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If you are going to ask “What is the most important agenda item in the technology world in the first quarter of 2023 in one word”, the answer is, artificial intelligence. It is two words though. Then in one acronym: AI! The reason is very clear. Let's talk in data. In this table you see the speed of technology companies reaching 1 million users. It took 3.5 years for Netflix to be used by 1 million people. Twitter was able to attract the attention of 1 million people in just 2 years. ChatGPT, on the other hand, started to be used by 1 million people just 5 days after its release. But it didn't stop there, the number of users exceeded 100 million in just 2 months. While you are watching this video, many companies and organizations are integrating similar technologies into their own systems. So now Pandora's box has been opened. The artificial intelligence race has begun. "Should we be surprised by this? Should we be afraid of this? Will we lose our jobs?" It's too late for questions like these. We already talked about these 2 years before ChatGPT came out. Subscribers will remember that we analyzed it as soon as it was released. Since then, I have been testing how we can practically adapt this technology to our lives. Because that's the most important thing now. Those who can adapt themselves will gain an advantage in the competition. Once upon a time, computer literacy provided this. Those who learned to use Office programs, Word and Excel, immediately wrote this on their CV. Now a new era begins. In this new era, those who become artificial intelligence literate will gain advantages in school, at work and in life. This is the vision part of the job. However, in this video, I will show how I use this technology concretely and practically, rather than a vision. I will explain, one by one, with concrete examples how I have adapted artificial intelligence to my own work during the active experiments I have been carrying out in the last few months. And you will be able to make similar experiments immediately. I said that many applications integrate artificial intelligence engines into their own systems. One of these is Notion, a very advanced note-taking application that I have mentioned several times before on this channel. I did all these experiments with the help of it’s new artificial intelligence tool, Notion AI. Now I will give you a usecase scenario first. Then I will show how I turned artificial intelligence into assistant intelligence in this scenario. SUMMARIZE / ABBREVIATE WITH AI. While researching the videos on my YouTube channel, I come across long articles. I need to quickly scan them and find the parts that interest me and summarize them. Let me give an example from astronomy. I found an article about Neptune's rings. It was explained very carefully. However, it is quite long for my purposes. I copy the text and paste it into a page in Notion. Then, I select the entire text, right-click, and click on the "Ask AI" button from the menu that pops. From here the purple commands guide me on what this can do. With the "Make shorter" command, I shorten the text in a way that does not disrupt its main structure. Here, it reduced 7 lines of information into two sentences of 1.5 lines. The "Summarize" command summarizes what this document is about. If I want, I can apply the same command not for the entire document, but by selecting the parts I am curious about. Since it works with the Large Language Model system, as in other artificial intelligence systems, its English skills are much more advanced. I also use it when answering e-mails. REPLY EMAIL WITH AI This is one of the hundreds of messages that land in the inbox of my e-mail box every day. Most of the time I don't even have time to read let alone reply. I may ask it to summarize these as in the previous example. But even better, I can get it to answer. I tell Notion AI to “write a decline answer”. It prepares a good answer. If I don't like this answer, I can change the text tone. Change it into a friendlier answer. What did It do now? It softened the tone of the text a little more with some expressions such as “I really” or “unfortunately”. If this is not enough and you wish you had given a slightly longer answer, that is also very easy. This time I chose "make longer". And this time it gives the same answer with the same meaning, but longer. I don't know about you, but for some reason, I tend to respond to such a long e-mail in the same length, probably out of empathy. But this is actually a very bad habit. Thus, we prepared two alternative answers. We can choose whichever we want to use. PREPARE MEETING NOTES WITH AI I'm sure this feature will interest employees very much. We very well know the long notes taken at meetings, right? Although there were lecture notes passed around at universities, but whatever. While researching some content, I come across similar notes. For example, NASA's science committee meetings. Just the notes of one of these meetings held on May 3-4 alone took up 29 pages. Let's select all of these like this and copy and paste them. It all came in a mess. But it is OK. I can ask the artificial intelligence to simplify its language by saying “simplify language”. This is a very important need for such technical documents. If I use the "Explain This" command, this also explains it to me. But there is another, much more important need in meeting notes. Well, we've talked this much, what