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[Music] nishikoi colored carp is the national fish of Japan treasured for its Vivid Beauty the fish is named for its resemblance to the silk brocade called nishki thanks to its scale patterns of many colors [Music] thank you nishikoi are the only ornamental fish bred in Japan their graceful beauty is a symbol of Japan known worldwide [Music] the nishikoi is Japan's national fish people of all ages love the graceful way these fish swim [Music] they are also called the world's largest Garden fish their amiable character and large yet gorgeously colored bodies make them popular overseas too [Music] their beauty uh they're very uh Serene they're very calming I love the fish because to me they are not only pets but they are living Jewels so it's kind of my hobby to be around and to be busy with them at home also I have my own pond so it's really it's my hobby the Majesty the the size the the the way that that's biggest doesn't uh doesn't bully the smallest they live in Perfect Harmony together very beautiful they really reflect everything life should be like but we find them very relaxing for people who have a stressful job nerves and things you sit and watch swimming nicely a cup of tea beer second or whatever [Music] [Applause] fans of the nishikoi not just for their colorfulness but also for their elegant form and graceful movements so distinctly Japanese [Music] non-japanese call these fish swimming jewels of art embodying Japanese tradition and culture [Music] America Europe was first to appreciate them the UK to be precise that was about 30 years ago recently nishikoi are becoming popular in Southeast Asia as well there is more and more interest from countries they have never reached before you have so many varieties with no two fish having the same coloring kuhaku are red and white the golds are yellow are by far the best type of ornamental fish because of this wide range of varieties loved worldwide for their unique beauty and graceful movement nishikoi are a symbol of peace because they do not attack one another they are also said to be lucky and to lead to success in life [Music] these fish have reached 50 countries in Asia Europe and North America and the demand is still growing [Music] nishikoi are known outside Japan by their Japanese name including the names of many varieties Japan is proud of the warm attention its National fish received globally [Music] devotees of nishikoi from all over the world gather at annual shows to trade many varieties the shows range for major events held by trade associations to small ones at clubs or shops shows organized by producers are held in many locations from October [Music] shows are also held in the UK Germany the Netherlands and other countries attracting tens of thousands of visitors shows in China Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries have great opening and awards ceremonies with royalty and politicians as guests Japan also hosts its largest all-japan koi show around the end of January to the beginning of February foreign are swimming Jewels we should appreciate again their grace and beauty [Music] [Applause] [Music] nishikoi were first found in Niger becoming the national fish of Japan after years of careful breeding they are now global ornamental fish loved by people in many countries the national fish of Japan loved worldwide their beautiful silk brocade-like appearance and graceful way of swimming underlying their status as Global works of art formed from Japanese tradition and culture
Channel: All Japan Nishikigoi Promotion Association
Views: 7,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MPlSu0Nb6x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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