How We Paid Off Our Mortgage On One Income

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so ever since we announced that we have paid off our house you guys have been asking how tell them time how did you do that well we're gonna be talking about that coming up stay tuned welcome back to an all new edition of the Sunday night sit down with America's number one money couple on television on ty and we're from his in her money calm we're we're managing money marriage and everything in between well guys we did it guys yeah it's been incredible it has if you guys have not watched our video that we paid off our home in five years we'll make sure that we would include the links in the description box below but you definitely have to check that out we actually also journal or how do you wanna say that chronic chronic old our journey well an Instagram as well so if you go to our Instagram and just search his or her money we actually have a permanent its distort it's right there up underneath our profile and you can watch the guys from the moment that we left out of our home to the moment that we went to the bank to the moment that we went to celebrates right there even when we got home that night so you are this journey of ours this accomplishment of ours has been so rewarding I still feel like I'm on cloud nine I also feel like almost like it's still just new unreal unreal I don't want to lose that feeling and I'm so very excited now when I Drive up into our home it's just it's always consoling on my mind so a lot of you guys also will ask well how did you all do it first off we want to say thank you thank you to everyone that has shown us so much love my goodness you all the love that you will have outport the blessings the congratulations just the love has just blown our minds and for that we thank you we also got a little negativity as well some haterade that's expected yes sipped on out there anytime you do something great you're gonna have somebody that or people that are gonna doubt we were so excited that Dave Ramsey also shared our post and we'll make sure we put a click uncle de Sheridan and we were really excited about that and I don't really read too many comments per se I really just kept my focus on our family and just this accomplishment and just how excited I was but I did see a few comments and some people are just very negative kind of discrediting our our story or even how much money we make in things like that so we paid off three hundred and thirty thousand dollars in five years on a middle-class income and nobody could take that away from us nobody you know the Lord was just sharing it with me and said you know what I'm nobody can take away the fact that you did it that you all did it you can have naysayers people can be negative they could doubt but the truth of the matter is we did it we did in at five years all glory be to God but I don't want to give too much stage to the negativity because it was probably half a percent you know 100 percent very very very minimal but for the most part everybody was just so happy for us our family you guys I think that part is just really blessed means just the love and the alcohol from our family I've been having family members call me and say you know what I am Telling You all have changed the way that we're thinking about our home now we're having family meetings and we're gonna knock this out of three years I mean they're excited about it you know and that's just really been a blessing we're gonna do another video to talk about what are we doing now that our home is paid off because we still have plans we still have goals and we're gonna keep on moving as a matter of fact a family member she actually texted me she was teasing she said congratulations on paying off your house I said thank you and then she sent another text about three five minutes later and said now I know who to come to if I need money to borrow some money now and I'm like teasing because know this family member she has her own money love her dearly she's such a blessing in our lives but guys just because we paid off our home does not mean that we're just rolling in a dome know we're still living the same way we're gonna talk about that we're gonna talk about our plans and what we're doing now but nothing has changed with Tanya talent well some things have changed I would say that we don't feel as tight yes you are and I guess that can bring us to point number one on how we were able to do now listen guys we did this in five years a lot of hard work there were a lot of things that we did so it's gonna be hard to put all the wings all this into a YouTube video so we had that in mind and we thought about you and here we go again trying to get you all the information so we're gonna do a master class that's gonna be like 45 minutes 60 minutes long where we can like kind of let our hair down and be more expressive and give you even more information of course it's free all you have to do to sign up it's gonna be this Friday this Friday it's Friday you miss it that's on you yep so we don't have a lot of limit to see so you want to make sure that you claim your seat and that you're on time well we're gonna be sharing with you so to sign up for this free master class just go to his or her money comm slash mortgage again his and her slash mortgage to sign up for this free master class but here we go here we go I would probably say number one of course our faith God nobody but God allowed us to be able to accomplish this you know and that's something that I want to say to the naysayers or even those that are negative you're absolutely right if you're thinking about doing it in your own strength it can't be done true you know one of my favorite scriptures is with man things are impossible but with God all things are possible and you're right it's impossible if you try to do it in your own strength but God allowed us to be able to do it he really did take what we had and he multiplied and he magnified it he made it stretch literally literally and all glory to God so that's number one if you look in second Corinthians in the ninth chapter the scripture