are we going to do now, right? The "Find action items" command analyzes the notes and finds the parts that can be implemented. Moreover, beyond writing them as a bullet list, item by item, it places small checkboxes next to them. In other words, it prepares a kind of "to do list". The reason why I prefer Notion among artificial intelligence tools is that it offers such format advantages. As you can see, our action plan is ready immediately. For example, let's say "translate the Turkish" to translate one of the items into Turkish. Let's format the translation visually as "callout". Then let's grab it and move it to the side column. When artificial intelligence comes together with these and similar formatting tools, you can quickly create such documents and texts. PRINT WITH AI When it came to creating texts, we always went through existing ones. We can ask it to write something even when there is no text. In a previous video I made on the subject, I asked ChatGPT for something like this: There I said, "Write a short story in the style of Orhan Pamuk's novel, blended with mystery, love and philosophical puzzles in 19th Century Tokyo." I asked the same thing from Notian AI. As you can see, it also nailed it. It also put a heading in Heading 1 style. After I finished, I could continue with the “continue writing” command. But instead, I rewrite it with the "Make longer" command. Frankly, this method seems like an easy technique to me. So, if you have the ability and muscles to write things like stories, novels, essays, etc., do not weaken them. Use artificial intelligence to make your writing better, I would say. WRITE BETTER WITH AI Let me now show you an example that I use to polish the text I write, especially in English texts. Here you see the letter I wrote to the person who invited me to an event. I can make the writing better with the "Improve writing" command. Or I can correct spelling mistakes with the “fix spelling & grammar” command. After a few tries, I can prepare improved and longer versions and compare them. Normally, I was already writing the first version myself, with all its flaws. The contribution of artificial intelligence was that it was able to offer me such options. In this way, I did not cut corners, my muscles did not weaken, and I did not dull my communication skills. Therefore, with the support of artificial intelligence, I was able to quickly prepare different versions and make comparisons between them, and I think the ideal relationship between machine and human should be like this. It is not my alternative, but my assistant. Let me give you another example about this now. CHANGE TEXT TONE WITH AI I have partially shown it before, but as a human being, sometimes, under the influence of our emotions, we can use expressions that we do not want, that go beyond their intended purpose. Moreover, when conveyed in text form, it is very open to misunderstandings. For example, let's say we wrote something like this. “There's not much I can do about it. I think we should do it another way. Previous attempts have always failed. "We need to use a different strategy this time." Now, we may have written something like this to our colleague or shared it on social media, it doesn't matter. Artificial intelligence can offer us options that can understand and change the writing tone here. I don't think I need to say that you can easily translate this into English or any other language. But more importantly, we can use the "change tone" options. When I told him to use a "Friendly" tone, it immediately added "hello" at the beginning. And instead of getting straight to the point, it started with something like "I have a few thoughts on the subject." Then, as you can see, it softened the ideas by adding the words "maybe we should do it this way" and "maybe we should do it that way". But if you think there is no need to wiggle around, then you can also ask it to write “straightforward”. As I said, it's good to have options in front of you. ANALOGY WITH AI Let's say you will prepare a bilingual presentation in English and Turkish. This will be a presentation on economics and you need to explain what inflation is. The easiest way to request something from the artificial intelligence in Notion is to press the space bar. “What is inflation?” we ask. It gives us a beautiful definition. We're not surprised by this anymore, are we? We will get used to it. Just as we need to get used to living with earthquakes, we need to get used to living with artificial intelligence and adapting to it. Now, to make this simple question more sophisticated, I add this: “provide an analogy to explain inflation in simple terms." Analogy is a very important art of speech, my friends. We, as humans, can understand and explain our problems better with analogies. Let's see what it will compare this concept to. It is very nice. It established an analogy over a balloon. Now let's translate it into Turkish so that everyone can understand it better. As I said, it gives much more successful results in English, but it also offers some tools to solve problems in Turkish. I select this word, which is translated as inflation, and ask the artificial intelligence to correct it. And yes, it translated the word into Turkish by correcting it as enflasyon. You see the balloon analogy, right? "Inflation can be compared to filling a balloon with too much air." "As you continue to add air, the balloon grows larger and becomes increasingly difficult to hold. Similarly, as the cost of goods and services increases over time, it becomes more difficult for people to afford them unless their income or savings increase appropriately to cover them." In order for us to understand the truth better, it compared it to another object and explained it to us by establishing relationships and parallels between them. But we are preparing a presentation. