Swedish couples over a 10-year period and we found that commuting long distances to work over one hour increases the risk of separation. Overall we find that it's a 40% increase of risk of separating. Before the pandemic, approximately 25 million U.S. workers spent more than 90 minutes getting to and from their jobs every day. In South Korea, one in four workers has a journey that long. One of those people is Park Jong Han, a manager at a major telecoms company. Basically, I throw away three hours of my daytime just to get to work and to come back home. Since February, SK Telecom has instructed its employees, including Jong Han, to work from home, or if suitable, to work from smaller, local offices in the surrounding neighborhoods of Seoul. One of the mobile offices, if I walk, it takes about 15 minutes. I truly appreciate the time, and it actually comes back to motivation to work harder. It's not just time, it's very quality time that I spend instead of you know, getting stuck in a bus, stuck in traffic somewhere, you cannot compare. The amount of time that I spent with my family really increased, you know? During lunchtime, I can have lunchtime with my son. Have you just shortened your hours and you're able to go and, like you said, exercise more or do you find yourself working more as a result? Because it's been too long, I totally forgot about it, but in the very beginning when this program started, I was exhausted actually, during the first few days because there's no place for rest, right? Because I need to work anywhere, wherever I go, my mind was always on work and when I talked to the teammates, they actually felt the same, in the beginning. But after a few weeks, I think everyone found their own way to work and now I know how to adjust, you know, myself into, you know, work mode versus rest mode and so on. So losing that journey into work could be good for us. But research claims our commute can also provide us with a means to separate our personal and professional lives And in a world of 10-second bed-to-laptop commutes, that's a chance for some me time. But while journey times were already generally on the up, more of us were actually starting to commute less thanks to a relatively new trend: Flexible working. Increasingly we have seen people remote working from lots of different locations. There has been a reluctance to encourage flexible working, perhaps because managers see it as a loss of control, it can be quite difficult to manage people who you don't necessarily see on a day to day basis, there might be concerns around efficiency or productivity. And is that a bit of a myth, or is any of that born out in fact? What we found is that productivity can actually improve as a result of flexible working and there isn't necessarily any impact upon the business, if it's managed effectively. There's quite a lot of benefits. There is an opportunity for workers to have more autonomy over their scheduling, over when they work and where they work and when people have that degree of autonomy, it does lead to a workforce that is happier. You may have flexibility over the time that you have to go into work or the time that you can come home so that you're able to avoid rush hour traffic and if you're working from home a few days a week or completely at home, then obviously you can avoid the commuting altogether and there's also benefits for employers. A study by Harvard and New York University found that for those working from home, the workday is 48 minutes longer, probably replacing that time you spent commuting. There's significant benefits for organizations that are able to manage these kind of processes effectively. So what actions can organizations implement to harness the power of flexible working? They need to have very clear processes and procedures around operating flexible work so that everybody has the same expectations. One department allows the majority of their employees to work flexibly and another department which is led by another line manager who has a different view, then you might find that flexible working isn't as supported as much. You need to treat people consistently and in a fair way but you also need to recognize that there can be individual differences in how people adapt to flexible working. It will suit some people but not others, so you do need to have a degree of flexibility yourself as a manager in how you manage teams and how you manage people. And this flexibility can lead to productivity. A two-year Stanford study of 1,000 employees at one company found that working from a home office resulted in a 13% increase in productivity and 50% of them were less likely to quit. Despite this, half of them still wanted to go back to the office nine months later, even though their average commute was 40 minutes each way. Another survey conducted by Bain and Company on its own employees, found that productivity increased for some thanks to no commute and an ability to focus better at home, but also decreased for others due to a lack of work mindset and a dedicated workspace. So perhaps we'll start to see a more hybrid style become the norm, where for some days we work from home for specific solo tasks and others we travel to the office to meet and collaborate with the team. The changing nature of our working lives has already led to many white-collar workers leaving the city or moving further out, to find more space, some greenery, or to escape the