really says for he who gives seed to the sword also gives bread for food but he doesn't stop there he says that he will multiply your seed multiply so when we say like some of this stuff is just like unbelievable it really is why because we throughout this process and even before this process have taken on a posture of being a giver in that same chapter 2nd Corinthians 9 it says that we should purpose in our hearts what we will give so when we make that decision when you decide like I'm going to give I'm going to be a giver there's benefits that come with that and part a big part of this process for us has been fact that we were give us and God multiplied our seeds that's right now out of that three hundred thousand three hundred and thirty thousand dollars twenty five thousand dollars if it was interest and we thought it was important to include that yes because that came in the total number we paid over Dijon and the remainder of it was of our loan as well as we had to do renovations we purchased probably the ugliest house on the block listen we found the best neighborhood and found the worst house we did we really did and that's important because one of the key elements to doing what we did is that we bought our house right we did that is important that's right so one of the things that you got to do is go into the home buying process with a couple of things in mind for one before we even found a house we decided how much was a comfortable mortgage and tax number for us to live with because when you go sit down in the bank they're gonna give you a number and says that based on what you make and based on your expenses you qualify for this you should go shopping with this amount and they did that to us [Music] too much breath we know that because you got to remember that they don't factor your life in numbers as far in the same way that you do like they're not gonna factor in the fact that you give to charity or give to your church they're not gonna factor in the fact that you like to put your kids in extracurricular activities that cost all they're looking at is your hardcore numbers not things or extras that you like to do with your money and so that's why it's important for you to calculate what's a comfortable number for you and that's what we did we also saved up a 20% down payment we know that super cliche and they have really deep you know what income yeah one income one middle-class income I know they have programs for three percent down I know they are programs for no money down but to put yourself in the most optimal financial position possible is a 20% down payment so we did that and that's where that's right by doing that we were able to avoid PMI insurance so that's private mortgage insurance so that would have been extra money that we would have had to give away to someone else just to insure in our home and soul we were able to take that money and apply it towards our principal another thing that I will also say and now of course we're probably talking to those who may be in the home buying process because we got a lot of you guys that actually contacted us and said you know what I haven't purchased yet I want to purchase how did you guys do it so we're giving a lot of different tips okay and so another thing was that we found a realtor I would probably say that she was probably the best realtor in this area I was saying yeah she berated my gosh she sold so many homes compared to her colleagues I mean she probably did a triple like she spent her vacations going to really sick countries your life yeah she didn't go to like personal vacation she went to real estate conferences and that was her vacation she told us that herself yeah you know so she was able to show us some homes but I will say don't feel pressured I would probably say by the time we saw maybe the third home I think that she got a little bit agitated I remember we walked out of a house that I just did not care for and she was like okay guys either we're gonna have to up your purchase amount or we're gonna have to change your neighborhood or something like that and I remember I got a little finding in a sign like I understand that you might be a little bit in a rush you know but you're working for me hello you know like whatever home that we purchased you're going to be able to get paid so nobody's gonna rush me you know and don't allow anxiety or pressure to step in and say oh my goodness I've been looking for so long you know I got to just find something this was probably our third home and nobody was gonna rushed I you know so we weren't pressured you know we didn't want to feel pressure and we went back to the drawing board and as a matter of fact the home that we purchased was a home that we found on our own and she still got the credit still got the commission because you know and she was showing us some homes but we found the home so I would say that don't feel pressure I would also say for those that may already be in their home look at your home maybe you do need to downsize maybe you need to sell and repurchase or sale they save up and buy the right way that can also be an option we we've interviewed so many people in our show and they've done the same thing yeah right a lot of them have done the same thing now that's not an option for you which does not have to be we were able to make it work in five years one of the biggest things that I would say that helped us was that we live paycheck to paycheck on purpose on purpose like we live paycheck to paycheck on purpose and you are it was tight but it was on purpose because we had a gold mi we wanted to get out of this mortgage as quickly as possible we still were able to enjoy some things now don't get it twisted we weren't like living miserably and things like that and couldn't enjoy the finer things of life we were able to but we budgeted for those things our vacation and our children still got to do things that they wanted to do but we live paycheck to paycheck on purpose even on the paper so that we'll probably say that that's another one to a budget the budget played a huge role in this yep we forced ourselves a part of the