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We can also ask it how we can visualize this. Let's ask, how can I visualize a balloon simulation in a Power Point slide? “One way to visualize the balloon analogy is to use a picture of a balloon being filled with air and add the text inflation next to it.” Well, well, well... “You can also use an animation to show the balloon getting bigger.” It even added in parentheses, "Air representing rising prices." “You can then add a text box that explains the analogy in more detail.” It probably means Caption here. Wow, that's a great idea. Let's go to the bottom line and add an image from the menu that opens with the slash sign. We can use our own images here, or we can search and add anyone we want from the Unsplash service. Most likely, in the very near future, other artificial intelligence models such as Dall-e and Midjourney, which can directly prepare such visuals, will begin to produce them instantly, and in this way, they will prepare animations and even videos if necessary and be placed in our presentations. That's why it is so important to be able to quickly adapt to such a rapidly developing field. NUTRITION PLAN WITH AI Now I would like to give some personal usage examples. You know, the questions about what to cook or eat for dinner never end. It can become stress source. Instead, I wanted this from Notion AI. “Create a healthy 7-day meal plan consisting of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Make each day themed around a specific country of your choice. “I need to eat between 1800-2200 calories a day.” How was it, specific enough? Are you ready? Come on, prepare it. Whoops, this was very detailed. I'm going to stop now and ask it to give it in a shorter format. Yes, and our plan is ready. It chose Italian cuisine on Monday and Turkish cuisine on Tuesday. Now, if I want, I can print it or use it as a PDF. But more importantly, as you know, we are faced with a very important problem since it also includes Turkish cuisine. Let's ask this right away: "Is menemen prepared with or without onions?" As you can see from the answer given, artificial intelligence still does not have a full taste. This is not the case bro, choose your side. With or without onion? TITLE IDEAS WITH AI I do not use the example I will show now. But since I am aware of such a possibility, I am showing it to you. Maybe it will be useful to you, maybe some of you may consider using it. Here's what I wrote: “I prepared a YouTube video about adaptation to artificial intelligence. Give me 10 title ideas.” As you can see, it is done immediately. But I can say that these are very standard titles. Would you click on a standard headline like “Artificial intelligence and human behavior”? You wouldn't click it, would you? Unfortunately, such standard titles are no longer useful today. Should we look for the problem in ourselves? Anyway, with the titles selected, I want this from the artificial intelligence. “Turn these headlines into clickbait.” What is artificial intelligence? I will tell you the truth! It will surprise you! You should definitely read it! We explain facts you've never heard! You won't believe me but... Well, that's it. I wonder if we have become the type of people who only click on normal headlines when they see things like this? Artificial intelligence actually holds a mirror to us, to our society. Anyway, we will talk about these topics in another video where we will also discuss the philosophy, but I honestly did not like these titles. let's say “Make these headlines more sensational!”. Are you ready for this information? Information that will shock you! We show the new face of the world! Thank you for adding your own comment at the end. “I hope these sensational headlines will excite you even more. Good luck!" Thanks. But I will leave this feature to some TV channels and news sites. Let them continue to attract attention with sensational headlines. My audience clicks, watches, likes and shares without the need for such click baits, right? Of course . Because if you don't do these, unfortunately, no matter how much quality content we prepare, it won't even be displayed in front of you by these platforms managed by artificial intelligence algorithms. BRAINSTORMING WITH AI Another example of a healthy relationship with AI is brainstorming. It's already the first option that comes up when you press the space bar in Notion. The more specifically you define the brainstorming topic, the clearer the results will be. For example, let's ask it again about the practical applications of Notion AI, not any artificial intelligence. Then let's translate it into Turkish. As you can see, it listed the usage areas mostly for the business world. Here, by creating subheadings such as customer service, marketing, health education and finance. Everyone can choose a topic according to their own needs. And again, for example, I said recently that I wanted to prepare a quiz. I even announced it in a video. Can you help me with the preparations on this matter? QUIZ WITH AI Let's start with a simple request. Prepare a quiz