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assalamualaikum hi i'm jay assalam alaikum hi i'm kristy oops we're going to make a short video talking about a few things that everybody wants to know right things that we have we want to share our journey of you know becoming muslims um don't forget we post videos on tick tock and also we have a youtube channel it's called mr and mrs muslim i think the best way to look it up is mr mr then the and sign and then mrs for mrs muslim so check tic tac in youtube um where we're from the area yep detroit detroit michigan area the united states yep um how did we come to become how did we come to islam islam honestly um past couple of months i've just started telling my wife christy that i've just been i've been i've had this inner peace feeling yeah um i used to be really stressed out and get worked up on certain things i mean not not like a rage but i just told her that some reason i've just been at peace with a lot of things including dying for some reason it just it's became peaceful and and what happened was last month honestly i was laying in bed one evening we were in bed and for some reason islam and allah came to my mind i don't know why just laying in bed and i started thinking about it and thinking about it where i i couldn't stop thinking about it um so i i started researching islam right watching videos from mufti mank um uh sheikh uthman watching people take shahadas and and i just was blown away compelled my heart was compelled driven to to look into islam and uh there's no real tragic story behind it where a lot of people you know they're at their wit's end in life they're broken they you know analogy they fall to their knees and then they turn to god right that's not the case i just had a feeling um we weren't very religious before this uh we did believe a creator something created all of this man woman the earth um but we just weren't religious about it so after about two weeks of me researching myself just watching videos i hadn't told anybody about two weeks into it i went to christie and said you know uh i want to become muslim i'm interested in islam and i explained to her why and my right my feeling i had and we've talked about this a little bit but we've been together for 25 years and our love and our relationship is stronger than it ever was from day one oh yeah we've never had marital problems i've been blessed to have the greatest woman in the world i'm blessed that allah sent her to me to look after me and it's funny a lot of the things and the morals that muslims live by she's been doing the past 25 years she's been my foundation yeah my rock she's the one that would tell me relax don't let that get to you calm down haters are gonna hate and when i stress about something in her life and situation she was always it's gonna work out it's going to be fine we have each other we have their kids and she's always been right the point is she's been low-key muslim right really she's been low-key muslim all these years didn't know it so when i came to her about you know taking our shahada it wasn't even a question you know our hearts we our soul mates our hearts follow each other so when when i brought it up she was like pretty much yeah all right let's go on i showed her a couple of videos and she was it she was in um you know our hearts follow each other and everything in life so i wanted to take our shahada together i just didn't want to do it by myself because we do everything together sounds kind of silly but we do that's our love so i wanted us to take our shahadas together in the masjid the proper way um with our being low-key muslim that's it that's what we did we went to uh the masjid that's close to our house and uh i talked to a man named hassan said we'd like to take our shahadah and they were absolutely welcoming and encouraging of it unbelievable just it's there's no words for it the the brothers and sisters and our masjid um they're we couldn't believe it we just yeah like most most people we didn't know much about islam other than the brainwashing we've heard that you know muslims are evil they're terrorists and blah blah blah right the the people that are maj did i mean once we took our shahada i probably hugged 30 men that i didn't know exactly and you could feel the sincerity the love they're saying welcome brother welcome you know yeah and at the prayer and and just it's over it's just it's amazing the sincerity that's involved with the the muslims that we we pray with now you can't i can't describe it i've never felt so welcome yeah and just a feeling of overall inner peace you know once we took our shahada it's it's as you know fellow islam fellow brothers and sisters you know what that feeling's like um so we you know well we also want to thank all of our online supporters this all started the online deal i uh i posted a comment on haroon the american muslim convert posted a comment and the outpouring of love and embracing and support from all of our online brothers and sisters thank you so much it's everybody's telling us take it easy take your time it takes time to to to learn to live like a muslim right and and everybody's just oh my gosh so many people if you need help email yeah if you need help call us if you need help we're here we'll guide you online that's what i mean yeah sort of being the online support just in itself yeah um and not to mention our new brothers and sisters at our masjid it's unbelievable i i can't say thank you enough um our first prayer praying at the masjid that's something i'll never forget oh no no it's gonna be with me forever the connection the connection that you have between yourself and and allah it's it's like just a direct phone line it is and when you're at the masjid it's it's beautiful it's beautiful that's it it's a beautiful experience everybody has their own connection to allah yeah you know at the masjid but yet it's a it's a community um you know i i i had some apprehensions thinking okay we're white americans yeah are we allowed to be muslim right is anybody going to accept us and it started with the online support absolutely you can you know islam is for all humans and and you know it's true it's absolutely true yeah everything everybody was saying online first you're absolutely right and we're you know learning so with our speaking sometimes we might not say muslim yeah or islam so forgive us for that yeah yeah like most americans i think it just comes out muslim yeah it does um but we're trying we're trying to follow you know uh buying halal meats you know they're blessed and fasting yeah and but everybody's right you got to go slow because it's a lot it's and it takes time so um you know at the end of the day being muslim muslims see it just feels right for us it does um i mean we've always had this love and this connection with each other but for us to both feel it's it's a peaceful feeling that we belong yes we belong in you know in islam as muslims um i'm thankful i'm so thankful that honestly allah allah called her to me all these years and i truly believe a lot brought us to islam you know definitely allah brought us to islam there's there's no way around it it feels right for us it is and we were absolutely accepted being white americans it was unbelievable you know being you know at the masjid wasn't treated as the new guy it was brother how are you welcome you know part of the family can you come over for dinner yeah like it's it's a family this is unbelievable the love the love we feel the love that we feel for everyone and the love they give us back is just it's it's absolutely amazing it was overwhelming yeah it's overwhelming yeah um we are going to make other videos about the rest of our back story you know past 25 years and how we met yeah and all those things um but we just wanted to make this video right now just a lot of questions why you know why why'd you choose islam now why are you faking it or why are you here and this this is the honest true story this is this is it um so finally what we'd like to do is we're wondering would you guys like us to do a live q and a session right right right um we've never done that no and i think it'd be pretty cool um if you guys would like us to do a live q a on this video you know this video will be on youtube and on tip doc um comment leave a comment if you if you'd like us to do a live q a yeah and we'll take it from there sure so that's all i have on my notes um i've got our kitty cats and it's late um other than that thank you all so much we went to prayer tonight and earlier and i we're still awake and i i think just the energy and everything normally we'd be sleeping right now and we're not tired yeah i think just that feeling of empowerment and love after after praying after prayer tonight the master's yeah i want to do it again i'm addicted yeah i want to go every single day every minute i can yeah it's it's great so all right thank you everybody and we will see you soon yes thank you so much we love you all okay bye
Channel: Mr & Mrs Muslim
Views: 265,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, new Muslim, Muslim Convert, Ramadan
Id: k6DtbS1OICQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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