process of living paycheck to paycheck was we accounted for every last dollar account every last dime and we put it to use whether that was bills or whether that was throwing extra money yeah at the mortgage what we did not do was leave anything to chance whatever amount of money came in when we pulled up our budget form we put it in a category don't let money just kind of go into your hands because and don't look at anything as being too small or too little because every last dime that you can throw at your mortgage or every last dime that you can discipline it's gonna allow you to free up cash to do what you're trying to do when paying off your home and that is the absolute truth for us that's right another thing was we set a goal and five years ago we set that goal and by saying five years and it did it seems like it was out of reach and I know that we got that we teach you all make SMART goals and make sure that it's realistic and attainable but I would probably say this was a big hairy goal that we made that almost didn't really feel realistic or attainable but we knew that it could be done because of the God that we serve you know and so we just said you know let's do it and let's aim as high as possible we felt like if we set this goal to say five years that we will be working so hard to hit that goal that even if we didn't hit that goal we would be so much further just because we had that goal in mind so I think it's important to encourage you yes to do the same like don't just be like babe I think we can do it or you know what we should try this right now do an action wolf go like we said five years at the starting line not at the finish line not you know in the process before the process started we said let's do this in five and you know what was so it's not funny but it's just so remarkable thinking about it we set that goal five years ago and all we had was $20 listen so applied towards our principle that's all we could squeeze out it was $20 extra we're like five years you know but that $20 was no thing so the math didn't make sense didn't make sense it didn't make sense cuz all we could do at that moment was for the extra $20 every sample we could have faded boy out and five yeah sometimes it'd be like like you got to have faith like you got to start with a seed again we talked earlier how God multiplies the seed of the giver so sometimes you just need a seed and you need faith and then let God work out the rest in you they are gonna give you strategy to go higher and to do more and more if you just start with yeah see you know what I just heard it's not about how you start but it's how you finish you know like I felt like if we would have looked at our starting lineup only $20 and became discouraged we would not be in this place right now yeah but we didn't despised the day of small beginnings we truly did not like the Lord we truly honor God with our small beginnings and he made us ruler over much and even in $20 we were still saying okay let's figure out what to do and then I trade olive group yeah I want to challenge everybody watching this video that's the next business day after you watch this video I want you and Ty wants you to call your mortgage lender and add $20 to your payment I dare you I just want you to have no faith to add an additional principle payment of $20 we're gonna show you some more stuff in the master class but you can take you can take that small step yeah you can have add your faith to it and you can see what God will do with that that's right that's right and yeah I love that we started with 20 but we did not let the dollar amount discourage us and now we're sitting here five years later so absolutely love that another thing that we did was we kept our lifestyle at a very minimal and what we mean by that we don't consider ourselves minimalist by any means but I would say that a lot of times people walk into my home they're like oh my gosh tie like does anybody live here and things like that if you all have three small children and wild you really keep this place up tidy that's on purpose you know it's we keep things in order organization is key we teach you guys all the time when it comes to your money I guarantee you that anybody that has a very chaotic life very disorderly very disorganized junky clutter ish I guarantee you your finances are a mess I guarantee you hmm and so one thing that we did here in our home it wasn't perfect at all times but we tried not to buy things that we didn't need and we were able to avoid doing so by having things in order so therefore if you open up a cabinet you know in our kitchen you know if there was a can of black beans or whatnot we didn't have like 20 cans of black beans you know so we purchase what we need when we needed it and we've been living this lifestyle oh my gosh just the toilet years we've been married I think I actually been living it a little bit longer yeah probably I was a teenager I was crazy yeah I would keep things like tidy in order but we kept our lifestyle at a middle we enjoyed the finer things of life I enjoying what we already has we had gratitude and contentment oh I think I love you like a bad word yeah I think a lot of times people are in the trouble that they're in or they're in the deep waters because they're not content they think if they buy things and you know and go to different places and buy experiences if that's one to make them happy no it's not start to look around and say I'm grateful for what I already have I'm grateful for these clothes I'm grateful for this kitchen table guess what I like to have something different but in due time I will as a matter of fact we could talk about that now guys take your time and I'm sure this video is probably a little bit lengthy but we're so passionate about this time we shot a win as always what you guys to win so believe it or not after we paid off our mortgage you all wouldn't believe it you like when they say Murphy hits it felt like listen my gosh you know there very day that we paid off our mortgage my car did not work right so we had to pay to get Mike to my car fixed with the garage broke our garage door