question and give the answer. As you can see, done immediately. Probably because I made my request in Turkish, It chose the question and the answer from Turkey. How do I know it did this? Because I made my first attempts in English. In the form of Trivia Questions. Therefore, it prepared more general questions. It asked and answered questions such as "Which is the smallest country in the world?" or more generally, "What is the most abundant gas in our planet's atmosphere?" If you pay attention, we see these questions, but we need to press this triangle-shaped button to see the answer. This is again one of the formal features of Notion that I like. That's why I change the question we just prepared to Toggle list and hide the answer below. Now that I have done this, the new questions that I will prepare afterwards will be presented to me in this visual form. Moreover, I do not need to do it one by one. Our quiz is ready as soon as I say ask 10 similar questions and answer them. If I close all the triangular buttons, only questions remain. After guessing the answer, I click these buttons one by one and learn the answers and compare them. Whether I won or not. Now let it prepare 20 questions in only one category, for example geography this time. But 20 questions this time. Here, both our questions and answers are ready in the same format. In this way, it is possible for us to produce as many questions and answers as we want in any category we want. Well, can it raise questions from a much narrower area? Let's try this now. PREPARE QUESTIONS WITH AI Do you know what we will do? We will take information about Hermann Hesse, one of my favorite authors, from a very detailed Wikipedia page and add it to a new Notion page. There are 14 pages of information here. Now look, it's not history, geography, science; Specifically, I will ask it to extract questions from this long article about Hermann Hesse and prepare details. After selecting the article, my request is fulfilled as soon as I say "take 10 questions from this article and answers" with the Ask AI command. I think both teachers and students can use such a feature. Such a method can be used especially when preparing for exams or wondering if I understand a subject well. Well, can we ask it for more specific things to prepare for the exams? Let's try this. EXAM PREPARATION WITH AI Since I am a technology person, a request came to my mind. Prepare a 6th grade information technologies course exam. Prepare 10 questions for the exam and give answers. And here is a sample exam ready. I don't know how compatible the content of this question is with the curriculum, but perhaps by making the question more specific, it may be beneficial to students and teachers, at least at the preparation stage. Let's try the test format now. PREPARE TESTS WITH AI Prepare an 8th grade science test consisting of different question types with answers and solutions. Let it be 20 questions. And our 20-question multiple choice test with the answer key is here already. Look, as we experiment with artificial intelligence, if you pay attention, our skills are also improving. We get to know it as well as ourselves. We learn to ask questions and define our requests specifically. You will understand much better what I mean in this example that comes to my mind. THANK YOU ANSWERS WITH AI Let's say you had a birthday celebration at home and your friends brought you very nice gifts. You also want to write and send thank you messages to your friends one by one. Where I live, We usually send these out in the form of physical thank you cards. We prepare and send them to each other by mail. The method is not very important. But you have a purpose to write the message specifically for that friend and the gift he/she gave. Now, since this is an imaginary scenario, you will see that I will assign artificial intelligence to make up even these names and the gifts they give. I will say; Make up 10 names and write gifts suitable for the name next to them. Look, as soon as I command, it listed the gift suggestions in the form of a list. But I didn't like this format very much. I wonder if I can have it prepared like an Excel spreadsheet? Let's try. Prepare a table with 10 rows and 2 columns. Write a name in the first column and a gift in the second column. As you can see, I write whatever comes to my mind and whatever I want. And our table called "names and gifts" is ready. Remember, this was not our main goal. We really wish that our friends with this name really brought us gifts. But as you can see, we can even make the part up to this point done. So we have it write the script. This is important because you will need such imaginary simulations to improve your skills in your trials. You can even ask them from artificial intelligence. Now we can format this table using Notion's classic tools. We can add a new column to it and write our thank you notes there. Or we can even ask artificial intelligence to do these. In the 3rd column of the table, write a short poem thanking you for the gift. I don't even say notes, I say poem. And now our table is completely ready. As you see, my dear friend Ayşe brought me a book. So I'll send him this note to thank him. "I read the book. I was amazed. I had a pleasant time thanks to you." Now look at what I want to draw your attention to here. What Deniz brought is written as "music CD" in the gift column. However, in the thank you note it does not say "I listened to the music CD" but CD