urban beeps and bustle. One person who misses the commute is Alice Shay, an urban planner and designer. I miss riding the subway. Riding the subway is one of those incredible experiences in New York City, it's got its highs and it's got its lows, but honestly, the subway system in New York City is one of the greatest levers for equity that we have. It is one price to get all the way across the city. Many of us are now working from home, you know, or at least for a couple of days of the week. Will where we live drastically change, do you think? We're in a moment where commutes can be zero, so what does that mean for how we are distributed across our settlements and urban agglomerations? I think it provides a lot of flexibility for certain workers, it's true, but there's other ties that keep people to place, right, it's not just about commute, so that's one factor amongst many. Access to services, access to family, access to the culture that keeps the city alive or your lifestyle interesting. So the city as we know it isn't exactly going anywhere, but it might change in the way that we use it and the way it works? Our street infrastructure and streetscapes can be reconfigured in a time of social distancing when we're understanding that private cars may not be as essential as we thought they were. We posited that if you took the streetscape in Manhattan, which is equivalent to four times the size of Central Park, reconfigured it in a way that actually looked at streetscapes as being about space for mobility and distribution at a bigger scale, so how do we actually decrease the number of cars and what are the opportunities that come with that? So increased space for pedestrians and walking, more effective distribution systems, buses could run at least twice as fast getting people around the city in an equitable way. The transformation of the way that we use our streetscapes could also enable better delivery of urban systems. Is there an opportunity to build more equality in cities, you know, key workers for instance who aren't doing jobs on a laptop right now, they have to be in those areas, don't they, you know, no matter what? I mean you bring up a great point. Service workers, essential workers, they are geographically bound. Mobile healthcare could be distributed more widely, more equitably, particularly if there's government and public drivers behind the way that that is distributed. We're also seeing massive changes in the way that retail is happening, right? Many, many shops are closed. When we have times when cities are more porous, when there's flux, when you know, the real estate sector isn't so saturated, that porousness allows for an opportunity for microentrepreneurship and also new innovations at a kind of small scale. You know, small businesses that are starting up, food trucks that are gonna be distributing food across the city, different types of services that operate in different types of places. Our changing relationship with work could affect where we live, too. It could accelerate a move to what's known in urban planning theory as the polycentric city. Polycentric city would be a place where you can work, you can live, you can recreate, you can have your social life, your family in a more local and distributed way. In cities like Paris, it's known as the 15-minute city, where daily necessities are within a 15-minute reach on foot or by bike. You reduce transit times, you reduce GHG emissions and also you provide more equitable, more sustainable access to services by this more distributed city model, but that's not to say that you need to live in the suburbs, right? So what's to say the office can't come closer to us? I think going forward, companies will need to support workers in that externality and it could take many forms. Does everyone wanna work from home? No, some people like going to a place, commuting, how are companies that usually would say come to our main office, oh now actually we have a set of sponsored co-working spaces across the city that are closer to where you live and can decrease your commute and maybe you go to those spaces three days a week and you come into the office two. I think we're gonna see a whole range of new types of work as people have gained confidence in the efficiency of work from home during this time. Since the virus outbreak, serviced office brand Regus has already seen a surge of more than 40% in activity in New York City commuter hub southern Connecticut. In the U.K., house builders are seeing developments outside of London driven by a change in home office working. While experiences and jobs vary all over the world, many workers have come to expect change. More than 90% of people in a recent survey said they wouldn't return to the office full time after COVID. There's reasons for employers to embrace the change too. Some already are. Twitter and Facebook have said the switch could become permanent for large parts of their workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shock waves through the world of work. Having an on-off relationship with the office could make us happier and more productive, while also helping the environment and making our cities more livable.
Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake
Views: 832,328
Rating: 4.9097934 out of 5
Keywords: News, bloomberg
Id: nE2NT_Wt46A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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