broke like broke so we had to pay somebody to come do that another instance was I was actually cleaning my stove I was cleaning my kitchen it was own kitchen zone one for me and that was in my kitchen Co girly looking up on you to zone cleaning but yes I was cleaning my kitchen and this particular day it was time for me to clean my stove and I cleaned my stove all day I had the great soaking and things like that and so the last thing I needed to do was clean in between the glass that's on my stove door and I noticed that the previous owners they never did so and I didn't know how to disassemble it so I'm like wait I see screws here so let me disassembly I looked up online I disassembled nothing happened so I said okay let me disassemble it from the bottom you are I went to unscrew those screws I got on the last group and before I knew it the glass came boom down thank God I'm okay I had glass on my hair and my back my hands but thank God I'm alive and I'm okay but needless to say we had a binder stove and I don't want to have a mismatched ol it's like that one was white yeah it was a white one and I knew that our next appliances which was one of my goals one of our goals and when we paid off her home we wanted to update our kitchen appliances and the gold that we put on hold yeah because we didn't want to take away from the big goal you got off the house no this yeah like you're gonna have to say no to some stuff yeah in order to hit the big goal and the thing about it was we were able to purchase these appliances if we wanted to prior you're right we better to you know buying our home or paying it off right but we didn't we waited so I'm grateful for their because we were content like literally always cleaning that soul and I was telling my soul I'm appreciative of this stove like I thank God that we have a stove that I can cook meals for my family and I'm gonna clean this though this stove and keep it scrubbed down and clean it for as long as I need to until we can get our own stove it was almost like BAM it just broke right there and I was like oh my goodness soul thank God I'm alive but we purchased a new stole the stainless stole I loved it but there was no way in the world that to have mismatched appliances and you know what guys we're now at the place in our financial journeys where I can say that you know I can be what do you call Bradish a brand say I don't mismatched appliances you know and so because of that we were able to buy a new refrigerator a new dishwasher a new microwave stainless steel is beautiful I might say it's really beautiful so guys that happened so I prepared this house we've been paying things out of pocket but at the same time it did not set us back you know and so we've been grateful that we're able to do so yep and the last thing that probably is very super significant very high on the priority list was the fact that we kept each other accountable on the gold because it is hard hello we're not selling you pipe dreams and here's her money this was hard this was tough this was difficult and there were times where I wanted to do other things there were times where ty want to do other things with our money but we had to remind each other like yep no we can do that after we paid the house off so when you set out on any audacious goal from especially around debt especially if it's gonna take some time you're gonna need accountability and for spouses you're gonna have to hold each other accountable remind each other because that's your teammate and sometimes they're gonna be up and you're gonna be down and vice versa and somebody has to remind each other to say listen we look at how far we come we are gonna do this let's stay focused let's stay on track let's get this gold done and that was huge for us paying our house off in five years okay guys I hope you got a ton of value I hope you're gonna accept the challenge that we gave to you in this video and that you're gonna do the unthinkable you're gonna add $20 to your mortgage payment in faith you know what leave a comment in the comment section below if you accept the challenge and you're gonna do just the mustard seed faith of adding $20 to your mortgage payment you know why because we're gonna pray for you that God multiplies your seed now we gave you a ton of things to think about in this video but we're gonna do more again a reminder we are doing a master class this Friday it's called the six steps to crush your mortgage fast and you can sign up for this free master class by going to his or her slash mortgage again as his and her slash mortgage we'll see you there definitely hope to see you guys in the class if you enjoyed this video definitely give it a thumbs up don't forget to share this video on every social media platform let's start getting out of debt and let's start crushing our mortgages guys we can do this also don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you're not already subscribe so you can stay up to date with all our videos and make sure that you hit the little bail that notification it's important yeah that's very important because for some reason YouTube does not always let you know when his or her money puts on a new video so by hitting that bail you will be notified each and every time don't forget meet us back here next Sunday night at 7 p.m. Central Standard Time will you will see the both of us share with you that's all we got for this time guys it's been great until next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: His And Her Money
Views: 169,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marriage, money and marriage, how to save money, how to make money, his and her money, how to get out of debt, debt free, dave ramsey, how to budget, budget tips, money saving tips, personal finance, paid off mortgage, mortgage, pay off mortgage, financial freedom, pay off mortgage early, mortgage payoff, how to pay off your mortgage, how to pay off your mortgage early, paying off mortgage, paying off mortgage early, how to payoff your mortgage early
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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