How & Why to do an Off Set Back.

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so the offset back now I have I didn't I didn't want to do one of these videos because your loom I was thinking myself why would I do this because you'll never do it in real life and my main goal when teaching you guys is to do stuff that you're gonna do in real life but I went ahead and uh I decided to do for you because I've had so many requests for it now when doing it I was realizing that wow this is actually a very small I understand why they're putting this into the test because it is showing the testers that you're understanding how to control the actual trailer itself alright and not going out of control even though it might be something that you might not do in a real world but in reality you are doing in a real world you just not me you may not be doing the actual offset back but you will be doing something similar you know in a way it just went to maneuver your trailer from time to time alright and so this is my take honest and this is how I would do it now there will be as you can see here from the just from the drone footage itself this is a and by the way this I don't drive this fast this is actually ten times the speed of what I might actually have been doing it at with a little bit of editing and of course this is actual footage this is not a simulator as some people have thought but anyway let's get down with it and let's go jump in the cab you know when it comes to doing the offset back is alright so depending on your trailer know more than likely if you're actually doing the offset back like you would pretty much you have to be in school because there's no way you're ever gonna do this in the real world in this particular situation alright you're not gonna like set up just to move over one space to the left or to the right do any offset put the actual maneuvers itself are very valuable to learn now I recommend giving having your trailer the distance that you're gonna use would be an entire trailer linked so if you're doing a 28 foot trailer like you probably aren't gonna be doing in school that's the distance you pretty much would need you know alright so now we're gonna need we're gonna want to turn it we're gonna get a trailer pointing towards this side so we're gonna have to turn a steering wheel to the right opposite direction of where you want your trailer to go of course you know I always like to look maneuvering the actual trailer sorry maneuvering the front of the trailer so I want the front of the trailer to go to the right in order to point the back of my trailer to the left alright my Maul go pointing this is why I animate easy these lines on the back of my trailer and of course this is actual footage this is not a simulator or anything alright now I end up a jackknife thing a bit too much here now of course I've got my head out the window alright now I start cranking I started chasing a little bit too late alright now is the reason why I'm doing this or why I did chase too late because now this let me let me just rewind for just a second so let's pretend this particular cone here I know it's just a black dot on the screen right now alright you want to be able to as you can see what my trailer is not pointing towards it but I can't actually see it but in a second I won't be able to now we want to be able to see this corner now let's just pretend I know we're all about pretending here it is a truck here and now I cannot see why when I look in this mirror I cannot see my cone my cone is way over here and the truck and is like here and that's not good so I'm not very happy I don't think I can jackknife that in very well if I do I'll be getting it so this would be the point where you get out and look and I probably could manage it but but if you look if you extend this green line all the way over here all right I might be able to pull it off but there's no need to take the chance alright so what we're gonna do instead we're just gonna pull it forward go off to the left just a little bit and then straighten ourselves up now remember when we straighten her so sup we're cranking the steering wheel all the way to the right in order to straighten us up in the shortest distance so once I'm straight I can look in my left hand mirror and I can see this cone alright and it would normally be like maybe a truck bear or something or whatever so this is good you know and I've left myself enough space like if I was pointing towards this one I probably wouldn't man I wouldn't be able to get in you have to be when you look down the side of the trailer you have to have a nice little gap here alright so I'm gonna be backing up here slowly jackknifing and our a little harder jackknife now of course you can obviously you can't see what's going on here of course this is the blind sight so as you can see my bald head is is is going up a little forward just so I can actually maneuver my my view now all right so this particular point in the offset back all right now let's rewind for just a second this point right here this is where you get up and look alright now obviously when you're gonna be doing this you're gonna be doing it in a testing situation alright so they're gonna want you to get out and look here alright so you take a little wander around and make sure you're not gonna hit it are you look down the side here making sure isn't it yeah okay I'm good I'm good and all right so now usually what's gonna happen you're gonna end up being too close now I want to say too close are you gonna be close to this particular line alright because the closer you are to this line the further you are from the harder lines now I don't know how many times you're allowed to get out and look during your test but so now as you can see I'm looking good alright so now let's go ahead and move over to the to the one on the right so we're just going to drive straight forward alright now I've got enough distance I've got the same distance from the entrance as the same size of my trailer so turn the steering wheel to the left which brings the front of my trailer to the left pointing no I'm gonna call it pointing because you're not actually moving it over alright there we go so now we're blindsiding again now you can adjust your head to