only. These types of language models produce results that are so surprising and convincing because they mimic human usage. Of course, this also has some risks. You have to be careful. We should not entrust our minds entirely there. I'll show you that in the next example. When I prepared a table with names, gifts and thanks, I immediately thought of the name place animal thing game. Let's do that. NAME PLACE ANIMAL THING GAME WITH AI How was it? Make a 20-row table with name, city, animal, plant, item, score columns and fill it in starting with the same letter. Let's see if it can do this. Before we say it, it is done already. Well, well, it filled the score column too. Look, it placed actual scores there, not just words. But we don't need them right now, so let's delete them. But let's say that it is very impressive still. We need to get used to this and save ourselves as soon as possible from the similar illusion effect it creates in some cases. Because if you pay attention, although most of the table is filled in properly, in some cells are filled with nonsense. For example, we do not have a city called Poland. Right? as far as I know. So, even though there is a town called Polonezköy, we know that Poland is a country. In such cases, if you are working as a team, you should immediately paste the comment. As you can see, I pasted the comment "It's not a city, bro." Do you know what came to my mind when I said 'pasting a comment'? Of course, the comments you wrote. Can I have artificial intelligence analyze those comments? COMMENT ANALYSIS WITH AI You write beautiful and valuable comments under my videos. I received such nice comments under the last video I posted before. Thank you very much for these. Now I select some of them and copy. Then I paste it as is into a new page I open in Notion. Look, as you can see, these came in a chaotic manner, without any order. In fact, some parts are in Turkish, while some parts of the interface remain in English. The names are repeated, written twice and so on, but I leave it at that. I told you, I literally spilled it. I don't bother with formatting or trying to understand or anything like that. I do not have the time. Artificial Intelligence should save me from such burdens, right? So I tell it, my new assistant, 'turn these into a table and add a new column and write a one-word category.' And something magical happens before our eyes. Because a sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Look, it not only prepared the table, but also identified and eliminated the excess. Wrote the names of the commenters. Added the number of likes. Analyzed the content of the comments and converted them into a single-word category. There are plenty of 'thanks' but also one of 'wonder'. I wondered what this comment was that he put in the 'wonder' category. Let's search for our friend Seyran, who made the comment, in the document. Here it is. She said; " I am seriously curious about your secret, other than reading and research, which are the methods by which you reach your consciousness so well. Can you make a video talking about your routines when starting a day? like your exercises in which you never break the chain.." Did you think of what I am thinking? Let's ask this from artificial intelligence immediately. Write a YouTube video script on this topic. Here, our topic and scenario are ready. Subject: Barış Özcan's morning routine. Let me rephrase it. "Hello friends, in today's video I will give you information about Barış Özcan's morning routine." First of all, Barış Özcan is someone who adopts a healthy lifestyle." Thanks. "He gets up early in the morning and starts the day by exercising." How does it know? "Baris walks every morning and then does a few simple exercises at home." It felt a bit repetitive. "These exercises include push-ups, sit-ups and planks." Planks? "Barış can also start the day by doing yoga. "Barış..." He repeated my name a little too much. "... he also makes sure to meditate in the morning. Meditation is an important way for him to prepare mentally." Wow, how does it make this up? "In addition to meditation, he takes a few minutes to himself in the morning to read a book or keep a diary." I do this in the evenings though, but that's okay. "The last step of the morning routine is to have a healthy breakfast. Barış usually consumes yoghurt, fruit and a few slices of bread for breakfast." Not at all. This is what I ate for lunch. "He also makes sure to drink green tea." Let's say rooibos. Its color is not green. "In this way, Barış Özcan starts the day in a healthy way and feels himself better throughout the day. I hope this video helps you create your morning routine. See you later!" Oh, very nice, okay, it's ready. I mean, I could do something like this, but I don't. It made it up so convincingly that one is surprised at the same time, but at the same time regrets that nothing useful came out. Actually, let's not be sad. This is exactly what we need to understand the limits on this issue, my friends. It will make our work much easier and faster in some areas. But if you just lean on it right now, you'd be wrong. If you stay away from it, you will miss the train. That's why the best strategy is to develop a healthy relationship with it by making such experiments.
Channel: Barış Özcan
Views: 744,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z4Rs8wFOE_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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