actually see oh well maneuver the mirror I suppose you could also use the mirror adjustments and moving to the left or to the right so this is exactly what I'm looking for right here alright I can still see the cone all right I know I can't quite see it there but I'm a good distance away now if I if the back of the trailer was all it was pretty much at the entrance right here that wouldn't be good alright because I am twenty feet away from it maybe 25 it is okay so and I've left myself with a nice little gap here allowing for the curb of the trailer to actually maneuver in so right now I'm in a straight back position my series are turned to the right and that's exactly where I want it to be all right and I start backing because the front of the trailer goes off to the right maneuvering the back of the trailer to the left now as the reason we're seeing this view here is because this allows me to stick my head out the window alright now we look into your mirror looking good looking good usually yes I am a bit too close over here that's fine all right not quite Center but possible all right let's do it again all right now I give myself lots of room alright the further away you are from the space they eat the less jackknifing you need to do see as you can see I'm already starting to chase it there we go we're pointing exactly where I wanted to want to be I know I can't see it looking in this mirror over here I can't see my cones but the fact is I'm so far away and I can see it over here because I'm going to as soon as you start jackknifing it's going to start pointing the back of the trailer and where you need it to go now I am a bit uh close so let's go ahead and center ourselves because we're we are allowed to do a pull forward so we're gonna go to the left turn this ring went to the left alright now pretty soon after I turn to the left as you can see I'm already turning to the right all right why would I do that even though my trailer tires have not moved over it is the rotation to the right what we're gonna do we're going to turn the steering wheel to the right so turn and turn and turn it as you can see now we're not parallel like we were we are alright so but of course this is the important part of the entire moving in a trailer over its a rotating object and now we can straighten ourselves up and now we could do a nice simple controlled straight back with tiny maneuvers remember now when you're doing this straight back you sit up to turn the steering wheel it's kind of a bit of a balancing act all right let's move over one space to the right ok now this is one of my I think better ones so again we turn our steering wheel to the left moving the front of the trailer to the left and in the back of the trailer starts going to do right alright looking good I can see both front cones of course now when you're going to be doing this you're gonna be doing it in a smaller trailer there will be no swing of the trailer unless you're in one of those schools that actually has you uses big trailers and I commend them I love when I hear that trucking schools will actually teach you how to drive a truck and with it with a big trailer instead of just getting you your CDL but it's kind of hard to learn it all at once but let's do the same thing and we do the last time to center ourselves rotating the trailer here and straighten up and a nice simple straight back all right one more time now this one this time I give myself a little bit of a challenge I haven't given myself a lot of room here I want to give myself like 40 feet all right whatever this is this being 50 feet 53 feet actually and of course this being around 40 so give myself a little bit of a challenge here all right so hard rice all right I wanna get tons of treasure to go to the right I know I'm a broken record and I keep repeating this all right it's just the way I teach all right remember we're all about maneuvering in front of the trailer and then pointing to the back of the pointing the back of the trailer where we need to go so sticking our head out the window even all right crank it hard now of course no let's stop for a second I can see the front I'm still a good looks like I'm ten feet away maybe eight all right I can still see this one this corn I know you have it I can still see this Cowen's so I'm pointing towards it all right I'm gonna stop right here this is where you get out and look and of course my version of getting out looking is taking my head over to see the drone footage now of course if I was doing this in real life I would get out and look but since I can look since I have a screen with my drone pointing down in it I'm gonna do that instead all right and I'm happy with it of course now the more you jackknife the more you're gonna miss this of course you gotta worry about that swing of course if you're doing this in air in your test you're probably doing it with a 28 foot trailer are your axes all the way back or whatever so this is a good controlled back or you're doing multiple turning and there we go we are nice and centered well I hope you enjoyed that video now on the offset back if you didn't enjoy it man made me got a little more educated on how to do it and the importance of knowing how to do it even though you'll never do it in the real life you at least do the actual maneuvers it's stuff okay so please like this video the more likes it gets the more popular it gets and subscribe of course and share and if you do go to the website please donate and it'll help out my actual site be a little bit more better than just a donate page but anyway alright till the next video guys see ya
Channel: My Trucking Skills
Views: 212,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trucking, backing, may trucking, mtc, gti, gorden, trucking, logging, logs, elogs, sleeper, otr, blind back, truck stop, drone, quadcopter, backing up, fun, 45 degree back, learning, straight back, angle back, best backing, awesome backing, education, cdl, premeire Pro, photoshop. warp speed, fast, Portland, Pepsi, portland, warp speed, premiere pro, adobe, kingpin, trailer, 5th wheel, fifth wheel, alley backing, alley back, funny, angle backing
Id: 78g-Hav9fCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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